You're The One I LOVE

By vickyv

620K 11.1K 997

In Love with my dad's best friend? Sure I have loved him from the time I was a 7 year old. But now, every tou... More

You're The One I LOVE
You're the One I LOVE: chapter 1 party
You're The One I LOve: Chapter 2: The morning after
you're the one i love
You're The One I love Chapter : Chapter 5 Pretense
chapter 6
chapter 7 - .... at home with family
chapter 8
In pain... but life goes on......
My daughter
The Pain, death and Love
Life without Aamara
When Past meets the present
A New Beginning
I will love you always.... but.....
..... my love and my tears.........
What do I do?
LIAM's STORY?????? as sequel????
How Will I live without her???
For the LOVE of my Sister!!
new life?
a new beginning.........

Our Wedding!

19.7K 399 94
By vickyv

I am soo sorry for the delay.

My cowriter, glamsrock96 is missing. I just hope to hear soon from here.

Love you girly. Thank you for being with me through this journey.

Love each and everyone of you too. Hope you stay with me through the other stories as well and perhaps through the life story of Liam?

what do you say? I really wish you leave your comments and thoughts for me.

Love to hear from you soon.

Soory again for the delay....

love you amazing amazing people!!!

The day finally dawned when I would become a wife. I had slept alone last night in another part of the house with Hannah and Emily as my neighbours," to prevent Sam from walking in", they had snickered as they raided the entire floor. All my new girlfriends had barged in with them. It was an awesome night. NO Alcohol though, my bridesmaids wanted to look gorgeous for the big day.

We had danced, joked, fooled around and had a gala time before Hannah put us all to bed at midnight. "Think of the dark circles girls." Was her threat and all of them scrambled to get some beauty sleep. I slept alone for perhaps the first time in months. It felt nice to hog the bed but it really got lonely soon. I wanted Sam. I needed his arms around me, holding me, loving me. I don't know when wanting Sam turned to wanting Mommy, and I was soon wailing my eyes out.

"Amy, you awake girly?" Hannah whispered from outside and I tried to snuffle quietly. She walked into the darkness of my room and sat beside me. "May I spend the night in your bed? She whispered as she played with my hair. Just like Mommy used to. I bawled as I lunged towards her. "I need you Hannah." I whispered and she hugged me tight. I slept in her arms. She cooed like a mother would over her infant. I prayed to God in those moments, "Please God, I don't ever want to loose her. Ever."

When she woke me, I felt like I was in a dream. I was surrounded with flower petals, white, pink red, all on my bed. It was simply amazing." Hannah?" I asked with a smile and she smiled back. "Get up my child, its a big day today." I got out of bed and my feet landed on  rose petals. Surprised I looked down and saw the way to the washroom was actually a pathway filled with rose petls. Millions of pretty petals filled the room.

"A gift from Sam." Hannah whispered as a single tear escaped my eye. I nodded and wiped it off then proceeded onto my rose filled path. The en-suite was filled with roses and candles. Like a spa, it sparkled in welcome. My wedding was truly a fantasy come true. Hannah followed me in, " Get ready princess for a bath fit for Cleopetra." She smirked and  looked in, sure enough the tub was filled with roses and milk and a lady stood there with bottles and tubs of mysterious looking stuff, she was smiling at me and I couldn't help but smile back even as a blush stole over. 

"Your wedding gift sweety, from me and my hubby." Hannah whispered and I gave her a watery smile. She hugged me and then  gesturing towards the lady, smiled and walked out. Leaving me with my very own spa treatment.

As soon as the long beautifying ritual got over, Emily walked in with a platter of fruits and milk. "Your breakfast princess." She smirked with a mock bow and left me. I sat in my robe and hogged as much as delicious fruit as my knotty nervous stomach would allow. I didn't know what to to next so I simply enjoyed the moment.

Sure enough no sooner did I finish my fruit, the other women walked in, all bejewelled and dazzling, laughing away knowing each and everyone looked like a princess. I starred at them, transfiex by their beauty and suddenly I felt vulnerable, how would I look? Could I even match up with their sopishticated charm and grace. 

"Lets get the queen to be ready." Laughed one of them and I stared in awe. "Where is Hannah?' Was all I could manage to get out before I was swamped by a few too many hands. "Lets get you in the hands of the professionals." Someone whispered and I could only see hands pulling and prodding me. I was so nervous that I don't even remember what happened next. Some one did my hair, my face, my nails and then someone put my wedding dress over my head. That moment was purely magical. Everyone gasped and starred at me, every eye wet and every face smiling as if I was some sort of Goddess. They wouldn't let me see myself and I really had no idea about anything. But judging by their expression, it was beautiful.

I felt like a fairy tale princess, floating in white. The diamond-ettes on the dress sparkled as I put my white shoes on. They too had pretty little stones on them. Finally Hannah got two boxes next to me and everyone but the dressers stood next to me as the others backed away, giving us space. She took out my veil and tiara and I nearly cried. It was Hannah's own veil. just as she had promised me. It was so simple and pretty, matching my dress and made by Hannah herself. I really felt as if my own mother wouldn't have been able to do half of what Hannah had. Reverently she placed the veil on my head, the soft lace covered my face as the dressers began attaching it, fixing it with the tiara. It was filled with minuscule diamond-ettes as well and its borders was the prettiest hand made lace I had ever seen. As it touched my face, I felt as if a tiny child was touching me, so soft was the muslin, so delicate and elegant. A little blue stoned clip was attached to my bun just before the veil was finally secured with white roses to the edge of my chignon. 

She opened another box and pulled out jewels. Diamonds and rubies set in platinum. Everyone gasped at the sheer magnificance of it. The simply elegent design of the tear drop earings set off my dress and I really felt like a queen on her wedding dress. Hannah then attached a broach to the left corner of my dress. The rubies and diamonds designed in the shape of a pretty little butterfly looked so cute and pretty. Then came the simple necklace. Its simplicity just a mark of its grace, simple stones and rubies alternated in a clasp like holding made of the most beautiful carvings in platinum. It was so heavy, yet warm, like it was made for me. 

"It belongs to Sam's mother, he wants you to have it Amy," She whispered and I nodded. God what a man. I smiled as they all looked approvingly at me. "Lets get her to ready people. The guests have arrived." Emily yelled as she walked into the room and stopped short as her gaze fell on me. She starred with her mouth hanging open and her eyes popping out."You look gorgeous Amara." Was all she could croak out before her cell rang and broke the spell.

She answered it and giggled. "Its time to go princess, your carriage awaits you." She said and I suddenly felt as if all my nerves had stopped. My tummy was doing a tango and I was so sure that I would faint as soon as I took a step forward.

"Hannah came forward and gave me a tight hug. Then everyone swamped over me, all one nodded. They hugging me tight as they had tears in their eyes. "IT will be beautiful Amy." One of dressers whispered and everyone nodded in agreement as they tried to salvage their makeup from run away tears. Hannah guided me to the door as the bridesmaids followed me. She first stopped in front of the full length mirror and I starred at the reflection of perhaps the most beautiful women I had ever seen. It was such a pretty sight. A queen, regal and graceful and beautiful starred back with dreams in her eyes and hopes in her smile. She was enveloped in love and looked impatient and stately, if both together were possible. She couldn't wait to meet her king and yet she wanted to make him wait. I stood and smiled at her, silently wishing her every happiness possible. 

How could someone be this beautiful? I questioned. Surely it was the love and the dreams because no beautician had the power to make someone this gorgeous, right. Hannah slowly dragged me to the door and opened it. I heard two collective gasps that broke my thoughts and I looked to see two men, handsome men starring at me with their mouths hanging open, perhaps already reaching their knees.

"Albert, Liam, you guys look handsome." I whispered. "Yes my lady, but you look breathtaking Amy." Albert whispered back as both Liam and he took an arm of mine. I was between them as we slowly descended the stairs. 

"You look like a fairy Amy," Liam whispered as he tried not to choke." Its an honour to give away such a gorgeous sister." He whispered and Albert agreed to him. Hannah and the others followed us, close behind with flowers in thier hands. 

Each was dressed in a beautiful gown and held bouquets matching their dresses. I never knew that roses had so many colours or perhaps dresses could match roses so closely. Someone handed me my very own white bouquet of the prettiest roses. All tiny buds and yet perfumed with natures best fragrance. I walked out of the door and towards the carriage, it was going to take me towards the gardens.  Liam and Albert walked beside it as the bridesmaids followed us. Everyone turned and looked on at me as I I glided towards the venue. Albert helped me down as Hannah and Liam handled my gown.

Liam and Albert held my arms again and Hannah and the bridesmaids began their wedding march following Lily, the flower girl who pranced about showering rose petals on the ground and then oon herslef to the amusement of the guests and everone around and much to Hannahs embarasement. We followed them towards my Sam who stood with his best friends and the priest under the beautifully done up flower thing that looked right out of the fairytales. It was built just infront of the huge fountain which gurglled happily as the ochestra played a romantic tune at the side. The guests all stood as I passed them, walking towards Sam on a path filled with roses again. It was beautiful, gorgeous and totally perfect.

All that was missing though was my parents' blessings.

As soon as Sam's beautiful face came in full view and I looked into his eyes, I forgot everything. My nervousness, my pain, the guests, the people, everything. All I knew was I had finally reached home, to my Sam, to love and more love and that now nothing could keep us away. He held his hand out towards me and I stood in front of him. Liam pushed my veil up and both him and Albert kissed each of my cheek before they took my right hand and placed it in Sam's. "Keep her happy." They whispered in unison and stepped back as I stepped forward, towards my love.

The priest smiled at us and began,

"Samuel Lawson and Amara Liam, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?"

"Will you honor each other as man and wife for the rest of your lives?"

"Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?"

We responded together,  "I will" .

He nodded and smiled at us approvingly. Then clearing his throat importantly, he began again,

" Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church."

We joined our hands and Sam held mine almost as if I was his pray. With reverence and respect and love, all together. We smiled at each other, both too choked with love and emotions.

He signaled us to take our vows and Sam began in his hot baritone voice that was filled with love for me, 

 I, Samuel Lawson, take you, Amara Liam, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

I smiled as I repeated the same words, although what really confused me was the fact that every one was calling me Amara Liam, that's not my name but Sam did it again, he mouthed Amara Liam just as I was about to begin my vows, I simply nodded and said I, Amara Liam, take you, Samuel Lawson, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

The priest acknowledged that the us to have declared our consent to be married, and prayed for God's blessing on the us.He then declared, "What God has joined, men must not divide"

Hannah and Liam stepped forward with the rings and the priest said a blessing over them.

Liam handed Sam his ring and he turned towards me, placing it on my left ring finger he spoke, "Amara,  take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Hannah handed me the other ring and I whispered as I placed it in his finger, " Sam,take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

"With God as my witness, I declare them Man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Spoke the priest with grave importance even as his eyes twinkled.

Sam pulled me in his arms and held me tight as his lips descended onto mine. My world had me in his arms as he softly kissed my lips, traced them with his tongue and plundered  my mouth, making me gasp. Or perhaps it was everyone who was cheering us, celebrating our love with us.

The Prays of the Faithful were read and after the blessings, Sam and I turned towards everyone. It was such a beautiful evening. The candles were being lit and the early evening sun lights lent its beautiful glow over the house and the Gardens around. Perhaps it was just my happiness that lent a special touch to all the colours. Everything seemed so beautiful and so complete with Sam next to me. I hope we stay like this forever.

We walked hand in hand towards the house with our wedding procession following us and everyone throwing rice and flower petals on us as we passed by them. The orchestra lent its soulful tunes to this lovely occasion completing my picture perfect wedding.

The photographer had a field day that evening. So many pictures were taken. Lily, our flower girl and Hannah's daughter was the centre of attention. SO was her new born son, Peter. We all gathered together around them as Lily preened in her pretty little way just for the photographer and Liam. She somehow believed Liam was hers as she clung to him and refused any woman close by. 

Liam, Lily (who refused to leave his arms) Albert and Sam and me had our family picture clicked by the house and Soon Peter was added in Sam's arms. It looked beautiful. Parents wedding being attended by their children," Hannah jokingly remarked.

The dinner in the lawns itself was a huge success. My bouquet mysteriously landed in Lily's arms and Hannah wailed as everyone tried to run to and steal it from wards her and steal it from Lily. But the Lady simply refused to part with the roses and fought with everyone but did not hand them over.

"She will be the next to marry." Albert joked as women glumly accepted defeat and left her alone.

"I wonder who her groom would be." Sam joked as he winked at Liam and Hannah's husband swore in mock horror.

Then came my garter's turn. The guys cheered as Sam pulled them off me. Every one roared in glee and the young men waited for their turn to be able to catch it. Sam kissed me hard before flinging it across the place and to every ones horror or shock or perhaps    surprise, it landed in Liam's hands. 

"Lily and Liam" sang Emily on top of her lungs and everyone cheered and laughed  at the prospects. They hollered as Lily ran to her Liam and clung to him again, flowers still in her hands.

Soon, the cake was brought forward. It was a 5 tier white butter scotch cake with white icing and decorations of roses and leaves at the edges. On top was a miniature couple dancing with roses at their feet. It was simply gorgeous. Mouth watering beauty.

Lily demanded she cut the cake and Sam happily obliged.

He picked her up and the three of us cut the cake together.

Each of us then fed a tiny rose to Lily who then happily looked on as Sam fed me the cake and I returned the favour. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me hard almost crushing Lily and me together in the process. 

It was such a perfect moment.

Albert had the first dance with me then and Liam followed after he danced to Lily's tunes that is. It was beautiful. Dancing with the ever elegant Albert, " I had always wanted a daughter Amy, today with giving you away, I have got a daughter, all of my own. May all the happiness of the world be yours my little girl." He whsipered as he twirled me on the dance floor. 

I nodded as tears flowed. " YOu will be with us Albert, foever, in our happiness." He nodded and pulled me close. 

I rested my head and his shoulder and knew, knew as the next beat of my heart, I would never be alone. I had my family right here, next to me. ALways.

Liam then took the next dance and hugged me tight as he twirled me around like a maniac. "Amy, I am so happy today. I just can't begin to describe my feelings but know this, I love you and wish you and Sam every happiness in the world. I will be living with you both only and working with him so I am going to be right next to you should you need me. ALways. Promise." He whisperd and kissed me on the top of my head.

"I love you too Liam." I whispered as I hugged him tight and we twirrled around gracefully.

"Why did everyone call my Amara Liam?" I asked him suddenly remebering my vows.

"I asked them to Amy. YOu are my sister. After our parents refused to attend your wedding, I gave them an ultimatum. Either I get you or they attend your wedding. I got you. They signed away legal rights to Albert. He is now our legal guardian and you are Amara Liam. Opps, you were Amara Liam, you are now Amara Samuel Lawson." He whisperered in glee and I laughed at his naughtyness. Laughed through tears of pain. "HOw could they?' I began to ask but Sam walked over to us and " Liam, may I please dance with my wife?"

Liam solemly  then handed me over to Sam. "Keep her, she is yours." Liam whispered as he gave me away for the second time in the day. "Sam took my hand, eyes filled with love as he thanked Liam and pulled me tight into his arms. "I love you Mrs Amara Samuel Lawson." He whispered into my ears as I choked on the sound of my new name. "Its such a perfect name." I breathed.

"A perfect name for a perfect bride my love." He whispered back.

It was a truly perfect moment as I danced in the arms of my love. His arms my strength and his heart beat my music. COuld I ever ask for anything more. I had it all. I had my world in this moment of time and I knew that soon, more life and happiness would follow us. 

Our love won against all odds and today the society had acknowldeged me and my love and now I had no fear of loosing Sam ever. He was mine. With GOd as my witness I had found my prince charming at the age of 7 and today he was the king of my castle.

His lips came down on my and softly caressed me, my toughts and love everything returned this true love back as I kissed his lips pulling him into my arms as tight as I could.

"Sam, you are my love and my life." I whispered in betweeen our kisses.

"You are my everything Amy." He whsipered back...


A New Beginning..........

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