Ace of Hearts

By vintage_grace

4.1K 101 14

Do you ever feel like your life is in the middle of a hurricane? Like your whole existence is in the eye of t... More

Book 2


98 3 0
By vintage_grace

My door thunks against the wall, likely putting a hole in it from the sound, as I run into the hallway and down towards the other rooms. Please, please, let them still be here . I pound on each of the doors in turn, but come up empty each time.

Everything blues in front of me, and I lean against the wall to keep from collapsing as I struggle for breathe. Now is not the time for a panic attack, Lee. My body ignores me as it continues to shake and shut down, but I force myself to shove past it.

Black spots dance across my vision as I push myself to stand back up. I stumble down the hallways and into the foyer looking for anyone to help. The entire house is empty. Every room cold, and without any sign of the Mikaelsons.

My mind races looking for a solution. How do I make sure they know what Esther is up to? Only one option comes into mind. I run back to my room in search of my phone and some clothes. All the while, I run through a checklist. First, send the recording to Kol, Rebekah, and Klaus. Second, get out of this house. I can't risk Esther realizing the truth. Third, find help in any shape. The more people that know I'm in trouble and by who, the better chance of me getting found if something happens.

I scramble through my bag, pull on shirt, with my shoes on and phone in my hand before I hear it. The soft whispering of the last two voices I want to hear right now. Panic takes a hold of my chest as I attempt to sneak past and out the door. Unfortunately, the floor creaks beneath my feet just in front of the door.

"Lee," Esther's voice calls out from behind me, and I struggle to keep my breathing steady. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. I was just heading into town to help my dad with some stuff." I force a smile on my face despite the strain it takes. My hands tremble as I try to listen to what she's saying to me. Her eyes drift down to the recorder in my hands, and I know I'm screwed. "It's my dad's. He gave it to me so I could review his writing notes."

"Well, in that case, I won't keep you any longer." Her tone is casual, but her eyes narrow at me in suspicion. I make it all the way to the door before I'm slammed back by a barrier. My nose sends fresh waves of pain across my face. "Apologies about that. There's one more thing I need to discuss with you."

"What would that be?" I question with a shaky voice as I slip the recorder in my pocket.

"Have you put any consideration into what we discussed?"

I bite my bottom lip as I consider how to reply. Now that I have a slight bit of insight into her plan, I can't help but wonder if there's a double meaning to this. On one hand, I could tell her the truth and put myself in her way; or I could lie and risk her wanting me to help.

"Yes, actually I have." I take a moment to pause and gather my courage. "I'm going to stay. I know it's dangerous, but I truly care about Kol. The thought of walking away now just doesn't feel right."

There's a long pause before Esther nods and motions for the door, which I take as my queue to leave. Unfortunately, I make it a half step before Finn's hands are tightly gripping my arms. "I was hoping you would see things properly after our conversation. My children cause nothing but destruction, and the longer you stay near them, the more you'll get hurt." Esther shakes her head as she nods to Finn. "I really didn't want it to come to this."

Finn's arms pin me against his chest as we both face Esther. "I wish it didn't come to this either." I tell her as I start to pull at the magic that comes from Finn, who releases a cry of shock as he releases me.

I take my chance and bolt for it, running like my life depends on it as Esther's frustrated cries echo after me. The woods turn into a blur as my vision tunnels, and I pause only for a moment to whisper a cloaking spell over myself.

By the time the town comes into view, I can barely breathe and my heart pounds against my ribcage. Each step my muscles threaten to give up on me, but I force myself to ignore the burning pain as I stumble into the grill.

I nearly cry out of pure joy when a familiar face comes into view. "Lee, is everything okay? Why are you all banged up?"

"I can't talk for long, Matt." I try to catch my breath as I take my phone out of my pocket. "Give this to Jeremy, Kol, or Rebekah. Tell them to listen to the recordings. They'll know what to do."

"Lee, what are you--?" Matt tries to ask, but I show the phone into his hands before I run back out the door.

The afternoon air swallows me up as I continue to run like my life depended on it. Mostly because it  does. Mine and so many other lives depend on what happens next.

I make it another three and a half blocks before they're there--waiting. Esther stands in the middle of my path with Finn at her side, like always. She watches me intently with crossed arms and speaks to me in a calm, chiding tone. "Oh, Ophelia. You've been causing trouble. Let's see if it's more than you're worth."

Esther raises her hand with a blank expression, and then my world goes dark.

. . .

A throbbing tension echoes through my skull, and my fingers absentmindedly curl over dirt and dead leaves as I push myself up. The moment I'm sitting up, I realize that it was a big mistake judging by the nausea that rushes over me. "Dang that packs a punch." I complain as I rub my temples.

"You should have expected nothing less. Especially since you were in my way." Esther's cold voice calls out, and a moment later, she steps out of the darkness and towards me. "You're quite lucky that I didn't just kill you."

"Why didn't you? I'm suspecting it's not because you suddenly developed a conscience?" I mock as I force myself to my feet. "I mean, you are about to murder your own children-- again ."

"That's because they shouldn't exist. You, at least, are partially innocent." Her lip curls back in disgust and contempt. "My children, on the other hand, were a mistake I wish to correct."

In that moment, all I see is red. Rage takes over me, and every ounce of it is directed at the world's worst mother. "How dare you--" I scream as I take a step towards her, but am stopped cold in my tracks with a sharp sense of pain. "Boundary spell. Clever."

"I'm glad you appreciate the sentiment."

"Let me guess, you want to keep me here so I won't interfere?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "You're despicable, Esther. You have no idea what you are about to do."

"I think I know quite well--"

"No. Let me finish." I take a deep breath, stare her down, and get as close to the barrier as I can as I continue. "The children you call 'mistakes,' are some of the best people I have ever met. Have they made mistakes? Yes, they have. Have they hurt people? Many people, but so have I. Just for a moment though, set those mistakes aside and look at who they are. Wonderful people, who despite the horrible things you and Mikael put them through, still managed to turn into good people."

"That doesn't turn back time and undo everything they've done." Esther snaps at me as she raises her hand. Another wave of pain and nausea washes over me. "I was going to see if you would be willing to help, but now I realize you won't. It's a shame really, I could have used a witch of your potential and caliber."

"So what are you going to do with me, instead? Leave me in here to freeze to death?"

Esther merely laughs as she walks away. I watch as she stops for only a moment to call over her shoulder, "Not unless you change your mind."

One, two, three, four, five... one seventy-eight, one seventy-nine, one eighty. Plenty of time for Esther to be well out of sight, which leaves me free to get myself out of here.

I force myself to take a deep breath as I place my hand against the barrier. The shield ripples and lights up under my touch. I barely manage to hold my hands against it for a solid five seconds to watch the magic pushing against me before the pain becomes too much. "Come on, Lee. You can do this. You have to warn them."

Five excruciating attempts to siphon off enough energy to push past the barrier later, and I sit in the center of the boundary circle. Another cold rush of wind sends the dead leaves on the ground dancing away, but another round of shivers through my body.

My dad always used to tell me all the interesting facts that he learned throughout his book research. When he was looking into survival statistics, he would tell me all the signs of dehydration, starvation, and hypothermia. I guess, it was his way of protecting me and giving me a way to help myself in dangerous situations. It's how I recognize the signs, how I know if I don't get out of here, my body will soon shut down from the hypothermia.

"Well, I hope you've had enough time to reconsider my offer." Esther calls as she enters my line of sight. "This will be your last chance to accept. Otherwise, you can sit there and watch as I finish what I came to do."

"How could you think--even for a second-- that I would help you kill the only people who I consider family?"

"And you call me cold. You call my children the only people you consider family, but you neglect to include your own father in that statement."

"Don't you dare talk about my dad." I shout as I rush closer to the barrier. "I call them family because as my family falls to pieces, they took me in as one of their own. They each treat me with a respect and kindness I have never been known before. So the answer is still no. I will never help you harm them, but I will promise you this. I will use every ounce of power in my veins to stop you."

Esther doesn't get a chance to respond before a familiar face appears over her shoulder. Bonnie looks at me in shock for a long moment. She makes a clear effort to avoid looking me in the eye and the betrayal written across my face. "We're ready to start the spell whenever you are."

A villainous grin dances across Esther's face as she flicks her hand and lights the torches that line the clearing around an old house. Panic surges through my chest as Finn and Bonnie's Mom join us. "Bonnie, please, you don't have to do this. You don't have to help her kill people."

"They're not people, Lee. They're the Originals. If we make one wrong move against them, we're all dead. I'm just protecting myself and my friends." Bonnie reasons as she backs away.

I scream at the top of my lungs any argument or coherent thought that comes to mind. Still, they all act as though I'm not even here as they begin their work, and I am powerless to stop them.

Tears stream down my face as I pace my limited space. Heat radiates through my limbs. It escalates the fear that settles into my chest. I'm going to die here. It's not a question or a possibility. In my head, it solidifies into fact.

In any normal situation, or even a few months ago, I would have fallen into a trembling heap of anxiety at a thought like this, but now, I've changed. Knowing Kol and the Mikaelsons has taught me to become a stronger version of myself.

I push myself to my feet, trembling and shaking with every breath. Pain and magic radiate over my limbs. Black spots fill my vision as I hear the chanting continue. I continue to pick away at the magic of the barrier, but the longer I hold on, the harder it becomes to breathe and think. I scream in frustration and pain, which unfortunately draws Esther's attention.

She turns toward me with a horrifyingly cold glare. I watch as she flicks her wrist, and I'm once again thrown back from the barrier with another surge of energy. The taste of iron fills my mouth as I come to my senses. "Esther!" An all too familiar voice shouts into the clearing.

Hope clouds my thoughts as I watch the Mikaelson siblings enter the clearing. Although, my heart sinks a fraction when I don't see the face I needed to see most. Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah argue with Esther, each throwing in the occasional insult. I look frantically at every shadow and try to find the missing sibling. "Stay quiet, darling."

I nearly lose my balance from turning so fast. "Kol, don't come near the barrier. It's got a nasty bite to it." I whisper in warning, but I can't hide the small smile that comes to my face. "I need you to listen to me. There's no way I can get out of here while Esther still has her magic. So, you have to find Bonnie and her mom. I'm pretty sure Esther is channeling the magic of their bloodline. If you can convince them to cut her off, all of this ends."

"We're already working on that. My job is to get you out of here and to safety." Kol looks over me in worry as he sizes up all the damage done. "Which needs to happen soon. I can hear your heart rate dropping."

"No." I argue through labored breaths. "You need to stop Esther. Worry about me after that."


"Kol, go help your siblings. Now. Before it's too late. I'll be fine. I promise." Although, it only takes a split second before he listens to me and joins his siblings. I follow the next few moments as best as I can despite the effects of hypothermia. Black spots dance across my vision, and my whole body collapses before I see the end results.

Shouts fill my head of the last few seconds of consciousness, and I have no idea who wins the battle.


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