Ace of Hearts

By vintage_grace

4.1K 101 14

Do you ever feel like your life is in the middle of a hurricane? Like your whole existence is in the eye of t... More

Book 2


108 3 0
By vintage_grace

My phone keeps blaring on the bedside table, which causes me to groan and pull the pillow over my head. I blindly reach out and slap my phone until it finally shuts up.

Then I start drifting back asleep. Well, until I remember where I am and whose arm is wrapped around my waist. If he wasn't holding on to me with an iron grip, I would very likely get up and hit my head against the wall. How on earth could I be so stupid as to let this happen?

There's no denying it now, Jade was right. She saw the one thing I couldn't. The thing my pride was shielding from me. Even worse, Jade knew exactly what it would take for me to realize the truth. I'm falling for Kol Mikaelson, and it's all because he finally showed me a piece of the real him.

I let my head fall against the pillow and mentally force my head to clear. It doesn't work as effectively as I hoped. All I can think about is the burning touch of Kol's hand brushing against my arm. How I can feel his breath fanning against the back of my neck. The way that I feel so calm knowing he's there, but the same thought also sends my heart racing.

Although, my heart wants to stop when I remember all of the past couple days' events. Finding my dad had one too many scotches, the new ability I didn't know about, and the lack of control I have over everything.

I, Ophelia Valette Mitchell, killed someone and nearly did it again.

The mere thought is all it takes to turn me into a shaking, blubbering mess. I pull myself out of Kol's tight grip and run out of his room in search of somewhere I can breathe. It doesn't register in my mind that he's now awake, and I'm also in the same house as the rest of the originals, who will likely be wondering who's crying at this early hour. None of it matters to me.

My hands rest on my weak knees as I stare down at the grass under my feet. I never knew how much effort could be used to simply take a breath before. Footsteps echo through the garden as I struggle for air–for anything to real to hold on to. "Are you alright, love?" Klaus's voice holds a tone of concern and worry I never expected to hear from him.

My mouth opens up to form the simple phrase, but my tongue is practically lead. "I'm fine." The words are unconvincing and horse from my raw throat. "I just needed to get some air."

"No, you're not. What happened?" There's a pause as he looks over my appearance. Messy hair, red-rimmed eyes, and Kol's clothes. "Did Kol do something?"

"No. No, it's nothing like that." I quickly stutter out. If there's one thing I have learned in my brief time of knowing Kol and Klaus, is that they both can be very temperamental. "He didn't do anything. This is about something I did." There's a long drawn out moment between us while Klaus waits for me to explain. "I-I-a guy is dead because of me."

For a split second, I half expected Klaus to laugh at me. He's the original hybrid after all. The skeletons he has stashed away could fill the whole mansion behind us.

Although, a large part of me knows he's not what everyone claims. That theory is proven correct when he sighs and sits me on the steps with an arm around my shoulder. For the next few minutes, he lets me cry into his chest. He doesn't ask me what happened, if I want to talk about it, or anything at all.

"It was an accident." I manage to mumble. "I didn't mean for it to happen, but I felt so strong after I did. It was like I was invincible. For a split second, I was strong." I push away from Klaus and wipe my eyes. "Now, I just keep playing it over in my head and wonder. What if that guy had friends? A family? Someone who cared about him? How am I supposed to live with this? Could it have really been different if I had let go?"

"Yes, it would have." Kol's voice echoes from the doorway. His expression and demeanor are guarded, and I know he's back to being a piece of the person he shows the world. "You would have died. Honestly, he was one of the bad vampires. One without remorse for what he's done and thinks of it as a game. It's not your fault you refused to be a chew toy." Kol sounds impassive as he speaks, but I can see in his eyes there's something more. "Like you said, it was an accident, darling."

I meekly nod my head, but I inside I'm arguing every point against him. My anxiety loves to put me down and convince me I'm a monster. Logic tells me I'm not, but that doesn't mean anxiety doesn't hold its own. "I should probably go. I need to check in on my dad." I mumble as I walk through the house and out the front door.

"At least let me drive you back?" Kol asks as he stops in front of me.

"No, I need the fresh air."

"If you insist." He shrugs and walks along with me. His hand finds my own in the pale morning light, and our arms swing together as we walk with intertwined hands.

I bite my lip in thought. The silence makes things feel peaceful. It's a glaring contrast to the chaos going on in my head. There's something I know has to happen, or at least should happen, if I'm going to get through all of this. I just hate that it will likely hurt some people in the process, but all wounds heal eventually. Forgiveness can be earned, and tears can be mended.

"So, are we going to talk about what happened? Not the glaringly obvious thing." I pause as my free hand fiddled with the hem of Kol's borrowed shirt. "Why did you kiss me?"

"That was–"

"Don't say a mistake. We both know it wasn't." Kol gives me a sideways glance, but I ignore it. "At least, I hope it wasn't."

"Why do you hope that?" His smile is teasing, and there's a devious glint in his eyes.

"Is your offer of dinner still on the table?" Kol's smile grows so wide, I nearly expected his face to split. "Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm just willing to give you a chance. There's just one condition: we have to be real with each other. In fact, I'll tell you another piece of information about myself that I keep hidden. Another piece of the person the world sees."

"And what would that be exactly."

"My last name. It carries its own weight, like a non-supernatural version of Mikaelson."

"So your family is important and highly renowned."

"Precisely. I'm a Mitchell, as in Mitchell Industries. They own pharmaceutical companies, clean living stores, most of the big name companies, and multiple franchises. Anything the Mitchell's want, they get. It also means, people have tried to use me to do the same. It's a lot to live up to, and part of the reason I decided to give you a chance in the first place."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me, darling. I'm a Mikaelson, which means I get what I go after. It also means that I understand better than anyone." Once again, I watch as the walls around Kol tumble to the ground. To an outsider, we look like two teens talking about nonsense, but we're really two messed up people who finally found understanding.

We wait outside the apartment building. I refuse to go inside just yet. There's one last thing I need to do before I go. "Kol, there's something I need to talk to you about." Worry flickers in Kol's eyes when he hears the distress in my voice. "Don't be mad, and please, let me finish. I'm going to leave for a little while. I made a promise to Jade–and more importantly to myself– about so many things. I told her I would be at our apartment in a few days, but it's been a lot longer than that.

"I told myself, I was staying here to help my dad, but I think I'm only making things harder for him. Plus, I think some time away from Mystic Falls will help me. There's something I need to do, and I can't do it here.

"So, here's where I need you to really listen. If you want, you can come visit me as often as you want. It's only a half hour away. I just have one thing to ask. Will you watch out for my dad? He's not coping well, and he really needs someone to keep an eye on him."

"Of course, I'll come visit you as often as I can and will watch out for him. You just have to promise me something in return."


"That you will call me whenever you need me and will let me help you with your little mission."

"I can agree to that." I smile up at him and plant a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you soon, Kol Mikaelson."

"I look forward to it, Lee Mitchell." He chuckles as he places a kiss on the back of my hand. I return the smile before I walk into the building.

"Later, Jack."

"Right back at you, Ace." I can't stop smiling the whole way up to the apartment. Life may be grim, but it does have its moments. I'm immensely glad mine have people who make them worth sharing with.

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