Ace of Hearts

By vintage_grace

4.2K 105 14

Do you ever feel like your life is in the middle of a hurricane? Like your whole existence is in the eye of t... More

Book 2


163 5 0
By vintage_grace

Welcome to Mystic Falls! The sign greets as we drive down on the small road. I tap my foot anxiously as the pull I've been feeling in my chest becomes infinitely stronger. It's like my senses all went into overdrive. Every sight, sound, and even smell are heightened from my excitement and nerves.

A piece of me feels like a child returning from summer camp—like I'm finally home. Although Mystic Falls is definitely not my home, it's the closest I've come to feeling like it in quite a while, and who knows? Maybe one day, it will be home to me. "How come you never brought me here before?" I question my dad as I stare out the window with awe.

"It's my secret spot to come and write." He tells me with a chuckle. "Plus, you know how your mother is about me taking you to places with weird histories."

"She thinks it's impractical." I tell him dryly. She always thought that if you were to go somewhere it should be to do work or learn something new. Unfortunately she doesn't see the spooky and supernatural as viable learning topics. I know better than to bring up anything involving mom given the current situation, which leads me to ask. "So are we getting food or stopping by the apartment first?"

"Well, considering the chatter that's been coming from your stomach, I was thinking food first." He laughs as he nudges me with his elbow. "There's the local grill that has some pretty great burgers."

"Food sounds good to me and my stomach." I reply with a smile and urge my dad to tell me everything he knows about the town in the hopes of keeping his mind off of things.

It works like a charm. He continues to drive into town as he informs me of the entire town's history. "It was also home to some major Civil War activity, but I'm more interested in the spooky side of it all. From what records I've dug up, they've had a strange number of 'animal attacks' which resulted in victims being drained of blood."

"Are you saying this place might actually have vampires?" I question with a unbelieving smile. Everyone knows that vampires, werewolves, and all that supernatural stuff are only stories. "You know that's a bit of a stretch, Dad. Even for the two of us."

"Nothing is ever impossible, Ophelia. The moment you think something is, everything will conspire to prove you wrong."

I roll my eyes at my dad's eccentric thoughts as the car pulls to a stop outside of a small, well-lit restaurant, which stands out against the rest of the closed shops. It, like most of the town, is a little bit worn but still well-kept. "The whole town is so quiet." I whisper to my dad as we walk inside, and the sheer amount of noise and people nearly make me stumble. "Correction—outside is quiet."

"Come on, kiddo." I follow my dad along and watch all around me as we take our seats at the bar.

Everything in the restaurant has that small, 'hometown' feel. From all the rustic lighting and chairs, to the worn leather booths, and the pool table, it's the place you only come across once. I watch the people in their seats— some are laughing, others play pool, a group in the corner booth whisper with tense looks. They're the ones that hold my attention the most. Although I'm forced to break away from them when my dad starts talking to me again.

That's also when I notice the familiar face running around behind the bar. "Jeremy?" I call to the brown haired boy, who turns around in confusion. "Jeremy Gilbert." A chuckle escapes my lips at the look of wonder on his face. "I was not expecting to see you here."

"What are you talking about? I live here. The better question is what are you doing here?" Jeremy questions with a small laugh as he shakes his head.

I nod my head towards my dad, who looks between the two of us incredulously. "I'm staying with my dad for a little while." I lean back against the bar stool and shake my head. "It's so weird to see here. The only thing missing is Kol popping up to deliver another dose of his nauseating charm."

Jeremy forces a stiff smile on his face, but I notice the way his body language changed at the mention of his friend. I give him a questioning look in the hopes he'll say something to explain, but he just brushes it off. "I should introduce myself. I'm Jeremy Gilbert, one of Lee's friends." He smiles as he extends his hand to greet my dad.

"Nice to meet you, Jeremy." My dad gives me a sideways glance as he shakes Jeremy's hand. I can tell he's silently praising Jer for being a gentleman and giving him a pre-approval stamp. The look makes me want to hide in a hole out of pure embarrassment.

I tune out the conversation between the two of them and resume looking around the restaurant. The group of concerned teens have disappeared, and a couple of jocks have taken their place in the booth. The restaurant chatters with life and laughter. The smell of food drift with every waiter that walks by, and I can't help but smile at the normality of it all.

I'm pulled away from everything and back into reality when a cellphone starts ringing beside me. My dad becomes rigid as he looks at the screen. "You can go ahead and take it, Dad. I'll meet you back at the apartment. Okay?"

My dad nods with a sad smile and slips his card into my hand. There's no time to protest before he's on the phone and slipping out the door. I'm alone again, Dad's falling apart, and everything is one gigantic mess. I sit back down on a barstool and start to wonder if things ever truly change.

I barely even notice when two other patrons take the seats next to me due to the hurricane of thoughts ripping through my skull. The cold glass chills my fingertips as I shakily bring it to my lips.

Normally, I hate even the smell of my father's alcohol choices, but this time I'm too desperately wanting to numb the pain to care.

"Isn't she gorgeous, brother?" The guy next to me questions his companion, and my eyebrow furrows at the familiar accent.

"Yes, she looks especially good walking away from you." The voice sends a quick shiver down my spine. Of all the places either of us could be, we end up in the same spot.

"Kol Mikaelson," I mutter with a slight chuckle. I look to my right to find him overcoming his shock to stare right back. "What are you stalking me now?"

"If I remember correctly, you were the one that always ended up in the same place as me." Delight dances in his dark brown eyes, and a charming smile creeps onto his face. "Plus, this is my town. So if anyone is doing the stalking it's you."

A loud laugh spills out from my lips before I can stop it. "Oh, you wish I were. It would be the only thing that your ego is missing."

"Come on, Ace. You know you missed me."

"Not even for a second, Jack."

"Sorry to intrude on this touching conversation, but I thought I should introduce myself." Kol's companion smiles as he turns his attention to me, and I to him. "I'm Klaus." He says his name with an immense sense of pride and confidence, which he uses full advantage of as he takes my hand and gently kisses it. "And who might this lovely creature be?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Klaus. Please, don't think me rude, but I can't tell you my name. Kol still has yet to find it out, and I love a good game."

Klaus looks back at his brother whose cheeks are turning red, despite his obvious attempt to remain cool. "I can respect that."

"Come on, darling. Hasn't this little game of your gone on long enough?" Kol questions, but I still smirk at him.

"You, Kol, are going to have to earn it." I tease and polish off the contents of the glass in my hand.

"How come we have never seen you around here before?" Klaus asks as he diverts all attention away from the mocking glare down between Kol and I.

"That's because it's my first time in Mystic Falls. My dad just got an apartment in town. So I'm staying with him for a little while." I tell Klaus with a charming smile, which I can tell is driving Kol nuts. Why it's bothering him? I have no earthly idea, but it makes for a fun evening.

Klaus quickly picks up on the game, and we spend our time talking to each other while completely ignoring Kol. "So what's with the blonde? I mean she really seems to hate you."

"I may have gotten on the bad side of some her friends." Klaus shrugs like it's an everyday occurrence, but I can tell there is much more to the story. "What about you? What's the story between you and Kol?"

At the mention of his name, Kol is back in the game. I push my plum colored hair out of my face as I quirk an eyebrow. A part of me expected Kol to tell the story himself, but he waited silently to see what I would say. "I met your brother in Denver this summer. The first time was at this diner, where he told me he didn't expect me to like rock music. We ended up fighting over the juke box, and he pestered me all night. I think I may have hurt his feelings when I was ignoring him though."

"Don't give yourself so much credit, darling." Kol scoffs as he sips on his drink.

Klaus and I ignore him as we keep talking until his blonde leaves, and he follows after her. By then, I've had a few drinks delivered by a nervous bartender, and my senses are more dulled than I would normally be okay with. "Quit looking at me like that, Mikaelson." I complain and send a glare his way.

Kol smirks as he sets his glass down. "Quit looking at you like what?"

"Like you're trying to figure me out. Trust me, many have tried and failed miserably." My voice is bitter and different from its usual soft, thoughtful tone.

The bartender interrupts the conversation before Kol can say anything else. "Hey, we're closing up, which means you two should probably clear out."

I slide off my stool and slap a couple stray bills from my pocket onto the counter. "I am heading home, or at least the closest thing that I have to a home." The ground remains unsteady beneath my feet. Luckily, Kol is there to wrap an arm around my waist.

"Maybe you're right. It seems every time I think I have you figured out. You surprise me all over again." Kol whispers, and his warm breath brushes against my neck. Normal me would shove him away with a snide comment, but slightly buzzed me is all goosebumps and weak knees. "Let's get you home, love."

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