Love You Better

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

773 0 0

Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

13 0 0
By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"Are you ready for this?" I asked him as we sat in the car that was in the driveway.

"Yeah totally, I just feel bad for Justin though." "I know, but just try and see if you are okay without him for tonight." "Yeah I told him that we should talk in the morning and see what's going on." 

"So I called Tanner and he should be walking out here any minute." I said as we stared at the front door.

"Why do you care about me so much? I've hurt you too many times and you repay me but letting me move in temporarily when you could've left my ass there."

"I hate seeing you mad or upset, but you're also someone that I hate not being around because life is pretty boring when you're not in it."

"So life was boring without me?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Well I should say that it was less entertaining." "Which basically means that life was boring without me." "Ughh Whatever Julian I'm not gonna fight you on this."

"Why not? I wanna see you get physical." "No you don't because if I do you won't be able to have children, like ever." "I'll take that risk." He said cracking his knuckles.

"You're not funny." "Yeah, but you are." He laughed and then he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed me. We started slowly, but then got faster and more intense each second.

"Hey you two, let's go inside." I heard tanner say and then we pulled away from each other. As soon as we walked up to the door My mom was right at the door.

"Julian, it's so nice to see you. Tanner already told me about your situation and I'm willing to help you for as long as you need" She said wrapping her arms around him. "It's nice to see You too  and thank you Ms Hightower." "Wow you know my maiden name and everything. Tanner taught you a lot didn't he?" "Yes Ma'am." "Well you can call me Monica." "Sounds good."

"So if you don't mind me asking, what exactly did happen?" "My parents recently separated unexpectedly and my father isn't exactly over their marriage so I left to give him some space." He lied.

"And what about Justin?" "He's staying with my Father. I just didn't wanna stay there because it's pretty toxic over at my house and I'm trying to make the most of my senior year." "Makes sense, that reminds me of how Morgan felt when her father and I divorced.""Well it's good to know that I'm not the only one who felt that way."

"Well I'm gonna set some ground rules and then you can make yourself at home. If you're going put Curfew is between 1 and 2, if someone is coming over just let me know who it is, if you're here just try to keep quiet during the day just because my shift starts at 9pm and ends at 9am, you are to sleep in Tanners room to protect the privacy of the girls and always think before you act. Got it?"  "Yes Monica." "Perfect, I'm gonna head to work so I'll see you all in the morning." "Bye." We all said waving.

"Alright she forgot to set a rule and that's because she thinks we're innocent children, no sex." "Why would we do that?" I laughed.

"That's bullshit and you two know it, but keep in mind that Lexi still lives here." Tanner said and then I saw Julian's eyes widen.

"I forgot you guys had another sibling." He rolled his eyes. "Yeah we do and she's not gonna be happy with you staying here." "That's Okay, I'm definitely keeping my distance."

"Yeah keep you're distance from her too." Tanner said pushing Julian away. "Hmm I'll I have to think about it." "I don't understand you people, you make out and hook up and you aren't dating, but my girl and I've been dating and all we do is just make out."

"It's not my problem that you're dating a nun." I laughed and Julian lost it. "She's not that holy, gosh. She literally sucked me dry last week."

"What else have you guys done?" Julian asked continuing to laugh. "I've already said too much." "You literally said one thing." "Oh is that my phone ringing? Looks like she's FaceTiming me." "You know your phone is in your hand, right?" "No it's not." He said running up the stairs.

"Well I'm not gonna hold you back from getting yourself ready for bed so I'll be in your brothers room if you need me." "Well if you need me after I shower and stuff I'll be in my room and we can talk if you want."

"Yeah I might pass considering that your brother has Limelight." "Why does every guy obsess about that game?" "Because it's entertaining and fun. I'd rather play with a game than play with a girls heart." "Ha Yeah."

"But I'll probably say goodnight before you fall asleep." "Sounds good." I said as he made his way up the stairs.

This kid is so confusing. He says that he'd rather play a video game than play with a girls heart, but that's exactly what he's doing to me whether he knows it or not. I thought maybe after the night of homecoming he would just stop playing, but I was clearly wrong.

"I heard a boys voice that wasn't Tanner, who was that?" Lexi asked coming from the family room. "That was Julian, he's gonna be living here for a little." "You're kidding right?" "Nope, him and his Dad kinda had a fall out so he's staying here."

"Ughhh I don't wanna live with him. Do you know how awkward its gonna be living with my ex?" "Nope." "Oh yeah it makes sense for you since he's your boyfriend." "He isn't my boyfriend! I don't know why people keep saying that when the boy can't even make a fucking move."

"Look I get it, Justin hasn't even addressed the situation. All we talk about is normal stuff." "Justin is the same way except all he does is fuck around. I think you need to go to him when you two are all alone and just address it."

"You're right, I'm going right now." "Don't, he's already in a tough place." "I don't care, I have questions that I need answered." "Whatever." I said as she walked out the door.

After I showered and got ready for bed, then I went down to the basement to watch my ultimate favorite show. The Bachelorette.

After I grabbed a whole container of Mac And Cheese that my mom made and brought it up to my room. I just wanted to relax and get some alone time when Allie FaceTimed me.

"What up?" I asked stuffing my mouth. "Oh nothing except for the fact that Miles is going out with that little hoe from homecoming again."

"Look Al, I can't do anything about that." "I know, but I wish you could." "Wait how do you know they're going out again?" "I saw them going into his car and then they just left somewhere." "Are you stalking him?" "No i'm just looking out my window like I do every night. It's not my fault he moved next to me."

"You're acting like it was a choice. Remember the first few days of 5th grade?" "Oh yeah, that boy cried his eyes out until he ran out of tears." "Well he was obviously upset about the move, but what did you do?" "Made him cookies and then played basketball with him."

"Exactly, we two were inseparable till 7th grade when Middle School started. You still hung out, but all of a sudden he started to make lots of friends." "Yeah, but that only happened because Hannah Bellinger made up a rumor saying that they hooked up and everyone thought that he was so cool because of that."

"But why did you stop talking for awhile?" "Well after the first football game that my team cheered at, Hannah threw a party and I was thinking that Miles and I could talk about something that happened the night before so when I looked for him I saw him and Hannah making out and I got really upset. Long story short I realized that I had feelings for him, but talking to him would make it worse so I cut him off."

"Well I think you and Miles need a little date night." "And why would we need that? We aren't even together." "It's just to talk and make sure that there aren't any frustrations about back then. It'll be you, me, Miles, and to be determined."

"I'll go." I heard Julian's voice say in my doorway and then I turned to around to see him smiling at me.

"Uh who was that?" Allie asked really confused. "No one, gotta go." I said hanging up the phone.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping? It's almost 2 in the morning." He said walking into my room. "The better question is aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" "Nah I told you, if  it's 2am and I'm up it's either because I'm playing video games or thinking."

"Well is Tanner still up playing Limelight?" "Nah he crashed around 12. I wouldn't be in here if he was still up." "So what were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about you and what I said and it was stupid. I'd pick you over limelight any time, other than when I'm about to win." He joked.

"Wow I feel so loved." "You should, I wouldn't say that about most people." He said laying on my bed right next to me.

"So how do you think the rest of senior year is gonna go? It's practically November and we graduate May 31st which means we have 7 months left " He said.

"I hope it goes fast for a little bit, but then slows down. I feel like application deadlines and picking a college are coming way too fast."

"I agree, I got another soccer offer today." "Where?" "The University Of Michigan and this time I'm not lying." "Isn't that you're dream school?" "Well yeah, but I don't know if I should go there considering that it's 1.039 miles away from here."

"Well I think you should chase your dreams, no matter how far the distance." "I honestly wish I could think that way, but I don't know, it's a long stretch."

"Julian, this is something you've worked for your whole life, you can't just give it up because the school is so far away." "I don't know, I still have a few more months to decide where I wanna go so I'll see where life takes me."

"Honestly I have no idea where I wanna go or what I wanna do with my life." "Really? You seem like the type who wants to be a nurse or teacher."

"Hell no, I hate going to school so I would hate having to spend so much time in college just to become a nurse and although I like children, they can be very annoying."

"True, I mean high schoolers still act like elementary kids so if you taught any grade you would still get a group of babies." "Exactly."

"Well I should probably head out because you need your beauty sleep." "Nooooo please don't, you're already here and I like the company." "What about your brother? He'll be pissed if I'm not there in the morning."

"Fuck that, he can't change you sleeping in here once you do it." "Yeah, but he could tell your mother." "Oh please, that kid doesn't snitch unless it's a situation pertaining to him." "True. I'll only stay with you, but only because that allows me to sleep on an actual bed."

"That's fine." I laughed turning off the lamp. "Goodnight." "Goodnight." I responded back and then he wrapped his arms around my body.
As soon as I woke up it was 6:15, which meant that Lexi was still picking out an outfit and Tanner was trying to figure out what he's eating for breakfast. On the other hand I was still in bed wrapped in Julian's arms with his warm body against mine.

"Morning." He said in this hot raspy voice as he sat up. "Morning." "I'm gonna go downstairs and eat before Tanner comes down so I can pretend that I just got up super early. "Sounds good."

As soon as he left I started to get ready for the day. I only got about 4 hours of sleep, but we had a good talk. If soccer means everything to him then he has to do what he has to do.

"Here's your breakfast." Julian exclaimed as I walked down the stairs. "You know how to make actual food?" "Yeah, but the other day you insisted on making breakfast so I kinda just let you do it." "Wow I didn't know Julian Manning had another talent." "That's why you can't doubt me."

"Ooh food, thanks Morgan" Lexi said running towards and plate and immediately started eating it. "I didn't make it, it was all him." I laughed pointing at Julian.

"Eww I don't let dirty hands or cheaters touch my stuff." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"How is this girl still not over our relationship, it's been almost 2 weeks." "It takes time to heal you know." "Yeah, but I figured that she already hooked up with someone new." "Nope she's been pretty good." I lied still knowing about her and Justin.

"So have you spoken to Zach?" He asked in a really serious tone. "Yeah, but it's been moral support. He's been going through a really tough time and it's taking a toll on football, school, and his own mental health."

"He's been like that for years. He's a really tough kid. Most times he'll do things that he doesn't normally do like get drunk or do things with girls because he's trying to fuck the pain away."

"And that's why I feel guilty about the night of homecoming. He's been through a lot and his best friend and girl he's interested in hooking up isn't something that he wouldn't wanna hear." "Yeah I agree. Wanna ride to school?" "Yeah sure."

"So what about the poached eggs that I made you?" "They're different, but they aren't my favorite kind of eggs." I said spitting them in a napkin. "Yeah they are nasty, but I thought since you are different you would want different eggs." "Yeah no, let's go." I laughed locking the door.

"Where's my car?" He asked noticing that it wasn't around. "I have no idea, you didn't leave the keys in there right?" "Nope." "Weird, well I guess we can take my car." "Yeah I guess so." He said sliding into the passengers seat.

We didn't say a word to each other on the way there. Julian is a tough guy, but I still can't exactly pinpoint who he exactly is. It's tough to really get that deep when getting to know someone, but we both clearly have gotten to the point where only our minor secrets have been shared.

As we pulled into the parking lot Julian practically jumped out of his seat. "I see my car." "No you don't." "Yeah I do, Lexi and Tanner stole my car." He said getting out of the car running towards it.

"You sleep in Morgan's room, I steal your baby." Tanner laughed twirling the keys around his finger.

"Okay you've got a point, but I'm eighteen years old, I can decide who's bed I wanna sleep in when I want to." "Yeah, but I'm sure my Mom would love to hear that her daughter slept in the same bed with our house guest."

"Tanner give him the fucking keys or else I'll tell Camila that you cheated on her." "She wouldn't believe you." "Oh really because last time I checked she broke up with Liam Capri because I told her that he went to strip club." "Ugh here, but I'm watching you Manning."

"Where's your Brother?" Lexi asked crossing her arms. "Why do you care? I thought you don't talk to underclassmen." "I don't, but I'm devising a plan to ruin your life with him." "Oh okay and that's what your sister and I are doing too." "Whatever." She said waking away as soon as she saw Justin from a distance.

"Hey Julian, do you mind if I steal Morgan for a second." Allie said walking towards the car. "Oh yeah she's all yours, I'll see you in a few." He said walking away.

"Did you guys come to school together this morning?" Allie asked with excitement. "Yeah." "Did you spend the night at his place after having some fun with him?" "Nope, I slept in my own bed at my house."

"Then why did he come to school with you?" "He has some personal issues or something." "And he called you to take the pain away for a little or something?" "Yeah, you know guys can't share their emotions with each other or else they're known a sensitive, so that's why he called me as opposed to Nick or Khalid."

"So who's voice was that in the background last night?" "Tanner's, he's kinda sick though so that's why his voice sounded so off."

"Bitch, I can be dumb sometimes, but you're even dumber." "Okay fine he slept over, but nothing happened. We just talked because he's having family issues."

"And your Mom was just okay with him sleeping in your room." "Well since him and Tanner are friends we used that to get him in and then he was supposed to sleep in his room, but he heard me talking to you so after I hung out we talked."

"Did he finally talk about you being a thing?" "Not at all, it was just more on the college side." "Ugh ew, but he better scoop you up if he wants you before another Zach comes around."

"Well Zach isn't even officially out of the picture, he's just waiting." "Well you need to tell him not to wait, you're practically in a relationship with his best friend." "For the last fucking time I'm not dating him, we're just friends."

"Yeah that's what they all say until they get a sudden urge to make out and have sex all the time, but that happened a long time ago for you so clearly something isn't right." She said realizing that I was right.

"Exactly, but I don't even know if it would be okay for our friendship to turn into a relationship because we all know how those friendships end." "Yeah, but you fight all the time and than right after you get make up sex." She said and the bell rang telling us it was time for class.

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