Are we in an anime? Book 1: A...

By Icebear4ever21

3K 161 16

Five girls. One anime. First one: Black Butler More

Chapter two: Yo I'm Sweetie!
Chapter four: Mission Possible
Chapter five: Training Time!
Chapter six: The earl of booty shorts
Chapter seven: I care for you
Chapter eight: Dig a little deeper
Chapter Nine: Stomach lurches
Chapter ten: Answers
Chapter eleven: Stupid 1800's
Chapter twelve: little ball of horrors
Chapter thirteen: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Chapter fourteen: V3 girls
Chapter fifteen: Goodbye Hye-Jin
Chapter sixteen: A bloody eye and explanations
Chapter One: Are we in Black Butler!?
A/n please don't skip this!
Chapter Seventeen: Let's go home
Chapter Eighteen: The end is just the beginning

Chapter three: Friendship is magic

219 9 2
By Icebear4ever21

Sweetie: A shout out to all my bronies out there! Because friendship is magic! Even though you have problems true friends will always be there to help you. Now enjoy the story!

Markku POV

Someone wakes me up early this morning. That person is Chie. Smart, punctual Chie. "Chie, what the fuck." I say grogily.

"Remember we work here now." Chie said.

"Chie's right again!" Sweetie said.

"Will you stop doing that!" Saya exclaims.

"No can do!" Sweetie said. "Anywho, Chie is right. Sebastian said we had to wake up early!" I recall what Sebastian said to us and him enjoying me being afraid. I blush. I remember his face. If I was older then we might be a thing. I imagine Sebastian and Grown-up me making out. Then, us running away from a cold hearted Ciel. I would totally read that fanfic (Me: Please don't steal my idea. Even if you give me credit I will still be mad. So don't.)! I shake my head. Apparently Sebastian gave us maid outfits. The weird thing was the outfits fit us perfectly. Maybe, Sebastian came in while we were sleeping and measured us in our sleep. I would actually enjoy waking up finding myself in Sebastian's arms in the middle of the night. We put our outfits on and we look pretty awesome if I do say so

(Markku's is #10. The twins are #1. Omi is #3. Chie is #5.)

Someone knocks on the door. I quickly slip my phone in my apron. "Come in." Chie calls. Sebastian opened the door. "Follow me." Sebastian said. Sebastian led us to where the servants dine (Me: Sorry i forgot where they eat). "Everyone." Sebastian announces. The servants turned their attentions to us. Sebastian continued. "We have five new servants joining the Phantomhive staff." After that I stopped listening to him. I was more interested in looking at the Phantomhive servants in the flesh. Damn, they look so cool! I fangirled inside me head. I snapped back to reality when I hear Sebastian leave. We all head to the table and sat down. "Hi i'm Saori Haruyo!!" Saori said excitedly.

"I'm Finnian, but everyone calls me Finny." Finny introduced himself. Omg he is so cute up close! "I'm Mey-rin." Awe yes. Mey-rin. The badass sniper plus clumsy maid. Love it! "I'm Baldroy Bard for short." The solider and (awful) chef. Love it!!!! Baldroy pointed a man sitting in the corner drinking tea(?) in a mug. "And that's Tanaka." Tanaka...The...Um...Er....I got nothing. Tanaka does his famous "Ho ho ho."

"I'm Marrku Anzu." I say.

"Omi Ayame."

"I'm Chie Jitsuko."

"I'm Saya Haruyo. Saori's sister."

"Yep that's all of us." I conclude. Finny looks at me with amazement. "I'm sorry for asking but are you really from the future?" He asks me.

"Yeah. The 2018." I say. Finny's eyes sparkle.

"What's it like?" Mey-rin asks

"We have these metal carriages called cars and they don't need horses to pull them." I say carefully picking the words I use.

"Really!?" Mey-rin, Bard, Finny say in unison.

"What else?" Mey-rin questions. I thought for a little bit. "We have this box called a television that shows you moving pictures." I told them. "People use them as entertainment instead of going to see a play or something."

"Really!?" Mey-rin exclaims. "Moving pictures! It's magic!"

"No. It's just science has advancedover time." Chie explained.

"What about America?" Bard asked. "I wanna what it's like in 2018."

"We're actually from America." I start. "America is now a slave-free country. A lot of immigrants live there now. But, the only bad thing is that our president is Donald Trump."

"Who's Donald Trump?" Finny asked.

"A rich, duck faced, loudmouthed, business man." I explain. "He is literally the worst."

"I can't believe American citizens would choose a president like that." Bard said.

"Same." I say,

"But, all the taxes and job payments (Me: I think.) are better because of him." Chie adds. I nod. I kept telling the Phantomhive servants about the future and what it's like then Sebastian came in. "Markku." He said.

"Hai?" I said.

"You have to prepare young master's breakfast." Says Sebastian.

"Isn't that Bard's job?" I reply.

"Were you listening when I explained everything?"

"No...." Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose (Me: Sebby's too sexy for face palms!XD). "You and Baldroy will take turns making meals." Sebastian explains. "You will prepare breakfast, Baldroy will prepare lunch, and you will both prepare dinner. Understood?"


"Good." After Sebastian said that I stopped listening. Man, sleep is really getting to me. I snap out of it when everyone gets up to do their daily chores or whatever they do.


I was left in the kitchen alone to make breakfast. "What the hell does Ciel even want?" I say aloud. My phone vibrated. I took it out and placed it on the counter. Sweetie popped up on the phone. "I don't know myself, but it has to be something fancy." Sweetie said. "You know something British nobility would eat."

"But what the hell would that be?" I said. Sweetie shrugs. I sigh. "How about I make parfait." I say.

"Yeah! Because everyone loves parfait." Sweetie said. I find a big cup thing to make the parfait.


"Parfait made!" I said.

(This is parfait.)

Sweetie clapped her hands. "Now you have to make a sugary scone and earl grey tea." I groan. It looks like it's time for more timeskips.

Me: what the fuck! How!?

Shut up and Timeskip already.

Me: Damn, why did I have to make you so badass!


Finally I finished everything! "Omg that took an eternity!" I say.

(The scones. I'm sorry for torturing you with food dear reader.)

"Yay I it did!" Sweetie agrees. "Sebastian alert I repeat Sebastian alert!!" I quickly grab my phone and put it back in my pocket. Sebastian came in the kitchen like Sweetie had said. "I see you're finished." Sebastian said.

"No shit Sherlock." I reply. Sebastian ignores my comment. Sebastian starts to put what I made on silver tray. He picked it up and said "Follow me".



Sebastian and I arrive at the dinning room where Ciel was. I stood next to the other servants. I didn't listen to a word Sebastian was saying. Just the reaction of Ciel when he ate my breakfast that I made him. Ciel took a bite of one of my scones. It was silent. Ciel turned to me. "Not bad." He said. FUCK YEAH!!!! I thought. I bent down to adjust my sock when I felt something sharp hit the back of my head. "Shit! What the fuck!?" I exclaim. I pull out a mother fucking dart from the back of my head. That's right, a dart. I angrily turn to Ciel. "Why did you throw that at me!?"

"You should have seen it coming." Said Ciel. I was about to kick Ciel's sorry ass when Chie, Omi, Saya, and Saori walked in. "Sorry we're late Saori got stuck in a tree." Chie explains. Everyone gave Chie confused looks. "Please don't ask." The girls walk over to me. "You alright?" Omi asks me quietly.

"No!!!!!" I exclaim. In a fit of anger I throw the dart at Ciel. Then out of nowhere Sebastian caught it before it hit Ciel. "Markku now isn't the time for playing games." Sebastian said. The atmosphere was tense nobody spoke. I cocked my head. "Really?" I said in a sweet voice. "I thought it was time to play hit people with darts!!" My mind slowly started to slip. My fingers clenched into fist and my pupils widened. A creepy smile formed on my face. "Okay. I understand." I say.

Narrator POV

Markku cocked her with a deafening crack. "I'm sorry Ciel." Markku says. Markku's voice was soft and sweet. Too sweet....Waaaaaay too sweet. Creepy almost. Oh what the fuck Markku's voice is creepy af! Markku set her head in the right position which resulting in another crack. She straightened up making all the the bones in her body go crack, crack, crack. Markku clenched and unclenched her fingers making more cracking noises. Everyone (minus Sebastian) looked at her with fear. Yup even Ciel was scared, but he didn't show it. "A-are you okay Ms.Markku?" Finny asks. Markku look at him. "Oh yes I'm fine! I'm just a little...Cold. Yeah, cold." Markku replies. (Me: cue creepy doll music) Markku cocked her head with a crack. "Why wouldn't I be fine?"

"U-um never mind forget what I said." Finny said.

"Okay." Markku sing-songs.

*A very very creepy Timeskip...*

The girls are standing in front of a closed door. Inside they can hear things breaking and Markku screaming. "What's wrong with her?" Saya wondered.

"She didn't tell you?" Said Sweetie. The phone was in front of them. The girls shook their heads no. "Markku is a yangire."

A what?" Chie asks.

"A yangire is like a yandere but instead of killing for love they kill when they get really scared, stressed, or irritated." Sweetie explained. "Have you ever heard about Markku going home from school early?"

"Actually yeah." Chie said. "If I remember this correctly our social studies teacher announced a test and the same day our science teacher announced a quiz. Markku was more aggressive and snapping at people more. I remember her going to the front office and she never came back. A secretary went in our homeroom to get her things. Markku also didn't show up at the treehouse after school."

"Yes. Because Markku couldn't be around people at the time." Sweetie explains.

"Why didn't she tell us?" Saori asks. "We could've helped her."

"She probably thought we wouldn't want to be friends if we found out." Omi said. An ear piercing scream sounded in the room, then it was silent. "Oh no! What if Markku killed herself!?" Saya exclaimed. The girls opened the door and found Markku hugging her knees to her chest with her face down. Markku looked up with puppy dog eyes crying.

(So cute.)

"I need a hug!" She sobbed.

"We'll give you a hug!!" The twins cried. The others followed Saya and Saori and hugged Markku. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys!" Markku sobs. "I didn't want you to abandon me!"

"Are you stupid or something?" Said Saori. "We would never abandon you!"

"Yeah. no matter what!" Omi said.

"Thanks guys. You're true friends." Marrku said.

(This is Markku's face)

"Hey guys." Saori said.

"Yes." Chie said.

"What's gonna happen if Sebastian finds out?" The girls did the classic anime 'eh'. "Shit, I forgot!" Markku says. "Now I have to face Sebastian!" Markku recalled the first episode of Black Butler. "Yup i'm dead!"

"If Sebastian's gonna face one of us he's gonna face all of us!" Chie exclaims.

"This is super sweet and all but we need to bolt before Sebby finds us." Markku reminds them. The others nodded. "You're lucky. Sebastian is on the other side of the mansion." Sweetie said. The phone is still on so Sweetie saw what happened.

"Okay guys let's go!" Markku said. The girls ran out the destroyed room. Markku laughs. "What's so funny?" Saya asks. Markku looks at Saya and says. "Sebastian is gonna be so pissed when he finds out!"

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