Close to Heaven

By ElizabethAshdown

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Ada Greenwood, during her senior year of high school, is not looking for her life to change. It comes unexpec... More

Close to Heaven
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

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By ElizabethAshdown

Chapter 15


‘You look so cute when you laugh.’ Clay says, smiling and looking across to me, just after he made a joke, causing me to laugh hysterically.

‘Aww, thanks.’ I say, nudging him on the shoulder, ‘well, isn’t it good you can make me laugh.’

He shakes his head, smiling, not taking the compliment like he should. As it’s true, he really can make me laugh. We sit in his car in the lot outside school. There’s hundreds of kid’s streaming past us heading for class, but I don’t want to join them. I just want to stay here with Clay. He makes me so happy, it’s impossible. I smile back at him and lean across to kiss his cheek quickly.

It could have been an incredibly usual Monday morning, except that I woke up today with his arms around me, in his bed, in his house. And then he drove me to school. So, today is the opposite of a usual day. I love that he is here with me, and that he still is – that it wasn’t just a weekend thing.

‘We better get to class.’ He says with a groan, sitting back and frowning a little.

‘Why don’t we just cut?’ I ask, grinning.

He grins wickedly back at me, his eyes glinting in that way that they do. ‘Ada, as much as I’d love to, I need to actually graduate high school, and I’m afraid that if I cut class today to be with you, then there will not be any other day this year when I will not want to do the same.’

I laugh, placing my hand on his knee. ‘What’s one day?’ I say. ‘I’ll make sure we’re back in tomorrow.’ I’ve never actually cut a class before, but it sounds exciting if I could do it with him.

He smiles, his face trying to suppress it, and then shakes his head slowly. ‘No, no, we can’t.’

‘You’re too good.’ I say, sitting back and pouting a little.

‘Oh, really?’ He asks, leaning across again. ‘Well then, you’re not so good.’

‘Am I not?’ I ask, looking up at him.

‘No, because you know how I feel about you when you start to pout.’ He kisses me quickly. ‘And you are certainly doing it now.’

I smile. ‘Okay. So, if we’re not going to cut class, we better get going, otherwise the next time we meet will be in the principal’s office . . . again.’ He laughs and watches me as I get out the car. I close the door behind me and watch him as he reaches into the back seat for his rucksack.

The minute he’s out the car he walks straight over to me and puts his arm across my shoulders. ‘The next time we meet will be in the cafeteria at lunch, where I can show off what a beautiful girl I have on my arm.’ He laughs at my reaction of lightly hitting him on the arm.

‘I’m afraid I may get quite a few dirty looks today.’

‘Why’s that?’ He asks, pushing open the door in front of us and letting me walk through ahead of him into the building.

Because, when you weren’t here for most of the week last week, all I was hearing were girls talking about the new guy. And oh, isn’t he gorgeous.’ I laugh. ‘I mean, I had no idea what they were talking about.’ I say grinning.

‘Your words pain me.’ He says, feigning sadness and putting his hand to his chest. Then he smiles and kisses my forehead. ‘I’m in here, unfortunately.’ He gestures to a history room and frowns.

I nod. ‘Okay, yeah, unfortunate, but I'm only down the hall . . . So I guess I’ll see you after class.’

‘Well, I’ll kiss you after class.’ He says, grinning, replacing the word. ‘But, yes, see you in the short space of time between first and second period.’ With that he takes his arm from around me and enters his class, and I hear the teacher call late the instant the door is opened.

I think about just not going to English, I’ll have to sit with Evelyn, and I don’t really feel like it. But then I think about not going and having to sit around doing nothing, and wait for Clay to come out of his class, so I better go. Even if I do have to deal with Evelyn babbling on about whatever.

Although this morning Clay was very obviously walking in with me, and had given me a ride to school, no one I know says anything about it. I don’t want to hear them talking about us or come over and ask me, and I wasn’t expecting it. But then, people do come up to me and talk about something, and then mention the new guy, as if it was still his first day. Everyone’s raving about Gia’s party, and disappointed they didn’t see her brother, or cousin – whatever he is. Like, they literally still know nothing about him. I feel as though I’ve known him my whole life, and hearing it is quite funny. But whenever I hear someone ask whether they know if he’s dating anyone, I never say anything. I don’t know why. I really don’t.

Evelyn speaks to me during English and apologises about her drunken state on Friday, and thanks me for getting her home. Then, she also says sorry about how she was acting with Cole, revealing that she’d apparently already had quite a bit to drink before I picked her up. I did think that.

However, she also warns me that she’s meeting Cole tonight, so that tells me that maybe she wasn’t that drunk, if she’s now arranged a date. I want to warn her about how he was with me on Saturday morning, as she has no idea about that. I haven’t told anyone actually, as I doubt Clay would want to hear about how apparently my ex-boyfriend still has a major thing for me. Even though he stands no chance.

But I think that if I do anything, she’ll just get pissed and tell me I’m being lame or something and lying to her. So I stay quiet, but I’ll call her tonight to find out how it goes. Maybe he’s nice to her though, and maybe it could work out. Maybe they could change each other somehow. I know it’s a big maybe, but I can still try and root for it or something.

The good thing about it, though, is that she actually seems a little nervous about this date – which is incredibly unlike her. And I think that’s a good sign.

I walked out of English with her, but as soon as we crossed the threshold into the hall, she was off in a different direction, and didn’t even say anything to me. I met up with Clay anyway, who had been standing outside the door when we came out. He did what he said he’d do the next time he saw me, and we got a raised voice from a nearby teacher for kissing in the corridor. Apparently it’s not allowed – although you see people doing it every single day. Clay just laughed and wrapped his arm around me, walked me to class and then arranged where to meet in the cafeteria later.


It’s now lunch and I'm standing by the big double doors in the cafeteria, but he’s still not here. I’ve been here a little while now as well. Evelyn walks past me with Idris after a few minutes.

‘Hey, Ada.’ Idris says as they walk past, linked arms and everything.

‘Hey, guys.’ I say, smiling. They stop a few feet in front of me.

‘Coming?’ Evelyn asks, nodding over to our usual table.

I must just stare at them or something, as they start laughing. But I’m just trying to figure out whether I want to introduce them to Clay properly or not.

‘Ada?’ Evelyn says, ‘are you planning on sitting with someone else?’

‘Um, maybe?’ I say, still undecided.

‘And who would that be?’ She asks, turning to Idris, whilst he’s staring at me, a knowing look on his face.

‘Ada, here, has found herself a date.’ Idris says, grinning.

I look away, going slightly pink, I didn’t even mention him to Evelyn earlier, now she’ll be confused.

‘Come on Ada.’ Evelyn says, reaching backward and grabbing my arm.  She pulls quite hard so I lunge forward after her as she makes her way to our table. ‘Tell everything. Who is this guy?’ She asks, sitting me down on a chair.

She sits down opposite and gestures to the seat beside her for Idris, who is following on behind. Feeling pleased with himself that he’s more in the know than she is, which is an unusual occurrence. I suddenly feel all flustered, she however looks as if she put make up on and did her hair just moments ago. She never looks flustered. She smiles and her lips are painted a soft pink and her teeth are really white. I watch them both, Idris staring at her, and smiling at her smile. It’s so damn cute, it’s so annoying I can’t say anything about it.

‘Ada!’ Evelyn says. ‘Snap out of this daze and fucking spill will you? Why didn’t you tell me this morning.’

I finally manage to start talking, and take my eyes off both of them and just look towards Evelyn. ‘Um, it’s that guy.’

Her eyes widen, ‘the new guy?’ She says really loudly.

I nod, slowly, trying to hide a smile.

‘What? And you didn’t tell me?’ She turns to Idris now too. ‘And you didn’t either?!’ She cries, pushing him lightly on the shoulder. He just shrugs. She throws her hands up in exasperation, turning back to me. ‘Ada!’ She says, a massive grin on her face. ‘Are you dating Clayton Harris?’

I pull a little grimace, trying to duck away from her scrutiny.

‘I’ve known you long enough to read your mind, Ada, I can see it in those bright, bright eyes of yours!’ I look up at her now, and she’s still staring. ‘Talk, you fool! Did I, or did I not say that he’d be all over you? You looked so freakin’ hot in that dress, there’s no way he wouldn’t have.’

‘Okay . . . Okay.’ I say quietly, not containing my smile. ‘I kinda did spend almost the entire weekend with him.’ I say, shrugging, attempting to pretend it’s not too big of a deal.

‘Oh, I’m so jealous!’ She leans further across the table. ‘You sleep with him?’

‘Evelyn!’ I cry.

‘Oh, gosh, you did!’ She turns back towards Idris, ‘are you hearing this?’

He laughs, and looks at her, catching her gaze a second, ‘I’m hearing you, Ev.’

‘I know, but, Ada!’ She turns back to me, ‘Ada, honey, you must be so into this guy, huh?’

‘Yeah, I really am.’ I say, nodding, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. I instantly reach for it and look away from their stare. It’s Clay.

Where are you, beauty? xx

I smile, and look up from my phone to see if he’s by the door, but then there are a lot of people in here.

‘Is that him?’ Evelyn asks, so excited and almost falling across the table to find out.

Ev grabbed me, so I'm at the table by the salad bar.

‘Hey.’ Clay says, suddenly next to me and pulling up a chair beside me. ‘I couldn’t find you.’ He smiles and I forget all about Evelyn and Idris in front of me, and just stare at him.

‘Hey.’ I say, placing my hand on his arm and mouthing sorry to him. He shrugs quickly and lightly, so hopefully they won’t see. He places his hand on my knee and sits towards the table.

‘So, Ada, are you going to introduce us to your friend?’ I remember they’re there and look across to them. Who have a really bad case of bug eye, and so do a few girls from the table behind them. All watching us. She leans across the table and holds her hand out towards Clay. ‘I'm Evelyn.’ She says putting on her flirty smile and bending down low to show off as much cleavage as her shirt allows. Dear god, girl, what are you doing?

Clay shakes her hand briefly, a little taken aback by her sudden gesture. ‘Clay . . .’ He says wearily, eyeing her as if he’s scared she might suddenly pounce. I certainly get a similar vibe off her, that’s for sure.

‘Oh, don’t be silly. Everyone knows who you are.’ She smiles that smile again. ‘But we’ve only just discovered that you know Ada.’ She says, gesturing to both her and Idris.

Idris smiles, ‘well, technically, I sorta already knew.’ He says, and she just shakes her head, looking back to Clay and I.

‘Oh, okay. Well . . . yes, I know Ada pretty well.’ He says, smiling back at me. Evelyn sits back.

‘So you guys enjoyed the party then?’ She asks, a wry smile on her face.

‘We did.’ We both say at the same time.

They both laugh. Idris leans forward, holding out his hand to Clay, ‘I'm Idris.’ He says. ‘We met outside your conservatory I think?’ He says. ‘Sorry about that, wasn’t myself.’ He says, frowning, then looking to me, apologising again for how he acted.

‘Hey, yeah, I remember.’ Clay says, putting on a smile, but gripping my knee a little tighter, as he clearly didn’t like the way Idris treated me the other night either.

‘So, Clay,’ Evelyn pipes up, ‘how do you like Carnell Falls?’ She leans forward, flicking her hair behind her shoulder as she talks.

‘I love it.’ He says, grinning, and sitting back to put his arm around me. He’s so casual about it, and I see Evelyn instantly pick up on it, but she quickly covers her expression and hides it, looking away from my shoulders and back to his face.

‘What, this place? Why would you love it here?’ She says, she’s always wanted to get out of here.

‘It’s a nice, small town, the scenery is great, the people are great. I just really love it here.’

‘Where were you from originally?’ She asks almost before he finished answering her previous question. So here begins the inquisition.

‘Um . . . San Diego.’ He says, now very wary of her.

‘Why the move?’ She asks. I really don’t want her to be doing this, and I know I'm squirming next to him, desperate to get away from her. Sorry that I'm the one that meant he has to sit through this. But, secretly, annoyingly, I want to know what he’s going to answer to that last one – he barely gave me an answer really.

‘We wanted a change.’ He says, shrugging.

‘That’s not what Gia said.’ Evelyn replies, frowning.

What has Gia said?!

‘Why are you asking then, if you already think you know the answer?’ Clay asks. ‘Anyway, I’m not Gia.’

‘Hey, buddy. She’s just curious.’ Idris says, suddenly being all protective over her.

‘So am I.’ Clay replies, looking at Evelyn.

‘I wanted to hear your side.’ She says.

‘Well I gave it to you.’ He says bluntly.

‘Hey, Evelyn, I was going to ask you. . .’ It’s this girl, Mia, from one of my classes, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her talk to Evelyn before. Yet here she is. ‘Ask you . . . about . . .’ I realise now why she’s here. Every pause is a direct glance towards Clay, directly opposite where she stands.

‘What?’ Evelyn looks up to her.

‘Urh, hey . . . yeah, about Bio, did you find that thing we were looking for?’

‘That what?’

I tune out the conversation, as now Evelyn is no longer talking, Clay’s full attention is back to me.

‘This is too bad.’ He says into my ear. ‘I was hoping we wouldn’t have to sit in the cafeteria. Just meet here.’ I can tell he’s smiling without even looking, but I look anyway, and sure enough he is. And it’s his grin. Mia will be having a field day.

‘Sorry.’ I whisper. ‘She literally grabbed me.’ I gesture under the table towards Evelyn, who is still talking to Mia, although both of them are barely looking at each other.

‘Can we escape?’ He asks, squeezing my shoulder. I grin. Of course, I'm sure I can think of something.

I stand up suddenly and he follows me up. ‘Yeah, so, nice to see you guys. We have to get to a . . . a thing down at the, uh, library.’ I say, taking his hand and moving quickly away from the table, ignoring their shocked expressions.

He’s laughing beside me as we make it out of the cafeteria. ‘Smooth.’ He says, taking my hand and pulling me towards him. He kisses my lips lightly. ‘Hello.’ He says, pulling away and grinning. ‘I only didn’t do that in there as I wasn’t sure what you were telling people.’

‘Oh, please, god, do that again.’ I say giggling. He kisses me again. ‘And next time, just assume everyone knows, even though they don’t, and kiss me anyway.’

‘Okay.’ He says, beaming.

‘Where are we going then?’ I ask.

‘I thought I might take you up on your earlier offer.’ He says grinning cheekily. ‘The day is so incredibly boring without you.’

‘Oh, how did you cope before.’ I say, dramatizing my speech with a shocked expression, and my hand to my heart.

‘I didn’t. I was falling apart. Life sucked before I met you.’ He smiles sincerely and I don’t want to answer with a joke, I just want to smile and register that he just said that to me. ‘So . . . ?’ He asks.

It takes me a second to answer. ‘So, what?’ I ask.

‘Your earlier offer? Does it still stand?’ He’s holding my hand, and beginning to walk backwards towards the doors.

I nod. ‘I think it could.’ It shouldn’t, it really shouldn’t. But it’s Clay and I don’t want to spend any moment of my life now, not with him.

‘Yeah?’ He asks, going a little further.

‘It shouldn’t.’ I say, shaking my head.

‘No.’ He says screwing up his face into a frown and shaking his head as well. ‘Definitely not.’ He suddenly grins. ‘But let’s do it anyway.’

I look back down the hall, vaguely towards where my next class will be. ‘Fuck it.’ I say, walking over to him and grinning. ‘Let’s do this.’

‘Let’s do this.’ He says, mocking me.

‘I haven’t done this before!’ I say defensively.

‘Yeah, I worked that much out.’ He says grinning and pushing open the door in front of us.

We walk out into the kids all sitting around benches eating lunch, and join the stream of people walking over to the lot. ‘Have you then?’ I ask.

‘Have I what?’

‘Skipped?’ I say, whispering it into his ear.

‘Maybe . . .’ He says, grinning cheakily.

‘I see.’ I say, laughing.

‘So, do you feel, like, really rebellious right now?’ He asks, kissing my temple.

‘A little, yeah.’ I laugh, shaking my head. ‘Although I do realise that I'm not.’

‘Good.’ We reach the lot and work our way through the cars to get to where we parked this morning. He opens my door when we reach it and holds it open for me, gesturing inside. ‘My darling.’ He says, with that smile lighting up his features.

‘Why thank you.’ I say, sliding in. He closes the door after me and walks around the back to get to his side.

I wait a minute and he still hasn’t got in. I look round, confused, as surely it doesn’t take that long. It doesn’t, he’s been side tracked. He stands beside some other guys’ car, constantly looking back to his own, but still listening to what this other guy has to say. I’ve seen him around before, but I don’t know his name. He seems rather enthusiastic though, trying to tell Clay something. He must catch his attention, as suddenly Clay’s looking back to him and smiling. The other guy makes an expression of astonishment, then gestures cutting his throat. Clay laughs and shakes his head. He looks back to me, and he obviously won’t be able to see me looking, but I smile anyway.

I look away and face forward, and moments later his door is opening.

‘Sorry.’ He says, sliding in next to me and putting the keys in the ignition.

‘That’s okay.’ I say smiling. ‘Who was that?’

‘Oh, just Ian from my shop class.’

‘I thought I recognised him.’ Ian Fowely, I have never wanted to know him.

‘You know him?’ He asks, looking away from the stereo he’d been fiddling with and back to me.

‘Well, no, not really. I just remember back in freshman year, he was this guy who started this petition or something.’

‘Really? A petition for what?’

‘Oh, it was pretty stupid.’ I say, but actually it was awful and made almost every girl at this school hate him. Evelyn was second on this list he created that ranked girls in order of attractiveness. That was not a good few weeks. She hated everyone for a long time after that, and wouldn’t talk to me for ages. Yeah, so I didn’t score bellow her. I told her it was some stupid guy thing that didn’t mean anything, but she still hated it. That kind of kick started the new Evelyn that everyone knows today. I figured they just wanted to humiliate us, and they did the exact thing that pissed both of us off.

‘Oh, shit, no, it wasn’t that awful ranking thing was it?’ He asks.

‘Yeah.’ I say frowning.

‘Oh, sorry, it didn’t sound like it had as great a turn out as he wanted it to.’

‘It upset a lot of girls, yeah, and then some of their boyfriends.’

He looks across to me, frowning. ‘Not you though?’ He asks, concerned.

‘Well, a little, as it kind of put a thing between Ev and I for a while, but we got over it.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’

‘It wasn’t you. He was a freshman, it was stupid. It’s fine.’

‘I can imagine that the rank you got probably made it worse for you rather than better right?’ He says, getting it spot on.

I nod. ‘Yeah, didn’t enjoy those few weeks very much.’

‘Although, and I know you don’t want to hear it, but you should be off the chart. Way above any of the girls here.’

‘Clay, don’t. It really hurt a lot of the girls here.’ I smile, ‘but thanks.’

He nods and looks away.

‘Sorry. Let’s forget about it.’ I place my hand on his knee. ‘Some guys, it seems, can be . . . can be very judgemental, and it normally doesn’t help any of the girls involved. I know you’re not like that. I know you’re not.’ He looks back to me. ‘I know you were just being your normal self, trying to make everything better.’ I smile. ‘Sorry I reacted like that.’

‘Shall we get going then.’ He pauses and looks back to me. ‘Before that god awful bell rings and people notice that we don’t start walking back to class.’ He smiles and places his hand on my knee. ‘Sorry about that, Ada.’

‘About what?’ I ask, grinning.

‘You’re too nice to me.’

‘No . . . no, I don’t think I am. I think that’s just how you should be treated. Clay, you are wonderful.’ I smile and he follows, doing the same, placing a kiss on my temple.

‘So are you, Ada.’

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