Rebels of the Night

By rockingirl07

6.3K 123 40

The Lights and Shadows has had a rivalry since the beginning of time. You don't choose whether you go into th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
420 Reads!!
Authors Note
Author's Note
Mini Chapter
Author's Note
Its Out!

Chapter 4

293 7 2
By rockingirl07

"So those are sunglasses?" Peggy asked pointing to John's face.
"Hm? Oh, yeah- see." John took them off his face and held them closer to Peggy so she could look at them. Her eyes went straight to his.
"John, what the fuck happened to your face- are you okay?" Unknowingly, Peggy reached out to caress his face and touch his eye, but John stepped backwards out of her reach. Peggy realized what she just tried to do and brought her hand back to her body, looking around. Luckily, no one saw.
"Oh my gosh John, I'm so sorry. Instincts."
"It's fine."
"So, uh, what happened?"
"I, uh, got in a fight." Peggy looked at him concerned, her facial expression telling him to keep talking.
"Just some asshole named Charles Lee- he and his two buds jumped me in the alley about two weeks ago" John explained. Peggy gasped, genuinely surprised. Things like this never happened to the Lights.
"But yeah, that's all" John finished off, surprising himself at the end. He felt so comfortable around her, and it scared him that he could tell her about this fight. There was a connection between them, and John didn't like it. But at the same time, he loved it.

Five weeks after the fight~

"John, why's your phone screen so fucking bright- like what the hell? Turn the brightness down or some shit."
"I'm texting Peggy and it just does this." John was back on the couch, smiling at his phone.
"So are you glad I made you go?" Alex asked smirking. John didn't respond.
"Admit it bro!"
"Shut up!"

"Peggy, you know your phone is off right?"
"It's not. I'm texting John."
"Why's it so dark?" Peggy shrugged, smiling and blushing at her phone.
"Happy that I dragged you out?"
"A little..."
"Peggy's got a boyfriend, Peggy's got a boyfriend!"
"Please shut the fuck up."


"In this world, you are either born a Light or Shadow. You are born what you are for a reason. Miss Kathrine?"
"Um, is there a way a Light or Shadow could give birth to the opposite side? Like a Light make a Shadow?"
"There's a possibility, but it's very low. Continuing on, Lights are the good in the world. We are the future. We have the ideas, technology, power to help our world and our people. Shadows...not so much. They are said to be selfish and reckless- horrible human beings that are to create problems. It is like this; we are the virtues, they are the sins. It's not as good in Night as it is here in Day. They don't have the intelligence or the technology and money to make an impact in the world, but the ones that found a way- which we'll learn about in future lessons- impacted it in terrible ways- Miss Elizabeth?"
"Why don't we help them?" There was a collective gasp.
"Can you explain your question Miss Elizabeth?"
"Well, you said they aren't well funded and then the ones who found a way did some bad things, why don't we help them? Like, give them education about how to be good and make good things, so then they won't do the bad."
"That right there is a dangerous idea Miss Schuyler. Shadows are Shadows. It's in their genes to be like who they are- or what other beliefs you may have. They are like that and no Light can even change it. Before class is out, remember this; you are what you are for a reason. Find it. And whatever you do, don't jump the Fence."

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