Pokemon-A Legendary Stone (Po...

By AurorusChan

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13 year old Sapphire has been living a life of secrets and no independence. The secrets are known to her and... More

Copyright Thing
Prologue: A Stormy Night
Chapter 1: A Little Help from a Friend
Chapter 2: Escape
Chapter 3: A Paige of a Story
Chapter 4: To Catch a Pokemon
Chapter 5: Knowledge and Power
Chapter 6: Enter Team Aqua
Chapter 7: A Storm at Sea
Chapter 9: Granite Cave
Chapter 10: Team Magma
Chapter 11: An Electric Shock
Chapter 12: A Strong New Power
Chapter 13: The Fires Grow Stronger
Chapter 14: An Old Friend and a New Enemy
Chapter 15: Old Fears
Chapter 16: Enter the Boss
Chapter 17: Remembrance
Pokemon Character Bios
Chapter 18: Time to Leave
Chapter 19: Team Aqua Appears
Chapter 20: Father VS Daughter
Chapter 21: Flying High
Chapter 22: The Fires of Mt Pyre
Chapter 23: Magma Hideout
Chapter 24: A Warning
Chapter 25: The Stone
Author's Note: The Thoughts and Many Others Things About "A Legendary Stone"
Chapter 26: What's the Reason
Chapter 27: A Dark Secret
Chapter 28: The Coldhearted Man
Chapter 29: A Strong Mind
Chapter 30: One Condition
Chapter 31: A Man of His Word
Chapter 32: Shelter From the Storm
Chapter 33: Sootopolis City
Chapter 34: The Cave of Origin
Chapter 35: The Orb Guardians
Chapter 36: Turning Tides
Chapter 37: The Pokedex Trio
Chapter 38: Revenge is Not Everything
Chapter 39: Things Change
Chapter 40: The Draconid Lore
Chapter 41: The Sacrifice
Chapter 42: Primal Powers
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 43: Unbreakable Will
Chapter 44: The Elite Four
Chapter 45: The Final Battle
Epilogue: A New Journey

Chapter 8: A Pokemon Brawl

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By AurorusChan

Really?! When did I start updating again? Oh wait, I just started. Yeah, I pretty much take the elements of my chapters that I wrote by hand on my free time in a spiral notebook or two and then I revamp them, just like I am doing to my hack. Yes, I'm making a hack of Pokemon Emerald... Well, I really hope that I don't disappear on you guys again. All I know is that its going to take a while to finish this for you guys since I wrote about 40 chapters to this story, so yeah. I hope you guys all enjoy this my fellow peepz/readers. ^.^


My thoughts were enveloped in darkness. The person's voice kept playing in my head as I tried to think where I had heard it before. Eventually my Dad's Gym came to mind, but that couldn't be right could it? Then I saw myself in my Dad's Gym on the sidelines of the battlefield with Crimson, still a Poochyena, and me wearing my orange and green outfit, so it must've been at least a few months ago, like three. On the battlefield all I could see was my Dad's Slaking lying there in defeat, then I remembered that it was my first time seeing my father loose to a challenger. I couldn't see the challenger or their Pokemon though for some reason. Before I could try and figure out who they were I woke up and tumbled to the ground with a *THUD*.

I got up and looked at my surroundings to see a small room with only a bed, a small dresser, and a door on the other side of the room. My shoes were on the floor so I put them on and then walked over to the dresser where my pack was sitting. My bandana was there too with my Poke Balls sitting on top of it. I could see that everyone was asleep inside so I tapped on their Poke Balls to wake them up.

Crimson yawned and stretched inside hers moving the ball a bit while Paige just opened her eyes and Kipz opened his eyes and tried to get out of his, so I let him out and let him sit on my shoulder. Then I checked my pack, the Stone badge was still there, everything else was just fine,not wet or anything. I then put Paige and Crimson's Poke Balls in there and strapped my pack around my waist. When I started to tie my bandana I heard the door open and I turned around to see a yellow Pokemon walking in side. It yelled, "Come here! She's awake!" and then a young man came walking in. His sky blue hair stood out from his orange shirt but he looked pretty in shape.

"I see you're finally awake," he said.

His voice wasn't the same as the person who dragged me out of the ocean.

"I was a little worried when Makuhita found you passed out on the beach this morning."

"I was passed out on the beach? But, someone dragged me out of the ocean," I said bewildered looking at Kipz.

"Don't look at me, I don't know anything about what you guys are talking about."

"So you say that someone dragged you out of the ocean, huh? Well I believe you, but then why did Makuhita find you on the beach?"

The guy did have a point, why would I be on the beach when someone dragged me out of the ocean?

'Um, well, thanks for finding me," I said awkwardly.

"Don't thank me, thank Makuhita. Oh, by the way, my name's Brawly."

"Oh, I'm Sapphire, and this is Kipz."

"Nice to meet you," Kipz said.

"Well, are you sure you're up for a battle?" Brawly asked.

"Uh, what?"

"I saw that you have the Stone Badge, so that means that you'll want to challenge me for the knuckle Badge, correct?"

"You're the Gym Leader?!" I exclaimed.

"Yup! So are you up for it even though your leg looks pretty bad."

I looked down at my leg to see it all scratched up. It did't hurt anymore, so I should've been just fine.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Where's the Gym?"

"We're in it. The battlefield is just down this hallway-"

"Okay thanks! " I said quickly before I started running down the hallway.

I was super excited, I just wanted to battle so badly since my Pokemon and I had trained so hard for this battle. Eventuaaly I came to a room with the battlefieild in it, but this one was much different than Roxanne's. This one had sand on it and a small moat surrounding it, not deep though. There was a plank to cross it, but I didn't need that. I just jumped over the moat and went to one side of the field and waited for Brawly.

"Sapphire, I won't fight in this battle. I really don't want to," Kipz said.

"That's fine, I'll just have the others go."


It wasn't much longer until Brawly and his Makuhita came in and walked over to the other side of the battlefield.

"I see that you really want to battle, Well, I won't be a pushover," Brawly said.

"I know, and neither will I!"

"Good. We'll use two Pokemon and when one of them faints then that'll decide the winner."

"That's fine by me."

"Alright! Go Machop!"

Brawly threw a Poke Ball and his Machop came out in blue and white lights. Machop and Makuhita were both fighting types from checking the Pokedex, so Crimson was going to be in some trouble. Although, Makuhita appeared to be Brawly's strongest Pokemon so Crimson would be a good first choice against Machop.

"Okay Crimson, let's go!"

Crimson came out of her Poke Ball ready to go with full energy.

"Hmmm... A dark type? Well, I guess I'll have to see you're strategy first before I assume you're at a disadvantage. Okay Machop, use Karate Chop!"

Machop's fist glowed and slammed it hard into Crimson. Just then Machop staggered backwards and fell to the ground. It got up but it could barely stand just like Crimson who  took a lot of damage from the attack.

"I see, you used Counter," Brawly said returning Machop to its Poke Ball.

"Yup. I had Crimson learn it just in case," I said recalling Crimson back.

"Well looks like this battle is now going to get interesting now. Now Makuhita!"

Makuhita went onto the field ready to go. I had read on the Pokedex that Makuhita would store up energy in order for them to evolve during battle, so Paige and I would have to watch out for that.

"Go Paige!" I said calling her out of her Poke Ball.

She landed on the field and just said nothing.

"Alright Paige, String Shot!"

Paige fired three white threads from her body and they wrapped around Makuhita's arms.

"Makuhita, throw Silcoon!"

Then Makuhita used it's whole body and threw Paige  onto the ground.

"Paige, Tackle!"

Paige used the threads that were still on Makuhita and used them as momentum to hurl herself into Makuhita. Makuhita just got up and threw Paige using the treads again.

"You're not bad Sapphire, but we know how to roll with it so that's why we're able to use your attacks against you," Brawly said, "Now I think its time. Makuhita, use Cross Chop!"

Makuhita broke out of the threads and started charging at Paige.

"Paige, use Harden!"

Paige's body stiffened just as Makuhita's attack made it mark. She didn't even feel a thing from it.

"Is that all you got?" she asked.

"I like how well your Silcoon is holding up. Its like Makuhita, they're both just absorbing the attacks without feeling a thing."

"Yup, which is exactly why I sent her out against Makuhita," I said, "Now Paige, Tackle!"

Paige hurled herself into Makuhita, but this time she was caught.

"Now use Vital Throw Makuhita!"

Makuhita then rolled backwards onto his back and threw Paige at the wall.

"Paige! Are you alright!?"

This wasn't good, she really had taken a lot of damage from this attack.

"Well, it seems like this battle is over-"

Just then both Paige and Makuhita started to glow and change shape. They were both evolving! When they stopped I checked out their information to see that they were called Beautifly and Hariyama.

"Wow! That's great Paige! You evolved!" I said.

"Well, now that you've evolved Hariyama, I geuss this is where the real battle begins."

"Yup! Okay Paige, Poison Sting!"

"Hariyama! Blow it back with Whirlwind!"

Hariyama started moving its huge hands creating a huge wind blowing away the needles that Paige had fired from her proboscis.

"Okay! Paige, use Gust!"

Paige started whipping up a strong wind from her wings which collieded with the Whirlwind creating a huge wind storm that went around in a circular motion. It was whipping up sand  and water making it hard to see what was going on. I felt Kipz cowering on my shoulder out of fear so I knew I had to end this quickly.

"Paige, use Poison Sting!"

I saw Paige fire her Poison Sting and watched as it got sucked up into the winds. Eventually the winds died down because it affected both of the Pokemon's stanima.

"Now Hariyama, use Arm Thrust!"

"Paige, use Gust!"

Paige blew a stong wind at Hariyama knocking it off of its feet and onto the ground defeated.

"Wow, that was something. I'm impressed Sapphire," Brawly said.

"Thanks", I said as Paige landed on my head all worn out.

Brawly then walked over to Hariyama and before he recalled it back he plucked something out of its hand.

"Now I can see why Hariyama was worn out more than your Beautifly. It was from this," he said handing me a small needle.

It was from Paige's Poison Sting, which meant that one small needle did hit Hariyama and poisoned it.

"Well, I can't complain. Thanks for the great battle Sapphire," Brawly said handing me the Knuckle Badge.

"Thanks, well I had fun but I need to go now," I said returning Paige to her Poke Ball.

"What's the rush?"

"I need to head to Granite Cave," I said as I clipped the Knuckle Badge next to the Stone Badge.

"Well, if you want to know where it is thenit shold be just north of the Gym here."

"Alright, thanks Brawly," I said as Kipz and I exited the Gym.

"So now we have to find this Steven guy, right?" asked Kipz.

"Yup, oh! I almost forgot!"

I sent Crimson and Paige out so I could heal them and then I put them back in their Poke Balls.

"Now, let's go."


Sapphire's team so far...

Crimson-Poochyena (Female)     LV 17     Ability-Run Away     Nature-Adamant

Moves-Counter, Tackle, Howl, and Bite

Kipz-Mudkip (Male)     Lv 15     Ability-Torrent     Nature-Hasty

Moves-Tackle, Water Gun, Mud Slap, and Double Team

Paige-Beautifly (Female)     LV 14     Ability-Swarm     Nature-Quiet

Moves-Tackle, Poison Sting, String Shot, and Gust

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