Roll The Dice

By TheMcGraws

16.6K 562 10

Faith's a single mom with 2 teenagers and a model not looking for a man until she presents at an award show a... More

Hallway Encounters
Nice To Meet You?
Secrets Uncovered
Tread Lightly
Just Be You
Blast From The Past
What Do We Do?
Low All Afternoon
The Red Carpet
The Long Way
Not My Girlfriend
The Talk
Something Different
After The Show
Just Breathe
This Is Tim
After Show Ritual
Nonsense or Entertainment
Chose a Good One
Car Conversations
You'll Love Her
Freaked Out
Told You So
It's Gonna Be Fine
Mama Perry
Papa Perry
Good to You?
Welcome To The Family
3 Words
Paris Fashion Week
Pre Show
My Best Friend
Album Of The Year
The Easier Two
The Other Two
Bridge Questions

My Life Story

372 12 0
By TheMcGraws

Faith POV:
As I turned back towards Tim I was not prepared for what he was about to ask me.
"You have kids!?" He asked and I swear all color drained from my face. Nice going taking that phone call right here Faith.
"Yeah I have 2 teenage girls" I said before taking a long sip of wine preparing to tell my life story. "I try to keep them out of the spotlight as much as I can but it's not exactly the easiest thing when you're the highest paid model and a single mom"
"You deserve a medal! God knows my mom does. I completely understand why you want to shield them from the spotlight. It's what I would do if I had kids."
"Well I appreciate it. They're good girls, when they're not trying to sell each other's things on eBay." I said rolling my eyes.
"I'm gonna go off on a limb and guess that's what your phone call was about. Not to pry"
"You guessed it! My 13 year old likes to try and sell my 15 year olds stuff when she's being I quote 'annoying'. Oh the joys of having teenagers" I said with a small laugh.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to their dad?" He asked the inevitable question.
"Well do you want the story I originally told my girls when it happened or the true story? Either one you choose I'm gonna need more wine" I said before finishing my glass.
"The true story, I guess" he said confused on which to choose.
"Settle in because it's story time. My ex didn't like that I worked as much as I did when the girls were younger, specifically when they were 5 & 3 which leads us to the beginning of our story. It was the peak of my career, almost every week we were in a different city for either a fashion show or a photo shoot. My ex and I would fight almost every night because he thought I was working to much and not being a mom enough, but any way we were all in Paris for fashion week. The girls were with the nanny during the show and during the after party, he had decided to leave the party early, telling me he was tired. Well plot twist, when I went up to our room I found him in bed with one of the models that was newer to the industry and come to find out they were hooking up for weeks. I told him that when we got back he had 2 weeks to get out of my house. He could see the girls as much as he wanted but I wanted a divorce, and that is the end of today's story time." I said by taking a long sip of my second glass of wine.
"Wow, ok. That was exactly the story I was expecting. Your ex was clearly an idiot to lose such a beautiful woman and what I'm sure are some beautiful and smart girls that look like their mama" he said and I couldn't help but look down and blush at his words.
"Well thank you, they aren't exactly my twins but they look more like me than him. I feel bad for them because he doesn't really talk to them, only on their birthday and holidays." Why is it so easy to talk to him, wasn't it just a few hours ago I was completely disgusted with him??
"That's definitely his loss" he said taking a sip of his beer.
"They're going to be my plus one or well plus two, tomorrow night. So you'll probably meet them since I'm pretty sure they plan to try and meet everyone they possibly can." I said slightly rolling my eyes. "As much as I would love to continue telling you my life story, I have to go pick up my dress for tomorrow" I said looking at my watch. "Maybe once I deal with some hungry, shopaholic teenagers and pick up out dresses, we could grab another drink later?" I offer. Faith, what are you doing this is completely nuts, you would never do this just a few days ago!
"I'd love that, let me give you my number" he said writing it down on a napkin and handing it to me.
"I'll talk to you later" I said grabbing the napkin and walking out of the bar, giving him a small wave.

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