When two souls meet

By Dr_Marco_PHDT

2K 64 5

College Sophomore Marco Diaz was ready for something new in his life, bored of his everyday. But with his new... More

Chapter 1: Marco
Chapter 2: Star
Chapter 3: Right down the hall
Chapter 4: STARved
Chapter 5: "Sorry"
Chapter 6: Damnit Oskar
Chapter 7: What now?
Chapter 8: Warmth
Chapter 9: Am I allowed to care?

Chapter 10: Besties

227 9 4
By Dr_Marco_PHDT

                                                                   Saturday January 18th     8:12PM

     Star woke up with the light from her window shining on her eyes, everything was a bit blurry and she had a bit of a headache, no doubt from how much she had drank. She pulled her arm and her leg from around Marco, sitting up on the edge of her bed, stretching a bit. "Man, last night was really crazy. I'm so surprised that Marco did that for me..." She turned and looked at Marco, he was still in a deep sleep, but he seemed to be comfortable. Star gently set her hand on his cheek, running her thumb over the band-aid that was covering the cut Oskar had given him last night, she sighed and kissed his cheek softly and whispered. "Thank you, Marco. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't show up." After that she grabbed her phone and walks to the bathroom, seeing that Moon had texted her earlier this morning. "Hello darling, how was your Friday night? Did you do anything fun?" Star looked at the text and frowned, knowing that she couldn't tell her mother the true outcome of last night. Instead she decided to tell a little fib, wanting her mother to think everything was great. "Hey!! I had a great night, my friends took to a party, I'm safe in my room now, and I may have a possible boyfriend?" Star wasn't sure if that was part of the lie or not. Marco was a great friend, and someone that she could trust with anything. But was he someone that she could see herself with? Star bit her lip while she thought, but felt her phone vibrate, she looked and saw it was another message from her mother. "That sounds like a lot of fun, and I'm glad you were safe and went back to your room. Just be careful with this boy you're talking about, sometimes boys can act one way until they get you to like them, and then change after they've gotten you in their grasp. Make sure you make a good decision when the time comes." Star was both interested and annoyed, she had heard the 'boys change' speech at least a hundred times, but this time.... It made more sense to her. Could Marco be a completely different person behind all of this? No, he's too sweet all the time, he has only gotten mad twice that she had seen, the time that he called her stupid.... and the other time when he gave Oskar a black eye.... Maybe he was different behind that cute smile. Star groaned and started a hot shower, looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled a bit and admired herself for a moment before hanging Marco's hoodie up and undressing, getting into the shower.

     After a few minutes of letting the hot water hit her body, Star decided it was time to actually clean herself, covering herself with her body wash and washing it off quickly, leaving her smelling of mint. She then got to the hassle of her hair, lathering it with shampoo, as she was preparing to rinse her hair of the shampoo, she heard a knock at the door. She knew it had to be Marco, so she was very relaxed in answering, "Yeah, what's up?" After a moment she heard Marco's voice, but muffled by the door and the sounds of the shower, "Star? did... did anything happen last night? I don't remember a whole lot." Star giggled and washed out her hair, wanting Marco to suffer a bit for the answer, she got all the shampoo from her hair and let out a happy sigh. "No Marco, nothing happened last night. Well, not between you and me anyway. I'll just explain it all when I'm out of the shower, okay?" Marco didn't answer and went back to Star's bed, sitting there waiting for her to get out of the shower. Star conditioned her hair and let the hot water warm her body a bit more before she quickly shaved her legs and got out, coming out of the bathroom wearing only her towel and holding Marco's hoodie. "Thanks for letting me wear this last night, I was just cold." She tossed it to him and opened the door to her closet, walking in and searching for something to wear for the day, she LOVED wearing dresses, but today was more casual. Maybe just a pair of jeans and a tee shirt? Maybe Marco would let me wear his sweater again, I like wearing it, it smells like him. Star didn't realize she was smiling like and idiot as she exited the closet for her underwear, Marco saw her face and chuckled a bit. "What's got you so happy?" Star hardly realized that Marco was still there and jumped a bit, turning around and looking at him. "Oh, just ummm..... I was thinking about..... puppies, and how much I'd love to have one, but the dumb rules in this building don't allow it sooo." Star quickly turned back around and went into her closet, smacking her palm to her forehead, mumbling to herself. "Really Star? Puppies? You're such an idiot." She shook her head and started to get dressed, pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a blue tee shirt, thinking that Marco's red hoodie would look good over it. As she left the closet though, she saw Marco was already wearing his hoodie again and her smile quickly drooped down into a frown.

     Marco stood up from her bed, handing her a brush for her hair and saw her face. "Oh, it's okay Star, you can still get a dog at home and go see him on the weekend, don't be sad." Star looked up at him and giggle a bit, but it was sweet that he had found her hairbrush in the mess of the bathroom, and that he was worried about her being sad. "No, my mother would hate if I just brought home a dog. I guess I'll just have to wait until I have my own apartment or something." Star shrugged and started brushing her hair, walking and sitting down on her bed, kicking her feet a bit, looking over to Marco. "So I was planning on running to the store, I'd love some company if you aren't too busy today?" She had tried to make it seem like she didn't mind either way, but in her head, she was repeatedly saying, "Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes." She needed more one on one time with Marco before she could figure out what she wanted of him, and this was a perfect opportunity for exactly that. Marco shrugged and smiled, "I didn't have plans today, but I'll need to change first, and clean up my face again." Star smiled a bit again, now she'd be able to see how Marco is when he's just with her. "Okay, well..... I'm ready to go, so let's go get you looking cut- nice." Star set her brush down and stood, looking at Marco with her cheeks stained with pink. Marco just chuckled and turned towards the door, waiting for Star before he left. She grabbed her wallet, phone and car keys before following Marco out the door and to his room, sitting down on his bed, waiting for him. He hung his hoodie on the closet door and walked in, Star saw this as her chance and snuck over to the closet, snatching the hoodie and pulling it on, instantly being surrounded by the smell of Marco's cologne. She took in a deep breathe and smiled big, closing her eyes and feeling comfortable, felling almost.... safe. She went and sat on his small couch and snuggled herself into the corned of the seat, watching the closet for when Marco came back.

     After a few minutes, Marco came out wearing a pair of black jeans and a white shirt, reaching for his hoodie that he thought was on the door, when he didn't feel it, he looked around and saw Star's head on the couch, walking over and leaning of the back of the couch, seeing her all snuggled up on the couch with his hoodie on made him blush bright red, and he had lost the ability to form words, he just looked at how cute she was. She looked up at him and smiled a bit, trying to keep him from being mad so she could wear his sweater. She sat up a bit to be closer to him, getting onto her knees and sitting back. "Marco.... you don't mind if I wear this, do you?" Marco's first thought was to let her wear it, and it seemed to make her happy to wear it, so why not? But then he thought back about the history of that hoodie, and how much it meant to him, and if anything happened to it.... No, she couldn't, not if they were going out. It was too risky. Marco snapped back to Earth and sighed, knowing he was about to break Star's heart a bit. "Actually Star, I.... That hoodie has a history, and I can't let you wear it if we're going out somewhere... I... I'll explain it another time." Star's smile quickly faded to a frown, but she didn't argue, taking another deep smell of it before taking it off and handing it to him. He set it down on the back of the couch and walked to his closet, bringing in a blue hoodie and handing it to her. "It probably doesn't smell the same, but I sprayed a bit of my cologne on it for you." Star jumped up and hugged him tight, then took the sweater and out it on quickly, smelling his cologne on the sweater. It wasn't as strong, but it was there. She smiled and nodded, happy that Marco was who he was. After that, they left Marco's room and headed down to the parking lot, Star found her car in the crowd of cars and got in, waiting for Marco to get in before she started the car. As she did, 'Sugar' by Maroon 5 started playing loud, Star quickly turned the volume on her radio down and looked to Marco blushing, "Sorry, that's my favorite song." Marco just chuckled and shook his head a bit, "It's fine Star, my mom's into Maroon 5 too, so I'm used to it." Star turned the radio up a bit and started driving toward the store, singing along a bit to the song.

     As the song started to end, Star turned the radio down, glancing over at Marco, he seemed to be nervous, or just uncomfortable. She bit her lip a little and thought of what she could say to help him to relax. "Hey, Marco? Can we maybe talk about the other night... In my room?" Marco quickly started blushing and looked from the window to her, struggling to speak. "You.. You mean during the movie?" Star nodded and smiled a bit, she remembered what had happened, the feeling of his lips on hers and the smell of his cologne filling her nose. Star gently tapped his forearm, giving him a flirty look. "I just wanted to say that it wasn't something I regret or didn't like, I thought it was a very nice experience." Marco blushed and rubbed the back of his head, smiling a bit as Star spoke, he had only regretted one thing of that night, wishing it could have lasted longer. "I don't really regret it either. Besides, If it didn't happen, you wouldn't have agreed to a date with me." Star's eyes shot open wide and she look to Marco. "That's right, we had made plans for tonight didn't we!?" She looked a bit nervous now, not sure if she was still up for it after last night, but she did want to spend some time with Marco, just the two of them. Marco nodded, looking back out the window. "Yeah, I've honestly kind of been looking forward to it, I haven't been to the pier in forever, and I don't know how it could be more fun than with you." Star blushed softly as Marco said this, she had no idea that she was so important to him. But that wasn't entirely true, since he did come to her rescue last night, she must obviously be important to him. She imagined what they would do on their date. Maybe they're go to dinner first? She felt that she was in the mood for Chinese, hopefully Marco was too. Then they'd go to the pier and play games and eat the foods there, Marco would win her little stuffed animals and she'd love every one just because he won them for her. Then they'd end the night by riding the Farris wheel, it would stop right as their car got to the top and she would get to see the whole city from the seat, holding Marco's hand tight. Then they'd kiss, it wouldn't be long and lovey dovey, but it would be special none the less. Star snapped out of her imagination as they pulled into the parking lot of the store and she scanned for a parking space. She parked her car and sighed as she sat back in her seat, still recovering from the night before. She got out and started walking toward the doors when she turned around and saw Marco walking toward her. She smiled, waving her hand toward the store. "C'mon Bestie! Let's get to shopping!" Marco smiled and followed her, sliding his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.


      Hello everyone. I've had a great time writing this Fanfic and it has really helped me to pass the time I've had to myself. But on April 5th I will be going to Poland for 6 months, and I will no longer have enough time to continue to write this. I haven't decided what I will do after I return back to Germany, but I have figured that I have 3 options. I could continue this story, start a new story, or I could stop writing all together. I would love to continue writing, but I may just start a new Fanfic in October. I appreciate all of the reads and views, and I hope you enjoyed what I was able to make before leaving. Thank you all :) ~Andrew

PS. If we get this book to 1,000 reads, I'll continue where I left off, I still have chapter ideas written down that I will use. As well as continue on my second book.


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