Save Me From Myself

By beautifulmylovely

24.8K 751 76

This is really really bad. It was my very first book. It's full of many typos, inconsistencies, and honestly... More

The First Cut Is Always The Deepest
Is This Goodbye?
My Dumb Human Heart
The love of my Life
A Morning To Remember
Panic Attack
A Night To Forget
Upside Down Smiles
Brought To HER Knees
Bite Me
Attack On Planet Us
Into the Future
Feeling Guilty
Where is she?


1.3K 38 8
By beautifulmylovely

           It had been 2 weeks since the night with Mon-el. They had restarted dating and Kara finnaly felt complete. She felt happy for the first time in a while.
            Another fight with Reign happend, she started terrorizing some citizens. She wasn't badly beaten, the fight just resulted in a Solar Flare. So she hadn't had her powers.
           She was walking home late one night, because she would've gotten home faster then taking the subway. It was dark and she saw a figure in the alley. "Help" the man said faintly
            Kara ran into the alley and crouch by the man "Are you alright? Whats your name?" she asked. He then stood up. She stood to.
           "I'm good now sweetheart, and you can call me Extra X" he said in an overpowering voice
           'Extra X' then pushed Kara into the wall. She didn't have her powers, she was weak. Things could hurt her. She felt so helpless all in one moment. "Were ganna have some fun" the man said beginning to kiss Kara's next.
              "Please stop" she begged. It all went down hill from there.

          Kara had blacked out more then twice during the whole thing. It was the most awful experience she had ever felt. When It was all over Extra X threw Kara onto the ground and kicked her in the side of the ribs.
          He soon walked away as if nothing had happend. What did Kara do to deserve this. Was Roa punishing her? She was covered in blood and bruises. She was powerless.
        She inched her way over to her smashed phone, thinking about who to call. She didn't want to call Mon-el, afraid of what he would do if she told him. And Alex was not an option. She would've made Kara go to the DEO infermery. Kara didn't want to go there, once the Solar Flare was over she would be fine. Physically anyway.
          Lena?She was probably sleeping. James? He would do something they all would regret as Gardian. She decited to call  Winn. Hopefully he wasn't off with Layra somewhere. She pressed his contact and waited.
          Ring. Ring. Ring. "Kara?" Winn said groggly.
         "Winn?" Kara asked in a shaky voice, tears coming out of her eyes.
          Winn automatically became alert. "Kara what's wrong? Did Mon-el do something?" He asked in an angry tone.
           "No, no" she started to weeze "Can you come pick me up. Mabye?" She let out another sob " I'm in the alley on center."
          "Yeah of course. I'm on my way" he told her jumping out of bed
          "Hurry" she pleaded
           Less then five minutes went by when Winn drove up in his old green jeep. He quickly got out and ran over.
           Kara was sitting against the building, her legs up to her chest, and her hand over her ribs where Extra X had kicked her, with her other hand over her eyes. Her left eye was as black as the sky, and her lip was cut open. Her head had a large gash in it. Her clothes were ripped and her shoes were no where to be seen.
          "Kara? Kara? Are you ok? What happend?"
           There were streak lines of tears on her face. "There was a m-man. He looked hurt. I wa-walked over to sa-see if he was okay. He stood up and told, told me his name was Extra X. He pushed me up against a wall and started kissing my my neck. I tried to push him off but I'm too weak. " she stoped to cry some more. Winn wiped away some of her tears. She tried to relax her breathing "he raped and beat me Winn,"
           "Oh Kara, " he tilted his head. "I'm going to pick you up and bring you to the car ok?"
        She nodded and Winn picked her up, not wanting to hurt her anymore then she already was. She winced in pain and he respond with a 'sorry'. He opend the door and put her in the passenger seat. He quickly ran around and got in the driver's side. "Are you comfortable" she looked at him with a 'look at me' face. "Right sorry." He half smiled. He started to drive to the DEO.
          "Winn stop," she said weakly. He looked at her in confusion."Once this dumb Solor F-flare is over, I'll be fine." Winn seemed disapproving of what Kara had said. "Please..." He nodded and began to turn the car around.
        After about 2 minutes Kara spoke again. "Winn, promise me something."
          Winn looked at her "anything" he said. Even though he was with Layra and Kara was with Mon-el, Winn would always love Kara, no matter what.
           "Please don't tell anyone what happened here tonight, I want to tell everyone on my own. If they ask why I'm covered in bruises, I'll tell them I was mugged or something." She told him
           Winn reluctantly nodded and drove the rest of the way home. Kara was so tired and so hurt that she fell asleep in the car. When Winn pulled up to her building, he grabbed Kara and carried her up to her loft. He opend the door and walked in.
            "Hey ba-" Mon-el started turning around to see Kara beaten and in Winns arms. "Oh my God what happend?" He asked rushing over to Winn and grabbing Kara out of his hands.
            "Um..." Winn didn't know how to answer.
           Mon-el put Kara onto the couch and waited for an answer. "Winn, tell me the truth."
            Winn knew he had to. "She told me to not tell anyone, and she would explain." Winn shrugged
            Mon-el walked over to Winn angry "Winn tell me what happend to Kara before I make you."
             "Ok ok" he put his hands up. "She was...raped and left in an alley for dead" Winn told him looking down in disappointment.
              "What?" Mon-el backed up. He didn't know weather to feel angry or guilty or upset. He decited to feel all three. "Who did This?" His voice deepend.
              "She told me, he told her his name was Extra X. That's all I know. I promise. But I also promised her I wouldn't tell anyone so don't let her know you know." Mon-el nodded "call me when she wakes up. And don't bring her to the DEO. She was very strick about that." With that Winn walked about the door.
             Mon-el looked back at Kara, she looked so broken and so drained. Why wasn't I there for her? Why didn't I protect her, when she needed protection the most? But the question that stuck in Mon-els head the rest of the night was:

What was she going to do next?

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