An Unfortunate Crossing (Aven...

By Belle_books_

697K 16.7K 11.6K

Percy Jackson is trying to be normal. He has tests to take, he has a girlfriend and friendships to keep up. H... More

-Chapter One-
-Chapter Two-
-Chapter Three-
-Chapter Four-
-Chapter Five-
-Chapter Six-
-Chapter Seven-
-Chapter Eight-
-Chapter Nine-
-Chapter Ten-
-Chapter Eleven-
-Chapter Twelve-
-Chapter Thirteen-
-hello friends
-Chapter Fourteen-
-Chapter Fifteen-
-Chapter Seventeen-
-Chapter Eighteen-
-Chapter Nineteen-
-Chapter Twenty-
-Chapter Twenty-One-

-Chapter Sixteen-

22.2K 611 219
By Belle_books_

Nico di Angelo 

As we were hobbling up the stairs, I saw Peter Parker running at me, holding something. That was when I realized it was my ringing cellphone. He looked panicked, I snatched it away from him. When I saw the contact name, I began to panic. It was Will. Oh gods no, he going to be so ticked. 

I knew it was safer to answer than ignore it. Who knows how many times he had called before this. I answer and carefully raise the phone to my ear. 

"Nico?! Where are you? What the hades is going on?" I winced as I heard his worried voice, I hated making him worry. 

"Hey Will." I said awkwardly, soon as I said his name Percy and Annabeth's eyes both flew towards me. I grumbled that I didn't appreciate their snooping. 

"You didn't answer me. Where are you, and what is going on?" I sighed as he repeated himself, I was hoping to get by without answering his questions. I guess i should have known better. 

"I found Percy, I am at the Avengers tower, and the three of us just won a fight, okay?" I said awkwardly as Percy and Annabeth started snickering, my face flooded with heat and I waved them off. I could also feel all the Avengers eyes on me now, especially since I said their name. 

"Avengers? Fight? Nico, stop lying, tell me the truth." Will grumbled, I could practically see him standing their with his hand resting on his hip and his condescending eyes. 

"I'm not lying. Percy got himself in a pickle with the Avengers, and I accidentally got involved when I shadow traveled him out of trouble-" my words abruptly cut off as I realized my mistake. I was half tempted to hang up, but I knew that would be worse. I felt the air physically drop ten degrees, because of me. Everyone was now staring at me.

"You what?" Wills words made the temperature drop more, "Where are you. I'm on my way. And di Angelo you better be in one piece or I swear-" I didn't hear the end of his swear, he hung up. I knew I was in deep shiz. Will was against me shadow traveling, until I was in  more stable condition. I sighed as I slid my phone in my ripped up jeans. 

Everyone looked at me for an answer, I dropped my head before answering, "Wills on his way." 

"Sweet, we'll have someone who is actually a doctor." Annabeth's words were clearly directed at Banner who scowled up at her. She smiled innocently, I don't think she realized the gravity of my situation. Will would have a full on temper tantrum if he sees me in this condition. Especially since he told me before I left that I was under no circumstances allowed to engaged in any sort of battle. (He is such a worry wart about me, its almost ridiculous.)

Percy nodded at Annabeth's words, and seemed to agree with her. I on the other hand was wishing I could take more Ambrosia to heal these wounds. I hated when Will got all motherly over me. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but his helicopter ways sometimes are bothersome. 

At that moment I heard the tell-tale signs of Pegasus hoofs above us. I knew my time was up, I'm just glad I at least didn't pass out when I shadow traveled or this would be even worse. 

"What was that?" Tony asked looking up at the ceiling, along with everyone else. I sighed as I heard the roof entrance door open.

"That would be Will Solace, demigod. Son of Apollo, god of healing, poetry, music, etcetera, etcetera. He's my doctor as well as-" at that second the door was thrown open. To reveal windblown blond curls, a boy with tan skin, thousands of freckles, and his green flip-flops. "My boyfriend," I dropped my head at Wills dramatic entrance. He always did have a knack for dramatic flare, but then again look at who is his dad is. 

"Nico di Angelo!" Will looked at everyone till his eyes landed on me, I smiled awkwardly and waved to try and save myself. It didn't work. He ran forward and practically body slammed me with a hug. I hugged him back, enjoying his summer smell and his natural warmth. Perks to being the son of Apollo I guess. That was when he pulled away.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Will looked behind me at Percy and Annabeth who both waved in greetings. 

"Hellhounds, empousa and my favorite monster friends." Percy said sarcastically, Will nodded in understand before his eyes rounded on me. I smiled again, it didn't work...again.

"I'm not mad about the battle. I knew you would land yourself in a fight. I'm more upset about the shadow traveling?" Will's eyebrow quirked up as he asked the question. I was about to answer, or well fumble an answer when Tony spoke up.

"Wait, hold on. Who is this guy? and how on earth did you get in here?" Will looked up at Tony, his blue eyes scanning the man which seemed to almost make Tony uncomfortable. 

That was when Will loomed at me confused and asked, "Who is that guy?" 

Tony immediately began to sputter at the mere aspect Will wouldn't know who he is, "Well thes are the Avengers. That's Captain America, that-" Will cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, I know them. I'm talking about him." Will pointed at Tony, this caused all the other Avengers to start laughing at Tony's befuddled expression. I, myself, couldn't help but giggle along with everyone else.

"That's Iron-Man, or Tony Stark?" I asked Will to see if he remembered. He seemed to think for a long time, almost to long before his expression turned to one of knowing.

"Oh yeah! Your that one guy. Okay, yeah I don't know who Tony what's-his-face is, but I know the red metal guy." Will smiled, while everyone busted out laughing again, I could see in Will's eyes that he was only trying to tease the guy. 

"So, why don't we get you guys healed up, while Nico explains to me what is going on." Will clapped his hands together, causing me to jump. I groaned, loudly. I was not looking forward to this. 

-Hello! Jeez...Its been forever since I updated. I'm so sorry. I was really confused about where to go next with this until someone commented about bringing Will in, and it gave me this idea. So, thank you to whoever commented that! It really helped me! 
I am going to work harder at keeping up with this story. So hope you all enjoyed! See you in the next chapter!-


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