My Little Omega Mate

By Bunnysuprise2002

880K 24.1K 6.2K

Baba- This is soon to be Alpha in the Blue Moon Star's. After he finds and claims his mate that is. Baba is s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Part One
Chapter 11: Part two
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Part One
Chapter 13: Part two
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18: Part One
Chapter 18: Part two
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27: Part One
Chapter 27: Part two
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Part One
Chapter 30: Part Two
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Part one
Chapter 34: Part Two
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44- FINAL
Things that I think need to be said

Chapter 32

10.8K 348 94
By Bunnysuprise2002

Andrew's P.O.V

*Three days have past*

Man, so much has happened in the last couple days. But that Storm that Dave was talking about is hitting hard. Its a good thing we have elders. They have some sort of magic when it comes to these things. They set a spell on the pack boarders that protects those in it. Or some shit like that.

Me and my... Dad.. Gosh thats a new word.. Umm anyways, yeah we've been doing good. He is really trying yo bond with me. Some days I let it happen and we get closer. But these hormones some times don't let me cause I get moody and shit. But he understands so its all good.

My .. Dad has been really sad about the rejection.. Which I understand. We've talked about it and how much he just misses.. Max. And I honestly give him my opinion.

I told him to see an Elder.

And he did! He went to go see one and was telling her his mate problems. And she gave him some type of postion to drink. Its gonna help his wolf's soul find another mate.

She says it takes like 3 to 4 days for it to kick in. He took it like yesterday or something so its still tryna kick in. I'm actually happy my.. Dad is going to find his new mate. Even thought it might not work. I don't know, for my Dad being trapped in the relationship for years, he deserve someone that cares and loves him to death.

Now don't get it twisted, I'm still skittish when it comes to Andy, Alice, and even Anthony. I forgive Andy for what he has done, but I don't give him my full trust... If that makes since. But I do appreciate him trying to make up for what he did.

Anywho! Todays got me excited for 3 reasons!

1- I'M IN MY SECOND TRIMESTER! Ok ok I know its weird, but the Alpha gene is making the baby grow faster. I really am only suppose to be 6 or 7 weeks. But with the Alpha genes, its like 15 or 16 weeks. GOSH I'M SO EXCITED! Even though I'm getting fat... Oh well! We don't know the gender yet, but Baba and I wanna wait.

2- TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY! 🎉🎉🎉 I'M FINALLY 18! I've been 17 for like 3 years! I'm so fucking happy I'm 18! You know how I didn't feel the pull as much before? Well, everyday I've been with Baba, I felt the pull a little more each time. But now that I'm 18 and of age, I FEEL IT FULLY! And honestly, it feels fucking amazing! I don't even feel lost anymore! Gosh I'm so fucking happy!

3- The last and finally thing thats got me all excited is that, TODAYS THE DAY BABA AND I BECOME ALPHA AND LUNA! Yeah, I know him and I mated a long time ago, but since I wasn't of age we couldn't take the titles over. Now that Baba and I are 18, we can take the titles from Mary and Dave. Its about time they relax anyways. Poor things are always stressing out.

I was getting ready for the ceremony, and just admiring my baby bump. Damn... He or she is getting so big.. Making me fat looking.. I placed my hands on my, rubbing it lightly.

Next thing I knew, I had someone wrap their arms around my waist protectingly.

I giggles looking at Baba from the mirror, " Hey Baba." I said to him, leaning into his touch.

I saw him smirk in the mirror, while he leaned close to my ear, " Thats Alpha to you Mr. 18 year old." He whispered in my ear all dominant.

I shivered slightly and giggled when he started kissing my neck, " Babe... Stooopp we gotta get ready. You haven't even tooken a shower yet."

But he didn't listen, he just keeped kissing my neck tell he landed on my mark. I had to hold into the counter before I fell over, due to my knees giving out. Fuck, whhhy the mark baba! Its even more sensitive now that I feel the pull 100%.

I tried to push him off while laughing, " Baaaabbbbeeee! Come on! We gotta get ready." But of course, he didn't stop. So I went to plan B, " ... Welp! Guess someones sleeping on the couch."

Baba let go of me and legit ripped his clothes off and hopped in the shower. I chuckled at him while shaking my head. Gosh I love him so much.

I walked out of the bathroom and finished putting my clothes on. I got some clothes out for Baba and set them down on the bed.

I smiled as I made my way down stairs. Uuggghh! Stairs! Its fucking hard getting down this damn stairs. But I do it, LIKE A BOSS! Oh moon goddess I need to stop.

I got down the stairs and I legit feel like I'm out of breathe, " Fucking shit. What was that? Stairs or fucking 10 miles. Fucking Jesus." I wipped my forehead as I walked into the kitchen.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDREW!!" Everyone yelled.

I was so in shocked. Everyone is here! Sky, Kelly, Anthony, Jake, Nick, Blake, Theo, Angel, Robinson, Alice and.. My Dad.. Damn so hard to get use too.

I shook my head out of that thought being so freaking happy to see all my friends!

" Omg! Thank you guys! Oh my moon goddess! I feel like crying." I fan my eyes blinking really fast. I'm not tryna cry! This damn hormones are dumb I swear to god!

" Awww bestie! Don't mention it!" Sky said while rubbing her stomach.

Shes growing at a rate aswell. She is anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks tell shes due! So is Kelly! I think Kelly was the one having the boy and Sky is having a girl. Oh my gosh! I can't wait!

" Yeah don't worry dude! What are friends for huh?" Kelly said rubbing her big ass belly as well.

Anthony chuckled and ruffled my hair, " No problem little bro."

I laughed grabbing his hand, " HEY! ASSHOLE, I JUST FIXED MY HAIR!" I told him.

Alice was cutting the cake and stopped to smack Anthony up side his head, " BRO! BE NICE!"

" Alice! No hitting!" Andy told her, as he was helping her put cake onto plates.

" OH SHIT! GIRL FIGHT!" Blake yelled out.

" MY MONEYS ON THE GIRL!" Theo yelled out as well.

Robinson rolled his eyes at the two, " Oh my fucking god you two. We're all right here. No need to yell!"

Angel snorted, " Yeah babe. Chill it on out!" Angel said then looked at the cake, " HOLY SHIT! THATS HOW YOU SPELL ANDREW!?" He yelled out all surpised.

I see Nick slap his forehead, " Oh my fucking god Angel. Your so fucking stupid." Nick said shaking his head.

Jake chuckled at his mate pulling Nick closer to him, " How did you think Andrew was spelt?" He asked Angel.

Angel took his plate once it was handed to him looking at me while putting on his thinking face, " Hmmm, I thought it was spelt A-N-D-I-D-R-E-W. And-I-Drew. Right?" Angel said, spelling and sounding it out for all of us.

Everyone laughed. Oh my god. Fucking Angel .

" You really think thats how you spell Andrew?" I heard Baba ask as he come over to me and wrapped him arms around me.

Angel nodded, " I'm fucking serious! I thought thats how it was spelt!" Angel defended himself.

I laughed at him while pinching one of his cheeks, " Thats our Angel for you!" I said with a smile.

" Oh my lord! Who made this cake!" Blake said while shoving more into his mouth, " Its fucking good!" I see Robinson smile and pull his mate closer to him.

Oh! Theo and Blake are kinda like us. Well, I don't know. Its kinda weird. Blake is mated to Robinson and Theo is mated to Angel. But its kinda like that thing where their both not 18 yet sooo they don't feel the pull. Blah blah blah.

I heard Andy chuckle, " That would be this one." He said, pointing to my sister Alice.

Is it weird I can say sister and brother easier then saying.. Dad? Hmm... I wonder...

" Damn Chicka! Its fucking bomb!" Blake said to her finishing his plate.

Alice giggled and had a flustered face, " Aww y'all.. It wasn't that good! Just tryna make my big brother smile!" She smiled at me as I smiled back.

" Thats my sister for ya. She's a great cook. Gets it from her Dad." Anthony said taking a bit of his cake.

" Omg! She is so such a great one! She fills me and Kelly's cravings like it's nothing! Its fucking awesome!" Sky said putting her plate in the sink.

I chuckled at Sky and went over to pinch my little sister's cheek, " Thank you sis, it was hella good." She smiled at me and gave me a, no problem.


He saw the cake on his way out and grabbed Angels plate, " Hurry up! 4 mintues now!" He ran out the house with Angels plate.

" HEY! OLD MAN! THATS MINE!" Angel yelled as he ran out side.

We all had a good laugh before we cleaned up real quick and headed out side to the ceremony.

Hope this goes well!

Baba's P.O.V

I was holding Andrews hand the whole way to the pack meeting grounds. The rain out side our boarders is coming down hard. And the wind was blowing super hard to.

But anyways, I just can't believe it! I'm actually becoming an Alpha! With my Luna right beside me! Life is great!

" You ready to become Alpha dude?" Jake said waving off the others as him Andrew and I get to where my Dad is.

" Hell yeah! Especially having my mate with me!" I told Jake as I gave Andrew a kiss on his cheek.

He giggled and blushed at my action as I heard Jake chuckle, " You two are just too freaking cute!" He said.

Andrew rolled his eyes blushing like crazy, " Yeah, yeah. But where's Nick?" He asked.

" Oh he's with the pack. I'm only one taking the Beta title. Apparently he doesn't need to stand up there." Jake said sticking his hands in his pocket.

Me and Andrew nodded as we reached my parents, " OH MY MOON GODDESS! Andrew! You look beautiful! So healthy and everything!" She said all excited while gently grabbing Andrew's belly, " My grandchild is gonna be so spoiled by their grandma!" She said with a smile.

Andrew her and my Dad started to have a conversation. I looked at Jake and he was stretching his arms above his head.

" Nick still jealous?" I asked Jake.

Jake sighed while cracking his neck, " Yeah.. I mean, he doesn't hate Andrew and all. But he's just.. Wanting a baby. I don't know dude.. I'm honestly scared to have a kid, yeah know?" Jake said.

I nodded giving him a light punch in the arm, " Bruh, I understand. And Nick does too. He's just as normal as any other submissive." I smiled and gave him a pat on the back, " Don't stress about it dude." He nodded at me with a smile.

" Son! Jake! Come on!" My Dad yelled at us.

He walked over to him where we got infront of the whole pack. Damn. Our pack is big. I stood near Andrew holding his hand. I remember one time he told me, he gets nervous with stuff like this.

My Dad did this special type of howl that got the pack quite super fast and having their full attention on him.

" Thank you for coming out today! In honor of my older son, and his mate to be giving the title of Alpha and Luna. And my best friend, giving his one and only son the title of Beta." My Dad said, in his Alpha tone.

Everyone clapped at his introduction. He silenced them by putting his hand up.

He turned to face me, " Put your right hand up." I did as he told as he raised his right hand as well, " Baba, do you promise to protect this pack at all cost? To make this pack stronger and bigger. To help in anyway you can. To have the Blue Moon Star's pack last for generation's to come. Do you promise to be the Alpha at good times and bad?" My Dad said out to me.

I nodded, " Yes, I do." Man I low key feel like I'm getting married. Oh god focus baba!

" Then I give you the power and Title of the Alpha, " My Dad said pushing his hand to mine.

It may sound weird, but he was giving me all of his power. All the strength, all the brians, all the power. I was finally an Alpha.

" And do you, raise your left hand " My mother started to say to Andrew, as he did so and so did she, " Andrew,  do you promise to protect this pack at all cost? To make this pack stronger and bigger. To help in anyway you can. To have the Blue Moon Star's pack last for generation's to come. Do you promise to be the Luna at good times and bad?" My Mother said with a smile.

Andrew took in a breathe and nodded," Yes, I do." He said with confidence.

My mother pushed he left hand to Andrews left hand, giving him all the powers a Luna needs. I can see Andrew tensing up slightly from the power giving bit relaxed when it was all over.

-Skips jakes part cause no one cares. Lol I'm so mean but I'm to lazy to write it-

My father turned to the pack, " I now give you, ALPHA BABA, LUNA ANDREW, AND BETA JAKE!"

The whole pack was screaming and cheering with excitement. I smiled looking at my whole pack. Damn... I'm an Alpha... And its for real this time.

My Dad looked to me ushering me to close our meetting. I stood up where my Dad was standing, " This meeting is adjourn! Everyone stay in the pack borders. No going out side the pack borders. Its very dangerous. The storm should be clearing up soon. Dismissed." I told them as everyone started to clear out.

" Well done son. I'm proud of you." I smiled at my Dad giving him a man hug.

" Thanks Dad." I let go and picked up my mate spinning in a circle with him squealing, " WE DID IT LOVE! We're Alpha and Luna!" I told him putting him down hugging him.

Andrew held his head groaning, " Not for very long if you spin me like that again." I chuckled at him.

Everyone (that was in the kitchen) was standing around us congratulating us. Andrew was a blushing mess for getting all this attention.


" Oh no." I said out loud getting in my stance in front of Andrew.

" Love what's-"

" Baby I love you. But no talking. Someone crossed over the boarders." I told him in a whispers.

Everyone was being protected by someone. Robinson protecting Blake. Angel protecting Theo. My Dad protecting my Mom. Jake protecting Nick. Anthony protecting Sky and Kelly. And Andy protecting Alice.

We all had our stances in tack as the stranger got closer.

Once the stranger got closer and shifted to human form, all I hear is Andrew, Anthony, Andy and Alice growling. Saying at the same time,

" You."

Y'all I'm on a roll! Update after update! 😆😆😆😆

How was this chapter? Anything surprise any of you? Who came back? I'm sure its easy to guess lol.

Couple things-

What gender do you think Andrew's having? Boy or girl? Comment if you want!

How do you all feel about Andy tryna get a new mate? Comment your feelings on it.

Actually I thinks thats it! Lol!

Anways I love y'all! Have a good night/day! Like, comment, share, all the good stuff! See ya next chapter bunnies!

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