
By 0WeAreTheNight0

3.6K 147 91

An alternate universe where Goku is an adult and finds a wild, arrogant teenager- struggling with mental issu... More



516 25 4
By 0WeAreTheNight0

*Vegeta's POV

I'm... confused. Where- I remember- am I?- now. Warm. I think it's soft. Word? Yes. Oh, him. Yes. He came and- Why did he- found me- make me go away? Kakarrot.

*Normal POV

Goku woke up, blissfully unaware of yesterday's craziness- until he realized that Vegeta was sitting silently at the end of his bed. "Shit-!" he swore, putting a hand on his chest to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest. "Oh, my God. Vegeta? What are you doing in here? How long were you sitting there?" Unabashedly, Vegeta shrugged. Goku groaned and fell back. "Well, I'm up now. Are you hungry?" When Vegeta nodded, he sat up and stretched. "Let's not make this an everyday thing, yeah? You scared me."

Goku got up and went into the kitchen. He only half expected Vegeta to follow him. But when he walked into the kitchen, Vegeta was already there. Goku halted, then looked over his shoulder. Nothing. He looked at the barstool by the counter. There sat Vegeta with an expectant smile. "I- You- What the-... You know what? You do you, buddy." He began to cook them breakfast, pondering what he was going to do. He had a job... What was he going to do with a kid who required constant supervision? He couldn't exactly take him to work with him.

Goku heard a surprised snort from Vegeta. When he glanced at him, Vegeta was looking about with no recognition. "Vegeta? Hey, it's ok." He put down what he was holding and slowly approached the suddenly confused boy. "Remember me?"

Vegeta stared at him for a moment, then relaxed. "K... Kakarrot."

Goku sighed. "Yeah. Kakarrot. Ok." He put his hand on Vegeta's thin shoulder. "You good?"

Vegeta nodded and smiled rather brightly. Goku just could not comprehend how healthy Vegeta looked despite his experiences. Sure, the teen was skinny and pale, but his hair was beautiful and he just... looked well. Goku finished their breakfast and they ate. He couldn't pry anything more out of Vegeta than the occasional "hm". Why didn't he speak? Goku had heard only three words out of him: "hey", "Kakarrot", and "Vegeta". Was he never taught?

The boy seemed smart enough. Burda had, rather boastfully, shown the extent of Vegeta's knowledge. They were almost positive that he could read, mathematics were a walk in the park, and he could fight. Oh, the boy could fight, despite his lack of muscular appearance. Goku's heart had pounded wildly as he watched Vegeta slide into the most basic martial arts position. Yes, he thought. Vegeta had- in less than a second- determined his opponent's every open point and exploited them in the next. He was so fast, faster than even Goku. He shuddered at the thought of having Vegeta as a sparring partner.

But what to do with him while he was at work? He brought himself out of his thoughts and realized that both Vegeta and his dishes were gone. "Crap!" He hopped up and looked around. He found the plate, cup, and fork placed neatly in the sink. Huh. After a minute of search, he found the younger Saiyan curled up on the couch, seemingly asleep. He sat down nearby and pulled the file within reach, opening it to read it. He had a few hours before he had to leave.

His heart sank as he read. It was even worse than he thought. Vegeta had tendencies to black out randomly, he was aggressive (although this was normal for a Saiyan, Goku knew), he had ADD, ADHD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. But, on a positive note, Vegeta slept pretty often, he could perform most actions without assistance, and he drew. Some of Vegeta's artwork was included in the packet, and Goku's eyes widened as he admired each one. Simultaneously, he felt cold.

One was of him standing by the reception desk- the first time Vegeta had seen him. But something was horribly wrong. The lady behind the counter was dead. There were deep claw marks marring the wood on the desk. A huge shadow rose up on the wall just behind Goku, and a light, reddish grin could be seen in the face. Goku shivered and set the paper down. Was that how Vegeta perceived that place? Everywhere?

The next was worse. Again, it was Goku; it was when they met for the second time. There was an orangish aura around him, and a bar of white light where Doctor Burda should have been. The floor opened up into a black chasm, glittering with stars. Some kind of creature- the same whose shadow had been cast in the previous picture, Goku realized- was crouched on the ceiling directly above his head. Goku could see that it was looking at him. He couldn't tell if it looked angry or curious.

Goku put the papers away, no longer able to make himself look at them. Then he yelped; Vegeta had vanished again. Goku leapt to his feet and began to search again. The freaky kid kept disappearing! First he showed up in the kitchen with no possible way for him to have moved past Goku, then he vanished right under Goku's nose. Something about the peculiar movement stirred suspicion in Goku's mind but he ignored it... for now.

Vegeta was back in the room that Goku had designated for him. He offered a smile as Goku approached, and the older Saiyan couldn't help but smile back. "Hey. You scared me a little." Vegeta's eyes suddenly flicked to the side, then back to Goku. When he looked, he saw nothing. "What is it, Vegeta? Are you ok?"

Vegeta silently moved under the blankets, eyes now glued to the spot. Goku realized that, in Vegeta's mind, something must be standing there. Goku debated between going to "shoo" whatever it was away, or going to comfort Vegeta. He decided on the second. He sat by the nervous boy and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's OK, Vegeta," he said. "It won't get you. I don't know what it is, I'll say that, but it won't get you."

Damn, he'd already gotten attached to the kid. Vegeta's quirks were funny and marvelous to witness. He was positive that the upcoming struggles were going to be crazy and confusing, but hopefully it would be worth the effort.

*Chapter three. I'm kind of losing the enjoyment k had in this 😭😭 but I'll try to keep going. Next chapter of DH coming soon BTW, you guys have been waiting on that one for weeks...*

Tiger wrote this like two weeks ago I think, not sure. I hear her banging around upstairs. I'm hiding in the shower with her phone lol!      ❤B❤

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