Naruto: Back in Time

By IceMageNaruto

73.5K 1.7K 272

The 4th great shinobi war was coming to a close, but the unspeakable happened.. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Shik... More

Chapter 1 - The New Future
Chapter 3 - The Academy
Chapter 4 - Genin Exams
Chapter 5 - Team 7
Chapter 6 - We Will Miss You Food
Chapter 7 - First Encounter With Akatsuki
Chapter 8 - The Fifth Hokage and a Very Late Sensei

Chapter 2 - Confused

15.5K 284 66
By IceMageNaruto

"Yeah, what a drag though, I was hoping I would forget everything but oh well." As Shikamaru said that Naruto looked behind him to see an angry Sakura and a Sasuke being dragged by his collar. "NARUTOOO!" Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs.

Third person pov

"Naruto? Why is Sakura angry and dragging Sasuke by the collar?" Naruto took Shikamaru by the shoulders and shook him. "We. Need. To. Run. Now." Naruto and Shikamaru ran into the forest and assumed that they lost Sakura so they decided to lay down, off guard. "What a drag, why do women always have to get angry." Shikamaru said out loud. Naruto decided to ignore Shikamaru's out loud thought and walked behind the tree to be confronted by an angry Sakura. "NARUTO YOU IDIOT!l You AND SASUKE almost blew our cover within thirty minutes of us being back here." Sakura sighed and lectured Naruto and Sasuke about the importance of keeping this secret. "Now anyways, we may have our prior knowledge but all of the knowledge about jutsus we knew, has completely vanished from our memories. I only remember one and that is my medical justsu, Sasuke only remembers chidori. What about you Naruto?" Naruto scratched his head and did random signs and ended up yelling, "Shadow Clone Jutsu". Out of nowhere over one hundred doppelgängers of him were surrounding them.

The Naruto's talked amongst each other and figured out that they knew how to do another jutsu but didn't know what would happen if he did it. "So?" Sakura interrupted. The real Naruto walked up to her and a circular ball came from Naruto's hand and he hit the tree with it, "RASENGAN."
"So Naruto remembers two. Lucky for me I do as well." Shikamaru stated as he walked to Naruto.
"And what would those jutsu's be?" Sasuke said as he walked up to Shikamaru and showed him his chidori. "Shadow Possession Jutsu." Shikamaru yelled as he controlled Sasuke. "Hn. What is the other jutsu then?" The less cocky Sasuke asked.
"Try hitting me with the intent to kill." Shikamaru said as Sasuke muttered 'alright then' under his breath. He through a kunai at Shikamaru and it went through his chest, or so he thought. A puff of smoke came from where he assumed Shikamaru was standing but once the smoke cleared, all he could see was a log with a kunai in it. "It's called transofrmation jutsu."

Shikamaru and Sasuke went back to where Naruto and Sakura were and they discussed how they were going to save the future. "So let me get this straight Sakura, Shikamaru and I will become well known best friends as well as the lowest in the class, while you and Sasuke get outstanding marks and get praised?"
"That just about sums it up." Sakura said with a smirk. Shikamaru didn't think this plan was good so he decided to intervene. "You know Sakura, how about we alter everyone's memories around and get Naruto to become your twin brother. He already has Uchiha blood running through him but in his previous life, got unlucky and wasn't able to unlock the sharingan." Sasuke was shocked at the suggestion at first but remembered that Shikamaru was the genius in the group and his ideas are well, genius. "Alright fine, but unless one of you know mind altering jutsu, this won't work.

"Actually, I do, well sort of." Sakura said proudly. Gasps were heard from everyone and their jaws dropped. Well I guess that Haruno girl is useful for something. Oh hey Kurama, she is useful for more then just that but this is great.

——Time skip to after Sakura alters everyone's memories——

"Are you sure we should have them forget their memories, even though it's temporary it isn't good because we are suppose to be preparing for the future, not having fun. Shikamaru said in a serious tone. "I know Shikamaru, but once they reach a certain age, the jutsu will wear off and certain events can trigger them causing it to wear off as well." She replied.
"I guess this is a good idea then, but how will they get stronger if they don't know anything?"
"Well, they have Itachi and the rest of the Uchiha clan, as well as us. They see us as friends as I never altered their memory of having a friendship with us."

Shikamaru walked in circles sighing but then looked up and smirked. "What a drag, they would give it away easily though after all, they would be full of themselves and show off. Then that would mean they would blow our cover and Ibiki would end up searching through their memories."
"You are spot on Shikamaru, at least with us and Gaara knowing this we have three people who know about the plan to save the future for the better.

AN/ Just to clarify future confusion, Sakura even altered Sasuke and Naruto's memories slightly to make it more believable. Before she did they got Naruto's hair dyed, apartment cleaned out, as well as got him a new outfit that a proud young Uchiha would wear. Naruto's outfit is similar to Sasuke's but the shirt has a darker shade of blue flames that represent the will of fire. Sakura also altered her memory so it would be even more believable. The boys memories were also altered so they would forget that they were sent back to the past and were from the future temporarily. Sakura and Shikamaru still have the memories as she didn't trust them two to keep it secret. Now back to the story ;)

They continued walking until they arrived at their house. Sasuke opened the door and they both yelled. "We're home!" They took of their sandals and ran to their mother.
"Don't run in the house you two and welcome home." The boys then hugged their mother and ran to Itachi. "Hi Itachi~nii!" The boys chorused. "Can you train us today?!" Itachi squatted down and replied, "Can't today I have an ANBU mission that I need to go on this evening, maybe some time next week." Itachi then flicked their foreheads and walked out.

Kit, go to bed, you need to train for the future. What if a war breaks out and you need to be strong enough to save your family and comrades, don't you? Alright fine, I'll go to bed fur ball and I'll train my hardest with Sasuke so that will never happen! Good kit, now get some rest, you need energy to train.

AN/ Hey everyone! That concludes the second chapter of this I hope you enjoyed. I decided to make this different then other time travel stories. This is my first story so it may not be good but oh well ;)


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