Kings [A Medieval AU]

By AngelWingInspiration

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[Based on the universe from "The Gifts We Share"] "You're making everything more complicated." Tenebris is a... More

Chapter One - Two Opposite Kings
Chapter Two - The Royal Family
Chapter Three - Plans and Arrangements
Chapter Four - Intruder
Chapter Five - First Meetings
Chapter Six - Incident
Chapter Seven - Uncomfortable Talks
Chapter Eight - New Allies and Big Decisions
Chapter Nine - Fresh Air
Chapter Ten - One on One
Chapter Eleven - Late Nights and Hardened Hearts
Chapter Twelve - Escape
Chapter Thirteen - Library Conversations
Chapter Fourteen - Light in the Darkness
Chapter Fifteen - Visitor
Chapter Sixteen - What Happened After
Chapter Eighteen - Confrontations and Hard Decisions
Chapter Nineteen - The Moment of Greatest Weakness
Chapter Twenty - Out in the Open
Chapter Twenty-One - New Beginnings
Chapter Twenty-Two - Tortured Mind
Chapter Twenty-Three - Breakfast
Chapter Twenty-Four - On the Road
Chapter Twenty-Five - Revealed
Chapter Twenty-Six - Viride
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Meetings and Libraries
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Departures
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Deterioration
Chapter Thirty - The Breaking Point
Chapter Thirty-One - Clashing Kingdoms
Chapter Thirty-Two - Limited Time
Chapter Thirty-Three - Home Again
Chapter Thirty-Four - Talks with Mother
Chapter Thirty-Five - Finally Home
Author's Note

Chapter Seventeen - Parting Ways

400 31 62
By AngelWingInspiration

On the day PJ leaves, the sun is bright and the sky is clear and cold. Snowfall from the night before rests on the earth like a blanket, fluffy and glistening. PJ stands in front of Dan, a thick travelling cloak and a wool hat adorned. Dan can't seem to speak past the thick emotions that clog his throat, so he just steps forward and pulls his advisor and closest friend into his arms. Phil stands nearby, watching with curiosity in his blue eyes.

"I desperately hope to see you again someday. I do not want to die here," Dan whispers.

PJ nods. "I hope that as well, Dan."

"Please tell my family all that I've asked you to tell them."

"I will."

Dan exhales heavily and lets him go, trying to regain his composure. He takes a few deep breaths and manages a faint smile. "Maz zout toabs apb zout rtaxejs de wejj, htiepb."

A grin breaks out across PJ's face. "Apb ro zou aq wejj."

The two exchange one last hug and PJ heads off, waving as he goes. Dan waves back, throat choked with unshed tears. He watches his advisor until he can't see him anymore, and when he's gone he turns to Phil.

"What language was that? I've never heard it before," Phil asks, his head cocked to the side ever so slightly.

"Ancient Tenebrisian," Dan replies, scrubbing at his eyes. He inhales shakily and looks away, trying desperately to reign in his emotions. "It's a parting message."

"What does it mean?"

"May your roads and your travels be well, friend."

Phil nods, eyeing Dan's distraught expression. He looks on the verge of tears, so Phil steps forward and takes his wrist in his hand. Dan meets his gaze for a second, his cheeks turning red. "Hey, come with me, okay?"

Dan doesn't protest as Phil leads him away from the castle entrance and to his office. As they go, Dan slips his hand into Phil's, not noticing when the king of Divum's face goes completely red. Hand in hand, they enter Phil's office and Dan flops down onto the couch, the first tears finally welling in his eyes. He fidgets with the hem of his cloak, his body tense.

"Dan..." Phil trails off before he can ask him a stupid question like "are you alright" or something along those lines. Clearly, Dan is not alright.

"I want to go home," the king of Tenebris whispers, wiping his eyes with his sleeves.

"You know I can't—"

"If you can't send me home, you should do what you have to do and kill me!" Dan snaps, tears starting to pour down his face.

Phil splutters a bit at Dan's unexpected outburst and crosses his arms. "Dan, I can't. You just... make things complicated, okay?"

"How am I making things complicated?! You could have made this super easy and just left my kingdom alone. Or, maybe, you could have just executed me right away and been done with it! It was your choice, Philip! Now, you have to make the decision to either kill me or send me away!"

"I didn't want to kill you!" Phil exclaims. "I still don't want to kill you. Or send you away. You just make everything so complicated."

Dan shakes his head a bit and sniffles. "That doesn't make any sense. How am I making everything more complicated?"

"Trust me, you are."

"That's not an answer! How—"

"You aren't evil! You're kind and beautiful and no matter what I do, I can't get myself to get rid of you! My advisors told me to hate you and I just can't! You're making things complicated because you're taking everything I thought I knew about your kingdom and you and this world and me and flipping it on its head!" Phil takes a deep breath, his eyes glistening. "My duty is to kill you, but I've never been more scared of losing someone before in my life."

Dan's eyes widen and Phil exhales, pulling his cloak around himself a little tighter. He knows his face is burning and he can feel his emotion starting to clog his throat, but he tries to ignore it. Dan opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"You wanted an answer. That's the best answer I can give," Phil chokes out. He turns and takes a few steps towards the door when a hand on his wrist stops him. He freezes, scared to turn around and see the look in Dan's eyes.

"Phil, I'm sorry," Dan says, his voice soft and sincere. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I just... I didn't know you felt that way, and I've just been so stressed..."

"It's okay. I get it," Phil replies.

"It's not okay. Me being stressed isn't an excuse to be mean to you."

"It's my fault you're stressed."

"It's not."

"It is, Daniel. You can't argue that it isn't. I saw the look in your eyes when PJ left. You want to go home, and it's my fault that you can't."

Dan stammers, unable to find the words, and Phil pulls his wrist free of Dan's grip. He needs to cry, and if he's going to cry he needs to be alone. If he looks back at Dan's wounded puppy expression, he's going to break down. He reaches the door, and as he touches the handle Dan's voice reaches his ears.

"You've made a decision about me, Phil. You've made a decision, but you haven't told your advisors because it's not what they wanted." Dan takes a deep, shuddering breath. "You want me alive, don't you? You don't want to lose me."

Phil covers his mouth in order to stifle a sob and leaves the room, tears pouring down his face. 

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