Forsaken (The Night Children...

By BoyWonder53

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Years have passed, the light fades A sacred world bleeds, darker each day The shadows weep for ruined dreams ... More

Forsaken (The Night Children, Volume 1)
A Child(s) is Born - Proýlogue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Okay!!! :)

Chapter 10

746 44 10
By BoyWonder53

I know, I know, I know. I'm basically the devil incarnate for not updating for so long. I really dont have any good excuses except that I've been lazy, a bad case of writers block, and I've read the last Mortal Instruments book, City of Heavenly Fire, and I honestly have no idea on how to deal with all the feels.

Anyways, I promise that I will be updating much more deligently, and that I'm going to do my best to finish this by the end of summer. THis chapter is pretty short, and I really need to work on making them longer, but this will hopefully quench your hunger until tomorrow (which is when I hope to be finished with the next chapter, but no promises).

I love you guys so so soooo much.

Here it is!


                                                               Chapter 10


WHEN Gaidrian left me to attend to his business with our father, I went back to the bedroom I’d been given. I flopped down on the bed and sighed in boredom- even in a place like this, I couldn’t find anything to entertain me. I rolled over and perked up when I saw the box of books that Gaidrian had left me. I shuffled through them, trying to decide on one to read, and dug around until I pulled out an old leather-bound book from the bottom of the pile. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion when I could make out a title. When I flipped to the first page, I mentally celebrated when I read to title on the inside- The Great Gatsby. It had always been a favorite of mine, and from the look of the book, it was one of Gaidrian’s too.

An hour later and I’d already gotten through almost half of the book, only to be suddenly thrown out of the world of Gatsby by a knock at the door. When I opened it I was greeted with Cain’s face.

“Hey,” he greeted with a jerk of his chin. “I’ve been told that I’m supposed to escort the Princess somewhere.”

I scowled. “Don’t call me that.”

“Of course, your Majesty.” He gestured toward the hallway and walked away with long strides, and I was forced to jog to keep up.

“Where are we going?”

“The kennels,” he replied, not looking at me. “Your brother’s orders.”

“Why do you let him boss you around?”

“I don’t.”

“Yes you do.”

He stopped abruptly causing me to bump into him. “Listen, your brother and I have known each other for a long time, longer than you for sure.” The dig hurt, but he didn’t seem to notice my wince. “We grew up together, and we respect each other. We’re partners. He’s just… under a lot of pressure with everything going on with your mom. I’m just trying to make things easier on him. Besides he’s my- look, there are things about our world that you don’t know or understand yet. So don’t question me.” And he set off down the hall again.

“Um, sorry?” he ignored me. “So where are we going?”

“The kennels.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I gathered that much. I mean, where are the kennels?”

He sighed in annoyance. “Do you ever get tired of asking questions?”

“No. I’m naturally inquisitive.”

He muttered something that sounded a lot like bloody girls, then said, “We have to go outside, a short ways into the woods just behind the house.” I scoffed when he called this huge place a house. Fortress is more like it. Then I stiffened when I realized what he was saying.

“Um, woods?” I scratched my wrist nervously. “Won’t there be, you know, more of those Night- those things?”

He turned around with an eyebrow notched, in an obvious are you serious expression, but when he saw the real worry in my face his gaze softened. “No, they can’t get onto the estate. There’s charms and protective markings all over the place. As long as you’re inside these walls, you’re safe.” The intensity that he said this with was disarming. “I- we won’t let anything happen to you. Scout’s honor.”

To change the subject, as well as quench my curiosity, I asked, “So estate huh? How big is this place, exactly?”

He snorted. “It’s insane. I used to think my house was big back home- anyways, it’s huge. I’m sure you’ve seen some of the celebrities’ houses back in California, so you’ve got a pretty good idea, but the house itself isn’t even the best part. The woods stretch at least forty acres, and then there’s the stables- your mom really likes horses. And then we have the archery range, one of my personal favorites.”

“You shoot.” I remembered the gunshot ringing out when the Nightmares were attacking Gaidrian and I.


“And you’re good.”

“I guess.”

“You guess?” I asked incredulously. “That’s an understatement, buddy. You shot those things from so far away! You saved my life, you- I mean, you’re like Green Arrow or something.”

He looked at me oddly. “You like superheroes?”

“I mean who doesn’t, honestly?” I shrugged. “Everyone at least knows Superman. You’re un-American if you don’t. And besides, the Justice League is all over the news.”

“True.” Cain’s tone made me wary.

“What is it?”

His lips tipped upward in an almost smile that made me know that he knew something that I didn’t know, and he didn’t plan on enlightening me. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” He stopped, and I realized that we’d made it all the way down the stairs and now stood in the foyer. A beautiful gold chandelier hung overhead, with what looked like black diamonds dangling from its branches.

“This place is fantastic,” I sighed. “I think that I could wander around for a whole year and still not see all of it.”

“I could give you a tour,” he offered helpfully.

“Really? When?”

He shrugged. “It depends on how eager you are about picking out you’re pup. We could do it now. It’ll be easier for you to navigate the woods during the day anyways.” It didn’t escape my attention that he’d said you, as in me, instead of we.  “But the same goes for the house. It’s best in the daytime, with the light shining through the windows and all.” He inspected his fingernails disinterestedly. “It’s up to you, really.”

I gnawed on my lip in concentration. “I want to go see the puppies first. We can tour the house tomorrow.”

He notched an eyebrow, his good eye dancing in amusement. “If you say so.” Then he flung the front door open and walked out into the dark night.


there it was!! THE FIRST CHAPTER IN ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW MANY MONTHS. lol, sorry about the wait, but i'm back full time! (except for when i'm like, on the toilet or sleeping) Let summer commence! 


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