In The Blink of an Eye (ONE D...

By MadameMidnight

86.6K 422 88

Meet Harry Styles step sister Evelyn, she is a normal teenage girl. At least she was. Things have changed for... More

In The Blink of an Eye (ONE DIRECTION FanFiction)
Happy Birthday
Haunting Memories
In Deep Water
My Choice
Everyone Needs Help
I'll Save You
First Day
Love, Trust, and Other Lies
Don't Look Back
I'll Fight For You
Going Back
A Twist of Fate
A Wedding and A Funeral
I'm New and He's Cute
What Harm Can A Kiss Do?
Tell Me The Truth
So the Truth Comes Out
Another Surprise?
My Nightmare
When All Goes to Hell
A New Start
I'm Just a Damsel In Distress
Here Comes the Bride
I'm No Superman
Listen To Your Heart
Cause When A Heart Breaks It Don't Breakeven
The End?
Important Note- Please Read

Fair, Snow White

1.8K 7 0
By MadameMidnight

Hey guys!
So I want to thank you all for over 4,200 reads and 22 votes!
I know we can get to 5,000 reads and 30 Votes
So I wanted to update on July 13th but since I love you guys so much, I decided to update early! *applause*
So this chapter's song is, "
Wait, what?
Love you all my little pretties,
Madame Midnight


Harry's POV

I held her hand tight as Zayn pressed his jacket onto her chest, trying to stop the blood. I saw flashes of pain and fear wash over her eyes emerald eyes.
"Just hold on," I said to her, trying to keep her eyes open for as long as I could.
But she let go.
She let go off my hand and her eyes drooped shut.
"Ev? Evelyn," I called, still holding onto her limp hand. Liam rushed over and placed to fingers gently to the top of her neck, resting lightly on the vein. We all watched him closely as fear began to rush over him.
"C'mon," Liam whispered to himself as he pressed harder on her vein searching for a pulse. He was then pulled away quickly by paramedics as they rushed her onto a gurney, sticking needles in her arms and placing a mask over face so she would be able to breathe.
"Two people can ride in the ambulance," said a paramedic. I literally sprinted into the vehicle not wanting to leave my sister. Louis jumped in next to me as the rest of the lads ran to the car. I didn't realize I was crying until Louis put a hand on my shoulder, "Hey she's going to be okay. Don't cry, she'll, she'll be allright." I just gave him an empty nod and rested my head on his shoulder and began to sob more. Louis began to cry too. I could tell that he was trying to convince himself with what he had said to me.
I kept my eyes on Evelyn the whole time, her natural glow had dissappeared and was replaced by a pale skintone that made her look so weak, so hurt so.....dead.
The ambulance stopped and they rushed her inside. Lou and I followed closely. A nurse stopped us, she was a young woman, maybe twenty five at the most? She had long curly red hair that streched to her elbows and saphire eyes. She wore pink scrub top and pants with little white birds on them.
"Sir, please go take a seat," she said in a kind voice.
"Look that's my sister," I said urgently as I tried to get past her.
"Sir, I understand but she is going into surgery, now take a seat," she said as the kindess began to wear off in her voice. Louis led me to a cold, plastic, blue chair. He pulled me into a tight hug, and I did something I haven't done infront of them before.
I crumpled.
I burst into sobs. Everytime I tried to pull myself together, it made it worse.
"Harry! She is going to be okay," Louis said to me, pulling me into a sitting position from my crumpled position on the floor.
"What if she's not Lou," I asked quietly, wiping away some of my tears.
"But she will Harry. Because Evelyn is strong, I know she can pull through this," Louis' words gave me some hope.
I sat in the chair for around ten minutes when Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Angela came bursting down the hall.
Angela rushed to a reception desked then rushed out of the building, punching buttons on her phone.
Liam, Niall, and Zayn were firing questions at us.
"Guys calm down," Louis yelled.
They all fell silent. No one noticed that I was still visibly shaking and crying, which was good. I didn't need them to worry about anything other than Ev.
"So what is going on," Liam asked, breaking the silence.
"She's in surgery, other than that, I don't know anything," I answered coldly.
"Haz, you're shaking," Zayn said, sirring down in the chair next to me and wrapping a comforting arm around me.
"I'm alright, I'm just worried," I said.
"Like I said Harry, she'll be okay," Louis said making me give a small smile. We waited in silence for what seemed like hours when a doctor came outside. All of our heads shot up at once.
"Which one of you is a family member or legal gaurdian," the doctor asked.
I raised a shaky hand, "I'm her step-brother."
"Come with me please," he says as he motions me to walk with him. I give the lads a nervous glance and walk with the doctor, unsure of what news I would be given.


Evelyn's POV

It was him.
My dad!
That only meant one thing....
"Am I dead," I asked him.
"Well that's your choice Snow," my dad said. Snow was the nickname he gave me when I was younger because I was fascinated with the movie Snow White, plus I looked like her.
"What do you mean it's my choice," I asked my dad confused.
"Well, you can leave everything you have behind. Your mom, the boys, friends, everything, and be at peace. Or you can go back to it all and stay a fighter," my dad explained.
"So does that mean you gave up on us," I asked my dad.
"I never gave up on you sweetheart. I love both you and your mother but unlike you, I didn't have someone to explain this all to me until it was too late. We all have are own choices, and with each choice comes an obstacle," said my dad in a loving voice.
"I don't want to go back to that life! I'm a mess, I want to start fresh with no baggage. Plus, it's not like anyone would miss me," I mumbled the last part, a bit ashamed for saying it.
"Evelyn, let me show you something," he took my hand, "Close your eyes." I nodded and shut my eyes. After a moment my father spoke again, "Now open them." When I opened them we we're standing in a hospital, probably the one I was stuck in. All the boys were sitting infront of me, eachone of them dealing with the news their own way. Zayn was biting down on his lip harshly and hitting his knee. Liam was in completle silence, just lost in thought. Niall was pacing around the room, rubbing the back of his neck. Louis was comforting Harry. They all shared one thing though. They were each in tears. Harry was the worst though, he was sobbing openly into Louis' shoulder.
"Oh my God," I whispered to myself.
"See, the boys care! This is when they first arrived here at the hospital," my dad said who seemed pleased with himself.
"What about mom? She never cares about me," I said pointedly to my dad. He took my hand and walked me outside to see a crumpled blinde woman on the sidewalk, "I should have listened," was al she said over and over again.
"Mom," I call out to her, broken hearted at the sight layed out before my eyes.
"She can't hear you Snow. Now, do you believe me when I say that they still love you, that they still care," my dad asks me.
"Even if they do care it will be good if I'm gone. No more drama," I respond.
"Evelyn, that is part of life, there are ups and downs, good parts and bad parts. But in ther end, it's worth it. When you look back on every descion you've made, good and bad, they both have helped your life to some degree. I don't want you to give up your life, you're still so young Evelyn, please don't throw it all away," My dad had pleaded with me and used every old trick in the book.
'You're still young.'
'This will help your life!'
I don't care but he is my dad and he he had a point.
"Do I have time to thibnk this over," I asked him.
"I'll give you the rest of the day to think it over, but after that, you have to make a choice. I just hope you choose the right one," we started walking together in silence, and I began to think over everything.


Niall's POV

We were getting anxious waiting for Harry to come back. I wanted to know if Evelyn was okay, I mean I still had feelings for her and she didn't even know! What if she's dead? What if she'll never know how I feel? Then she'll die thinking Louis' the one, but he's not! Louis doesn't deserve her, Hell I don't deserve.
Does that mean that I still don't have feelings?
After everything, I still love her.
She was my princess.
But I'm not her prince, I'm more of a toad. I mean what does Louis have that I don't?
A even tan, muscles, good looks, oh and the most important thing Ev's heart!
You're an ass, you know?
I was broken by my thoughts by a freshily teary eyes Harry walking towards us.
"How is she," Liam asked. I could hear the fear in his voice.
"She's alive, but just barely. The bullet hit a vital vein, they just barely saved her. She's in a coma but they say it's okay if we see her," Hary had spoken slow so all of us could take in what he had said. Each word was important to us.
We walked down, again in peaceful silence, to Evelyn's room. Harry opened the door and there she was.
Do you remember the movie Snow White?
Do you remember when she was in the glass cascet?
That's basically how Evelyn looked right now, minus the cascet and Dwarfs.
Her semi- long ebony hair streched to the middle of her rib cage, and her normal bubly aurora was replaced by a still, peaceful one. Her face was pale and her normal ruby lips had lost all color, Her eyes were shut and her hands were at either side of her. She looked so different now.
Harry took a chair and sat it down right next to her bed, he sat down and held her hand tight.
It was barely a whisper, I'm not sure if the other's heard it but I did, "Please, please wake up."

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