You Found Me ☓ McCall [1](EDI...

By hereticz

864K 16.9K 8.9K

Camille Granger, or Cami as she likes to be called, is swept away when she moved to Beacon Hills. Scott McC... More

I. New Beginnings and Hot Tea*
II. I Totally Lied To Myself*
III. You Got Me Like*
IV. Jealousy is the Ugliest Trait*
V. I'm Calling A Foul*
VI. What Just Happened?*
VII. Mission Impossible**
VIII. Well You Asked for It
Thank you for 500+ reads!
IX. Servants of the Moon
X. Be Careful What You ask For
XI. And You Sort of Snuck up on Me
XII. Til❜ Reality Sinks In
XIII. If the Shoe Fits
XIV. We're All in this Together
XV. Father Knows Best
XVI. Father Knows Best (part 2)
XVII. Always and Forever, RIght?
XVIII. All is Fair in Love and War
XIX. You Deary, Worry too Much
XX. Darkness doesn't Always Equate with Evil
Thank you for 11k+ reads!!
XXI. My Mind is Telling me Yes, So is My Body
XXII. You Did This
XXIII. Break Me, Just don't Hate Me
XXIV. It's not What it Looks like
XXV. Shots Have been Fired
XXVII. For the Love of God
Official Cast of YFM!
XXVIII. Almost is Never Enough
Thank you for the 52k+ reads!!
XXIX. Sharp Knife of a Short Life
XXX. Going Going Gone
XXXI. You Better Batter Up
XXXII. Let's Get Ready to Rumble
XXXIII. It's the Final Countdown
XXXIV. It Never gets Easier Honey

XXVI. Shots Have been Fired (part 2)

9.4K 209 55
By hereticz

The amount of panic I was feeling couldn't be described. He had them, he had my parents on the verge of death. For lord knows how long, and here I am having sex with Scott. I quickly got out of bed to change, trying to waste no time.

"I know you're worried, but you have to stay calm okay? We'll find them." Scott's comforting words weren't working at this moment, nothing will comfort me until my parents are safe.. and Liam is dead.

" I can't stay calm Scott! I won't waste time trying stay calm!" I pulled his wrist as we exited my room, racing down the stairs.

But of course, Scott wasn't about the drive us to the scene without some kind of plan. The whole gang was in front of the entrance of the Preserve.

Allison equipped with her bow, Stiles with his bat, Lydia with her brain, and Isaac with his claws. And me, just a helpless panicking human. Even if just a few days ago they'd found out I'd been lying to them about Jackson, they were still here for me.

" Her parents are in here, somewhere. I don't know if it's some kind of trick but we have to find them soon. I'm not risking any of us getting hurt, " he grabbed my cold hand, and held it tightly as he went on, " so we're all sticking together okay?"

As we're about trot through the preserve, Stiles spoke up.

" Woah, wait wait. Scott.. Camie.. Are you two back together?" he was utterly shocked, everyone's attention had fallen to our interlocked hands. Scott and I had looked at each other, and smiled.

" Uh, yeah we are bro."

" Wha- Wooohooooo!" He was quirky, his spasm had made me feel slightly better, but it didn't take long before the idea of my parents missing had let my heart sink deeper into the pit of my stomach.

Hand in hand, Scott and I led the way. We had no idea where to look, there were tons of cliffs. It'd be smarter to split up, but it would be too risky. His men could be scattered throughout the Preserve.. But splitting up could also way more beneficial.

Soon night began to fall, and we'd only cover so much land.

" Guys, this isn't working. I think we should split up, it's the best way to cover more ground and we waste any more time my parents could be dead already." The thud my heart sounded, causing Scott's hand to tightened around mines. " I know it's risk-"

" Well what are you waiting for? let's split up and find your parents.' Allison's speaking up kind of been a surprise to me. But she is also Chris' daughter. Both who know bravery and leadership very well! Scott had to be talked through more thoroughly, he didn't want any of us hurt. After a few more minutes, we each made our separate ways. Lydia with Stiles, Allison with Isaac, and myself with Scott.

" Why... why does this have to be happening. I just want a normal life for once." I'd broke the silence, I wanted to just crumple amd cry, but showing weakness won't be an option right now. It shouldn't be an option anymore actually. I had to stop these occasional breakdowns, worry shouldn't be my in my life anymore.

" Normal is out of the question for you babe. You're more like extraordinary, a normal life would be too plain for you." He comforted me with a caress of my cheek, as we continued our search.

As we looked and failed, my mind clicked. They have to be at the cliff the over looked Beacon Hills, before I could tell Scott my thought my feet had already been racing towards the area. I haven't ran this fast ever, I had left Scott in the dust and finally got to my destination. However, my parents weren't hanging over the ledge, they laying in the dirt with cuts, bruises, blood all over their body.

"Mom! Dad! oh my god," I sped by their sides, kneeling down besides them trying to hold myself together.

"babygirl.. you.. You found us." my mom said barely a whisper, and holding myself together was too much.

My heart clenched, and madness completely filled me. I wanted Liam dead. I've wanted him to die slowly, and painfully but after seeing what happened to my parents, I want to rip his head off. I wanted to kill himself! Scott quickly rushed behind, and kneeled as well and grasp both of my parents forearm to help ease the pain they were in. I sent out a text to the rest of the gang to hurry and get to where we are. 

Finally I saw Stiles come into view with everyone else quickly behind, and also a grinning Liam.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, I was sprinting towards Liam. Outraged, ready to kill but Scott's forearm grasped on to my waist, stopping me before I was able to get even 5 feet close to him.

"Aw, how cute, See you put two and two together and found your parents." He was certainly enjoying it this, the pain he caused me and to my parents was bringing him joy.

" You seriously have grudge issues, you're sick." Lydia's was pissed as well, the sight was too much.

" I swear to god, I WILL RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!" I thrased against Scott's hold, and in a split second I actually got out. Charing towards him, his hand firmly clamped on my neck, and the ground slowly left my reach. The air left my lungs as I struggled for breath, Liam had his betas in front of him. Blocking off anyone who tried to charge at him next.

" Not so smart honey. This is just a warning," He flew me down, and as the air got in, the impact of the fall knocked the wind out of me, Stiles and Scott quickly rushed to my aid.

" Are you ok? Can you stand?" My boyfriend's voice was filled concern, and it warmed my heart to see him being his protective self, he pushed my weight onto Stiles. And stood tall, in front of us facing Liam.  

" Scott, true alpha. I'm so afraid- The next time you brainwash one of mine,  I will kill you, Take him, he's out of the pack." Jackson was pushed to the ground, at me feet. And the sight was unbearable- his was completely beaten to a bloodly pulp, worse from the time Scott and him were in a fight. He had claw marks in his face, and 4 large gashes on his abdomen, his lifeless body barely breathing.

" Jackson! Omg, are you- wh-what happened?" My knees gave out as I forced his head on my knees.

" Com'n let's get him and your parents out of here." Scott's voice sounded, and I watched as Isaac propped Jackson on his shoulder, 


The beeping noises really had me on edge, I sat as still as possible. But my leg kept shaking as I sat in the quiet hospital room with my parents, I sat on my dad's left and mother's right side. I was still so baffled this happened to them, never would I thought my mother would be admitted into the hospital this way, let alone my dad.

They both had suffered brutally at the hands of Liam and his pack. I don't know how quickly they can recover from this, but I hope it's soon because Liam will strike at any moment.

Allison picked me up from the hospital with Lydia, and drove me over to Deaton's. That's where they were monitoring Jackson- hospital would be entirely too risky. Scott informed me that wounds from an Alpha would take longer to heal. So admitting him in with these scratches that'd just disappear ina matter a days would be beyond strange.

" Hey, how are your parents doing?" Stiles asked, as we reached the parking lot.

" Slightly better, although a lot worse than it looked. My dad has 4 broken ribs, and my mom's shoulder is dislocated, doctor said it'd take sometime to heal." I keep my eyes fixated on the pavement, I was still shook up about what I seen of my parents.

" How's Jackson?" I asked, Scott then walked of the vet.

" He's doing good, he's healing- slowly but surely- he's awake if you wanna go talk to him." And that's exactly what I wanted to do, I needed to know why this happened to him, what caused. I know this must be uncomfortable for Scott. As I walked passed him, I pecked a kiss on his warm lips and hugged him. 

My true alpha, being true to his title.

I walked into the examination room, and Jackson looked so much better. With all the blood cleaned off, and the other scratches, not all from Liam, healed up, he looked like himself again.

" Hey there, thought I heard your voice out there." It was good to hear his voice, my eyes shut in relief. Without thinking, I jumped into his embrace, his wincing made me jump back quickly.

" Sorry, sorry. I forgot for a sec. You look so much better, almost as if nothing happened to you." I smiled widely as he did as well. It was nice to see someone who was beaten down look happy.

" Speaking of that, what did happen Jackson? What the hell could you have done so bad that Liam expelled you out of the pack?" stupid quextion, you know the answet Camie, it's YOU.

"He found out about you," Oh the irony hearing those words come out of his mouth this time. " This morning I was trying to call, to see how you were doing since,you know your break up with Scott. I know it's entirely my fault. You weren't answering, so I decided to leave a message-"


     (Jackson's P.O.V.)" Hey Camie, you aren't answering. I- uh just wanted to check in on you. Our last time together wasn't exactly a nice time, I'm sorry about that btw. Really, I shouldn't have talked to you in Presever- I mean, no I don't mean I don't regret meeting you, cause you're a great person but it's causes so much problems for you, look where it's gotten you place. I just need to know how you're doing.? So call me when you can,alright?"  I ended the call, and let out a held breath I'd been hold while talking, I can't but feel guiltly about being the reason for Camie and Scott's break-up.

" tsk tsk, here I am thinking you were dedicated to me. And I almost had my pack complete. Going against me, not smart."

I whipped around on my heel, and was meet by Liam and his two strongest betas. And then felt his claws dig into my chest.


" he was really pissed, he got me good too. After this," he pointed to the bandage on his chest and abdomen," Marko, and William did the rest. Sure I did try to fight back, but I was too weak. Liam left because he said he had to take care of some business- he came back later with your parents. Forced me to watch him beat them. I didn't want to, I wanted to killed him and his stupid minions. I'm so sorry about them." He rested his hands on mine, and comfort spread right through me.

" But I learned something, about Liam. Something I think you sould know." 

" And what's that?" I asked, curiously but after tonite's action I was also tired to keep up with everything.

" Liam's previous pack, wasn't just his pack." Now I was drawn in, my furrowed brows had his attention now.

" It was his family."

A/N: After 2 weeks of not updating, here you go! So- Camie's parents and Jackson have endured some pretty heavy beating at the hands of Liam. Unfortunately, unlike Jackson, her parents can't heal as quickly. Which could be dangerous, since Liam is on edge! But alas, we now know why Liam is so caught up on avenging his pack's death, turns out it was his family. and we know we'd do anything for family. Next chapter will dive into it!

Who watched the season 4 premiere of Teen Wolf on Monday?! It was so gooood.

My opinon- nooo stalia, yas the lil Stydia moment in the beginning. Loved how Stiles was being so alpha-ish talking to that spanish lady " What makes you think we came alone?"  wtf is all this were-jaguar stuff, and berserkers? WTF YOUNG DEREK?!!! LUVZIT! msg me to rant if you'd like!

Also, I'm starting a new fan fiction! Stiles Stilinksi one ♥ love him to pieces! Gonna finish up chapter one for that story and post soon. 


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