I Hate That I Love You

By amourecrivain

4.2M 112K 30.4K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note <3

Chapter 11

160K 4.5K 994
By amourecrivain

I Hate That I Love You

Chapter 11


Blair's POV

"If you don't stop kissing me, we're never going to get to Blake's." I told my boyfriend, Aiden Chambers.

He tucked away the hair that blocked my neck before leaning down and placing his mouth on the exposed skin. He trailed kisses on my jaw and made his way to my lips. My mind started to fog from his kisses.

"Blake and Carly need alone time right now, Blair." he said against my lips. "Carly needs to be on the DL while Blake needs to figure out his feelings for her."

I stiffened under him and my mind became crystal clear. I pushed him away so I could sit up. What did he just say?

"What kind of feelings?" I asked him.

Aiden's cheeks pinked and I had to stop myself from smiling because of how cute he is. I guess he wasn't suppose to let that slip but I'm his girlfriend, the one he's in love with, I'm suppose to know everything he knows.

"It's none of our business, Blairbear." he replied.

"If it wasn't any of our business, then how come you know?" I rolled my eyes. "I want to know, Aiden!"

"Baby, I don't think it's a good idea to tell you. You'll just go and tell Carly."


"No, I won't!"

He narrowed his eyes at me and grinned. The smile showed off his pearly whites. "Yes, you will. And Blake's my best friend. There's a bro code about this stuff."

"There's also a 'boyfriend-girlfriend' code and right now, you're not honoring it."

Aiden sighed and tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away. Then, I launched forward and pushed him down on the bed, straddling him and pinning his hands above his head.

His eyes widened and dilated, showing surprise and lust. I bit my bottom lip as my eyes met his gray-blue ones. My gaze dropped to his lips. I licked mine at the sudden dryness and I saw his eyes follow the movement of my tongue.

I lowered my head until our lips were almost touching. My breath mingled with his. The temperature in our bedroom increased. Every part of my body that was touching his became scorching hot.

"Tell me." I whispered on his lips, making his part open slightly as if inviting me in.

Aiden groaned, his eyes darkening. He lifted up his hips and rubbed them against my groin, making me sigh in pleasure. "Make me." he said.

Smiling mischievously, my tongue darted out and traced his lips before dipping inside and danced with his. I tangled my fingers with his, still keeping our hands above his head.

I have kissed this boy so many times but each time was like the first time. The excitement and pleasure that came with every first kiss, always came with all of ours. Sparks flew, body heat rises, butterflies go crazy, and hearts pound fast.

"I love you." I told him when we parted for air.

"I love you more."

I kissed him again. "Tell me."

"What were we talking about?"

"Aiden!" I whined and I felt his chest rumble against mine as he chuckled.

"Blake won't admit it but I know he likes her. Your brother's been with a lot of girls --"


"-- but he's never cared about any of them. Hit and run. Smash and pass. Fuck and duck--"

"I get it."

"-- but whenever it has something to do with Carly, he's like a different person. Blake warned all the guys on campus about staying away from her. Why do you think she hasn't had a boyfriend for the past three years she's been in UCLA? He's more protective about her than he is about you, and that's saying a lot."

As his words sunk in and the memories of my brother's odd actions towards Carly came together in a perfect puzzle of realization, I started laughing. Still straddling Aiden, I bounced up and down in happiness and clapped my hands.

"Oh my God! This is great! Carly's going to be so happy. This will definitely make her forget about Chris' murder." I said, joyfully.

Aiden groaned and put his hands on my hip, stopping me from moving. "Please stop doing that." he said. "I'm so turned on, it hurts."

I stopped bouncing and raised my eyebrow at him. "Oh?" I hovered over him once more and laid a kiss on his lips. "I think Carly and Blake can be alone for a few more minutes."


Two hours later, we were pounding on the door of Blake's apartment. Being the impatient person that I am, after waiting a full five seconds after my first knock, I knocked nonstop.

"Calm down, Blair bear." Aiden said. "Are you sure you told Carly we would be late?"

"Yes!" I said impatiently. "I texted her twice but she never replied."

"Well, there ya go! They're probably not even home."

They have to be home! I have to tell Carly about what Aiden said about Blake!

I began knocking again, harder and louder. "Open up! I know you're in there! It's me, Blair--"

The door opened widely, causing me to trip forward but Aiden caught my waist in time and stopped the fall. I looked up to see Blake's face and I felt my chest clench.

He looked awful. Dressed in sweats. Pale. Blood shot eyes. Dark circles under his hazel eyes. But the worst thing about his appearance that hurt my feelings, as his little sister, was the hurt and pained look in his eyes but at the same time, it was mixed with a blank face.

Something was wrong.

"Blake? Are you okay, bro?" I heard Aiden ask from behind me.

Blake blinked and snapped out of the trance he was in. He lifted a hand to the back of his neck and rubbed it while sighing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." his voice cracked when he replied.

"Uhm. Are you sure? Cause you look like complete shit." Aiden said.

Blake smirked but the grin was hallow. "I can always count on your honesty, Aiden." he stepped aside to give us room to enter. "Come inside, I need to lock the door."

This isn't Blake.

He hasn't tackled me in a hug. He didn't interrogate Aiden about our new sleeping arrangements. He didn't crack a joke about Carly's obsessiveness.

Something was very wrong.

"Where's Carly?" I asked him.

I didn't miss the way his eyes dropped to the floor or the way he nervously cleared his throat. I noticed him shift uncomfortably and avoid looking at me straight in the eye.

"She's in your old room." he answered. I also didn't miss the sadness in his voice.

After giving Aiden a pointed look, hinting him to talk to Blake, I walked away and headed towards Carly's current room. I knocked lightly before opening the door and walking in, not waiting for her permission.

I found Carly laying face down on her bed in just her white UCLA campus shirt. She was was hugging one of the pillows and by the way her shoulders were shaking, I could tell she was crying.

"Carly? It's Blair." I said.

I closed the door behind me and walked over the bed to sit on the edge. I put my hand over her shoulder, willing her to face me.

"What happened?" I asked her.

I've never seen her so vulnerable. I've never seen her cry. Carly West was never sad, Carly West was a fire cracker. She was loud, random, and bright. She was a happy and open person. Rarely was she ever sad and closed down.

It literally broke my heart to see her like this. She was someone who was always there, supporting me, and helping me when I was the one crying. Now the roles are switched up. Now, she was the one in need and I'm the one who needs to help her.

"I don't know what to do now, Blair." she sobbed, her voice was muffled by the cotton pillow.

"Start from the beginning."

Carly stopped crying all of a sudden. She slowly sat up and tucked the pillow under her arms. Her blue eyes were swollen, red, and still watery. Just like Blake, she had a hard time meeting my eyes.

"I lost my virginity to Blake." she whispered.

Excuse me?

Her what?

To who?

"Your what?" I asked her.

There was no way Carly could be a virgin. I mean she was a big flirt. She always seemed like she knew more about sex than I did. She was shocked to know that I was a virgin before Aiden. So why would it be a surprise to her if she hasn't lost it herself?

"Yeah. I was a virgin."

"Carly. I don't understand...?"

She sighed and wiped at her wet eyes. She shifted and adjusted her position to get more comfortable. "I'll just tell you but don't say anything till after I'm done talking, okay?"

I nodded.

"I know I made fun of you for being a virgin but it just surprised me, I didn't mean to be a bitch. And I never said I was or wasn't a virgin either, all of you just assumed. Anyways, after you and Aiden went to the Pier last week, Blake and I ended up doing it and I lost my virginity. He didn't know. He was shocked but I told him to keep going. Afterwards, he kicked me out--"

"He what?"

"He told me to leave right after we had sex."

"I'm gonna kill--"


"Sorry, continue."

"I walked home and that's when I saw Christopher Warner getting stabbed."

Oh my God.

"Then Blake saw me at court and he was assigned to protect a witness; the witness being me. The past couple of days has been weird. He says he cares a lot about me. Last night, he thought I was asleep and he said he was really sorry and he really does care and just wants to protect me. He sounded like he really meant it, Blair. So I thought everything would go right this time."

After she was done talking, I was completely speechless. There were so many things that shocked me that it was so hard to try adn comprehend everything. 

First, there was the fact that Carly West was a virgin and my brother had taken her virginity.

Second, my brother's dumb ass had kicked her out after he had taken her innocence? That's the most heartless thing he has ever done.

"Carly... I'm so sorry." I started and moved towards her to give her a big hug. "I'm sorry for my asshole of a brother. I really am and I will gladly beat his ass for you."

I heard her chuckle and I smiled. "That's not necessary, Blair." she said.

"It is. Someone broke in here last night looking for you, Carly. All because Blake had you leave and you witnessed what you did. You wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for him. I know that you love him and I know that if it was me and Aiden, I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him either."

"I know." she sniffled.

"This games he's playing is pissing me off."

Carly turned to me with big blue eyes. "What?"

"I think we need to teach him a lesson once and for all."


Aiden's POV

"So, let me get this straight. You took her virginity, kicked her out, she saw Christopher get killed, you're now her babysitter?" I said to Blake.

Blake Bradley looked like shit. He was one of the most confident guys I know so seeing him this way was definitely foreign ground to me. 

"The feelings I've been feeling towards her since I met her has heightened. I can't ignore it anymore, I can't push it away and try and get over it. The attraction is harder to resist than ever." he replied.

"Are you talking about sex?"

"It's not just that, Aiden. Last night, she had a bad dream and I held her till she fell asleep. I was so content and happy with just holding her and keeping her safe. I care, a lot, and it's scaring the shit out of me."

"So, what's the problem? Just tell her."

"I did tell her!"

"And what'd she say?"

"She was sleeping."

I straight-faced him.

"That doesn't really count..." I told him.

"I know"

"I don't think you comforting her is the reason why she wanted you. Carly's been in love with you since she laid eyes on you."

I pitied Blake. He had no idea what he was doing. On the other hand, Carly West was the first girl Blake has ever been serious about. She was obviously different from all the other girls he's easily been with. Maybe that's the reason why he kept messing up.

Let's hope he doesn't mess up so bad that he loses her.

Well... him telling her to leave after he took her virginity was fucked up. I'm surprised Carly even wanted him again.

Their relationship was so easy to solve but at the same time, so difficult to figure out.

Suddenly, Blair appeared from the hallway and stepped foot in front of us. She glared at Blake before smirking at me.

"Get ready boys." she said. "We're going to the club."


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