Behind the Camera (Team 10 Fa...

Da adrodr0302

10.6K 239 54

If I knew what would happen, would I do it all again. [First ever story and first completed story] Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 18

111 3 2
Da adrodr0302





"Gummi bears?"

"3 bags." I assured Scott as he typed away on his phone, like always. "Are they the sour kind because the regular ones are too stretchy."

"Yes, they're the sour kind, you picky person."

"Okay get in the car, kid. And by the way, I'm not picky, I'm just very specific, for your information." He said nodding his head to the black limo. "Are we carpooling with anyone else?" I asked before I opened the door.

Scott looked up from his phone. "Sorry kid," He said sincerely. "But you know that the hosts of the awards won't let us and everybody else is gone. Oh my lord, I just made it seem like they're dead."

I let out a small laugh. "It's fine, I just wanted Alissa to come but the blonde idiot gives her bad memories and break downs."

"Cheer up, kid. At least you look like a queen. Now hit me with your good side."

"I don't have a good side."

"Neither do I but that's okay... not really but still."

~Skip to the carpet~

(A/N And a brief showing of the carpet brought to you by yours truly.)


(A/N The End :)))

~Skip to inside the venue~

"Well, they definitely cleaned up the place since yesterday." Scott mumbled to himself as he began to be a critic of the place. "But it could be nicer."

Ignoring his comments, I looked around the venue. It was nice with colors that screamed 'look at me!' and with even louder fans that actually screamed to look at them.

"Idiot alert." Scott whispered to me. I turned around to see the blonde devil dressed up in a bomber jacket with his 'friends' acting as his shadow. Scared? Nah. Disgusted af? Yup.

"Does he have his stupid camera with him?" I asked, pretending not to notice the approaching group. "Big as ever." Scott replied back. The one thing that I hate most about Jake Paul, beside his obnoxious voice and attitude, is his vlog camera. Being woken up with a big camera shoved in your face is not the most ideal type of being awaken from a wonderful sleep.

I looked up when I heard my name being called. It wasn't a loud call like to call somebody out but more of a whisper that came out accidentally. I stiffened at first when I realized that whoever said it had a Spanish accent. Deep and raspy. If things couldn't be anymore peachy, I met eyes with none other than Emilio Martinez.

My chocolate brown eyes met with his  sky blue eyes. The moment was cut short. A new voice called my name loud and clear. "Oh Ari!" I did a double take. There standing in a velvety dress stood Alissa Violet alongside Logan Paul.

"Hey kid, did you think I wouldn't come?" Like the idiot I am, I didn't answer. Alissa looked at me then up to her supposed friends that stood a mere few feet away. From my view, I saw her jaw stiffen and I knew that she made eye contact with the same guy who threw her put of her home. The same guy who he said loved her and the same guy who made her who she is today.

"Surprise...?" Logan imputed after a moment of silence passed. "Um. . . okay. Greetings are over now let's go sit down ladies and gentleman." Ignoring his brother for once, he motioned us to out seats in order to prevent any catastrophe.


"Ari!" A voice yelled as soon as I went off stage making me jump. I scanned the dimly lit backstage until I found my blonde manager rushing to me. "You did wonderful, sweetie!" Scott exclaimed, hugging me hard. "I'm so proud. Oh my gosh, Imma cry."

I laughed at his dramatic self before thanking him. "Excuse me, Ariana right?" We both turned around to see the voice that interrupted our celebration. A man in a business suit was walking towards us with a small woman typing away on an iPad. I nodded. "Well, my name is Dean Winchester and I work for Disney. I wanted to know if you are interested in acting in one of my upcoming movies, Descendants 2."

My jaw dropped. I looked at Scott only to be met with him glaring at me. You better say yes. He mouthed. I turned back to the man with a smile on my face. "I would love to."

"Fantastic! We will send you the script right away." He smiled showing off his dimples. "Well, good luck with the rest of the night. Goodbye, Miss Rodriguez." We shook hands and he walked away with his assistant trailing after him.

"Okay, I'm actually going to cry now." Scott muttered. I laughed and hit him on the arm. "Come on, I need to finish changing."

~end of the awards~

"What did the traffic light say to the other traffic light?" Scott began as we were making our way towards Logan's car. The awards had just finished and we, the celebrities?, were free to do as we pleased without the worry of our fans chasing us.

Logan cleared his throat. "Don't finish that pun."

"Oh, Imma finish this pun."

"What did it say?" I asked.

"Thank you Ari! See, look, Ari is open about puns."

"She only feels bad for you, bro. Puns are irrelevant in what we were just talking about."
"Well I don't care what you say. Puns are more relevant than you will ever be."

"Damn, that roast was almost as sad as Logan's life, Scottie boy." Alissa commented.

"Haha- wait what?" Logan asked with disbelief.

Ignoring the blondes that were bickering, I tugged on Scott's tux. "What are going to eat? I'm really hungry." I ended with a small pout.

"Oh... I don't know."

"I'll search something up, I guess." Being from Texas and currently living in California, I can safely say that I have no idea where a good restaurant is in Vegas. Luckily there is Google. Reaching into my small clutch, I came up empty handed. Looking down I realized that my clutch wasn't even there.

(A/N This happened to me once....I found my bag though.)

"Did you find a restaurant?"

I looked back up to the trio, wearing a sheepish smile on my face. "Well you see..."

Logan gave me a look that screamed his constant saying 'No honey no'. "I'll be right back." I said before they could open their mouths.

Running as quickly as I could, which wasn't really fast, in high heels, I arrived at the building, stopping every now and then at the cross walks. "They really need to get these streets repaved." I thought to myself as I wiped a small bead of sweat off my forehead. The cement was bumpy and the streets were littered with pot holes.

I headed into the venue before heading to the front desk. They should have a lost and found, right?

Inside the venue was eerie. The lights were dimmed and the big screens gave off the only source of light. There was nobody here. It was an entire 180 of what I had seen thirty minutes ago. No stray workers or celebrities that were tipsy, it was quite weird. I've never been in a stadium after any awards so I wasn't aware of how it was.

"Having my phone's flashlight would be really great right now." I grumbled to myself sarcastically. I tried to maneuver my way around the balloons that were popped yet and confetti that stuck to my heels, making it hard to walk without slipping.

"You need some help, missy?" I nearly jumped when the husky voice of a man came from behind me. I turned around and was faced by a man wearing black and a cap that was about six inches taller than me, standing too close for comfort.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, sir. I'm just looking for my purse that I left here about half an hour ago." I said as I subtly tried to take a few steps back. "I'll take you to your seat, ma'am. Follow me."

Even though everything in my body was giving off alarms, I followed the unusually tall man towards the front of the stage. Our path was covered in popped balloons, stray confetti, and our only light was the small ray that was emitted from his flashlight.

"Here we are. Take care." He gave me a creepy smile after his last sentence. As if it had a double meaning. I mean like yeah, everything about him is creepy right now but his smile gave me chills.

Until realization settled on me: I never told him where I sat.

I looked around the venue but stopped when two pairs of chocolate brown eyes met mine. I jumped. "Oh shoot, I didn't see you there, Alice."

Alice laughed. "It's fine but, if you don't mind me asking, are you okay? You were so jittery a few seconds ago."

I hesitated after a few seconds. 'What if she thinks that I'm just paranoid?'

"Oh... it was nothing." I answered, lying straight through my teeth.

The Brit raised her eyebrows. "I believe otherwise. I may not have known you for a long time but I know when a lie is being told." She moved us over to some seats. "Now tell me why you were so bloody nervous."

I relented. "Ok, but you can't judge." I waited for her to promise and then continued. "Well, there was this man and he was really sketchy but when I had lost my purse, he told me where it was and then left. But I realized that I never told him where I sat. It's nothing big but still."

I looked at Alice but she was looking down at her hands. "Alice?"

Alice looked at me, confused. "What man?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "The man that was in the venue. He was the one that helped me out."

"Ariana, there is nobody in there. Or supposed to. All of the workers are outside making sure all of fans are out. I'm supposed to be the only one in there." I looked at her. I didn't gasp dramatically or get scared. I just looked at her.

"Well then." I got up quickly. "He was weird but he helped me get my stuff so no need to dwell on it, right?" I didn't say it to reassure myself but more for Alice to reassure me.

"If you believe so, but I should tell my manager about it. So the staff can be aware, you know."

"If you want to but I have to go. My manager and others are waiting for me." I wanted to leave the place right away. It was scaring me and I was hungry. From everything that I have learned in life is that fear and hunger do not go well together, people.

"I can walk you out if you want." Alice offered. 'She's such an angel.' I thought to myself. I nodded.


"Be careful, Ariana." Alice said as she unlocked the back door for me. Immediately, the hot and humid air of Las Vegas hit me. "I'll be fine," i reassured her. "And call me Ari, we're not strangers."

Alice let out a dainty laugh. Small and cute just like the rest of her. "Bye Ari."

She closed the doors as soon as I started walking away, leaving me in the dark alley. Despite it being dark and cliché like in the movies, the alley felt safer than the venue.

It's not like I had to walk a couple of minutes to see people, instead it was close to one of the busiest roads so I was blinded by casino signs and bright headlights in a matter of a few steps.

I stopped at the stop sign waiting for the cars to slow down along with other people. Finally, the cars slowed down.

Feeling a buzz in my hand, I looked down to see a text message. I looked at the contact to find that it was an unknown number, unlocking my phone, I read the message. I stood still with my mouth agape, goosebumps running throughout my body.

You think you could get away from me, sweetheart?

I looked at the text. I didn't blink, I just stared. People pushed past me ignoring the shocked teen in a fancy dress. The phone buzzed once more.

You should have kept walking, boo~

A car horn honked, tires screeched, and a flash of light came into my peripheral vision before I felt an excruciating pain in my side and then my world went black.




Hey hi, yes I'm not dead even though it seems like it lol. I'm sorry for the long wait but it's summer so I'll definitely be more active.

So about the story... unexpected right?😈 hehe~ And trust me, I will edit this entire story to make it...better (?) I still can't believe that it's nearly been a year since I started this. Wow.

Ariana's dress for the red carpet ^

Well, I must depart, faithful readers. Much love.


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