Lone Wolf || Tyrion Lannister

By AngelicTrickster

291K 8.1K 1.5K

Her hair was kissed by fire, but ice ran through her veins. Poised was her demeanor, hidden was a mighty howl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Important Notice
Important Notice

Chapter Thirty Seven

3.6K 96 5
By AngelicTrickster


It took a little longer than expected to get to Dragonstone, but Jon and Davos were finally on a ship from White Harbor to get to the island. While Jon knew this was something he had to do, he was a little nervous. The last time someone with Stark blood went to answer the call of a Targeryen, they ended up dying.

And now, he was set to meet the daughter of the man who did that. But what choice did Jon really have? They needed the numbers, needed help and Jon knew that Cersei wouldn't provide it. Davos walked up to Jon after a moment. "So, this Tyrion Lannister, he married your sister?"

"That's what Sansa said." Jon agreed. 

"Do you know him well?" Davos knew that Tyrion was behind the Wild Fire during the Battle of the Black Water, but he figured that it could be put behind them. That battle was over, while he had lost his son, he was doing something more important now.

"I traveled with him to the Wall," Jon replied. "I know that Lady Catelyn had arrested him, but that's really it."

"Well," Davos said as he tried to think of what else they could do. "Maybe you could use the little of the relationship you have with him to appeal to this Daenerys. Or use his marriage to your sister."

Jon looked down at his boots for a moment before turning to face Davos. "My sister is dead," he said quietly. "His wife is dead, and he probably doesn't even know. I doubt that when I tell him he'll feel inclined to talk or listen. According to Sansa, their marriage was actually alright. Maybe there's a chance, but I don't know how willing he'll be once I tell him what happened to her."

Davos was quiet, it was clear that his sister's death weighed on him. "Where you close to her?"

Jon smiled, unable to help it as he thought of Anari. "Very," he nodded. "Ever since we were little, she was the nicest to me. She was also a real pain at times when she wanted something." He remembered every moment he shared with her.

While the other Stark children did their duties and saw to whatever their own plans were, Anari always sought him out. Even when they were both children. Anari would tell Jon her secrets, of her desires of being more than a lady. At first, the others didn't treat him quite the same, they thought of themselves as different.

Robb thought he was better, being the first true born son. But then as he got older, he did treat him as more of an equal. Anari was more so curious as apposed to thinking she was better. Sansa didn't like him, she never said anything as to why, but she just didn't. Arya was more like Anari, as was Bran and Rickon.

When he questioned himself, Anari never thought less of him. Not once. She'd fight for him, and she'd defend him whenever someone tried to ruin their relationship. "No matter how many times someone reminded me and her that I was a bastard and not her full brother, she replied with 'and why should that matter? He's still blood'."

Anari was a special young woman, and Jon loved her. It was clear in his voice and on his face. That was why it hurt so much to know that she was dead. He should have been there to protect her, to have been there to help her. Been there to save her like she did him.

Davos couldn't help the frown on his face. He had heard men talk of their family, especially their siblings, had heard how much they had hated them or despised them. How stupid or idiotic they were. But hearing Jon speak of his sister, hearing the clear love and hurt in his voice...

It was clear Jon wished he was there for her. That he mourned for her. "She sounds like she was quite the lady." He said at last. 

"She was." Jon agreed. "And now I have to tell her husband that she's gone." Davos sighed as he nodded.

"Perhaps," he began softly. "You might mention it to him after we ask for their help." He suggested. If Jon was right in thinking Tyrion may be less likely to listen if he told him about his sister, then maybe he should save that detail for later.

"If you saw your wife's brother, and hadn't seen your wife in who knows how long, what would you ask about first?" Jon asked in return. Davos gave a half smirk at that, knowing the obvious answer. Any man who loved his wife would ask about her first thing.

Though, hopefully this will all work out somehow. They didn't have much time, afterall. Every day, the Night King moved closer.

Hopefully, Daenerys and Tyrion would be willing to listen. This was about more than just an Iron chair, more than being a King or Queen. This was about surviving and living. None of the things they had done, none of the people they had lost would matter should the Night King win. This was bigger than some political game.

This was life or death of the world as they knew it.


Sansa smiled at her sisters before she turned to Brienne, smiling slightly at her. "See that my sister's guests are well taken care of. Find them a room and warmer clothes. Also make sure they are fed." 

"Of course, my lady." Brienne replied with a nod.

Sansa nodded back before she turned and looked to the wolf pack that waited obediently. She then turned to Anari after her eyes stopped at the direwolf. "Is that Shadow?"

"Yes," Anari smiled. "She found me, and she's been with me ever since." Anari was still grateful to have her wolf back. "Perhaps there is room in the kennels for them." She suggested. Sansa looked at her incredulously, which caused Anari to smile wider. "For wild animals, they do listen to my orders."

"What are those orders?" Arya questioned. Seeing Shadow again reminded her that Nymeria was still out there as well. It made sense, thinking about it. While Grey Wind, Lady, Summer, and Shaggy Dog were all gone, Ghost, Shadow, and Nymeria were still alive.

"I could show them." Idan offered. The sisters looked to Anari again, watching as she nodded. Though, Anari turned to Sansa, as she was the one Jon left in charge, not her. While Idan was her friend, Sansa was currently in charge of Winterfell.

"Very well." Sansa replied, able to see that Anari was looking to her to give permission. Which she thought was a little ridiculous, considering she was the older sister. Even so, Brienne and Podrick led Idan and Ethon away, Idan speaking to the wolves and getting them to follow. Though, Idan glanced at Anari who nodded again, letting him know he could trust Brienne. She remembered Brienne from the inn. And if she was here, under Sansa's command, then clearly something had changed. 

"Thank you, my Lady." Idan said as he passed Sansa. She nodded back to him, surprised by his manners. Anari had taught him enough about how the nobles did things, that he remembered what to say. He also had manners of his own anyway, and considering she was the Lady of Winterfell, he may as well show that he understood that fact.

"Follow me," Sansa said as she looked to her sisters once more. As the sister's turned to head to the crypt, they faced a smiling Lord Baelish. What was he doing here? Anari thought bitterly. He should have been at the Vale, not here. He didn't belong in her home, he tainted it with his very presence. Anari resisted the urge to scowl, instead, smiling back as he approached.

"Lord Baelish." She greeted, though her tone was curt as she addressed him. He didn't seem to notice, however.

"Lady Anari," he replied.  "You cannot imagine how happy I am to see you again." He continued, walking closer to her. "To see you again is a true delight."

"As it is mine to see you." Anari lied. She could see the change in Sansa as Lord Baelish moved closer and spoke. Something had happened, clearly, as even Arya looked suspiciously at the man. "Thank you for bringing my sister here. I am grateful for that. I heard rumors of what you did during the Battle of the Bastards, so I must thank you for that."

"It was a pleasure, and I remember giving you my word that I would make sure your sister was safe." Lord Baelish smiled. Sansa's eyes narrowed slightly at his words, but she said nothing. She planned on telling Anari the truth, telling her exactly how well he had honored his promise to her. 

But she dared not do it in his presence.

"Indeed," Anari nodded, noting Sansa's reaction. There was something he wasn't telling her, and Anari had the feeling Sansa knew. "You have my thanks."

Lord Baelish smiled again, though he took notice of the shy boy on her hip, and he hid a frown. "And who is this?" He questioned.

"A friend." Anari replied. She wouldn't dream of telling Lord Baelish who Mykal was. Already, the mask she often wore when she was with Lord Baelish slipped onto her face. Anari hid behind her smile again as she regarded him carefully. Mykal's safety came first, always. And she knew that Lord Baelish would use him against her if he saw fit. "Forgive me, Lord Baelish, but my sisters and I would like to talk together in private. We have much to discuss and it is quite cold."

"Of course," Lord Baelish smiled, bowing his head. "Perhaps we may speak more when you have the time."

"Of course." Anari nodded, though the last thing she wanted to do was talk with him. Anari definitely did not miss Lord Baelish, but she did know she had to be a little thankful that he had a weird interest in her family. From what she had heard, had it not been for Lord Baelish and the Knights of the Vale, Jon may not have won the battle.

The three Stark girls left him and went down to the crypts where Sansa lead them to their father's statue. Anari nearly cried seeing it, setting Mykal down to walk over to it. "Father." She whispered. It bore similarities, but it didn't quite match how he looked. Even so, Anari knew it to be him.

Turning to her sisters, the three of them sat before their father's statue, oddly able to feel his comforting presence. Slowly, they all began to share details of their journey's, of what had happened to each of them. Anari was enraged by what happened to Sansa, had she been there, she would have killed Ramsey on the spot. Anari felt both guilty and angry that she allowed her sister to face that monster alone.

"It's not your fault, Anari." Sansa said. "I couldn't always hide, I had to face the monsters myself at some point." Anari frowned, but she understood that Sansa was right. She couldn't shield and protect her forever. But that still didn't quell the anger she felt. The rational part of her, though, reasoned that Ramsay was dead, having been killed by the precious mutts he raised into killers.

No doubt the dogs had been killed as well, because how could one ever trust a mad dog not to bite whenever it feels? A smile replaced Anari's frown as Mykal walked over and plopped himself down in her lap.

"What's his name?" Arya asked as she watched the boy look around the crypt in awe.

"Mykal." Anari replied, gently running her fingers through his hair.

"What's his last name?" Sansa asked quietly. While she was married to Tyrion, most of the people would see her as a Stark. Sansa was curious as to which name Anari would use for her son. Anari glanced at her, frowning slightly.

"I don't know," Anari replied. "I suppose for now he could be a Stark, but I doubt anyone would accept that." Looking down at Mykal, Anari couldn't help but smile wider. The boy always had the uncanny ability to make her smile no matter what. "But I doubt that anyone would accept his other last name."

"What other last name?" Arya questioned.

"As I said, I was married in King's Landing." Anari answered. "Before Sansa and I escaped, the marriage was intended to be for Sansa, but I convinced Tywin Lannister to let me take her place."

"You convinced Tywin Lannister to do what you wanted?" Arya questioned. Considering Arya was Tywin's cup bearer for a time, she knew that he was not an easy man to trade words with. Arya was lucky he seemed to take a positive interest in her. Though, that was also dangerous, considering she had to be very careful.

Sansa was surprised as well. "I never knew what you did to take my place, you never told me." She said. She never thought to ask, and the topic never really presented itself. Though, Sansa knew that Tywin took an odd interest in Anari since that conversation. So, she must have done something, said something that intrigued him.

"I did what I had to do to protect you." Anari said, shrugging lightly. "But I don't regret it." Anari smiled, thinking of Tyrion and now knowing he was alive and well. "I learned to love him."

"You loved him?" Arya asked, her brows furrowing slightly. Though, she was glad that her sister had found some semblance of happiness while in King's Landing, she just didn't think it had delved into love.

"Yes, and I still do to be honest." Anari smiled slightly. While she had never felt a love like this, she now knew it for what it was. It seemed that even with their time apart, Anari's love seemed to grow. The simple thought of him, the idea that Tyrion was alive is what kept her love firmly in place.

"Who is he?" Arya questioned. Anari hesitated on telling her, but she knew it would be better if she did. She had no secrets to hide from her sisters. They were the ones she could trust with anything. Because why would they betray her? Anyone who wasn't family was a potential enemy.

Though, that didn't mean that Anari didn't keep an open mind. She'd give a chance, but she was smart enough to keep most people at arms length before she decides to trust them. Anari had no choice at this point, she had things that she didn't wish to lose.

"Tyrion Lannister." She replied.

"You're married to the Imp?" Arya asked, her tone beginning to rise. Anari fixed her sister with a pointed look.

"Please don't call him that," She said, even before befriending him and building the relationship she had with him, Anari didn't like hearing people call Tyrion by that name. Anari hated when other people put others down simply because they were different. "But, yes."

"Sorry," Arya said with a faint smile. "Force of habit." Anari nodded in return, her smile returning. "So, how did this happen? Wasn't Sansa supposed to marry Joffrey?"

"She was," Anari nodded. "But Joffrey set her aside for Margaery Tyrell." She explained what had happened that led up to this. How, originally, Tywin wished Sansa to marry Tyrion, to ensure the Lannisters had the North. But Anari reminded Tywin that she was the oldest, therefore it would be in their best interest to wed her instead.

Finally, Sansa knew what Anari had said to convince Tywin to marry Tyrion in her place. Both of them thought it was both surprising yet slightly amusing that Anari had the courage to even threaten Tywin to his very face and not be punished for it. As Anari was about to end her explanation, Sansa picked it up again. "The marriage actually seemed like a good match."

"It did?" Arya couldn't really see how it would. While she had never personally spoke to Tyrion, and had hardly even seen him, Arya wasn't sure how a marriage with him would work. Though, she was mainly going off of rumors, rumors that can easily be pushed aside as lies. While there may be an air of truth in them, Arya was beginning to see that Tyrion must have been a good man. If both Sansa and Anari approved of him, then Arya would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

"He had always been kind to both Anari and I." Sansa nodded. "He was the one who stood up for us when no one else would." They had told Arya of what Joffrey had done to them, mostly the beatings and punishments Anari took in Sansa's place. Anari smiled at Sansa, proud at how far she had matured and grown.

There had been a point where Sansa could barely even look at Tyrion because of her judgement and disgust with his antics. Now, she was praising him and seeing the good in him too. Like she had. "He had been gentle with me," Anari cut in. "And tried to help me where he could, especially when he was Hand. He is by far the best Lannister to be married too." Anari stated firmly. "I love him and he is the father of my child, Arya."

Anari had a point, one of which Arya could respect. From what she had gathered, had it not been for Tyrion's interference, then what they had endured would have been worse. It was clear Joffrey's mother was of no help, considering it was Cersei's doing that made him into such a little monster. 

Though, from what she had heard, Arya would pay a lot of money to see Joffrey try and deal with the likes of Ramsay Bolton.

Once Anari and Sansa told their story, Arya began to tell hers. She told them how their father had told a Night's Watch recruiter to look after her and take her back to Winterfell. Though, that idea went to shit, as she was attacked and taken to Harrenhal. 

Then she spoke about the Brotherhood, and her brief time with them.

As she did, though, Arya began to tell of how she traveled with the Hound. "Sandor?" Anari asked, her eyes darting to her sister. "Is he alright? What happened to him?" Arya was bewildered as to Anari's reaction.

"Why do you care?" Arya asked.

"He's my friend," Anari replied. At both Sansa and Arya's incredulous looks Anari narrowed her eyes. "There's more to Sandor Clegane than he lets other people believe. If it weren't for him, I may have destroyed myself the day father died. Or I may have done an unfortunate thing had he not stopped me. And had it not been for Sandor, I wouldn't have survived that riot."

Sansa looked down at the mention of the riot. That, before enduring what she did with Ramsay, had been the scariest moment of her life. For her sister to insist she get into the Keep and not knowing whether or not Anari would come through the gates as well. She had to admit, Sansa owed the Hound quite a bit for saving her sister the way he did.

"He tried to take us out of King's Landing," Anari continued.

"What?" Arya asked, surprised. Though, now she knew that he was telling the truth when he said he had saved Anari from the riot. Anari explained why she was so concerned for the Hound, how she had a debt she owed him. From what Arya told her, it was clear to Anari that Sandor did grow to care for Arya, even if just a little.

"What happened to him?" Anari asked.

"He fought Brienne," Arya replied. "She won, made him fall down a cliff. I left him for dead, I don't know if he survived or not." Anari tried to hide her disappointment and sadness at hearing that. She didn't want Sandor to be dead, he was her friend. Sansa and Arya could see that she was bothered by hearing that, so Arya continued on with her story.

After they spoke in the crypt, the sisters parted, allowing Anari time to get settled herself and to find Idan. She wandered a bit, Mykal walking next to her. The boy had decided he liked his aunts, even though they didn't really talk to him. He was content listening to the conversation as he looked at the crypts and let his mother run her fingers through his hair.

Mykal was a pretty observant boy, and he liked to listen and learn more before speaking. He took his mother's lessons to heart, even at his young age. Have your own thoughts and ideas, but be open to hearing what others have to say. When he had heard Arya sounding displeased with the idea of his father and mother being together, he didn't like it.

Mykal wanted to tell her that his father was a good man.

The stories he had heard from Anari had seen to that. After a few moments, Anari found Idan and Ethon, both of them getting settled into their rooms. Anari had been told that she could have her old room back if she wanted. And from what she could tell, it wasn't too far from Idan and Ethon should they need anything.

"I hope you're finding everything to your liking." Anari said as she stood in the doorway. Idan smiled at her as he looked up from the packs he had brought into the room.

"Definitely bigger rooms than the one on the farm." He smirked. Anari laughed lightly as she nodded. "Everything go okay with your sisters?" He asked.

"Yes," Anari breathed. "We had a lot to discuss, and I'm sure we have more. But, we needed that. It felt good to speak with them again, especially Arya."

"The one who went missing, right?" Idan questioned, to which Anari nodded again.

"Turns out she had a journey all her own." Anari smiled. Idan offered a half smile in return. "Well, anyway, my room is just a bit down the hall." Idan nodded in return. "Would you mind watching Mykal for a bit?" Anari asked.

"Not at all." Idan smiled. "Are you going to tell everyone who he is?" Anari frowned slightly before she shook her head.

"Not yet," Anari said, which caused Idan's brows to furrow. "I need to know who I can trust before I reveal who he is." Idan didn't really understand, but he let it go. She was home, she should be safe to have her son around her and be called her son. However, Idan also understood that there were things that he didn't know about when it came to her world.

Anari was, after all, a noble woman. She was the daughter of a Lord and Lady, and there were aspects of that life that Idan didn't know about. So perhaps that is why she couldn't let them know that Mykal was her son. "Alright," Idan nodded. "Until you're ready?" He asked. "I'll tell everyone he's my son."

Anari smiled softly, her shoulders relaxing a bit. "You are far kinder than I deserve, Idan." She said softly. "You are a true friend, and I mean that." Idan smiled in return. While he loved her, he knew he couldn't have her. And he knew he needed to accept it. With what was going on, Idan knew that Anari was not going to betray her husband now, not when she knew he was actually alive and in Dragonstone.

"I've never met anyone more deserving of kindness, Anari." Idan replied. "You're sisters aren't the only family you've got now." Anari nodded back, accepting that. He was right, Idan and Ethon were family, even if they weren't blood. To Anari, there was more to family than blood. She treated Theon as if he was blood, even if he was a Greyjoy.

"I'm going to walk around a bit, this place brings back a lot of memories." Anari smiled.

"I can only imagine." Idan nodded. "Go, I'll look after Mykal." Anari nodded in return before she pressed a faint kiss on top of Mykal's head. With that, Anari left the room and went into the hall. Left to wander her home, though, Anari should have expected Lord Baelish to find her. 

"Anari." He said. He was thrilled to see that she was alive, that she hadn't died. Lord Baelish had underestimated the hold Anari had on her sister, so Sansa was a little harder to get too. But with Anari back, he could continue with his plans. With the heir of Winterfell home, Lord Baelish now has what he wanted.

Turning, Anari placed a smile on her face as she saw the man. Sansa had told her about what he did to her, selling her to the Boltons, knowing what Ramsey was and what he would do to her. Anari would never forgive him for that, just like she would never forgive him for betraying her father.

Anari never has trusted him and she never would, considering he had kissed her and murdered her aunt right after. And the fact that he betrayed her father after saying he'd help. The only person Lord Baelish was loyal to was himself. Whatever furthered his plans, no matter what it was, he would do it.

"I am so happy you're home." Lord Baelish smiled.

"As am I." She answered honestly. Anari was very glad to be home, that wasn't a lie. She felt as if she had regained a piece of herself. Something that was missing, perhaps a hole in her heart, had been filled since returning.

"I am so sorry for what happened to you while on the way here." Lord Baelish said. "If I could have stopped that attack, I would have." Lord Baelish walked closer to her, the same smile on his face. He had truly hoped that she wasn't lost, but there was no way of knowing. He had returned to the sight of the attack, but he didn't find her body.

He had assumed the worst, as he usually did, and left it at that. But to see her standing there, alive and well... He couldn't help but want her again. Just like her mother, she was a strong woman, fierce about her family. "I know you would have." Anari replied. He probably would have tried to stop the attack, though if only to preserve Anari for her name and title.

She still remembered how to play the game, despite having been away from it for some time. Looking at her, Lord Baelish could see she had changed, but not by much as she was still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Even more beautiful than her mother. "You look as beautiful as ever."

"Thank you, Lord Baelish." Anari fought to keep her expression calm and neutral, despite feeling so uncomfortable. She did not miss his obsession and lust for her and the power her name alone wielded for him.

"Please, call me Petyr." Lord Baelish whispered as he neared her. With the way she was talking, he wondered if she was still under his control. She had the same soft smile on her face, the same trust in her eyes. Perhaps she hadn't changed much on her journey before coming here.

"Petyr." Anari smiled. She didn't like how close he was getting, but she allowed him to move closer into her personal space.

"I have missed you." Petyr said quietly as he looked at her. "I have done what I could to honor my promise to you. I came to your brother's aid during the Battle of the Bastards, and I have been doing my best to advise your sister Sansa."

"For that I thank you." Anari replied. She did truly mean that one, as she had heard how they were losing the battle, and Jon would have died had it not been for the Vale showing up. Though, she knew that he lied about honoring his promise when it came to Sansa. He gave her to a monster, one he knew about.

Though, Anari found that, even now, it was still hard to figure him out. The same question she came up with was never fully answered. Perhaps now, she would get to know just what Lord Baelish wanted. "What is it that you want, Lord Baelish?" She asked plainly.

"I thought you knew what I wanted." Petyr replied.

"I was wrong." Anari shook her head softly.

"No, you weren't." Lord Baelish smirked slightly. "Every time I'm faced with a decision, I close my eyes and see the same picture. Whenever I consider an action, I ask myself: will this action help to make this picture a reality? Pull it out of my mind and into the world? And I only act if the answer is yes." Anari waits for him to continue, knowing she would get her answer. Though, he closed the distance even more. "A picture of me, on the Iron Throne... and you by my side."

Anari inhaled softly at that, she had a feeling that was what he wanted, in the end. But that was not what she wanted. Anari didn't really care who ended up on the throne, as long as it was someone fair, honest, and true. Lord Baelish had none of those qualities. Anari didn't want the throne for herself either.

She didn't wish to be a queen, especially not a queen for Lord Baelish. This time, Anari knew what he was going to do, as she looked into his eyes. Lord Baelish cupped her face as if she was a precious jewel and kissed her. This man was toxic, he would do anything he could to reach his goal. He knew how to play this game well, and he had tried to help her see his way. But his way meant that everyone was at his disposal.

Once he realized that someone was either a risk or a pawn in his schemes, he would use them. Just like he did with Sansa. He knew what Ramsay was, what he would do to her. Yet he didn't care, he wanted the North, and with Anari gone and unable to protect her sister he had basically got it.

However, here he was, trying to get back in her good graces. He didn't know that she knew the truth, he must have still believed in her facade. That she was giving him a chance where there wasn't one. He had fallen for her disguise, which meant Anari was better at this than she thought. Or that he was so obsessed that he just didn't see what she was doing.

Perhaps she had it right when she thought that she was his weakness.

If Petyr Baelish actually thought that she would allow him to use her, to be a pawn in his scheme and his plaything to warm his bed, then he was more foolish than she thought. However, Anari knew she had to play it his way. At least for a little while longer. 

But after this moment, she was done. Anari was sick of him popping into her life and whispering poisonous words into her and Sansa's ear. As much as she hated to admit it, Lord Baelish was a voice in her head. Whenever she thought of a decision, sometimes she would hear his voice. It irked her, it disgusted her that despite her attempts to keep him at arms length, he still got in enough to where he was in her head. 

Though, one thing was for sure, Lord Baelish was a danger to her family, and now that she just got it back, Anari was not going to let any threat last long. He was a danger to Mykal, and knowing how this man worked for the most part, Anari knew it would only be a matter of time before he figured out who Mykal really was.

And if he dared use her son against her, Anari would kill him herself.

So, as he leaned forward to kiss her, Anari let him. She let him kiss her for longer than she did back in the Eyrie. Anari knew what she had to do, so she gave him what he wanted. Just a taste of it before she took it away.

After a moment, Anari pulled away, taking his hands from her face. "Must be a pretty picture." She said to him softly. She offered a faint smirk as she shook her head slightly before she walked away. Just like when she got the best of Cersei that one day, Anari couldn't help but feel proud of herself for being able to fool him.

Though, Anari wasn't a fool herself. She knew it was a dangerous thing to toy with a man like him. Lord Baelish was not someone to be taken lightly either, and while so far she was a step ahead, Anari knew not to underestimate someone like him. In the back of her mind, though, Anari hoped that no one had seen what had transpired between the two.

If someone were to have seen them together, no doubt they would have gotten the wrong idea.

Petyr stood there, unsure of what she had meant. Had he just been played at his own game? Did Anari Stark know more than she let on? She must have, a bold move to allow him to have her for just a few short moments. To make him believe she was on his side. Unwillingly, Petyr smirked at her retreating form.

I've taught her well, he thought. Perhaps too well. Composing himself, Lord Baelish kept walking, in the opposite direction Anari went in. 

Though, both Anari and Lord Baelish were unaware of the eyes that had seen what had transpired between the two. Left with no context, they thought the worst. Once Lord Baelish left, so did whoever was lurking in the shadows. Though they had seen what had happened and heard what they said, they were unsure of what to do with the information they now had.

Though, there were a few pressing question's they had as they rounded a corner. What exactly was that conversation about, and was there something going on between Anari Stark and Petyr Baelish? Because if there was, then they could see potential issues down the road.

Issues that may change things in Winterfell.

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A daughter born admits snow with ice in her eyes and fire in her heart A son born admits flames with fire in his eyes and ice in his heart The union...
155K 5.1K 74
"π‘Šπ‘œπ‘™π‘“'𝑠 π΅π‘™π‘œπ‘œπ‘‘," their father always called it. Could make a man or woman wild in a sense, unpredictable, and powerful. And when a violet-e...
453K 15.7K 66
"I made a promise to protect you. Honor or not, that is one I intend to keep." - A story of a Lion and a Wolf, two beings brought together by the ver...
650 48 48
Having witnessed her father's beheading, Ilyanna Stark must now protect her sister and ensure they survive the evolving game of thrones. Will the She...