Soul of the Cerberus [NEW]

Od AndieKlein

1.4K 82 8

Twenty-three-year-old Korina Varga, a young art major had it all figured out. She would paint and sell her ar... Více

Chapter 1- Homebound
Chapter 2 - The silver lining
Chapter 3 - It takes three to tango
Chapter 4 - Devil's advocate
Chapter 5 - Shadows in the dark
Chapter 6 - Blank slate
Chapter 7 - Love hurts
Chapter 8 - Sucker punched
Chapter 9 - Rat in the house
Chapter 10 - Locking horns
Chapter 11 - All guns blazing
Chapter 11-All guns blazing (Part 2)
Chapter 12 - Anything but you
Chapter 13 - Keep on smiling
Chapter 14 - Heart on fire
Chapter 15 - First mission
Chapter 16 - The climb
Chapter 17 - Not good enough
Chapter 18 - Dance
Chapter 19 - Unusual alliance
Chapter 20 - Pour it up (2 part)
Chapter 21 - Chaos
Chapter 22 - Chaos (Part 2)
Chapter 23 - Chaos (Part 3)
Chapter 24 - Chaos (Part 4)
Chapter 25 - Don't let me go
Chapter 26 - Last farewell

Chapter 20 - Pour it up

33 1 0
Od AndieKlein

Ok, so this has to be done :D WARNING, WARNING mature content ahead! ;) I will publish this chapter in two parts (today and tomorrow), BOTH will have mature content in them so if you're under 18 or just don't want to read it, you can skip the whole chapter or just well ... the sticky parts. Thank you for your reads! :D


I stepped into Traxx's apartment and my jaw hit the floor when I assessed the surroundings. His place was approximately four times bigger than mine, with bright spacious rooms. Somebody already fixed a mixing board with the sound system since I heard quiet music playing in the background. There was a wide table in the center of the living room with all kinds of beverages laying on and around it.

Girls were already there, sitting on the sofa, waiting for other guests to arrive.

"Hey." I sprawled next to Sanna, nudging her "So?"

"So what?" She looked at me, her expression puzzled.

"How does it feel not to be single anymore?" I leaned in to see Sam and Ria smiling at her, wiggling their eyebrows.

"Great, now I actually have a reason to glue my face off the computer." She laughed, biting her lower lip.

"And Mr. Cranky is ok with that? With you slacking off like this?" Ria said doubtfully.

"Hey! That is my friend you are talking about! Only I am allowed to call him that." I gently smacked her.

"I am not slacking off!" Sanna said with horror "I would never neglect my work."

"I think we are all aware of that." Sam added, rolling her eyes at Sanna.

"Speaking of boys." Ria stood up, plastering her widest smile on her face "Yannik, we were just talking about what an excellent boss you are!"

"Yes, I heard you." His eyes were sparkling with humor as he looked down at Ria, suggestively lifting his eyebrow.

"I brought some juice!" Rob lifted his hands full of beer bottles.

"Didn't you see the stock over there?" I pointed at the table "I think we have enough for a year."

"Right. Newbie." He accused me, tossing the bottles to the boys, who were standing around us.

Traxx and Daniel suddenly appeared next to us, jumping off the second floor.

"Show-offs." Ria stabbed her finger at grinning Traxx. Daniel sat on the sofa, squeezing between me and Sam. I instantly noticed how uncomfortable Samantha looked, probably wishing he would pay attention to someone else instead.

"Where are your loyal followers?" I whispered, looking around to find the blondes who always hung on him.

"Tonight I am open to other possibilities." He grinned, his eyes flickering from Sam to me.

"Daniel." I warned him, shaking my head "Leave her alone. You will ruin everything. You're not interested in good girls, remember?"

"So who do you suggest then?" He leaned back, putting his hands behind his head.

"No one! Can't you leave the poor souls alone for one night?" I looked at him, horrified.

"You are no fun!" He smirked "I'm a Cerberus too, you know. I have my wicked side."

"That is just your excuse to do whatever you like." I glared at him.

"Maybe you're right." He laughed "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a poor soul to haunt." He lifted off the sofa, stalking towards the group of girls, who just entered the apartment.

The minute he was gone I felt Sam relax next to me. "You know what?" She said, angry "I hate being single!"

"You don't have to be." I laughed.

"No, I don't." She smiled "And you are going with me." She indicated to the group of guys Kellan was standing with.

"I am not sure-" I started, horrified at her suggestion.

"Oh come on Korina! You are single aren't you?" She insisted, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Yes, but I kind of promised Yannik we will hang out." I wanted to save myself before it would be too late.

"He can come too; I have a nice girlfriend who he would like." She turned to Yannik "What do you say?"

His mouth opened and closed as he watched her in disbelief.

"Absolutely not." He was vigorously shaking his head. But she was completely oblivious to his response "Perfect!" She clapped, standing up she gripped my hand and pulled me towards the group of guys.

"Kellan." Said Sam seductively, batting her eyelashes at him and his friends. Amateur fools took the bait, surrounding her like a pack of starved wolves.

There was a pretty redhead standing next to them, completely engrossed in conversation. I saw her a few times with Illiana, so she probably worked in the science sector.

"This is Lex." Said Sam, introducing us as we nodded at each other. "And this is Yannik, my very single friend." She looked at her meaningfully, raising her eyebrows.

Lex looked at Yannik wide-eyed "Hey! You are the head of IT aren't you?" She beamed, stepping closer.

"Yes, that would be me." He smiled at her.

"I was just working on this project-" She stopped as Sam groaned loudly, casting her a dirty look. "Can I offer you something to drink? I would love to hear your opinion on it." She said enthusiastically.

"Well..." He started, looking at me his eyes pleading with me, to get him out of this situation.

"He would love to hear about it!" Sam beamed, pushing him away from us "Besides right now I need Korina more than you do." She whispered to him.

"Sam you can't just push her on him!" I said annoyed.

"Oh please! What would he complain about? She's a stunner." She grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the guys.

"How about we turn this party up?" Traxx roared, standing on the counter. Rob put his hands up in the air, already settled behind the mixing board. He raised the volume of the music so high, we had to scream to hear each other.

I turned around, searching for Yannik and I saw him sitting at the counter with Lex. She was explaining something to him, waving her hands in the air and he listened to her intently, sketching on the napkin laid on the counter in front of him.

"See?" She laughed "I believe he is just fine."

I grimaced, not liking this one bit. Jealousy burned in me as I watched them, the feeling of dread spreading in my lungs.

Quite honestly I was sick to death of this. I realized I will have to do something about it. I can't keep watching him with jealousy, fearing the moment he would meet someone he really liked.

Traxx and Ria appeared beside us, smacking two bottles of vodka on the table.

"Who's in?" She grinned, placing glasses on the marble surface.

Right now I had absolutely nothing against a little help to lift my spirits. "You know what? I am." I said, slapping my hands on the counter.

She laughed pouring me a shot. "Really? Just don't overdo it, ok?"

"Sure." I shrugged, not really caring "Cheers." I said to them, clinking my glass with Sam's. I gulped the liquid down, feeling it burning my throat. A warm sensation spread over my body, making it pleasantly numb. And suddenly I just wanted to forget my feelings for Yannik even if just for a night. I would deal with this mess later.

"More!" I commanded pushing my glass towards Ria. She looked at me weirdly, but then her eyes darted around the room, stopping on Yannik. "Oh." She nodded "I got you, girl." She poured me another shot, pushing it towards me.

I emptied it with one gulp, shaking my head to clear my jumbled thoughts.

"One more, than we are dancing." Ria grinned at us, swinging her hips.

I downed another shot, feeling slightly nauseous from the revolting taste. Clasping Sam's hand, we followed Ria where the people were already dancing.

Ria stopped, leaning in to whisper in my ear "How about you show him what he's missing?" She smiled wickedly, pulling me and Sam next to the counter where Yannik was sitting.

"Are you insane?" I mouthed her, shaking my head.

"Come on." She urged me "Show me what you got."

I tilted the bottle, taking another long swig. I saw Yannik looking at me with disbelief, his brows drawing together in anger.

Of course, he was against doing anything improper. I guess I wasn't a little Miss Goody two shoes he thought I was. I took another drink from the bottle, just to spite him. But I already felt sweet oblivion spreading through my veins, boosting up my courage.

I joined Ria and Sam on the dancefloor. Putting my hands in the air I slowly rolled my hips.

"That's how it's done, girl!" Ria laughed. Entwining my fingers with hers she spun me around.

Before I knew it, there was another glass in my hand and I eagerly gulped the cold liquid down. I felt my head spin as I jumped next to Ria and Sam, following the rhythm of the music.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lex pushing Yannik on the dance floor, wildly waving her hands above her head. The living room was completely packed, our bodies touching as we moved.

He glared at me as he went by "What has gotten into you Korina?" He spat. I ignored him, laughing as the room wildly spun. I glanced over my shoulder to see where has he gone, grabbing Sam for support as I dangerously wobbled on my feet. My jaw hit the floor as I saw him dancing. His back was turned to me and he was freestyling with such ease and masculinity, I had no choice but to stop and stare. God that boy could dance.

"Damn." Ria whispered, following my look "Mr. Cranky has some sick moves." She smirked snapping her fingers in front of my face "You've got it really bad, don't you?"

My body heated as I felt his back brushing against mine. I grabbed the bottle, taking another sip, because I needed more courage for what was I about to do. The room was so crowded now; we could barely move, but that only played in my favor.

I pressed my back against his even tighter, slowly dropping my body low and back up. I felt him freeze, but at this point, I was too drunk to even care what was I doing. We danced like this for a while, with me pressing tight against him. I haven't even noticed that Lex was long gone. He suddenly turned around, his voice husky "What are you doing?" He whispered into my ear. I wanted to pull him closer, but I dangerously wobbled on my feet considering my sense of balance was badly compromised.

His expression turned serious, and he was scowling at me again "You are completely drunk! You can even stand straight!" He was furious, trying to keep me on my feet. "Korina why are you behaving so irresponsibly?" He growled, scolding me like I was a little child.

But I didn't care because from this point on I only saw his deliciously full lips and sculpted chest. I grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt, pulling him closer to me. I wrapped my hands around his waist, sliding my fingers to his shoulder blades and back down, stopping on his belt.

Not having enough of him I let my palms travel to his chest. I wrapped my hands around his neck, slowly and seductively rolling my hips against his. And still, I wanted more.

I pulled his face closer to mine, pressing my lips against his. I gripped the back of his head, my kisses turning rough and frantic. Lust burned my insides, and I felt delirious from his delicious spicy taste.

His hands were suddenly on mine as he tried to pry them off him. "Korina stop!" He said sternly "You are drunk."

I didn't obey him at first as I was still pulling him closer, craving more contact.

"Enough!" He commanded, his expression twisting with anger. He pushed me away from him, holding me by my shoulders to keep me still.

"Why?" I slurred, looking at him with disappointment, my drunken state only magnifying the feelings of desperation and heartbreak.

"You are not acting yourself." He said gravely.

His rejection hurt so much I felt tears filling my eyes. I turned away as quickly as I could, trying to hide my pain from him.

I hurried towards the exit, since all I wanted was to run away from him, too ashamed to look into his eyes. I was rejected twice, and stupid enough to risk it once more.

As I run blindly I collided with a hard chest, blocking my path. "You're drunk." The humorless voice said.

I looked up into Daniel's eyes "Let me go, Daniel. I need to go home." I said, my voice barely understandable. My feet gave way, and he caught me, holding me upwards. "That was really stupid Korina." He said seriously.

"You really think I don't know?" I hissed at him, seeing double.

"I will get you back to your apartment." He shook his head, supporting my weight.

"You are not going anywhere with her!" Yannik growled from behind us, his voice low and threatening.

Daniel turned around to face him "You don't trust me with her?" He smirked.

Yannik stared directly into his eyes "Give her to me." He was running out of patience, stepping even closer to Daniel.

"You had your chances. You blew them all. Congratulations." Daniel laughed mockingly, provoking him even further.

Yannik suddenly grabbed his collar, yanking him away from me. He caught my limp body before I could collapse on the ground.

Daniel sprang forward, but all of a sudden Traxx was there, holding him back.

"You are only hurting her!" Daniel spat at Yannik.

"That is their problem to solve Daniel!" Traxx growled, pulling him away from us "It is not your business!"

Yannik stared at Daniel with stunned expression on his face, still supporting me. When he finally awoke from his stupor, he lifted me in his arms, carrying me away.

I slumped in his arms, half-asleep. Wrapping my arms around him, I soaked in his warmth. After what seemed like infinity I realized we've finally arrived to my apartment. He climbed the stairs and I felt him gently placing me on the bed, tucking me in.

"Rest Korina." He said, his voice somehow tortured. He stood up to leave, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked, silently begging he would say yes.

"I-" He hesitated, his expression filled with uncertainty.

"Please." I opened my eyes, cursing my stupidity as I saw the room spinning around me.

He sighed as he slowly climbed into bed, careful not to touch me. Repositioning myself, I moved closer to him. I leaned my head on his chest, sighting in content, wishing we could stay like this forever. I felt him stiffen under me, but he didn't push me away.

"Why are you doing this? Touching me like you aren't bothered by how I look?" He whispered quietly after a moment of silence. I knew he probably thought I was already asleep, hoping I haven't heard him.

"Why would I be bothered?" I said, looking up into his eyes. He went rigid with shock when I responded him.

"No woman wants to touch me. They are repulsed by me." He eventually said.

"Does it bother you when I touch you?" I said gently, biting my lower lip.

"No, you confuse me Korina. Why weren't you repulsed by me when we first met? Running away from me when you had your chance? Instead, you wanted my friendship." He laughed with disbelief.

"I liked you." I said honestly. But he didn't have the slightest idea how much.

"Right. When I accused you of bad manners?" He laughed bitterly.

"No, that wasn't the first time I saw you. I came to the IT department the day you arrived, and you were there." I said, leaning my chin on his chest.

"I didn't see you." He said, confusion adorning his features.

"But I did. You were busy terrorizing others." I laughed "I've never seen someone like you. You are so-" I was about to say beautiful, but I abruptly stopped myself "-So interesting." I grimaced at my poor choice of words.

"Right, interesting." He nodded, looking away from me.

He cleared his throat "So you and Daniel-" His voice broke "-What is going on between you two?"

"Daniel?" I laughed "Nothing, we are just friends." I shrugged, not really interested to discuss Daniel right now.

"He is in love with you Korina." He told me, his expression shattered.

"What? I mean, yes he likes me, but he is attracted to pretty much every woman in this building." I laughed nervously.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. He has feelings for you, he is just too proud to admit it out loud."

"What?" I stared at him in shock.

He nodded "And I can tell you love him back. You two are so perfect for each other." He quietly murmured.

"I don't like Daniel!" I said desperately, but just one look at him told me he didn't believe me. He was completely oblivious to what I felt for him.

"You are so stubborn." I lifted up, leaning on his chest. His face was right below mine, my hair tickling his skin.

"I am the stubborn one?" He laughed bitterly, his eyes darting to my lips.

"Yes and I truly don't like you." I whispered. My lips were now only an inch away from his.

"No?" He frowned, looking into my eyes.

"Not even a little bit." I leaned forward, gently kissing him.

He returned my kiss, at first softly, but then hungrily, pulling me on top of him. I followed his lead, straddling his hips. He groaned as I parted my lips, allowing him to explore me. His mouth was so deliciously soft and inviting, building the pleasure inside of me. I ran my hands down to his stomach, placing them under his shirt. My palms slowly traveled upwards, exploring his muscular abdomen.

He suddenly grabbed my waist, stopping me "Korina we shouldn't do this." He said, his voice pained.

"Please." I begged him for more, pulling his shirt up.

"You are killing me." He moaned, pressing me against him "You will regret this tomorrow."

I ignored his warning, pulling his shirt over his head. I marveled at his sculptured body, not able to look away from it.

"Korina-" He shook his head, trying to cover himself as he was still convinced I found him repulsive.

"Don't!" I grabbed his hands to stop him. "You are so beautiful." I groaned, heat pulsating deep inside of me.

Suddenly he pushed me off him, trapping me under his body. I hugged his waistline with my tights, holding on for my dear life as I kissed him with roaring passion.

His lips moved, caressing me from my mouth to my neck. My back arched in pleasure as he gently bit my skin just above my collarbone. I buried my nails in his back, although I was certain I'll leave some nasty marks, I couldn't stop myself.

His hands darted under my dress, gently caressing my tights. His mouth claimed mine, possessing them with rough rhythm, driving me insane. I couldn't help myself as I pulled him even tighter against my body, lifting my hips to meet his. He ground his body against mine, his breathing becoming even more erratic.

My heart pounded in my chest, mimicking his own irregular beating.

All of a sudden my dress was yanked up, thrown over my head. He watched me for a second, stunned expression on his face. "You are driving me crazy." His voice was hoarse with lust.

He lowered himself on me, softly kissing my belly button, tracing his lips upwards. I grabbed his head, encouraging him to continue. I felt his fingers trace the lines of my bra, his tongue caressing the sensitive skin.

"Oh God, Yannik!" I cried out, clutching him firmly with my tights. "Please!" I begged him to finish this torture.

"Please what?" He smiled wickedly, his breath tickling my neck.

"You know what I want." I glared at him "Just do it!"

"I can't." He smiled "You are still drunk and I am not going to take an advantage of you like that."

"But I want you to!" I said forcefully, going mad from the need I felt.

"Believe me, I want to. Badly." He whispered in my ear, igniting me even further. "But I can't."

I grabbed his shoulders defiantly, pushing him down on me. He laughed quietly "You can have me when you sober up. If you'll still want me that is." His eyes were suddenly serious.

"You are not serious, are you? You really expect me to sleep after this?" I said with disbelief, looking at him.

A sensual smile spread on his lips "We can fix that."

He sat up on the bed, encouraging me to straddle him. I eagerly took him up on the invitation, gently brushing my lips against his. His hands were on my tights, softly traveling upwards. My head spun, but this time alcohol had nothing to do with it. He put one hand around my waist, supporting me as I barely kept myself upwards. My spine arched as his other hand moved underneath my panties, touching my hot core. I let my head fall backward, my mouth slightly open with pleasure. I blindly gripped his shoulders, tearing his t-shirt in the process.

"Yannik!" I cried out, completely out of breath. "Don't you dare to stop!"

"I don't intend to." He growled, his voice low. His hips jerked uncontrollably, his body shaking with need.

I felt my body exploding as he worked me with his fingers, a rainbow of colors erupting before my eyes. My body shook with the intense pleasure he gave me and he plastered his lips on mine, smothering my loud cries.

I collapsed on him, completely spent.

Now when I had a taste of him, I couldn't possibly give him up. I was addicted to him, craving more of him and I couldn't get him out of my head even if I tried.

"Satisfied?" He laughed, tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

"For now." I grinned, lazily sprawling all over him.

"Rest now, I will be here when you wake up."

"Promise?" Wrapping my arms around his chest, I looked at him.

"I promise." He nodded, hugging me back, softly kissing my forehead.

I felt my lids growing heavy from exhaustion and I slowly slipped into oblivion.

"All I want is you." He whispered"Even if it has to be just for one night."    

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