Joker's Little Girl

By BlackShadows77

5.7K 144 29

I'm the Joker's daughter what else is there to say and I'm also not one of those Jokerz who like to terrorize... More

Joker's little girl
Joy to the Bat
Joy to the Bank
Joy to His Fears
Joy to Her Trick
Joy to the Threats
Joy to Their Thoughts
Joy to Their Demise

Joy to the Cave

604 20 6
By BlackShadows77

"Terry?Terry are you there?"Bruce blared through the com-link but got nothing.

There was some crackling noises on the other end and after a couple minutes. . ."Yeah. . .sorry,she's. . .she's stubborn than she looks."

"No time for games,do you have any clues on how she might know about who we are?"Bruce asked almost wanting to look back at what he might've done wrong.

"No,she escaped police custody two minutes ago.I'm checking every place she could be hiding in."Terry explains as he glides carefully down alleyways and streets.

"I'll check on any monitors,see if--"Bruce stopped when Ace began growling then barking.

He looked down and saw his dog barking at the entrance. . .the same way he did with Joker.Bruce knew better though and grabbed his cane and grabbed a batarang,then when there was a sudden open of a door,Bruce and Ace readied themselves only to find that the person. . .

"Babs."he says and Ace calms down.

"Take it you know about. . ."she trails.

Bruce turns and looks at the monitors,"Hopefully,I can track her down before she can cause any harm to herself or citizens."

"Reminds me of the good old days. . .heh,I remember when Dick told me about the first time Harley almost--" "What's the real reason you're here,Gordon?"Bruce snapped,unable to handle their names. . .especially his.

"We have no intel on who she is,your protégé was able to get most of it."she explained and Bruce eyed the woman.

"We still don't have a lead on who she really is,"he started.

"And pray to god,she isn't right about being his daughter."Babs said as they walked to the computer.

Bruce knew she wasn't that mad man's daughter,if anything,she was possibly another wannabe Gotham Rogue,like Duella Dent.

"I know Joker.Joy is just a girl with an obsession,someone who wanted something so badly that they decided to go the distance to get it."he stated and grabbed the batarang,aiming it at Barbara.

"What the hell?!What are you doing,Bruce?"Barbara questioned as she raised her arms.

"Tell me,how far will you go for him,Joy?"Bruce hissed.

"What are you. . .heh heh,alright."she smirked and tapped the side of her head,showing that her perfect disguise of Barbara Gordon was just an E.M.P mask.

"You like?Got it from this guy,good guy too."she chuckled as she pulled the mask off.

Ace growled and charged,only to get cut and hurt,he whimpered in pain and all Joy did was grin.

Bruce set the batarang to stun and just had to ask,"Will you go the distance?"

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