Reaching Dreams

By Avenuery

5.9K 104 49

This story revolves around teenagers and celebrity personalities in the showbiz industry. The STAR 5, a group... More

Reaching Dreams
Chapter 2: Auditions
Chapter 3: We all......
Chapter 4: The Past
Chapter 5: Idols with Trainees?!
Chapter 6: Few little memories... Could hurt you...
Chapter 8: Thank you, Taemin.
Chapter 9: Sacrifice.
Chapter 10: Onew-Irish Couple...
Chapter 11: Practice...
Chapter 12: The new 'FABULOUS' ones.
Chapter 13: Fabulous <3 SHINee
Chapter 14: Minho's back & Fabulous' debut...
Chapter 15: WHAT THE HELL?!
Chapter 16: Fights strengthens love between lovers.
Chapter 17: Seunghyun's Unhealthy Obsession..
Chapter 18: Wyxzel & Grace...
Chapter 19: She came back as a devil.
Chapter 20: The show that will change everything
Chapter 21: The next song is for you...
Chapter 22: T.O.P's Plan
Chapter 23: Saved from attempted abuse...
Chapter 24: Let's run away...
Chapter 25: Brigette's desperate plan.
Chapter 26: The Unexpected
Chapter 27: Knockout Brothers
Chapter 28: TIME IS UP
Chapter 29: Kwangmin's plan.
Chapter 30: G-Dragon vs. Key Part 1
Chapter 30: G-Dragon vs. Key Part 2
Chapter 30: GDragon vs. Key Part 3
Chapter 31: Is it true that love conquers all odds?
Chapter 32: They finally gave it a try..
Chapter 33: Louise' true color
CH.34: Did it work? (Part 1)

Chapter 7: A brokenheart

130 3 0
By Avenuery

Chapter 7: A brokenheart


[Min Ho’s POV]

“Grace Baek, Juztine So, Wyxzel Park, Topher Jang, Leirie Jung, Justyn  Choi, Anne Lee, Key,” Irish said.

“ASSA!!!” Key shouted. I grunted. She would pick me. I hope.

Irish turned her head and seems like she’s talking to someone. I looked at it…





“J-JB, Si Woo, Min Ho Choi,” She bowed her head. And I’m sure why… She’s blushing… Then she continued. “Juliane Kang, Jay-Ar Kang, Andrea Hyun… I think she’s reallly good even though we aren’t formally introduced. I’ve watched her audition.”

“Okay… That’s the last group. I’ll give you the next period after your lunch break to talk with your members. Okay? Dismissed.”

[Jay-Ar’s POV]


“Hey! Jay, what are you doing?” Juliane asked me.

“Umm.. Have you seen Irish? I’ve been looking for her everywhere…” I said.

“Hey!” Onew-hyung showed up in front of us.


“Have you seen Minho? I really need to talk to him…” He asked.

“Anyi.” Juliane replied.

That’s when my heart sank. I’d admit… I think I’m really falling for Irish… And I know, she loves Minho…


“Oh! Minho!” I heard Onew-hyung called out. I looked up to see the most hurting sight I could ever see right now.

Minho-hyung & Irish hand in hand…


“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Jonghyun-hyung, Key-hyung & Juliane said in chorus…

“What’s that?!” Juliane exclaimed grinning…

“Not here, guys!!!” Irish giggled.

“Let’s go somewhere else.” Minho suggested grinning. “Oh, Jay-Ar dongsaeng, kindly find Irish’s friends? Please..”

“Uh.. N-Ne, Minho-hyung.” I ran off finding them while holding back my tears…

[Juztine’s POV]


“WHAT?!” We all shouted except for Onew, Minho & Irish…

“We are back together…” Minho said squeezing Irish’s hand tightly...

“EEEEPPPPPP!!!!” I, Leirie, Anne, Justyn and Grace squealed.

“AH, jinjjayeo?! Seriously??!” I asked grinning.

“Oh.” Irish said nodding her head up & down while looking at  the ground.

“Whoa! I never thought you’ll be back on together soon…” Key said. Amazed.

“Key-hyung! What do you expect they’re both head over heels for each other.” Taemin said.

“Right!” I agreed with Taemin.

As we were chatting and asking questions, I noticed two guys tuning out of the conversation. Onew-Hyung & Jay-Ar…

‘Onew-Hyung still likes Irish… Too bad…’ I thought.

[Taemin’s POV]

As I was being answered by Minho with my question on how they get back together, my eyes flickered on Juztine. She was staring at Onew-hyung & Jay-Ar.

‘Poor Onew-Hyung…’ I thought.


“Hey! You listening, Taem?” Minho-Hyung asked.

“O-Oh? N-Ne. I just tuned out. Sorry.” I said sheepishly.

Then, Anne suddenly shouted.

“I think we could go on a date or like a bonding time… Since the couple Mi-Rish are back maybe we could celebrate!!”

We heard a grunt and looked around.

‘Of Course that’s Onew-Hyung’

“I don’t think we could do that right now…” I said reasoning out and looking directly at Onew-Hyung.


“Yah~ Have you guys forgot?!” I looked at my Hyungs. “Maypole Photoshoot is coming. We need facial treatment!”

“Oh…” Minho-Hyung looked at Irish.

“It’s fine. Go. I’ll be okay.” She said geniunely smiling.

“Okay.” Minho-Hyung said kissing Irish’s nose tip.

“EEEEPPPPPP!!!” Another squeal emerge from the girls.


And so, we went to our treatment shop.


-At the shop-

I spotted Onew-Hyung inside a sauna booth.

I entered there.

“Yow.” I said.


“I know what you feel, Hyung. You still love her.”

There was silence.

“Darn. I can’t get over her!” He said pounding on the wall.

“You need to, Hyung. You’re only hurting yourself.”

“I know. Ara! But I just, I just can’t! Whenever I’m going to rest, she’ll just come into my mind without anything reminding me of her!” He said, tears trickling down his cheeks. “Even in those 3 years, she’s the only girl in my heart & mind!! I thought I would get over her when I first laid eyes on her but I was wrong. DEFINITELY WRONG!” He said pounding the wall again.

I didn’t say another word but put a hand on his shoulder.

“She’s my best friend way back 4th Grade. Although I’m 4 years older than her, she was so nice to me.  She was also the only person I told my secret. The secret of having Grace for my first love… She was also my first kiss. Way back in my 2nd year middle school days. UUGH! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE MINHO?! DOES DESTINY PUNISHING ME?! WHAT DID I DO?!”

He shouted.

“Shh.. Onew-Hyung.. You’ll get through this. Gwaenchana”

“Anyio gwaenchana! Aniyo gwaenchana!” He shouted still crying.

‘I only hope what I plan would help.’ I thought.


[A/N: Sad? Poor DubuOnew… L

But there’s going to be a bit of a twist in this… Irish is loved by 4 guys but someone will come. And I think she/he isn’t a good character.

And there's a picture of shinee at the side.. :)

Oooohh~ Spoiler.


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