Homiesexual (G/T)

By I_Like_Cookiez

16.7K 373 524

(Cover made by @cranky_crew_bitch) That kiss wasn't supposed to mean anything. But, clearly it did. Or else t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter 7.5 - Hug A Giant Day!
Chapter Eight

Chapter Three

2K 45 24
By I_Like_Cookiez

Ashton's eyes cracked open to the sound of someone shuffling around. He wanted to turn and look and see who or what it was, but he was so out of it that he could barely move. He turned his sluggish gaze back up at the ceiling, mumbling something incoherent, before letting unconsciousness overtake him again. But, as he closed his eyes, he just barely felt a large, leathery object come in contact with his head, petting him gently. Ashton thought nothing of it, letting the soothing touch lull him back to sleep.


Ow...my head...

That was all Ashton could think of as he opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings. Well, the surroundings above him. He slowly sat up, and immediately realized something wasn't quite right...

"Um...what?!" He exclaimed. He was on a bedside table, covered by what looked like a doll's blanket. It all came rushing back. The shrinking, his massive friends, his fear...everything. Although Ashton couldn't remember anything after he'd hit his head, so he didn't remember being taken home by Chandler.

"Oh...oh god..." Ashton breathed starting to panic, realizing he's in the house of a giant human. (As he'd later find out, it's only Chandler.) He immediately sprung to his feet, frantically looking for a way off of the table. His eyes finally landed on a massive clock near the edge, with a thick, black cord running out its back down to an outlet in the wall.

Perfect... Ashton thought, hurrying over to it. He shuddered as he neared it, realizing how absolutely huge everyday objects would be to him now. Ashton climbed onto the cable, wrapping his arms around it and shimmying down it, hoping it'd be a straight shot down once he got completely vertical. Luckily, he was right, the cord went vertical, and Ashton slid down fireman style, safely reaching the ground.

"Where to now?" Ashton thought out loud, searching around the giant room. He grinned when he saw his perfect escape plan. A different cord connected to a standing lamp ran right by a window, that was open enough that Ashton could slip right out. Smiling like a child on Christmas, Ashton made a mad dash for the window. He was actually going to be able to escape this person's house! But, in all of this frenzy to escape, Ashton seemed to forget one little detail...

He wasn't alone.

Ashton froze in his tracks as he heard the doorknob to the bedroom turn. Looking for a place to hide, he found nothing, as he was in the middle of the room. This was it...he'd be spotted, grabbed, and probably punished by whoever the psycho that took him was...

The door opened, and Chandler walked in with a small bowl in his hand, Ashton saw his eyes go to the table where he'd been sleeping, then go wide, then immediately search the floor until they locked with his. Ashton felt intimidated, taking a fearful step back. Chandler saw this, setting the bowl down. His heart shattered, seeing Ashton look so afraid again. Hesitantly, he took a few steps forwards, making his footsteps as soft and slow as he could manage.

     "No! S-S-Stay away!" Ashton stuttered, backpedaling as fast as he could from Chandler's giant form closing in on him. He turned to look behind him for a split second. He was close to the bedside table, which had a pretty big space underneath. This was his escape! He could dash under and hide until--

     Ashton let out a startled yelp as his heel scuffed the wood flooring, causing him to fall on his haunches, staring helplessly up at Chandler, who was now looming over him. This is it... Ashton thought, my giant friend is going to kill me, and I'll be nothing but a tiny red stain on his fingers... He turned his head down to the floor, accepting his fate. Small tears began running down his cheeks, splatting onto the floor in front of him. A finger lightly brushed against his shoulder, making him flinch away and whimper quietly.

"P-Please..." Ashton whimpered quietly, curling into the fetal position. The fingers returned, nudging his trembling body onto a different surface. Chandler's palm.

"Ash? Hey, hey...it's alright, it's just me. Don't be scared, you're safe..." Chandler cooed softly, scooping Ashton into his palms.

"Please...P-Please don't h-hurt me!" Ashton choked out through his fearful tears.

"Oh, Ash, d-don't cry," Chandler soothed, rubbing Ashton's tiny back with his index finger, "why on earth would I ever hurt you?" He asked, slightly hurt that his friend would see him as somebody who'd hurt him on purpose, but he knew he couldn't hold that over him. If he was in Ashton's position, he'd probably be frightened of everybody for a while.

"I-I don't kn-know...I guess it's j-just my n-new size, and you're so massive, I just don't know w-what's gonna happen to me, o-or how people will react, or o-or-or-!" Ashton stumbled over his words as a new wave of tears overcame him, this time out of grief rather than fear.

Unsure what to do about the sobbing tiny boy, Chandler pressed him softly to his chest in an attempt to give him a hug of sorts. He expected Ashton to fight against his hands, but was surprised when he felt him snuggle closer, sniffling. Chandler's cheeks blushed a deep red, feeling the shrunken human cuddling up to him, probably for warmth. He didn't realize it, but Ashton was blushing, too.

     "Th-Thanks, Chandler." Ashton squeaked out, craning his neck to look up at the giant, well, his neck and chin. Chandler looked down at him, pressed against his chest. He smiled down reassuringly at him.

     "Are you hungry, Ash? I brought up some fruit salad if you want some." Chandler offered, shifting Ashton to one hand, and motioning to the bowl that he'd set on the table a few minutes ago. Ashton smiled for the first time since his size change and nodded.

     "Yeah...I-I'd like that." He replied. Chandler then picked up the bowl and began taking them out of his bedroom. He noticed Ashton's face shift to one filled with panic. He patted his back reassuringly.

     "Don't worry, my dad doesn't get off of work until 6, plus, he's taking Kinsley to her soccer game, so they won't be home until much later, we'll be okay. And if something does happen, I'll keep you safe, alright, Ash? Nobody's gonna hurt you." Chandler explained, reassuring the tiny boy in his gentle tone, pushing tiny locks of Ashton's light brown hair out of his face. He smiled sheepishly up at the normal sized human, making him gush with a small "n'awww!"

     This made Ashton feel better. He let his body relax and settled into Chandler's warm (and surprisingly soft) palm. He let the steady motion of Chandler's footsteps lull him into a sense of security. But, even though he had Chandler, and Eli for when Monday rolled around, one question still nagged at the back of his mind.

     What's going to happen to me?

     Hm, this is probably the one book of mine that I won't cringe at while reading 6 months later! Yay! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, because I really enjoyed writing it! :3 Peace out my dudes!✌🏻️🍪

     Oh, almost forgot! Don't forget to follow the 4-way collab account that me and 3 others created: Waffpineteddycakes !!!

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