The eye of the storm (Boku no...

By Jay_Wolfe

1.8K 20 11

(y/n) is just a quirkless young boy, who befriended Midoriya a few years ago. One day he finds himself in qui... More

The first step
Entrance Exam
A test already?!
Battle training

Training with All Might

425 7 3
By Jay_Wolfe

All Might is, strangely enough, rather good at making training schemes. The days have flown by, and in hindsight every day was about the same. Three months in and there are already results. My body has grown some considerable muscle and I can already control my quirk a lot better. Though it still drains a lot of stamina and strains my body, but it could be way worse. We're still training at the beach every day, cleaning it in the process. It's almost starting to look like a beach again, even though the biggest pieces of junk are still present here. I'm still meditating trying to lift a fridge of the ground while Deku is carrying All Might on his back. His physical growth has been monstrous! He's only trained for a little over three months and he can already carry 256 kg on his back. Makes you wonder how strong you need to be to actually receive One for All.

The fridge finally starts coming off of the ground a little, but my happiness causes a loss in focus ass the machine lands on its side with a slam. A slight breeze comes over us, carrying some leaves. Would it be possible to aim already existing wind? Instead of creating it myself I could just bend it and increase it in strength.

~+~3rd Person P.O.V.~+~

The young man stands up and closes his eyes as he focuses on the task at hand. He takes a moment to feel the wind mess with his hair before taking a deep breath. He stretches one hand towards an oncoming leaf and tries to bend it upwards. The leaf starts slowly going up, but All Might yells at the young man and the leaf falls back down.

"It's time you get to your physical training, young (y/n)" All Might said, turning back to his normal form. The boy just gives him a nod as he joins up with his friend. Together him and Midoriya started dragging an oven up the stairs and into the hero's truck. They repeated this process multiple times until it was finally time to rest. The two boys fell to their knees and All Might brought them both a bottle of water. "You know, I knew training to be a hero would be tough, but this physical training really is heavy" (y/n) said while twisting so he was now laying on his back. "You're *breaths* right. But we'll have to work way harder than others to get there!" Midoriya stated. (y/n) smiles "I knew you'd say something like that". Suddenly a though occurred inside (y/n)'s head. "hey All Might, shouldn't we like practice combat a few times? I didn't see it anywhere in your training schedule, but isn't it an important matter. Even if we can't use our quirks yet, basic martial arts are key to beating tough opponents right?" "That is very true, young (l/n), but you need to get your body to a certain level before you can focus on the fighting. If I were to teach it to you now, you'd already forgotten by the time the entrance exam comes around." All Might answered. "Now, break's over boys! This beach won't clean itself!" The hero exclaimed while walking over to the next part of the beach.

And that's how it went, time flew by and soon enough it was almost time for the entrance exam. But there were some complications along the way. Midoriya was overworking his body causing for him to suffer from major exhaustion, while (y/n) had been trying way too hard on his quirk, therefore suffering some rather peculiar injuries himself. How peculiar you may ask? The young man had managed to receive multiple cuts around his face and arms from testing his quirk around trees. Storm wind suddenly turned leaves into deadly weapons. Luckily both have recovered and improved on their training schedules thanks to All Might, who saw the injuries as dedication to the cause.

~+~Morning of the entrance exam~+~

The boys were a little earlier than normal, trying their best to finish up the task even before All Might would arrive. By now Midoriya's body had become a suitable vessel for One for All at last, and (y/n) has gained incredible control over his quirk. Both have even learned some martial arts along the way from All Might, knowing when to strike and how to hit them. Midoriya stood atop a pile of the final pieces of garbage that originally laid on the beach while (y/n) was staring at the sunset. When Midoriya realized that he had finished his first step he started screaming with joy.

At that moment All Might walked up to the beach, staring at the boy on a pile of junk. He then ran to look at the beach and noticed the WHOLE beach being freed of the garbage that was once there. "They even cleared outside of the section I told them to. There's not a speck of dust left on the beach" All Might said still in awe at the boys' work. "Oh my ... Oh my ... Oh my ... GOODNESS!" The hero enthusiastically exclaimed as he turned to his muscle form. Midoriya then stopped yelling and fell down, as All Might ran off to where he would land. But the boy never came down. When he looked up he saw Midoriya hovering in mid-air. (y/n) then walked up next to him and let Midoriya fall back down right into the hero's awaiting hands.

"All ... Might We ... we finished it" Midoriya weakly said, clearly tired of all his work. "You did amazing you bunch of entertainers!" All Might praised as he set Midoriya back down. "I gotta say I'm impressed and beyond shocked. I knew you had it in you to do it, but this is beyond my wildest dreams!" He says like the proud dad he seems to be around the two young boys. "Here, take a look at this" He said holding up his phone. On his phone was a photo of Midoriya crying on the ground. He then swiped further and the next picture he showed was of (y/n) trying to control the wind as he cuts himself with leaves. "This, young men, were the two of you ten months ago. You still looked like a bunch of weaklings back then " All Might said, a little rude. "Young Midoriya, you have a long and difficult road ahead of you if you wish to control my powers, and young (y/n) you too have a difficult path ahead of you. You have been blessed with a powerful quirk and even managed to gain some control over it. But don't forget that those powers should only be used to do good deeds." All Might preached.

"All Might, do I deserve this?" Midoriya asked, a little unsure about the answer. "I mean, you put so much time and energy into helping us. How did we get so lucky?" the young boy continued as he started to cry a little. While (y/n) thought Midoriya was a little bit of a crybaby at that time, All Might could only think about his words. 'You didn't get luck, Midoriya. It was your own hard work and dedication that helped you this far' were the hero's thoughts in his mind. "And now it's time for the award ceremony!" The legendary hero said happily. "This is something that I was once told: Something that you receive because you are lucky and something you are given because you are acknowledged are different in essence. Take that to heart young man."All Might continued. "This power is yours and you earned it, all by yourself!" He finally finished as Midoriya nodded in understanding.

"Now, for your award" All Might says as he rips one of his hairs out. (y/n) could already foresee what was coming and started giggling a little. "Eat this" The hero said in all seriousness. Midoriya froze as his face fell, unlike (y/n) who started laughing at him. "U-Uhm... A-Are you serious?" Midoriya finally spoke, although still in a daze. "Well, it doesn't really matter what it is as long as you take in some of my DNA" All Might answered with a sheepish grin on his face. "THIS ISN'T EXACTLY HOW I IMAGINED RECEIVING A QUIRK WOULD BE!!!" The young boy yelled at him, making (y/n) laugh even harder. Midoriya turned towards the laughter and saw his (h/c) haired friend rolling on the floor laughing. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY (Y/N)!" He screeched. "It kinda is, to be perfectly honest with you" (y/n) answered as he again erupts in another fit of laughter.

"Come on! You don't have time for this! Otherwise you'll be late for your exam!" All Might scolded them, as he gave Midoriya the hair. He looked at the yellow hair in despair as he finally closed his eyes and gulped it down. "As for you young (y/n), there's nothing that I can give to you except for some advice." All Might said and (y/n) answered with a nod. "You have the power to control wind, which can be a destructive weapon. You'll need to be careful with this for you can easily injure yourself and others with it." He finished. "Oh! One more thing before you two leave!" All Might stated. "What is it?" the duo answered together. "I want you two to be very careful! Over these past months I started seeing you almost as children of mine. And I don't want any of them to end up dead."
The two children looked at each other before giving a thumbs up to All Might. Midoriya swiped a tear away and (y/n) spoke up "We'll be alright! I can look after Deku and the other way around. Don't worry, we'll manage ..." Then the two boys started running towards their homes.

All Might stares at the two boy before looking up to the sky. "I wonder if the boy will be just as good with his powers as you were, (f/n) (=father's name). I just hope he won't suffer the same faith as you have, old friend. May you finally rest in peace"

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