Unexpected(Harry Styles AU)

By _HarryThePussiKing_

542 28 0

'Expect the Unexpected' I use this term loosely, because well that would be hypocritical of me to say, since... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Prologue: 2

60 4 0
By _HarryThePussiKing_

"Dad you know I love you." I groan at his teasing, which he loves to, looking at my father. I've always been a daddy's girl, since birth.

"I know mija I'm just teasing." he smiles at me, my favorite smile. Eyes creaking and his not-so-white toothy smile, but none the less it's still the best.

My home life is absolutely wonderful I'd like to say we're the typical all mexican family. Dad works at the winery all day, my mom a in home nurse for the elderly veterans. We live in the perfect house, the size of the villa just right for our family.

"I know" I smile at him grabbing his dirty plate, that once held chicken tamales, and plant a swift kiss on his balding head.

"Your mom is going to be working late tonight, she called earlier seems like Mr.Jim is getting worse." he informs me with a sad voice.

Mr. Jim is the sweetest, cutest old man, he's like family considering he has none alive, his wife died last year to breast cancer, bless her soul. He has stage two lung cancer and seems like he is dying, which I pray to God every night that he gets better, But it seems like God isn't answering my prayers much anymore.

"Mom always works late, its like she's not even around anymore." I whine to my dad all he does is give me a stern look. "I know, I know she's helping people" I sigh raising my hands up to surrender not wanting to start a argument, on this topic, once again. But its true, she's been working late for the last couple weeks.

He starts to open his mouth to reply to my snarky comment but is cut off when a loud bang on our front door is echoing across the room. I look at my dad as to ask if he was expecting anyone a this God awful hour, he shrugs and heads to the door.

He cracks open the door while I watch from around the corner of the kitchen door. Two men with ski masks push my dad out of the way, one masked man holding a gun to my dads head with a tight grip on his meaty upper arm while I gasp, quite loudly and grab a knife, that i used for the tamales, and kneel down under the table to hide from the men, my scared eyes locked on my frightened fathers.

"Where is the girl?" A American accents leaves the mans lips. Me? why would they want me other than... No it can't be that it was a year ago, forgotten.

"I don't know what you're talking about." My dads voice shakes, I could visually see his shaking knees and hands.

He looks at me with his piercing brown eyes, his eyes willing for me to leave, run, anything. I shake my head at him, and grip the kitchen knife harder in my sweaty palms, as my heart rams against my ribs.

"LIES! tell me where Maria is." The American looks around the living room in search of me, he yells quite loudly.

"And if I don't." My dad threatens casually, as if his life weren't in danger this very second. I gulp again in anticipation of what's going to happen next.

My blood seems to freeze when the silent man with the gun clicks the gun to have it ready to be shot at any given moment. 'Oh God please,' I beg, squeezing my eyes shut tightly, a tear falls down my cheek, 'please don't do this.'

"That wouldn't be a very smart decision Ricardo" The man says, he is the only one saying a word, which I don't understand why the one with the weapon doesn't say anything.

"You either tell us where she is or you die," he says with a dramatic pause as another tear leaves my eye, "Or Maria comes out her self." He smirks. The other man still hasn't said a single word since being here. I know I should go out there, I do but it's like my body is frozen in my kneeling position. I can't move.

"Maria, come on out, we just want to talk, maybe even play, I mean you know what they say about Latinas in bed." He chuckles thats all it takes for my dad to lose it, I bite my bottom lip harshly to trap in the sob about to leave my mouth.

"Like Hell!" He growls and lunges for the man but he didn't get very far before a bullet is lodged into his skull with a loud bang!

A silent scream leaves my mouth while my body shakes. 'No, no, no God why?!' Tears stream my face. My empty hand is rushed to my face to cover my mouth as my fingers shake uncontrollably. This all feels like a damn movie, or the show punk'd, anything to make this not happening.

"Now look at the mess you've caused Maria." The American says, he says in an almost disappointed voice before he and the other man leave, and slam the door as if nothing happened.

I run to my dads body and shake him while I scream. "No Papa, please. Please don't do this. You can't leave me." I open his eye lids and I watch then roll back.

Blood surrounding his head in a halo and splattered against the once white walls.

I cry into his cooling chest and that's how my mom finds me, her scream that fills the room, one of the most heartbreaking. The sobs that leave her mouth as she calls the police, like daggers to my heart.

How could such a perfect, normal night lead to this?

My heart squeezes painfully with each beat. My grief seems to swallow me whole. This is a nightmare. A totally unexpected nightmare that I'm dying to wake up from. But that seems like its not going to happen. This is all my fault, I should of just came out, he would still be alive.


This is the last prologue *cues claps* lol no? okay. Hope you are excited cause I sure am.

Oh && all chapters are much longer than these short things (just saying)

Next Update: June.17,2014

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