Infinite Jump Framework

By infinitejump

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Infinite Jump Framework
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Infinite Jump Schedule
New Submissions/Dropouts

Infinite Jump Contributor Guidelines

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By infinitejump

Contributors have specific rules to follow regarding their submissions to Infinite Jump:

1.       To be eligible for serialization in Infinite Jump, a potential contributor must submit a pitch of a proposed idea for a serial story. This can include nothing more than a summary or synopsis and does not need to have a proposed ending, only an initial concept. Contributors must have other written work on their profile for examination of writing quality. If they do not, then they must write an example first chapter of their proposed work to give an example of the quality of their writing. Any story proposed must be a serial work, which falls under the working definition “any medium issued under the same title in a succession of discrete parts, usually numbered (or dated) and appearing at regular or irregular intervals with no predetermined conclusion.”

2.       Contributions cannot fall into R-rated on Wattpad guidelines. This is to keep Infinite Jump at a PG-13 rating. If Infinite Jump becomes R-rated, it falls off the rankings of Wattpad and becomes inaccessible to the public. Thus, no R-rated material such as descriptive sex, rape, gorey violence, or pornographic material or other offensive content. This also includes no promotion of racism, ageism, sexism, or other prejudice beliefs. Stories can contain these but cannot promote them as correct or positive outlooks. Violent scenes or scenes with intense swearing can have a disclaimer included at the beginning of each chapter.

3.       Contributions can be of any length. There is no set limit or cap on each chapter. However, works of 1500 words or less are encouraged to submit two chapters per issue, though this is not mandatory. The ideal length per chapter is 2000-3000 words. This does not serve as minimum or maximum; it is simply a suggestion.

4.       Submitted works cannot have any special formatting. This includes indentation of first paragraphs. Much of this has to do with translating the work to Wattpad pages, as well as loss of formatting between author and editor and poster. As not all people have access to the same programs, it is recommended all files be saved either in Rich Text Format (RTF) or Word compatibility modes.

5.       If an author wants special formatting, such as alternative fonts, specific bolding or italics, they must send a message to Nick Uskoski outlining their particular formatting choices to be added in after editing. If there is continuous formatting, such as a certain character speaking with one particular font, this can be arranged between author and Nick as well.

6.       There are no genre limits to any work submitted. All genres are accepted and all plot lines are open. There are no limits on intended audience or age. Works do not have to specify intended audience either.

7.       No story can include copyright material. This includes song titles/lyrics, other books, TV shows, etc. Stories can make references to existing material but cannot include any of it in their works, unless it is considered public domain. This is to avoid any copyright issues.

8.       Any story in serialization must also be posted to the author’s own profile. However, contributors cannot update their serial work earlier than Infinite Jump updates, to avoid undercutting the magazine. 

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