Infinite Jump Framework

By infinitejump

142 1 0


Infinite Jump Framework
Infinite Jump Layout
Infinite Jump Contributor Guidelines
Infinite Jump Schedule
New Submissions/Dropouts


14 0 0
By infinitejump

Editor: Proofreads stories and removes typos/spelling errors. Makes sure a sentence doesn’t look liek thsi. Does not need grammatical knowledge or strong editor background. Largely skims for typos and content. Editors can ask to remove R-rated content they deem unfit. Editors also provide story feedback. Editor job to review a chapter for plot quality and to make sure there are no inconsistencies or to make sure plot points make sense. Editors have individual partnerships with select writers and will only work with the given stories.

Contributor: Writes a story for serialization in Infinite Jump. Stories are serial works, written to have an unknown length and numerous plot arcs within a larger story. They can be of any genre and about anything but cannot include the following: R-rated material, glorification of rape/abuse, graphically intense/descriptive gore and violence, and graphic sex scenes. This is only meant to keep Infinite Jump at PG-13 to make it accessible to everyone. Any story may wish to add a disclaimer if they want to include more adult material but none can go to extremes. Contributors must submit their work to their editor by a weekly deadline. Contributors who fail the deadline are given a warning. A second offence causes them to lose their spot in Infinite Jump. Contributors are asked to also maintain any story they write on their own profile, but must post new updates for their work at the same time as the Infinite Jump posting or afterwards.

Manager: Managers are given the password and username to the Infinite Jump profile page. They are able to use it in order to run promotions of Infinite Jump, to contact potential contributors or editors, and to manage submissions to Infinite Jump. They are also allowed to make corrections and adjustments to the magazine, including publishing chapters on the proper time. Managers also can write additional content for the magazine such as interviews with contributors or other sources, as well as tips, tricks, and information on serial writing. Managers have to have some experience with serial writing or else cannot apply.

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