Lucy Quinn

بواسطة NHPrincess2004

19.6K 320 70

Lucy Quinn, daughter of the psychotic Harley Quinn and insane Joker, has lived her life in fear and judgement... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Part 1: end
Lucy Quinn: Gods help us
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Lucy Quinn: Truth
The Reincarnation Ch. 1
Chapter two
Chapter three
Book 5: chapter 1
Mix up
Chapter two
Book 6
Book 7
Book nine: Corruption
Book ten, chapter one
Chapter two
NOTICE: kinda important
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
#1 LQ
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Book 8

159 4 0
بواسطة NHPrincess2004

It was another normal day in bludhaven. Lucy sat inside her large house. She felt a bit lonely since her husband Beast boy and her son Dami were off having a bonding day. No one was really around anymore. Not Bruce, not dick, not the teen titans, and the only time she ever saw the justice league were on missions which rarely ever happened anymore. She never really found her own city to protect, that's why she moved to bludhaven like dick did. Bruce had Gotham, dick had bludhaven, Superman had metropolis and everyone else had their own place. Lucy always felt like she didn't belong, and she really didn't. She was the daughter of the two worst criminals in Gotham. One was dead and one was sane. Except her father refused to ever have contact with her because he felt guilty. He had a foster daughter though. One which Lucy had never met. Lucy's childhood had gone quickly. She had to grow up fast. If she acted out of place at least once she probably would have been sent to arkham. She almost was a few times. She felt like no one trusted her. That was probably true. Was there ever really going to be a place in the world for her.

Lucy's pov
I sat in my room reading and thinking. My brother's wedding was coming up soon. He of course was getting married to Kori. He wasn't happy I got married before him. I was currently pretty lonely. While Dami was with beast boy, Emma rose was with Kori, the titans were celebrating a bachelor's party with dick, and everyone else was off doing their own thing. I thought about how fast my childhood had gone. I was a twenty-two year old. If I hadn't grown up fast I probably wouldn't have survived. I got up and got some lunch. It was around 4 p.m. I was getting even more bored than before so I decided to go to Gotham, and after calling Bruce and asking he said he'd meet up with me.

I walked across the rooftops in Gotham. Bruce said he was running late so I decided to go have some fun. I saw a figure below. I jumped down quietly staying in the dark.
"I know you're there." The figure said. It was the red hood! My so called deceased brother Jason Todd!! But no... the mark on his costume.. it was the slade mark....
"You're not Jason." I growled stepping into the light. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? You'd think you'd recognize your own brother Lucy." The figure sneered. He took off his red hood. "D..Damian?" I said agast.
"Yes, I'm afraid, so why is two face not dead? You think somebody would care about my death." He sneered.
"We do!" I said, starting to hear the voices.
"Calm down Lucy it's just in your head... it's just in your head." I whispered.
"Aw is little Lucy having the same problems as your crazy dead mom?" He laughed. I covered my ears as a tear rolled down my face.
"Get away from her." I heard a dark voice behind me say. I felt and then saw batman push me behind him. He grabbed Damian. I was worried he was going to hurt him but he didn't. He just gave him hard kick to the ribs and dropped him to the pavement, grabbed me and brought me to the batmobile. I jumped in riding shotgun. "Bruce...?" I said quietly. He nodded. "Was that... really Damian?" I asked. He pulled up into the batcave and looked over at me.
"In a way... yes... but not anymore. Like how Jason was before...." He said trailing off. "He was wearing a red hood costume." I said quietly.
"Lucy how about you get some sleep? Alfred has your room set up." He said getting out of the batmobile and helped me out and then left. I walked up to my room thanking Alfred and saying hello as I passed by. In the past two years my son Dami had grown to be five years old and he had a new sister Emma Rose, Her hair was much more red than Aunt Ivy's herself and her eyes a luscious green. In the morning dick had heard about the 'situation' and came to Bruce's manor with Kori. Bruce also told beast boy to come but leave the kids with Clark. maybe not the best idea, but it was better than nothing.
Once everyone got there we sat in the study with dick and kori across from beastboy who had his arm around me comforting me, and then there was Bruce in his large chair. "We all know that really was him.." Bruce started. "There was no doubt about it... but that doesn't mean he's any less dangerous than Jason was when a similar thing happened. I flinched at the name of my deceased older brother Jason, I never met him or my other older brother Tim before I came to live with Bruce.
"I'm not saying you have to but I am requesting that you all stay here until this whole things blows over." Bruce said looking up at us, pain obviously in his eyes.
"But what about Bludhaven?" Dick was the first one to speak.
"I have sent some of the league there to take care of that." Bruce said.
I nodded remembering the call he sent to everyone while in the batmobile. After the hour long discussion, Alfred showed us to our rooms and had a member of the league go to retrieve my children. In the morning we all went down to the batcave in our costumes, Batman sat at the large screen researching something. We heard a crash and we all quickly turned around. Renegade, or now we know he's Damian stood there with his domino mask glaring at us. He flung his sword at me barely missing my chest. I flinched in pain as it scraped past my side instantly putting my hand to my side and then pulling it away to see blood. Then he did took out some sort of bomb. It was a fear toxin bomb! Batman grabbed me and put a gas mask on both of us but nightwing was too out of reach.

Nightwing's POV
The fear toxin stung and burned my eyes. I was back at the circus, the very same one my parents and I were in.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome the flying Graysons!!" The circus master announced. My parents; the only acrobats to perform without a net. First my father went on the rope then caught my mom who jumped to him. They starting to swing over, my mom holding her arms out to catch me. *snap!*
I looked up at the wires. "Dick!" Was the last thing I heard as I saw my parents fall to their death and eventually hit the floor their mangled bodies bleeding out. I collapsed on the platform sobbing.

Lucy's POV
Nightwing screamed in agony, tears rolled down my face only imagining what he could be seeing.
"Well well well let's see if this birdie flies... or falls." Damian laughed getting ready to kick dick into the large deep area of the batcave where there were sharp jagged rocks at the bottom.
"No!" I shrieked the gas mask falling off my face. I inhaled the toxin and collapsed to the ground.

I was in some sort of room, my mom's old room from that old joke factory! Weapons all along the floor. I jumped up hyperventilating. There was a large glass window. Through it I saw dick, Bruce, Damian, ivy, and Alfred tied up. I banged on the glass trying to get to them. Gunshots rang out and they were dead. Suddenly I was outside the glass holding a gun and I was covered in their blood.
"Nice job my little monster." Someone cackled. I turned around to see the joker. I looked down and I was in one of my mom's old outfits. I was the one who killed them...

Batman's POV
They both screamed. Nightwing and Lucy were screaming seeing some sort of imaginable horror. I looked up and Damian and growled. That was not my son, my son was strong and knowing. Not a heartless monster. I looked at his uniform. He had the marks of Slade. A horrible person who once kidnapped dick, he had tortured him into becoming the first renagade. He saw the look on my face and growled. He disappeared and I ran over to nightwing and Lucy. Nightwing had woken up but Lucy still was there hyperventilating tears on her face. Nightwing sat there also hyperventilating but not as badly as Lucy was. He hung his head sadly. He looked up and saw Lucy. He quickly went over to her and held her. Beast boy was not at the manor to be there for her since he had left earlier to take care of his children. He was a wonderful brother and friend... we picked Lucy up carefully and brought her up to her bedroom. She woke up suddenly hyperventilating bat. "Lucy! Lucy! Calm down!" Dick said trying to calm her. She sobbed. "Oh bruce it was horrible." She gasped putting her face into her hands.Dick looked over at her sadly.
"it's okay luce, it wasn't real." dick said hugging her. Dick comforted her some more and then eventually she fell asleep. we got up and closed the door to her room waiting for Beast boy to return while dick went back down to the batcave to clear his head. Out of all my wards and child, Lucy was still the youngest. Dick is 27, Jason and Tim are 26, Damian is 25 and Lucy has just turned 22. I remember the day I took dick in, the first robin. He was perfect. His bright blue eyes and wide smile. He reminded me of myself very long ago. All my children had dark raven hair and each of the boys looked like quadruplets. Lucy had dyed her hair, she once had long flowing platinum hair, she wanted to feel like she belonged and dyed it. The door opened and a grinning beast boy walked in. Emma Rose and Dami ran over to him jumping in his arms. Alfred got up and took Beast boy's coat. His green skin wet from the pouring rain outside as he hugged his kids.

Lucy's pov
I woke up a few hours later. It was pouring rain outside. It was quite calming. The pitter pattern of raindrops on the roof, the cool breeze coming in from my window. I got up. I almost collapsed onto the ground. I was very dizzy.
"Must be a side effect from that stupid toxin." I whispered to myself, Waiting until the dizzy spell went away. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a pair of leggings and a large t shirt. I was sorta presentable. When I walked into the study, dick was playing Jenga with the kids and beast boy while Alfred was down in the batcave with bruce. Emma's face lit up and she ran over to me smiling. "Mama! Mama!" She yelled happily. Damigrinned. He looked so much like my brother Damian did as a kid. I smiled at them as Emma rose pulled me over to play jenga with them.

5 days later.

It had been a few days and still no sign of Damian. My kids were in bed and Beast boy had his arm around me on the sofa as I laid down on his chest. I thought about the early days with him.


It was a cool crisp fall morning. I was walking to Teen Titans building. I walked in to only see Beast boy there.
"Hey Lucy goosey." He grinned
"What?" I giggled.
"That's your new nickname!" He laughed.
We sat there for a few hours talking and bonding. We continued to hand out for days which led into months which led into years.
It was a lovely summer morning, Beast boy had asked me out on our thirteenth date of the month. We went out to my favorite spot on the edge of Gotham. It was a large forest. If you walked far enough you came across a clearing that was like it was out of a story book, with a waterfall and scenery to delight. We had a romantic picnic and at night watched the stars go bye. He had lanterns laid out everywhere after. Then he got down on one knee and proposed. It was one of the happiest moments of my life...

I looked up at beastboy and smiled. He smiled back. Bruce and Alfred walked into the room. Bruce looked exhausted. He'd been in the batcave for hours. He walked straight past us and into his room. He had a long night. I then looked over at dick. He had been quiet since Damian broke in. I was worried about him. Kori had left the day before the incident.

Dick's POV
I couldn't stop thinking about them... it felt so real, as if I was back there again. And I couldn't do anything to stop it!! My parents were dead! I was the last living Grayson! I remembered how much I wanted to go with them when all of that happened. I also felt worried about Lucy. Whenever I looked over at her she had this guilty look on her face. I looked over at her, she had been looking at me. She instantly turned her head. Whatever she had seen, it must have been really bad. Bruce and Alfred were extremely worried about her. So were the kids. Bruce had informed Kara of the incident, she wanted to find him, we weren't sure if that was the best idea. Especially now since he's working with Slade. Slade was a horrible man... he captured me once and tried to train me as an assassin. I escaped many times and whenever I did or if I messed something up he'd get really mad. They tried all sorts of toxins on me, especially fear toxin. If they had Damian, that must mean they are still trying to get to this family. And then it hit me. Were they trying to get Lucy?! Of course they were she's the daughter of the two most feared people in Gotham!! I looked over at her. She had fallen asleep with her head on beast boy's chest. He was carefully picking her up and bringing her to her bedroom. Slade would not get to my little sister, even if it killed me...

The next day

Lucy's pov
That morning we were in the main entry hall's living area when we heard a knock on the door. Cautiously Alfred went over to open it. Two boys walked in.
"Tim! Jason!" Dick grinned and walked over stuffing up their hair. Tim grinned.
"We heard about Damian, is everything alright?" Jason asked.
"He had a costume similar to yours, he wanted us to think he was you; killing all those people." Bruce said getting up. While bruce had then distracted I walked out of the room. I never really connected with them, even though they were my brothers. I closed the door to my room placing my forehead on it.
"Aww is poor little Lucy sad? How hilarious"
I quickly turned around to see Damian.
"Why are you doing here?" I said ready to scream for Bruce.
"Well, lets just say I know someone who wants to meet you." He grinned.
"We could be a family again if you just come with me." He said holding out his hand. I had made the mistake last time of going with someone dangerous. I shook my head and started to turn to open the door.
"Ah Ah Ah." Damian said grabbing my shoulder. Before I could Shriek he covered my mouth. "Did I say you had a choice?" He growled and punched me in my gut hard. I gasped collapsing to the ground as he kicked me away from the door.
"Dick!" I yelled gasping. I heard footsteps running to my door as he opened it.
"Get away from her!" Dick growled as soon as he saw Damian. Damian smiled slyly and jumped out the window. Dick ran over to me helping me up.
"Lucy!" He said.
"I'm fine I'm fine." I said getting up.
"No you're not." He said putting his hand up to my forehead where Damian had kicked me. He pulled his hand away showing the amount of blood. Bruce has come to the doorway as Damian jumped out the window. He had grabbed a cloth and put it up to my forehead. Blood seeped through. I was bleeding much more than I thought I was. I then passed out from the lack of blood loss.

Dick's POV
I picked Lucy up bringing her to the medbay. She only needed a few stitches and then we brought her to her bedroom. Bruce brought up the video camera footage from her room. When we were watching it, we heard Damian imply that Slade wanted her. He would never get to her, he had to get through me first.

Lucy's pov
Around 2 am dick and I were the only ones at the manor since everyone else was in a meeting with the justice league.
I awoke with a start hearing dick screaming. i ran into his room seeing him thrashing in his sleep.
"Dick dick!!! Wake up!!" I yelled.
He awoke gasping for air.
"Shh shhh it's okay it was only a nightmare." I said hugging him. He put his head into my chest tears going down his face.
"Sorry if I scared you luce." He said slowly.
"Think nothing of it." I smiled sadly rubbing his back. "What was the nightmare about if you don't mind me asking?" I asked looking at him.
"I...I... it doesn't matter." He said looking down. "Go back to bed, I'm fine." He said I nodded and walked out closing the door behind me. Something was obviously wrong. I only wanted to help him.

Dick's POV
As soon as I was sure she was back in her room asleep I got up and went to the kitchen. I opened up my laptop and sat on the couch drinking some soda. I called Kori knowing she'd be up around this time. "Oh dick! You are awake! Are you not of the tired?" She asked in her beautifully strange way of speaking.
"Yea i just had a nightmare Kori. I miss you." I smiled sadly. She smiled back at me
"Oh Dick, i miss you too. You should get some rest." she smiled.
"You're right, night star." i smiled sadly.
"Goodnight Dick," she smiled and then hung up. A tear ran down my face. It seemed as if my parents were always on my mind now. I remembered how traumatized I was the day they were killed. I closed my laptop frowning and got up to go watch Netflix in my room till morning.

Lucy's pov
Today was the day we were going to find Damian. Bruce had, had enough. We suited up, went to go find the justice league, and went to one of slade's hideout. Once inside we split up into groups, I was the odd one out and went away from the rest of the groups. "Lucy, Why not go find Slade
yourself?" The voices said. I ignored it grumbling at what they said. Over the com line, I heard dick got separated from the rest of the group. I went off in search of him. I heard talking in a room close to me and snuck in silently staying in the dark.
"Come on dick, you know how happy Slade would be if you returned to him, and why not bring Lucy along as well? I'm sure he'd be very happy then..." Damian said grinning.
"You jerk!! That horrible man will never get his clutches on Lucy or me ever again!" Dick growled.
"Oh well that's where you're wrong, didn't you even know how broken Lucy was? Of the late nights just crying and wanting to have a normal life without any of you?"
"What?" Dick asked, taken aback.
'No dick' I thought. 'That's not true! Don't listen to him'
"That's right, you heard me. You both are very broken people. Come with me... we can all be a family again." Damian grinned slyly. "I don't know what the heck that sick jerk did to you, but he hurt me and Lucy in a way no one else should ever be treated ever again!" Dick yelled attacking Damian. It seemed dick was winning the fight but Damian had some sort of bomb in his hand! And In the other a smoke bomb. He threw down the smoke bomb and then the real one escaping.
"Dick!!" I screamed running over to him where he was in the corner of the room. While running it seemed as if everything was in slow motion. Then I realized: this was exactly what Damian did for me when he died... and if I was to die... I'm glad it will be for saving my brother. I threw myself over him just as he bomb went off. Then everything went black.

Dick's POV.
I jumped up quickly after realizing what happened. I was unharmed??
Then I realized.
"Lucy!" I said running over to her. The blast pushed her far onto the other side of the room. While going to her I felt someone shove me down into the wall.
"Slade." I growled.
"I told you, you'd never get away from me boy, and now you and and Lucy have to suffer the consequences." He smiled slyly.
"You want me so leave Lucy out of this!!" I yelled at him. He smiled and said
"but my boy that's what makes this much much more fun." He laughed. I secretly pressed my emergency button on my utility belt hoping someone would find us. Slade shot me in the chest once realizing what I had done. And once I heard the doors slam open. I blacked out.

I woke up a few days later back at the manor. Lucy was in a coma. The bomb had thrown her into a wall really hard. She was covered in stitches and bandages. Damian had once again escaped and Slade was after me and my family. Tim and Jason were in the sitting room. They were worried about Lucy even though they hardly knew her. There was a slim chance of her survival. But I knew she'd pull through... she has to... right?

4 days later

Dick's pov
Damian had tried breaking in, foiled by us yet escaped again. We sat by Lucy's bed for a while waiting. Once we were about to leave she woke up hyperventilating.
"Lucy! Lucy! Calm down! You're okay! Calm down!" I said as she gasped for air.
"W-what happened?" She gasped.
"Calm down Lucy, the you took a bit of damage from the bomb." Jason said.
"Yea you cracked your ribs and got a broken leg, a cracked skull, a sprained wrist, and a concussion." Tim said.
"What?!" Lucy almost shrieked.
"Yea you've been out for a long time. " Tim chuckled.
"Not helping!! I yelled.
"I'm so sorry Bruce." Lucy said putting her head in her hands.
He put his hand on her back.
"I have to say that was very risky... but you saved your brothers life..." Bruce said.
"He still got shot though." Jason chuckled.
"Okay that's it both of you out." Bruce glared at them. They walked out chuckling. "As they said you have.. many injuries, but most of them have healed up and you're left with just a sprained wrist and ankle, and a concussion." I said.
"That's not so bad." Lucy smiled sadly.
"Yea all you have to wear is a cast for your ankle and a bandage for your arm." I smiled.
"That's not that bad." She nodded.

A few days later

Lucy's pov
I was almost fully healed. I still had to go around with a brace on my wrist though. Groaning, I got up and went downstairs. I smiled when I saw beastboy and my kids eating pizza. Beastboy never really lost his fondness of it. I walked down to the batcave. No one was in there.
Suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind. Before I could shriek something covered my mouth and I got extremely sleepy and blacked out.
When I woke up I was in a dark room. My arms were asleep I tried pulling them up. I only then noticed they were chained to the wall behind me. I gasped looking around. Dark rooms were not my favorite places to be. Just then the door opened and light shined in hurting my eyes.
"Hello my dear. I am Slade... but you can call me... Master."

To be continued

NHPrincess2004: you just gotta love slade... or hate him.. either way he's weird.

Dog: you JUST got that?!?!?

NHPrincess2004: got what?

Dog: nevermind....

NHPrincess2004: so.... yea... it's late.. I'm tired... I've been forgetting to update cause of a history exam... my life exactly... sooo... leave a comment if you liked the story, and remember GET TRAUGHT OR GET DEAD!!!! *cough cough* I'm good...

Dog: I wouldn't say that...

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