Tom Holland IMAGINES

By ohyikes03

244K 2.3K 1K

This book will contain Imagines Tom Holland x Reader- It will also contain imagines with other characters he... More

In Danger (peter parker)
Ellen (tom holland)
Honesty (peter parker)
Deal Breaker? (Tom holland)
I Want You (Peter Parker)
In My Hands (tom holland)
Update/ Apology
Memories (tom holland)
Memories pt. 2 (tom holland)
Don't tell (tom holland)
For Her (peter parker)
A baby? (Tom holland)
Not the water (Lucas Bennet)
Prom? (Peter parker)
Nightmares (peter parker)
Nighmares part 2 (peter parker)
Why her? (Tom Holland)
Parenthood at the worst time (tom holland)
Will You...? (Tom Holland)
Twins (tom holland)
Another A/N sorryyy
Makeover (Tom Holland)
Disney Land (Tom Holland)
Mr. Delmar (Peter Parker)
Years... (Tom Holland)
A/N please read
New Story!!!
Lie Detector (Tom Holland)
Lie Detector pt.2 (Tom Holland)
If You Say So

Disappointment (tom holland)

11.4K 98 54
By ohyikes03

This is an original- I take requests.

You and Tom had been dating for 1year now. Moving in was the next step in your relationship. You had been living together for only 6 months.
You and Tom were lucky enough to get casted in a movie together. In the beginning your characters fight a lot but in the end they are long lost lovers.
Today's scene was a fight scene. It began with you throwing the first punch.

Harold(director): Action!

You and Tom stepped into place and circles each other. It was time for the punch.
You were supposed to give a yell before throwing the punch so that knew when to move. But you didn't.
Tom fell to the ground then grabbed his jaw.

Tom: y/n what the hell!

You crossed your arms.

You: I'm not sorry.
Tom: Was that I'm purpose?
You: You bet.

You turned around and began to walk off the set.

Harold: Y/n?

You turned around to see Harold and the stage crew- camera and sound men all looking confused at you.

Harold: What's wrong?

At that moment Tom sat down and sighed. He remembered.
You gave Tom a look.

You: Would you like to explain BABE?!
Tom: Uh...

they all looked at Tom.

Tom: Well, you see... um.
James: Spit it out.
Tom: So the past few weeks I've forgotten to take off my bandages here and I've been bringing them home. Well they fill up our trash cans quite quickly. So y/n came up to me and said if you're going to leave your crap all over at least empty the trash because I hadn't been. And I replied with Well at least it's not as revolting as all the bloody pads you leave around.

They all gasped.

Mark: Low blow man!
James: Yeah what were you thinking.
Natalia: Dude you have to go talk to her.

By this time you had walked out. You were disappointed in Tom. He didn't understand how hard it was to go through this every month. (Any girl with their period knows.)
You sat on a prop couch in the other room.
Tom came up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder. You wiggled out from under his grip.
He came around and sat next to you causing you to shift your body away.

Tom: I'm sorry
You: I bet you are.
Tom: Y/n...

you turned to him and began to talk cutting him off.

You: I'm disappointed Tom. You always talk about how much you love and support women. So why would you joke about the struggle that we have to go through to bring men children.

Tom: God I'm so stupid. I don't know why I said that. I do respect you! I respect every woman. I don't know what got into me. I didn't mean it and I hope you'll forgive me.
You: I do Tom. Just please don't make me disappointed in you ever again.
Tom: I won't I promise.

Tom stood up and grabbed your hand helping you up. You two walked back to set. James shot Tom a thumbs up.

Harold: Tom you're lucky you've got yourself such a forgiving lady.

He tipped his hat at you.
You smiled.

Harold: Now are we ready for take two.
Tom grabbed his still throbbing jaw.
Tom: Yeah.
You: I won't do anything rash this time.

Shoutout to all the ladies out there. GIRL POWER!! Lol I hope you enjoyed this. Vote and comment.

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