The Set- Up || 5SOS ||

By ThatsCuteHemmings

26.7K 1.1K 703

After childhood friend Calum Hood calls up begging for her to 'fake date' him after being spotted out with a... More

The Set- Up
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Eight

1.1K 42 18
By ThatsCuteHemmings

We've all at some point slept in somewhere that wasn't our usual bed- persay a friends house or hotel room.


Well then you'll probably be familiar with the feeling of confusion that comes with it. Or maybe even a slight hint of the need to preform self defense to the 6'3 man child still fast asleep beside you.

"What the heck, Sophie?!" Luke yelled as I straddled him from behind, tugging his elbow back. I froze in my position before slowly climbing off of him.

"Sorry..." I muttered, my chin almost touching my chest as I attempted to hid e the crimson spreading on my face. ".. I thought you, like, kidnapped me and stuff." I trailed off before stiffly jumping out of the truck.

"Yeah, because that makes sense." Luke stated, hoisting himself up and rubbing his eyes. The drawled tone in his voice made it clear his regular self had kicked back in. I brushed myself off and patted down my body, searching for my phone before realizing I was wearing the hoodie Luke had draped over me last night.

"You looked really cold." Luke said, answering my actions, he too climbing out of Tilly. He nonchalantly made his way to the bushes and started fishing for his phone. "Plus you're a really deep sleeper."

I traced my fingers over the zipper the was done up to the top, imagining Luke somehow managing to get the item of clothing on me without waking me. After that little Michael scare he spent about half an hour reassuring me Mikey was okay until I finally allowed myself to fall asleep.

Without cellphone service or anyway of contacting Michael, we had too almost gamble in the hope of him finding his way back to the car without being swarmed by the crowds of people. But then again, this is Michael we're talking about. He probably got lost on the way to the bathroom, let alone find his way around by himself in the city.

The crisp, morning air blew strands of hair into my face before I pushed the back with my hands. As I did so, I felt a small, tender lump just above my temples. Luke must've noticed me as he looked up almost apologetically from the bush he was searching through.

"Your head sort of drooped down and banged the side of the truck as I put the hoodie on you." he let out a few weak laughs, "Sorry 'bout that."

I tried to imagine how someone, especially Luke Hemmings, managed to put clothing on a person whilst asleep and not wake them up, yet can't hold a proper conversation unless you bribe him with animal biscuits and trucks with names.

I'll admit, it was pretty sweet of him. But the task itself I would have imagined would not have been a pretty sight. Admittedly, I have a slight tendancy to not be the most compatible sleeper.

"Did I-"

"Yep..." Luke half smiled looking back at me, "Like a dog with a bone."

I cringed at his reply. I drooled on Luke Hemmings.

I repeat.

I drooled on Luke Hemmings.

He laughed to himself, probably remembering the state I was in.

And in that short moment, I could see that person I was with last night. It was only a glimmer, something in the way he laughed or the way his bottom teeth were visible as he did so. The same person who gave me their hoodie because I looked cold even though they weren't feeling the warmest. The one who stayed up until I feel asleep just to make sure I wasn't worrying about Mikey. It only lasted a split second.

But it was long enough for me.

"Can we talk about something else please." I mumbled, not wanting to continue with this certain topic. I spotted my phone and unlocked it, the screen informing me that I still have no signal. I held it up, in a desperate attempt to somehow magically find cell service.

"You're not going to get any," Luke said, walking past me and towards the hedgerows which we entered through. "The reason I like this place so much is becuase no one can bother me. Just me and Tilly." he nodded over at the truck. "Until now, that is." he glanced over at me, feeling oddly happy about the fact I was the only other person who knew about this spot, and Luke didn't seem to mind.

"Follow me," he said before turning to wave at Tilly, "So long, my friend." he smiled sadly, " 'Till next time." he sighed before turning round, waiting for me to follow him. It suddenly hit me that maybe the reason Luke liked this place so much is because it really is just him.

Well, not including Tilly but think about it. Everyday he and the band have to deal with this sort of stuff; the screaming, the swarming, the downright stalking. Sure, they must love it the majority of the time. But thinking of how closed up Luke is before you even dare to attempt to crack him- it must be hard.

We walked back through the familliar trail that still had our footsteps from the day before, before the clear prints became a square metre of loose dirt. I chuckled to myself, that was were we fell. That was the pricice moment where Luke's walls just fell and I got to see behind his tough exterior.


"Yeah." I followed luke down the grassy trail before the surface beneath my mud ridden shoes became gravel.

"Have you ever done anything bad?"

His question made my pace slow down, and I could sence a smug grin playing on Luke's lips.

"What like, bad or..." I kicked a small stone from the road, "Bad, bad?"

Well, I've pretended to date a guy that not have I known for the majority of my life but also a world reknowned bandmember, lied to his bandmates and every single on of his fans, all because my brother needs to get into this school that my mother can't afford with the wages she recives working in a supermarket.

"Nothing I can remember, why?" I brushed the question off, hoping he wasn't actually expected a genuine answer from his extremely random question.

"Well you are Cal's girlfriend," he too, slowed from briskly jogging into a stroll, "And I know Cal..." he wagged his eyebrows.

"Please shut up."

"Just for the record," he said, looking me dead in the eyes. "I'm never sleeping with you again."

"Excuse me?" I said, mortified at the way that sounded.

"Heck no..." he smirked, knowing full well of how what he said had sounded.

"You snore way too loud."


Being the daughter of a woman on minmum wage, supprting too children by herself makes watching any musician live out of the picture. Never thinking of having the chance to watch them preform your favourite songs or just how real the music can feel live compared to the digital copy. I had never had one of those chances- until today, that is.

Not only was it a stage, it was a whole arena.

Me and Luke walked in through the entrance, my phone bleeping as the signal came back into radar. Each chair in the whole stadium was a royal blue clour and the voice of the tech people echoed through the microphones ampifying their voices. The lights flashed from green to red; purple to yellow and so on overhead and at the furthest end of the stage I could see Ashton testing his drum kit on a piece of stage rising from below.

It didn't take long before Luke was pulled away by one of the workers and was hooked up to a mike or testing, no questions asked. He glanced back at me and I gave him as small smile, mouthing him the word 'thankyou'. It surprised me how quiet the walk through Birmingham to the arena was, Luke relished in the time the pair of us had together, using it to once again fry my brain with questions, resulting in me giving the first answer that pops into my head.

So yeah, Luke now thinks I'm a competitive runner and that my favourite food is bananas. That's kind of a problem because:

1. I'm athsmatic and can't run for 2 mintutes without being close to unconciousness.

2. I really hate bananas. They're potassium filled fruits of evil.

On the right side of the stage I could see Calum with his bass behind a girl that was fussing with his hair. She wore a green blazer over a white blouse with cropped trousers and a pair of patent loafers. Her brown hair was a mass of ringlets tamed into a low bun and her pale skin was visible from her hands that were fixing Calum's hair in place. He smiled goofily at her, nodding his head at what she was saying, his hands stuffed itno his pockets and the bass strap hung around his neck. He must've caught me looking as he ran over to me, smile gone and replaced with a look of concern, and enveloped (i.e suffocated) me in his arms.

"Oh my goodness, Soph, I was so worried." his voice trembled slightly "I honestly couldn't sleep last night." he pulled away slightly, the bags under his eyes proving his point. The girl walked up slowly behind him giving me a little wave.

"I'm fine, honestly." I laughed it off.

I slept in a truck in the middle of a junk yard last night. But I'm fine.

"I had company..." I glanced over at Luke who was warming up on his guitar, oblivious of me looking.

"Good." Calum cooed, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if anything bad happened, especially to you."

I felt my face grow hot. Boyfriend or not, Calum was a smooth talker and could probably charm a snake with his voice alone. But I could tell he really was worried, the expression one his face wasn't one that could be faked.

"AND THEY CALLED IT, PUPPY LUUURVE..." Ashton sang from behind his drumkit, all of our heads turning back around to the stage.

"You're microphone's still on, idiot." Mikey strolled in through the entrance doors, sucking on a bright green lolly. Something was different about Michael. I don't know whether it was becuase he had on a different kind of shirt, new shoes or-

"YOUR HAIRS FUCKING GREEN!" I spluttered, my mouth dropping at the sight of Mikey's hair that now matched the colour of the lime lollipop he was eating.

"Really? Didn't notice." Michael teased.

"It's... Very you, Michael" the girl chimed in. I mouthed 'Bree?' to Calum and he nodded as Mikey started shouting over at Ashton.

"Speak for yourself, you and Ani were on the phone for like two hours last night!"

I made a face at Calum, "Ani?"

He tapped his nose, "We aren't the only couple on this band, Y'know." Calum winked.

The guys were called up to the stage for a sound check and before long the the speakers were pumping the intro of one of they're songs.

"Another person, great." I chirped referring about Ani to Bree. Bree laughed lightly and shook her head slightly but made sure I could still jear her.

"She's bad news..." Bree warned.


The chorus of the song blasted from the speakers preventing me from finishing my sentance. Bree pulled me towards the doors leading to outside.

"Let's go some place quieter," she bellowed over the music, "tell me a bit more about you."

Ah yes. Because I know myself so well.

The music roared so loud it was almost deafening. A good deaf, if there is such a thing.

"SO JUST TURN AOUND AND FORGET WHAT YOU SAW..." The guys sang from the stage.

Before I fully left the main part of the arena, I couldn't help but steal a quick glance at Luke, who had his hands clutched around the microphone as he sang the last line of the chorus.

"... 'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

I sighed.

If only he knew how accurate that line really was.

(A/n) thankyou for reading! Im slowly getting reads.. Slow, but reads all the same so i really appriciate that haha

Next updates on wednesday, byee x

Ps. Ig: ThatsCuteHemmings- comment ur user and ill follow u back!!

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