The Daughter's Mistake

By thenextstevenmoffat

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"Why don't I just end it all now?" I choke. "You've got something holding you back." "Remind me what that is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3!

Chapter 2

1K 30 8
By thenextstevenmoffat

I finally become conscious again when suddenly my dad wakes me up, and he was shaking me. "What are you doing?!" I yell. I take his hands off my shoulders and sit up.

"Did you not hear me yelling for you to wake up?" dad replies.

"Well, obviously not. How did you know I was down here anyway?"

"Lisa told me she saw you walk down here."

I get up from the bunk, grab my stuff, and follow my dad upstairs. I don't see Lisa or Ben anywhere, but I see Sam in the living room. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I need your help," Sam replies.

Dad takes the blanket and pillow I used last night from me, "I'll take these upstairs," he says.

I walk into the living room, "Help with what?" I ask Sam.

"I've got a case," Sam replies.

I shake my head, "I don't do that anymore. Why don't you get your brother to help you?"

"Dean is with Lisa and Ben, he came and got them this morning. Olivia, please. I'm begging you."

Dad comes from downstairs, "I think you should go. You can't just stay here all day everyday," dad says.

"You're taking his side?! I thought you would want me to be safe!" I yell.

"You'll be with Sam. You'll be safe," dad replies and walks off to the kitchen.

I roll my eyes, "Fine. Let me go get ready."

"Try to hurry if you can," Sam instructs me.

I take a quick shower, then head to my room and find some clothes to change into. I put my hair into a ponytail and do my makeup. I run down the stairs, "Alright. Let's get this over with," I tell Sam. When we head to the car lot, I see the Impala parked right next to my truck.

"I guess you're not driving separate this time?" Sam asks me.

"No. Did Dean seriously let you have his Impala?" I reply.

"Yeah, he wanted to stay with Lisa and Ben. Keep them safe."

"Couldn't stand to leave his perfect life then?" Sam and I get in the Impala. For the first time in a year, I hear the Impala's engine as Sam starts up the car.

"So, your dad told me what he found a couple days ago in your room," Sam says and then he smirks.

I roll my eyes, "That wasn't what he thought it was. Castiel and I just fell asleep."

"Then why wasn't Castiel wearing any clothes?" then he laughs.

"He had underwear. Why he decided to take the rest of his clothes off, I don't think I'll ever know. Why do you care anyway? I thought you didn't want to know about me and Cas."

He sighs, "Yeah, well I haven't exactly been in your life for a year. Did anything major happen?"

"Besides him saving my life from a pack of vampires," I pause, "Not really. I didn't really see him until he brought me to my dad's. That was about a day before I saw you and Dean."

"Yeah, about Dean, he told me about your little argument."

"Ugh, don't remind me please."

"At least you got an apology."

"Sam, it's gonna take more than an apology to make up for what he did."

"Then be the better person and forgive him anyway." I guess Sam is right, this kinda reminds me of a conversation that I had with Castiel about a year ago. About how I can't live with a lot of anger and resentment, how I just have to get over some things. This might be my chance to prove to Castiel that I'm capable of it, if he can remember how I had sex with Sam then he must be able to remember that conversation.

"I don't know, I might. So, your relatives," I say changing the subject, "How long have you been working with them?"

"A while. I met with them while I was working on a case, we've kinda just been working together now," Sam replies.

"Nice. Now, what's going on with this case?"

"There have been four murders in four different towns recently. Each of the murders were four sets of parents, each leaving behind a baby."

"Weird, have you worked any of the other murders?"

"This is the first one that I've actually gotten a chance to do, but we've been keeping track of it."

"Alright, let's hope we can catch whatever this is."

There's a silence that fills the car.

"I missed you, you know," I say to break the silence.

Sam smiles, but doesn't say anything. I just sit back and stare out the window while Sam drives. We drive for another five hours until we reach Lansing, Michigan. We show the police our badges when we walk up to the crime scene.

"So, where did you find the bodies?" Sam asks.

"We found the parents upstairs. Pretty brutal," the officer replies.

"Break in?" I ask.

"Um, alarm never went off."

"Any leads on the baby?" Sam asks.

"None yet."

"So what do you think?" Sam asks.

"Do you think its okay, alive?" I add.

"I did yesterday."

Sam sighs, "Thank you," he replies. We head inside and go through a sweep of the entire house, we don't find anything. When we head outside, Sam is on the phone with Samuel, "There was no sulfur, no emf. It might not be our kind of thing."

I can hear yelling on the other end, Samuel sounds frustrated. All I catch is "Explain how any of that is natural."

"No, no. I agree, it's awful. I'm just saying, this one might be for the police," Sam replies.

I hear the phrase "baby stew" quite a few times. I don't really like the sound of that.

Sam sighs.

"Am I boring you? Do you have somewhere that you need to be?" Samuel asks, I can hear it loud and clear.

"No, no, no. I get it," I can't hear what Samuel says next, but Sam replies, "Sometimes I wonder about me too."

"Hey, Sam," I say as I nudge him in the shoulder.

"Yeah? No, not you. Olivia is here. Yeah?" he replies.

"I'm gonna head to the car. Give me the keys," I hold out my hand and he puts the keys in my palm. I walk to the car on the other end of the street and take my seat on the passenger side. Sam comes back soon after I get in the car.

"Alright, so we're waiting on information about any houses that might have Harperland Security. You remember how the officer said that the alarm didn't go off?"

I nod.

"Maybe there's something going on with the company." We drive to a nearby motel and check in. Later, Sam's cell phone starts ringing; it's Samuel.

"Do we have anything?" I ask.

"There's a house that we could check, it's halfway across town though," Sam replies.

I grab my backpack off of the chair that I set it on, "Alright, then let's go," I grab the keys and walk out the door. Sam comes chasing me and grabs me from behind the waist to stop me.

"Yeah, I'm driving. Let go," then he starts poking my sides and he knows how much I hate that. I start kicking him as he picks me up and starts grabbing for the keys, but I clutch them to my chest.

"Don't think so," I reply and I'm laughing. Sam is able to grab the keys out of my hand and puts me back down. We drive to a house much like the one that we checked out earlier. Sam and I grab some gear then head to the front door.

Sam picks the lock open, all of the lights are off. I carry in my flashlight and start looking around; I take one step into the living room and see blood. I look in the chair where I saw the blood stains, I find a dead body -- the body of man with a slit mark on his throat and blood all over his front. Right beside the chair, there's another spot with blood, and yet another body -- this must've been his wife.

"Hey, look," Sam says. I look at where he's shining his flashlight, there are bloody footprints. He leads as we both follow the footprints. They lead to a door, Sam makes the door fly open -- it's only a small supply closet.

As I'm looking around, and Sam goes a different way, I'm startled when I hear a door smash. I look behind me and see Sam on the floor and a guy, a huge guy at that, attacking Sam. Sam pulls out a knife and strikes the guy, he cringes in pain and I can see his flesh burning -- is he a demon or something else? This thing starts heading for me and I bring out my knife.

Before I get a chance to strike, I am slammed to the ground. Sam gets up and comes to my side to help me up. "You okay?" he whispers.

I nod my head and stand up. I follow behind Sam as we tiptoe into the kitchen, and then we hear noises coming from a different end of the room. The noises come from under an ironing table, we slowly walk towards it; Sam then lifts up the cloth that is covering it. I never expect what we find under there.




"Dean, I need your help," Sam says to Dean through the phone.

"With what?" Dean replies.

"I'm on a case--"

"No, I'm out. I'm not doing that anymore," Dean interrupts.

"Make an exception!"


"Olivia did!" Sam, don't get me put in the middle of this.

"Olivia's there? Well, then you've got all the help you need."

"Hand over the phone," I say. "Listen, this is important and we really need your help."

"Give me one good reason," Dean replies.

I hand the phone back over to Sam, "We're thirty minutes away from where you are and if you don't meet us, we're going to show up at your door."

"What's so important that you threaten to come here?" Dean asks.

"We found a baby," Sam replies.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can," then Dean hangs up the phone. We meet in the middle of a field, and Dean pulls up in an old pickup truck. You definitely upgraded from your Impala, Dean.

"Where is it?" he asks.

"For one, it's not an it. The baby is a he. Secondly, it's in the back," I reply.

He walks to the car and takes a look in the window. After he agrees to help us, we head back to our motel while he heads back to his house -- probably to tell Lisa and Ben what's going on. I walk into the motel room to see Castiel standing there. I rush over to him and hug him, "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I had to see you," Castiel replies.

"But you just saw me yesterday," I say, Castiel goes quiet when he sees Sam walk in.

"Hey, Cas. What are you doing here?" Sam asks.

"Um, he had to talk to me," I reply.

"Is everything okay?" Sam asks.

"I haven't found out yet. Cas, just come on, we'll go outside," I take Castiel's hand, lead him outside, and shut the door behind me because I don't need Sam listening in on my conversation. I laugh, "I probably should've warned you that Sam was here."

"That would have been good information to know," Castiel replies, I sense some sarcasm but I can never tell with him.

"What's going on, Cas?"

"What, am I not allowed to see you?"

I smile, "Not when Sam is around. I'm not sure that he wants us being all...lovey dovey around him."

"Then should I just go?"

I kiss his cheek, "I love you and everything, but yeah, that seems to be a good idea for right now."

He kisses my lips, "When can I see you again?"

"I'll let you know," then I smile and he disappears. I walk back in and see Sam standing there.

"What was that about?" he asks.

"It was about something that happened a few days ago, nothing major. So, don't worry about it," I lie.

He chuckles, "Yeah, right. You two were probably just making out, and he probably would've gotten laid if I wouldn't have walked in."

"I definitely didn't miss this," I reply as I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

"You're not denying it," Sam says.

"Just because I'm not denying it doesn't mean that's what was going to happen, okay? So just drop it," I walk in the bathroom and slam the door shut behind me. I start up the shower and let the warm water run over me. I stay in the shower until the water is so cold that I can't stand to be in there anymore.

After getting dressed, I quietly walk out because I expect Sam to be asleep, but he's sitting on his bed flipping through television channels. "What are you doing up?" I ask.

"I'm not tired, what about you?" Sam replies.

"Wha- hold on. You're not tired? I don't think I've seen you sleep yet. When exactly was the last time that you slept?"

"I don't know," Sam replies without looking away from the television screen.

I walk in front of the screen and turn the television off.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Sam yells.

"You. Bed. Now," I instruct him like a mother telling their child to go to bed.

"Okay, mom. What's gotten into you lately?"

"I would ask the same about you," I reply.

"Nothing is wrong with me, okay?"

"See, I don't believe that. Ever since I've found out you're back and I've actually seen you, something isn't the same. Where is the Sam I knew? Where is the Sam that I met that day in the hospital? The Sam that jumped into the cage."

He sighs, "I'm still here. I'll go to bed if you'll stop lecturing me."

"Like that right there! The Sam I know would never say anything like that, ever."

"Nothing is wrong! I'll drop this and go to bed if you'll just shut up!" Sam shouts.

I start to back up and I'm startled when I bump into the television that's behind me, "Fine. Sorry, just forget I said anything." I walk over to the mirror and put my hair into a messy bun, then I climb into bed. The next morning, Sam and I make a car ride, which is full of awkward silence, to a place where we're going to meet Dean. We wait there while Dean is on his way.

"Are you gonna be able to be in the same car with Dean without trying to kill him?" Sam asks.

I nod my head, "Listen, Sam, do you think you could keep Castiel's visit secret? I don't really want Dean to know he came to see me," I reply.

"Why? You think he'll get jealous?" he asks but Dean pulls up in his truck before I can answer that question. He's worried that I might go for Dean's throat, when in fact, I'm on the verge of going for Sam's. I still don't believe that nothing is wrong, because something obviously is. This is not Sam, I'm not entirely sure who this is standing in front of me.

"Alright, so what do we know about this thing?" Dean asks.

"It was um, fast," Sam replies.

"It also freaked out when Sam cut it with silver," I add.

"Okay, that narrows it down to..." Dean says.

"A ghoul, a zombie, a shifter, and about a dozen other things," Sam replies.

Dean takes the bag that he has with him and puts in the trunk of Sam's car. "I don't remember seeing babynapping in the profiles," he says.

"Yeah, exactly," Sam replies. I hop into the back next to the baby that we have in a car seat while Dean takes a seat up front.

Dean turns around and sees the baby, "Feel free to speak up if you know anything," Dean says to the baby. I'm sure he's just joking around, but I don't know, sometimes I worry about Dean. Sam instructs Dean to put on his seatbelt, then I hear the baby making noises. I look over, I'm pretty sure the baby has gone to the bathroom in it's diaper.

"You know, I think we're gonna need some supplies," Dean says.

"I have an arsenal in the trunk," Sam replies.

"Not that kind," I add. We drive to a nearby general store and go in there.

"Where is this stuff?" Sam asks.

"I'm not even sure what to get," Dean adds.

"Ugh, can you two just let me handle this?" I ask.

"Last time I checked, I don't think you've ever had a small baby either," Dean replies.

"Yeah, but believe it or not, I've worked with children before. Just leave this to me," I say. I quickly find the aisle that contains baby things: diapers, bottles, formula, everything that a baby will need. I quickly grab some stuff.

"Oh, we gotta go. We've got waterworks coming in ten," Dean says. Sam hurries the cart to a checkout line while Dean and I grab a few more things and run after him. We find a line, the baby is practically screaming it's head off.

"Dean, make it stop," Sam says.

"I don't know how," Dean replies.

"Everyone is staring at us like we're child abusers," Sam adds. "Feed it!"

"We fed it," Dean replies.

"Then he probably needs a diaper change," I say.

"I sure hope not," Sam replies.

Dean takes the baby out of his car seat, just holds him there, and stares at him. He starts imitating his cries. "Aw, what's the matter?" asks a woman who just came in line behind us, "Aren't you handsome? What's his name?" This lady is way too full of questions.

"Bobby," Dean says.

"John," Sam says at the same exact time.

"Bobby John," I say trying to save them.

"Do you mind if I hold him?" she asks.

"Oh, that's fine," I reply.

"I see the problem, Bobby John here is wet," she says, "I can give him a diaper change if you want, I've done hundreds of thousands."

"Um, that's a nice offer, but I think we can handle it," Dean replies.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Give me back the the baby or I'll stab you in your throat," Dean threatens.

"Dean!" Sam and I exclaim simultaneously. Dean motions his head back towards the television screens that show the security cameras -- I look and see the lady, but her eyes are glowing. The lady holds the baby tight and sprints for the door. Sam, Dean, and I chase her

Dean almost catches her, but he rips part of her skin off -- she is a shifter. Sam is able to stop her and grab the baby. I run out the door with Sam. Sam and I reach the car, I grab the baby from him and put him in his car seat while Sam drives to the entrance.

Dean meets us right in front of the door, he jumps in the back seat on the other side of the baby. Later, as we are driving down the road, Dean asks, "What does a shifter want with a baby?"

"You tell me," Sam replies.

"How did it find us?" Dean asks.

"You know, it could've been following me this whole time -- ever since Olivia and I left the baby's house," Sam replies.

"Well, you know what, we gotta get off the road. We need to get Bobby John somewhere safe," Dean says. The baby continues to cry and move around, I know how you feel, kid. I wouldn't want to be stuck in that thing either.

"Hey, shh, it's okay. We'll be there soon," I say to the baby trying to get it to stop crying. We find a motel to stay at, and the first thing that we have to do is change the baby's diaper.

"Um, yeah, I'm not doing that," Sam says.

"Ugh, fine. Come here, buddy," I reply grabbing the baby out of his car seat. I lay him on the bed and change his diaper.

"You're good at this, and definitely much better than I was," Dean says.

"It's been a while since I've worked with kids. Thankfully, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve," I reply. Bobby John continues to cry.

"Here, I think it's time for a nap," Dean says. I pick him up and hand the baby over to Dean.

"Your turn," I say with a smile.

He rolls his eyes and takes the baby. "Alright, it's time to go to sleep," he says. He starts humming this old rock song.

"You're gonna make him cranky again," Sam says.

"Sh, it's working!" Dean whispers and he continues to hum. "Alright, am I gonna be able to lay you down without you getting upset?" he whispers. He walks over to the small crib that we have set up in our motel room and slowly lays the baby down. As soon as the baby is laying down, he is fast asleep.

"How do you do that?" I ask.

"Would you look at that!" Sam exclaims.

"What?" Dean replies.

"You're, not awful at that," Sam replies.

"Yeah, I never would've been able to manage that," I add.

"I'm barely keeping that thing alive," Dean says.

"You're like father material," Sam replies. Dean faces him and Sam just gives him a smirk.

"He's right, you know," I add.

"I kinda had to. It's sink or swim, right?" Dean asks.

"You mean, Ben," Sam replies.

"Yes, I mean Ben. I know he's not my kid, but I don't know. I'm starting to feel like, um, he is," Dean says. He pours himself a glass of whiskey -- after our encounter with the shifter, we had to go to a different store to buy diapers and things for this baby that we're having to care for. He laughs, "Just thinking about the way that we grew up, it makes me think that I might have a chance to make that up with Ben. You know what I mean?" he asks.

"You sure about that?" Sam replies.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You clearly care about the kid," Sam begins, "But moving them around, keeping them on lockdown. I mean, you do have them on lockdown, right?"

Dean sighs and walks over to the bed and sits down.

"How is that any different than how we were raised?" Sam finishes.

"So, you're saying," he pauses and lets out another sigh, "Look, I'm not forcing anybody into this life, okay? This is temporary," Dean replies.

I see something out of the corner of my eye, a shadow that is standing outside the motel room door. It's the figure of a man, he's not very tall, and I can make out the outline of a coat. "Um, I need some air, and I can tell you two need to have a talk. So, I'm just gonna step outside," I say. Sam and Dean give me strange looks, but I slip outside quietly without waking the sleeping baby.

My guess was right, Castiel is standing right outside the door. I close it before I ask, "Why can't you just call me like any normal boyfriend would?!"

"I'm not normal," he replies.

I giggle, "So, did you come here just to see me again, something actually wrong?"

He smiles, "I'm not sure how to answer that question."

"It's a simple yes or no question, what's going on?"

"Do you think you could help me with something?"

"That depends," I give him a smirk.

"I need you to come with me, help me fight this war in Heaven."

My eyes widen in surprise, "Um, Ca- Cas, I can't do that," I stutter.

"Why not?" he replies.

"I can't just leave Sam and Dean. They'll flip out trying to find me if I just disappear and don't tell them where I'm going."

"Then tell them."

"Oh, hey, Sam. Hey, Dean. I'm going to fight a war in Heaven, I'll be back in a few days," I say jokingly.

"You know they're not out here, right?"

I roll my eyes, "Cas, I'm sorry. I can't go. We're kind of in the middle of something important, okay?"

"Okay," he replies sadly. I feel bad for leaving him hanging like that, but I know that I can't just leave Sam and Dean either.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" I say trying to make him feel better.

"No, I understand. It's okay."

"I love you," I say with a small smile.

"I love you too," he smiles weakly. He kisses my lips softly, and I kiss him back. The kissing gets more intense, then Sam steps out. He just stares while I'm standing there dying of embarrassment -- I can feel the blood flooding my cheeks.

"Where are you going?" I ask, I shoot him a look, Please don't mention Castiel, Sam. Dean doesn't know, and I'm trying to keep it that way.

"We've got something, but Dean is staying with the baby. Wanna go with me or are you gonna stay here and talk to--"

"I'm staying," I interrupt. Castiel lets go of my hand, I blink and he's gone.

"Alright, then I'll be back later," Sam replies.

"Okay, thanks, Sam," then I walk back into the motel. Dean is standing in front of the crib with his finger in the baby's mouth. "What are you doing?" I ask.

He whips around, "Um, nothing. Just trying to get the baby to stop crying," he replies.

"Right. What exactly did we find?"

"Sam found that at one of the houses, the father wasn't killed. He's going to have a talk with him. Hey, what exactly were you doing outside?"

I blush, I can't tell him Castiel was here; it was hard enough getting Sam to keep his mouth shut. "Um, getting some air. Like I said I was when I went out there," I lie.

"You know, I'm surprised. You haven't tried once to slap me ever since we started this case. I've noticed you've been kind of quiet. Everything alright?"

I take a seat on the bed and sigh, "I'm just tired."

"It wouldn't matter if you were tired or not, you would give everything you had to try and kill me," he smirks.

I laugh, "Yeah, well, I'm kinda out of it. Do you have anymore of that?" I ask referring to his whiskey.

"Oh, yeah. I'm taking it that you want some?"

I nod my head, then I lay back. I stare at the ceiling while Dean pours me a glass of whiskey, he walks back over to the bed with my glass in his hand and says, "Go easy. This is all you get," then he hands the glass over to me.

I sit up and take a sip, it's been a few days since I've had anything alcohol wise -- the taste of it tastes so good that I chug it down in one gulp.

"It's not a shot. Take it easy," Dean tells me.

I laugh, "Maybe not a shot for you, but definitely for me," I get up from the bed and walk over to the table where the bottle sits.

Dean steps in front of me, "Yeah, that's not happening."

I try to push him out of the way but fail, "Can you move?" I ask with a tone of annoyance.

"No, give me that," he forces the glass out of my hand. He points to the bed, "Sit down."

I roll my eyes and follow his orders. "I'm sitting, now can I have some more?"

"Not unless you explain something to me, and after that I'll think about it."

"No, I'm not saying anything until I get a definite yes," I cross my arms.

He sighs, "Fine, you're not getting any. Just forget it, I won't ask anything and we won't have to worry about you complaining when I don't 'stick to my end of the bargain.'"

I roll my eyes and then lay back on the bed. I feel myself growing drowsy, so I move closer to the pillow. I'm suddenly awoken when I hear a popping noise then a baby's cries. I shoot up, Dean is already in front of the crib -- I'm sure I'm seeing things, but it looks like there's blood and this slimy stuff all over the walls above the crib.

I get up from the bed, I look in the crib; either our baby was kidnapped and switched out with an entirely different baby, or it's a shifter. "What just happened?" I croak.

Dean hangs up his phone -- probably Sam with some news -- "Our baby's father was most likely a shifter," he says holding the baby in the air. The poor thing is covered in blood and slime, definitely a shifter. That explains the popping noise that woke me up.

I reach out my hands for the baby, "Here, let's go get you cleaned up," I say as I walk to the bathroom. I start up the tub and fill it with water, I get all of the crap out of the baby's hair and off it's body -- definitely going to call this baby an it now, who knows what gender it will be when it changes. I bring it back to Dean who has a towel laying on the bed, Dean puts a new diaper on Bobby John, and Bobby John won't stop screaming.

"Is everything okay?" a voice says from outside.

"Everything's fine, thank you! Good night" I reply.

This person continues to knock on the door, "There have been complaints, ma'am. I need you to open the door."

"Um, now isn't a good time. I just...I just got out of the shower," I reply.

He keeps knocking on the door, but has now resorted to furiously messing with the door knob trying to get the door open. Dean picks up the baby and quickly puts it in the crib. The door has gone quiet, I follow Dean and hide behind a wall as the door slowly opens. A police officer walks in, his gun out and ready to shoot.

Dean lunges at him and forces him up against a wall, I shut the door to make sure that he can't escape. "Get out of the way," the shifter demands.

"Not happening," Dean replies.

"A child should be with his father."

"Well, I gotta be honest, I'm not really seeing the family resemblance."

"I'm not talking about just me," he pauses, "I'm talking about our father." What the hell is that supposed to mean? Sounds kinda sick.

Dean just stares back at him. The shifter charges at him, but Dean stops him. I fish around in my pockets for my knife but don't find it, why isn't my knife in my pocket? I look to the bed, my knife is still under the pillow where I put it before I fell asleep.

Dean is shoved toward the bed, "Dean!" I yell. He looks to me, his eyes wild with adrenaline. Before I tell him to reach under the pillow, a gunshot rings throughout the room and the shifter falls to the floor. Next, the sound of a baby crying fills the room; I look over and Sam stands there with his gun in hand.

"Well there goes our deposit," Dean says panting. I quickly walk over to the bed and grab my knife from under the pillow, then I put the baby in it's car seat as we pack up and leave.




"You know, it's pretty smart actually. Shifter disguises himself as a security guard to get close to the house, then he scopes out the family," Sam says.

"Yeah, then the dad takes off. Shifter becomes daddy," Dean adds.

"Has a glass of wine, has some fun with mommy, then takes off and comes back in nine months to collect its prize," I add.

"I didn't even know they had babies," Sam says.

"Yeah, me either," I add.

"I just thought that they were freaks of nature, like X-Men style," Sam says.

"Well, you learn something new everyday," Dean replies.

"I've never seen a baby monster before," Sam says.

"It's not really a monster though, it's still a baby. It's not its fault that its father is a shifter," I reply.

"Yeah, well it's a shifter too," Sam says.

"It still doesn't change the fact that we have to look after this baby," I reply.

"You know, what the hell are we going to do with this thing? We can't exactly drop it off at an orphanage, they might get upset when it turns asian," Dean says.

"Samuel," Sam replies.

"What?" Dean and I ask.

"Samuel, he would know what to do," Sam replies.

"You want to bring this baby to a bunch of hunters?" Dean asks.

"Um, I don't think that's a very good idea, Sam," I say.

"Yeah, it's not," Dean adds.

"Well, they're not just hunters, they're family," Sam replies.

"We don't know them," Dean says.

"I do. Believe it or not, but not every hunter is a head case. You know, Samuel is a lot like you, Dean," Sam replies.

"I'm a freakin' head case!" Dean exclaims. I laugh silently, that shouldn't be as funny as I thought it would be.

"Then pitch a better idea...please!" Sam replies.

Dean stays silent.

"Great. Samuel it is," Sam replies and smiles. After about a dozen stops for diaper changes and feedings, we make our way back to the place where I met Samuel and Sam and Dean's other relatives. There are men standing guard outside the barbed wire fence that they have set up. I feel a little uneasy when I see them peering in my window.

I take a sleeping Bobby John out of his car seat and hand him to Dean. I walk in behind Sam and Dean, and people stare as we walk in with a sleeping baby. "What is this?" Christian asks.

"Our little bundle of joy here is... Well, let's just say that daddy is a shifter," Dean replies.

"So, we've got a little shifter on our hands," Gwen says and smiles.

"Yeah, I guess we do," I mutter under my breath. I can't find Sam anywhere, so I'm standing there in the middle of the room while Dean is holding Bobby John, trying to get him to stay asleep. I keep getting the feeling that I'm being watched -- I look over to see Christian staring at me, he winks, I scowl at him, and turn away. I think now would be a great time for Castiel to show up.

Gwen walks over toward Dean and caresses the baby's head, "Aren't you the cutest disguise a monster ever wore," she coos.

Dean rolls his eyes and turns away from her.

"Relax, Dean. I was just kidding," she replies. She walks away and makes eye contact with me -- I think I might throw up right now.

"You got something to say to me?" Dean asks Mark who is standing there just staring at Dean. "No? Alright, then just stand there and think at me," Dean finishes.

Sam walks in the room behind Samuel, "So, what's our next move?" Sam asks.

"I got a couple ideas. Dean, let me see the little guy," Samuel replies.

"That's alright, I've got him," Dean says.

Samuel smiles down at the sleeping baby, "What do you think I'm gonna do?" he asks.

Dean looks from the baby back up to Samuel, "You really don't want me to answer that question," Dean replies.

"Well, I'm curious," Christian starts, "Who exactly do you think we are?" he asks.

"Hunters," Dean says with fake enthusiasm.

"That's funny, I was starting to think that we were family. As for the lady," he looks at me and winks at me. I charge at him but Sam catches me by the arm.

"Hey, let's not get worked up here," Sam says.

"Yeah, let's not," Christian adds and smirks at me. I'm going to rip his face off with my bare hands if he does not leave me alone. This is definitely Dean's family, they don't know how to control themselves.

Sam lets go of my arm, "Here, Dean. Let me take him. It's okay," Sam assures Dean.

Dean hands over the baby cautiously, keeping a close eye on Samuel. Sam takes the baby then immediately hands him over to Samuel. "Hey there, big guy. Haven't held one of these in a long time," he says to the baby. "Your mom was the tiniest, she was as bald as a cue ball," Samuel says talking to Sam and Dean now.

"So what are we going to do with him?" I ask.

"Raise him," Samuel replies.

"Raise him?" Dean asks.

Samuel looks up from the baby to Dean, "What? Do you have another suggestion?" he asks.

"B- but--" Dean stutters.

"It's dangerous out there for him, Dean," Samuel says trying to talk him into this plan. Sam isn't saying anything, and I'm trying my best to stay out of it.

"What about in here? Are you gonna study him, poke him?" Dean asks.

"Your mind goes straight to torture, Dean," Christian speaks up. He holds his hands up, "Don't assume that for everyone."

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Dean asks.

"Oh, I heard what you majored in, when you were down in the pit," Christian replies.

"What is your problem?" I ask standing up for Dean.

"Your friend here is starting to become a pain in my--" Christian says as he gets up from his chair and starts walking toward Dean.

Sam steps between them, "Christian, take it easy, that's my brother," he says.

"Are you done bristling up here?" Samuel asks.

"Alright, give me back the baby," Dean says and reaches out for the baby.

"I promise that no one is going to do anything to him, Dean. When he gets old enough, we'll throw it to him and if he wants to help out, then we'll let him," Samuel replies.

"It could be a good thing," Mark says, the first time I've heard him say anything.

"How?" Dean asks.

"Think of the kind of hunter he'll grow up to be," Mark replies.

"Okay, you're joking right?! You can't Angelina Joile a baby! Give him to me!" Dean exclaims.

"Why can't you give me an inch of trust?" Samuel asks.

"Because you two are suddenly back from the dead and I seem to be the only one that wants to know what the hell happened!" Dean exclaims.

"You're not the only one that wants to know," Sam replies.

"Yeah, how do you think I feel about this?" I add.

He chuckles, "There's just a little bit too much mystery in this family for me to get comfy."

"Then don't. But don't put it on us, we were just trying to invite you in, that's all," Samuel replies. "Christian."

"Yeah?" Christian replies.

"You and Arlene -- have you had any luck on the baby front?" Samuel asks.

"Not yet, no," Christian replies.

"Then I got just the thing for you. Congrats," Samuel replies and hands Christian the baby.

"Um, what are you--" Dean starts.

"It's okay, Dean. It's alright," Samuel assures him.

"You're kidding, right?" Dean asks.

"Go to hell, Dean," Christian mutters.

"Well, you have no business raising anything," Dean replies.

"Why, Dean? Cause he's a hunter?" Sam asks. I look at Sam in disbelief, I get it that this guy is his family and he's gotten to know them, but he's known Dean longer and this Christian guy is not a good one. The sound of dogs barking brings all of our attention to the door.

Samuel takes the baby and hands him over to Dean, "Check the back door," he instructs Christian, Mark, and Gwen. "You three," he says to Sam, Dean, and I, "Go downstairs, there's a panic room. He'll be safe down there." I lead the way as we go down a large amount of steps and find a secure bunker down in the basement. I rush in and Dean follows in, meanwhile, Sam is pulling the door closed and locking it.

Dean paces around and rocks Bobby John who has woken up and started to cry, "Come on, Bobby John, you gotta be quiet," he says.

"Here, let me see him," I say to Dean. He hands me the crying baby and I gently rock him back and forth while I sing a little nursery rhyme. "Shh, stay quiet," I say.

"Alright, I'm going up. You two stay with the baby," Sam tells us. I stand there and watch as Sam tiptoes to the door. He stands with his back against the wall and peeks out the little porthole in the door; all of sudden, Sam jumps back and sees himself standing on the other side of the door. The shifter has come for his reward.

Sam brings out his knife and the shifter pulls the door off its hinges. Dean covers me while I stay up against the wall, Bobby John begins to cry louder. Sam is picked up and thrown outside the panic room, then Dean goes to protect me but ends up like Sam. I stand there, my face completely blank -- I have no reason to be scared of a shifter, I stand there with confidence as I keep hold of Bobby John.

Then suddenly, the shifter turns into me, "Hand over the baby," the shifter says.

"Yeah, right. Like I would do that," I reply.

The shifter comes nose to nose with me, then grabs my throat and lifts me higher and higher against the wall. I can't breathe, I'm being choked to death. Still keeping a firm hold on the baby, I grab for the shifter's hand; the shifter takes the baby from my hands but doesn't let go of my throat. The room is growing darker with each second, I'm growing weaker, and I'm losing oxygen: my eyes flutter shut and I feel myself slam into the ground -- I pass out and everything has gone black.




"Olivia," a voice says off in the distance.

"Hmmm," I hum.

"Olivia," the same voice says again and begins to shake me.

"Stop," I whine. "Just give me five more minutes, dad."

"Get up," Dean says sternly.

My eyes open up, the light hurts my eyes, but soon Dean comes into view. "What happened?" I croak.

"The thing got away, and it has the baby," Dean replies. He towers over me and reaches out his hand. I take his hand and stand up, then I follow him upstairs. Once upstairs, I see the damage that the shifter left, and I see Christian, Mark, and Gwen walking around while Samuel and Sam are standing up against the wall talking.

"I guess it's not a myth anymore," Samuel says.

"Yeah," Sam agrees.

"What was that thing?" Dean asks.

"It was a shifter, wasn't it?" I ask.

Sam and Samuel look at each other then Samuel replies, "We think it may have been an alpha."

"An alpha?" I ask. I have never heard of something like that before.

"You mean like--" Dean starts.

"Like all monsters come from somewhere, right?" Samuel interrupts.

"And you think that this one was the..." Dean says.

"King shapeshifter," Samuel finishes for him, "But yes, Olivia, you were right. It was a shifter, it was just the very first one."

Of course, that makes sense. Alpha would make it the most powerful, that's sort of what the word alpha means. I think part of the reason that didn't really click is because I'm still waiting for all of the oxygen to come back to my brain.

"It's the first one who spawned all the others," Samuel continues, "There's tons of lore about it."

"The first one?" Dean asks.

"That's why it was so strong, and why nothing we had stopped it," Sam says.

"And he said that he could find the baby anywhere, that he could feel it, like there was some type of connection. That's in the lore too," Samuel adds.

"Then what the hell does it want with babies?" Dean asks.

"A softball team?" Samuel says sarcastically, "I really don't know."

"Great," I say with fake enthusiasm.

"Then how do we kill it?" Dean asks.

Samuel sighs, "I don't know if we can."

After finishing with that conversation, Sam, Dean, and I step outside. "You know it's funny, right before you killed that shifter back the motel, he mentioned a father. It makes sense now cause he meant the alpha," Dean says.

"Hm, yeah, I guess so," Sam replies.

"Did you hear him say that?" Dean asks.

"Um, I don't know. It was kind of a hot moment. Why?" Sam replies.

"Well, cause if you heard him, then you knew the alpha was out there."


"And if you knew the alpha was out there, then you knew that he would come after the baby. So, were you just using that baby as bait?"

"Hold on, was that the plan? To use the baby as bait?!" I ask.

"Of course not! I just thought that Samuel's was the safest place for the baby!" Sam replies.

"Right," I say angrily. I hop into the back seat and sit there, I can feel the smoke about to come out of my ears. He put the poor thing in danger just because he wanted to bring it to Samuel, I can't believe him. We take Dean back to his house, and that just leaves Sam and I alone in the car.

"You wanna um, move up to the front or--" Sam asks.

"No," I say firmly.

"Fine, then where do I take you?" Sam asks.

"My dad's or something, I don't know. I just want away from you," I reply coldly. That's the end of our very short conversation, I just lay against the window and fall asleep.




"We're here," Sam says right after I wake up.

I reach for the door handle, but the door is locked. "Maybe it would help if the door would be unlocked," I say.

He turns around to face me, "Explain something to me first. What did I do to you?" he asks.

I roll my eyes, "I'm not doing this now, do you know how late it is?"

"Yeah, I realize what time it is. Now, tell me."

"Open the door, I'm not telling you anything."

"Then it looks like you're stuck in the car."

"I'll bust out this window and climb out that way if I have to. I'm not scared of you, so go ahead and try to be intimidating all you want, but it's not going to work."

Sam sighs and finally unlocks the car door. I grab my things and walk to the front door, I'm greeted by my dad when I walk in the door. "What's wrong with you?" dad asks.

"Everything," I mutter under my breath and storm up the steps. I walk into my bedroom and see Castiel standing there.

"Hello," Castiel says.

I don't say anything, I just run to him and wrap my arms around him. I don't know how much longer I can keep going. "I can't do this anymore," I say quietly.

"Can't do what?" Castiel asks.

"Live," I reply.

End of Episode 2

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey, guys! So, I hope you guys are enjoying this so far. I've been working really hard on this and it's been kind of hard to write this, I'm trying to stay as accurate as possible to how the characters change in season 6. Be patient with me while I write this, I'm trying as hard as I can. Hope you guys like it and stick around to see what's in store for this new story. Bye! :)

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