Islamic Stories

By Futoohaat

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Islamic Stories
A New Faith
The Girl And The Lesson
The Boy Who Used To Delay His Prayer
A Young Man's Fear Of Allah
500 Years Of Worship
Sheikh Proves To A Non-Believer That There Is A God
Sharing Is Caring, The Story Of Three Best Friends
The Man Who Didn't Disobey Allah Again
The Courageous Boy
The Reward Of Patience Is Praiseworthy
The Dumb Boy
Three Imams Reply To The Athiests
The Prince Who Left Everything For Allah
The King And His Two Slaves
A Pond Full Of Milk
Be Like Water
Clean For The First Time
Think Before You Judge
The Donkey
The Young Man Who Learned What Cannot Be Taught
The once ordinary woman
Easy Way To Change Yourself
Story of the beautiful woman who wanted a pious husband
Atheist Finds Islam Through Fasting Ramadan
Words worthy of golden ink
Final Goodbye

My Story

1K 79 8
By Futoohaat

Assalamu Alaykum WaRahmatulahi WaBarakatu

I start with the name of Allah. All praise is due to Him alone for giving me the ability to tell the story of something we do so often and take no notice, it is something that is so important, yet rarely mentioned. May Allah guide every single person who reads this story and may Allah give them the ability to take this story as a lesson.

This story that I'm about to write is based on what happened to me and it's an absolutely true story.

It all started from the moment when tears would fill up in my eyes. For the past few days I had been crying for every single little thing that happened. A few days ago I had complained about it to Appa. She had told me it was a good thing, she had also told me that people in Jannah are soft heated. However, I didn't like the fact that I was SO softhearted, I had not wanted to be soft hearted.

Then came the night of being saved from Jahanam (Shobe Barat), I stayed up from 11:00PM to 3:50ish AM. I stayed up praying Quran and praying Salah. A few tears slipped my cheeks while praying Quran.

Then, something happened. Something so big that I wish it upon none.

After staying up and worshipping Allah, I decided it was time to make Dua. I made Dua, hoping for tears to come so that Allah may have mercy upon me and accept my Dua faster, however, when I tried to cry, I was unable to shed a SINGLE tear. It was horrible.

No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't. Today, I wanted to cry while telling this to Appa, but, I couldn't. It was absolutely horrid. The tear felt like it was stuck there and it just didn't want to leave, it was as if it was glued to my eyes. I had asked Appa if Allah had deprived me of my tears due to complaining and she had said "Jii", meaning, yes, you have been deprived of your tears because of complaining.

SubhanAllah, Allah (SWT) has taken away my ability to cry because of how ungrateful I was to be able to cry and be soft hearted, now, I have realized the true value of being able to cry. It seems whenever you lose something, you truly understand the value of that thing. I would have said "I regret it", but, there was wisdom behind it, and I've leaned to value this wisdom.

The wisdom behind this was to value everything that you have, never to be ungrateful, and especially never to complain, for it may be this very thing which people do not have the ability to do and pray day and night to Allah to have this ability (Ex: seeing, hearing..)

So, sisters, please let it be such that when you hate something about yourself, you make it a habit to say Alhamdulillah because at least you have that thing which some people do not have.

May Allah open the hearts of those who read this story and may Allah return my ability to cry. Ameen.


June 14 2014

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