The once ordinary woman

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I thought I would never share any other stories that I wrote, but, since I couldn't find some good stories online, I decided to post this. In Sha Allah no one will steal this and In Sha Allah, Allah will guide people through this story. In Sha Allah. :)


There was a women running around

the kaba 7 times saying "Oh noble one,

you kept your promise!" (Something

like this.) A man who was watching,

looked at her with curiosity. After she

was done running around, he went to

her and asked her why she was saying

that. She said, "It's a long story.

It all started when I was on a ship and

the ship was moving furiously. My

whole family drowned and I was left

alone. Suddenly I saw a man who

came running to me, he swam all the

way to the boat and climbed in. I was

afraid that he wanted to do something

wrong to me, so I moved back words.

He came to me and indicated that he

wanted to do Zina with me. My fear

for my lord in committing this sin was

severe. So I told him, "Do you not fear

Allah?" The man didn't care, he just

wanted to do it.

I wanted to distract him so that I had

time to think of a way out, I remember

my baby and moved towards him

backwards. When I got near, I pinched

my sleeping baby very very hard. He

woke up screaming and shouting very


I told the man "First let me feed my

baby, he's probably hungry." This

made the man angry. He grabbed the

baby and threw him in the ocean. He

came towards me, just as he was

about to grab me, I raised my two

hands and said, "Oh Allah save me

from..." Before I even got to finish, a

big black monster came out from the

ocean and took the man away. I was in

awe, for I knew Allah had done this.

Suddenly, the boat started to move. It

moved me to a beautiful island and it

was filled with fruits. I stayed there for

four days. On the fourth day, I saw a

ship coming, so I climbed up to a tree

branch and started motioning for it to

come. Finally a man realized and

pointed at me. The ship started to

come towards me, so I got off the

branch and waited. Once I saw who

was in the boat, I ran and started

crying tears of joy. I hugged and kissed

my baby.

The men stared at me in shock and

said, "This is your baby?"

I nodded. I then began to tell them

the whole story. They were amazed

when I finished and said, they too had

encountered something as shocking.

They told me how they were going

somewhere, but the ship took them far

away from the destination. Out of

nowhere, this huge monster came out

the water and told them to take the

baby or they won't be able to leave.

None of the men wanted to. Finally

one man got the courage to do so. He

got out the ship and took the baby.

The ocean monster disappeared

within seconds. They saw a ship

shaking and a women in there. Then

there ship started to sail and they had

gotten to this place that they were in

now, except they were now with the

women who's ship was shaking"

After the man heard this story,

imagine the shock and amazement on his face! This ordinary women, just for the fear and love she had for Allah, Allah had done the unimaginable!

Remember, when you leave a sin for the sake of Allah, Allah will do the unimaginable.

June 6, 2014

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