Friends with the Babysitter (...

By hamilfan123987

24.4K 1.1K 1.9K

Connor's mother hires a companion--no not THAT kind of companion--like a friend, for him. Of course that frie... More

Ch 1--The Job Ap
Ch 2--Interview Prep
Ch 3-- I Just Told A Lie
Ch 4--Becoming Shark Bait
Ch 5--Learning the Rules
Ch 6--Breaking the Rules
Ch 7--Lunchtime Blues
Ch 8--Caught in the Rain
Ch 9-- Talkin' Dirty to Babe
Ch 10--pOPCORN?!
Ch 12--Felling the Tree(boy)
Ch 13--Makeover
Ch 14--Apologies and Threats
Ch 15--The Fight
Ch 16--The Morning After
Ch 17--To Tell or Not to Tell, That is the Question
Ch 18--The Test
Ch 19--It Can't Be Us
Ch 20--Secret Conversations and Covert Relationships
Ch 21--Ice Cream Makes it Better
Ch 22--Kidnapping Evan Hansen
Ch 23--You Should See the Other Guy
Ch 24--The Storm
Ch 26--Taking Turns
Ch 27--Evan's Plan
Ch 28-The Rescue
Ch 29-Hospital Visit
Ch 30-Therapy

Ch 25--Family Breakfast

482 24 44
By hamilfan123987

"What do you mean, before you have to leave?" Evan asked, standing with Connor.

Connor looked at the floor.

"I uhm, I just got a text. I have to go meet Ferb in an hour."

"Connor, no! Don't go!"

"Evan, it's okay. I don't mind, and yesterday I put him in his place, so he won't do anything today." That's probably not true, he's hella mad, and Connor might die today, but Evan didn't need to know that.

"Please don't go."

"Evan, I'll be back in two hours tops. I'll drop you off at your house and then I'll be right over when I'm done doing whatever he needs."

Evan fixed him with a disapproving look, but Connor looked away and left the room.

They went downstairs for breakfast, but Evan decided to give Connor the silent treatment.

"Morning, boys." Cynthia greeted. Connor nodded and Evan smiled.

"Good morning, Cynthia. Thanks for letting me stay over,"

"Of course, Evan. You're always welcome here, you know that. Plus there was no way I was sending you home in that storm last night. It was too crazy."

Connor tried to meet Evan's eyes, but he quickly scowled and narrowed his eyes at him.

"So did you boys--" Cynthia turned around to set plates in front of the two boys glaring at each other. "Figure everything...out...?

"Yes, we did," Evan turned to her. "But this morning, Connor tried to do something stupid, so I'm trying to convince him of the error of his ways." He said with a pointed look.

"And I don't see what I'm doing as stupid, so I'm trying to show Evan the heroism of my ways." Connor stuck his face close to Evan's and they continued the stare down. Neither boy was willing to give up, and finally Cynthia couldn't take it any more.

"Oh my god, just kiss already!"

"Mother!" Connor shrieked, looking away from Evan, whose face was turning bright red.

"Oh, they already have." Zoe said smugly, smirking as she entered the kitchen. "I have photographic proof."

Cynthia laughed.

"So you two are a thing, then?"

Connor looked at Evan. Evan smiled shyly.

"I guess so." Connor leaned over and gave Evan a quick peck on the cheek, and Evan blushed. Zoe and Cynthia cheered and pretended to fake cry, being very dramatic with their reactions.

"Yeah, I suppose we are." Evan gave Connor a kiss too, then slapped his arm. "But now I'm no longer talking to you unless you reconsider."

Connor sighed.

"You know I can't, Ev, I just--"

"No, you can, you won't--"

"--Thought it would be good for everyone,--"

"Evan, Connor, don't fight--" Cynthia joined in.

"--Consider it because you don't want to,--"

"CHILDREN!" Zoe screeched, scaring all three into silence. "I would like to have my breakfast in peace, thank you. Mom, let them work it out by themselves, and boys, quit acting like an old married couple already. You're going to ruin my meal." Zoe took the two plates Cynthia had set in front of the boys and transferred the pancakes and bacon from one plate to the other, then began eating.

"That was mine--"

"Quiet." she snapped. "You're ruining the atmosphere with your voice."

Connor opened his mouth to protest, but Cynthia put her hand up.

"I have more, Connor, don't worry. Zoe..." She looked at her daughter, then held her hand out for a high-five. "Nice one." Zoe grinned, then went back to her food.

Once Cynthia plated up more breakfast, the boys ate in silence. Mostly because any time Connor tried to engage Evan in conversation, he refused.

Connor even tried to get him to talk about trees, but Evan remained uninterested.

He finished his food then waited for Connor before they walked to his room.

"I'll say it one more time, please don't go." Evan said once they were alone. He wouldn't look at Connor.


"Connor," Evan walked towards Connor who moved back until he was pushed against the door.

"Evan..." Connor whispered, leaning close. Evan closed the distance and their lips met. Connor put his hands on Evan's waist and Evan brought his arms around Connors shoulders. Evan was the one to break the kiss, resting his forehead against Connor's and breathing deep. He just looked into the other boys eyes.

"Connie--" his voice broke and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Please, don't call me that." Connor said, stiffening and pulling away.

"Why not?"

Connor got a far away look in his eyes as he remembered Ferb calling him that when they were in his car. He couldn't have Evan use that name. It would only remind him of what Ferb did.

"Evan, I have to go."

"But Connor,"

"Don't try and tell me not to go, I've made up my mind."

"That's not what I was going to say."

Connor pulled back, tilting his head in shock.

"You weren't?"

Evan shook his head.

"Nope. I understand. You have to go. There's no way you can get out of it." Evan turned around and walked to the couch where he'd taken off his socks the night before. He hated sleeping in socks, it made his feet sweaty.

"Oh, good, that's a relief, Ev. I was thinking I'd have to--"

"But if I can't convince you not to go, I'm coming with you." He stood and looked at Connor, determined.

Connor choked on the rest of his words. He fell against the door and slowly slid to the floor.

"Absolutely the fuck not."

Evan glared at him.

"Why not? You're going." Evan pointed out.

"Evan, there's no way I'm letting you come."

"Oh, you won't let me?" Evan stood, crossing the floor to where Connor was crouched on the ground. Connor got up to be on the same level as Evan.

"NO! I did this to keep you out of it, and you want me to let you come and basically ruin everything I've been trying to do?"

"You won't let me? You won't let me?! I am my own person, Connor Murphy. I can make my own decisions, I'm not some little puppy you can lock in a crate and keep safe at home. You're just as b-bad as my mom, n-not believing in me." The blasted tears finally escaped from his eyes and dripped down his cheeks. Connor lifted his hand to brush them away but Evan jerked his head back, his face hardening.

Connor sighed.

"It's not that I don't believe in you, Ev. I know you're strong, I know you can handle yourself, but the thought of seeing you in pain physically hurts me. I will literally do anything if that means you can have an easier time. It doesn't have anything to do with your abilities." Evan looked unconvinced, but the intense glare had melted from his face so Connor took that as a good sign and continued. He grabbed Evan's hand. "I know you're strong, and brave. I mean, you dealt with my torment and orders for months, even though you have really bad anxiety and I was acting like a monster. That takes a lot of strength, Ev. I understand that." He shook his head. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"But then that means you get hurt, Con. I don't like seeing that any more than you like seeing me hurt." Evan whispered, having fully forgiven Connor. He wasn't mad at him, anyway, he was mad in general. Still at his mom, for not believing in him, and at Ferb for getting them in this crappy situation.

Connor smiled sadly.

"That's just what it is, Ev. I know you'll be able to manage."

"Con, please,"

"No. Evan, no. End of discussion. Please? I don't want to talk about it or think about it anymore." Evan wanted to keep arguing with him, but one look at Connor's face stopped him in his tracks.

Connor was scared.

No matter how much bravado he faked, he was terrified.

Evan just nodded and moved aside so Connor could get ready. He watched Connor's hands shake as he grabbed his phone from off the nightstand and shoved it in his pocket. He watched Connor shudder as he pulled his pajama shirt over his head and wince as he stretched the bruises that still colored his chest.

It was at that moment Evan made a decision.

"I'm going to the bathroom to get dressed, and then I'll meet you downstairs, okay? I want to say thanks to your mom again before you drop me off at home." Evan said quickly, backing out of the room before Connor could realize he was up to something.

Connor just nodded. He couldn't look at Evan too long without feeling guilty, so he let him leave without complaint. He was glad Evan finally agreed to go home.

While he meant what he said to Evan about him being brave and strong, he really didn't want Evan there with him. Ferb was going to be pissed about what happened the other day, and Connor didn't want Evan to see what Ferb was going to do to him, or he didn't want Ferb to get the idea to do whatever he'd been planning to do to him to Evan. That would be even worse. Connor shuddered at the idea.

It was very strange to Connor how just a month ago, he cared about no one but himself. He was selfish and rude, he was awful to his mother, and he never put anyone elses needs above his own. Now he was willingly taking a beating every day to keep someone else safe. That's how much he cared about Evan. Evan had changed him for the better.

He grabbed his bag and wallet then went downstairs. He heard voices from the kitchen and meandered there. He was really dreading having to go meet Ferb.

Evan and his mom were talking urgently, but when they saw Connor, they instantly perked up.

"Thanks, Cynthia. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Yes, no problem, dear. I'm glad you and Connor are getting along now." She smiled at him, but even to Evan it looked forced. Thankfully, Connor wasn't paying much attention to them, instead he was looking at a new text from Ferb telling him to get to the park asap so he could begin the beatdown. Connor gulped.

"Y-you ready, Ev?" He asked, looking up at him.

Evan nodded.

"Yeah, I am." He looked at Connor's phone over his shoulder and saw that it was another threat from Ferb. Clearly Connor was nervous about this, but to Evan this was great news, now they had a little bit of proof, in case things went south with his plan.

They walked to the garage and Connor pressed the button on the side of the wall that opened the door that led them outside.

They didn't talk much in the car, but Evan grabbed Connor's free hand and held it as they drove. Every so often, Evan would notice Connor get tense, and when he did, he gave Connor's hand a little squeeze. That usually calmed him down.

They got to Evan's house and Connor threw the car in park. Evan unbuckled his seatbelt but didn't make a move to exit yet. He turned and faced Connor, who was still gripping the wheel and looking forward.

"I know this probably won't help, but I'm going to ask one more time that you come inside with me and we can figure something out. There's no need to do this."

Connor just shook his head.

"I can't." he rasped. His throat was really tight and it was hard to get any words out.

"Okay. Well...I love you." Evan said. He put his finger under Connor's chin and moved his head so they were face to face. Evan gave him a quick kiss, then reluctantly got out of the car.

"Love you, Ev." He whispered once Evan was safely inside.


My apologies friends. I almost forgot to post this tonight!  I went to see Newsies with my aunt today at a local theater and I just got home. (It was amazing by the way. I love newsies so much) I hope you like the chapter! Unfortunately the story is almost done....which makes me sad. But I'm getting a few ideas so stay with me. There'll be more about that later.

I hope everyone's having a great week! I'd love to get to know some of you guys, so if you want, comment a random fact about yourself that you want to tell me. My fact is that I wear sunglasses so often on top of my head that there's actually a dent in my skull where they rest. It's kind of weird.

As always, if anyone needs to talk, please message me. You all mean the world to me, your votes and comments make my whole day. Love you all ❤️


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