Say Something ( Austin Mahone...

By EmilyHalsey

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Say Something ( Austin Mahone Love Story)
The Beach with Jessica!
Later that day!
Spending the day with Austin and Chris!
Getting ready\Dinner!
Later that night with my boyfriend!
Getting ready\spending the day with my boyfriend and best friend's
Later that night with my boyfriend and best friend's
Later that night with my boyfriend
After riding the golf cart till 4 with Austin, Jessica and Chris!
Time to leave the beach.. :(
just got home from the beach!
my dream came true!
Sleepover with Austin
Movies with Austin
Cheer leading Practice
The Beach with Austin, Madison and Jake!
the next day!
The day before we leave to go on a Cruise!!!
Cruise time!!!! YEAH!
Airport\Airplane time
Exploring Miami ,Flordia
FINALLY time to go on the Cruise!
Exploring around the cruise ship with Austin!
time to go have some fun
Getting ready\Dinner
Teen Club!
first night on the cruise ship!
We got to the Bahamas! finally!
Birthday\ 7 month anniversary\ Paris
Paris! #l
Date Night with Austin!
later that night!
Finally home!
Hollywood here we come!
Time to find out the gender!
Party time!
Wedding Day!
New House!
Time for the baby!
First Day Home!
Doctor's apt. for Mallory
time to go to Hollywood!
Coming home!
A month later.. Beach time!
Mallory's first day on the beach!
Girl's Day!
Time to leave the beach!
Cheer leading team party!
The next day
Time for Austin to come home!
The day we leave for tour!
time for the tour.
First Concert
Day off!
The Next Day
Funeral. :(
Time to go back on tour!
Meeting and Recording with Justin Bieber! :)
Tour Break!
Mallory's first birthday party!
The Mall
Time for Alli, Cody, Matt and David to leave :(
the day we leave to go to LA!
Time for my mom to have my baby sister.
Mallory meeting her Aunt for the first time.
Alli coming to town
Austin is coming home!
Shopping\ Date with Austin
Very Stressful Day
Graduation Day
First Day of Teaching!
Alli's Friends coming over!
Family get together
Guess who is coming to visit?
Emily coming home from the hospital
Break up with Ryan :(
First Date
Time to go back to school!
The Day I leave for Tour!
Interview, Meeting Pattie and Usher!
Tour Break!
Moms Doctor Appointment
Mallory's 3rd Birthday!
Hollywood with Daddy! :)

Going to the Doctor!

4.1K 8 0
By EmilyHalsey

Today i was going to the doctor! to see how far along i was etc. 

Austin was taking me! of course since he was the dad!

our doctor's apt is at 12. so Austin was picking me up at 11 30!

i woke up at 10 30! i went to go take a shower. i changed into pink shorts and a light green v-neck shirt . i put some black eye liner on, mascara and pink eyeshadow. i put on some white flip flops. put the necklace Austin gave me on, light green earrings, and put my ring on. that most amazing\ beautiful ring ever. and i flat ironed my hair.

i saw it was 11 25! i grabbed my purse. and my phone.

then i heard a honk outside! and saw Austin was here! i ran out the door! my parent's were at work!

i got into the car!

Hey Babe! he said

hey! i said

you ready to see our little baby today? he said

hell yes i am! i said

we got to the Dr. 

we were getting the same Dr. that my mom had when she had me! the Doctor's name was Dr. Byrd! 

i went into the room and sat down on the bed thingy! the Doctor came and said well i'm Dr. Byrd. you must be Emily and this must be Austin!

we talked for a while then she said lay down and we will get started! Austin was standing right beside me holding my hand. 

she put that gel stuff on my stomach and then started looking for the baby! then she found it!

i looked over and saw it! it was getting big! Austin just looked at me with a big smile on my face!

Dr. Byrd said you are around 10 weeks pregnant! 

i said will i be able to go on a airplane tomorrow?

she said yes! but just be careful!

then she wipped of the gel stuff! and then i was ready to go!

she said i will see you guy's in about a month!

i said okay! thanks Dr. Byrd! she printed out the pictures! so we could show everyone!

me and Austin got into the car and headed to my house! we got out of the car ! and went inside! my parent's are home!

my mom said how did it go?

i said good! i am 10 weeks!

she said have any pictures?

i said yes and handed them to her! 

she said aw! i can't wait to meet it!

i said me too!

then i went upstairs to start packing! i was going to be in Hollywood for a couple of days with Austin and Meme! my mom had to work so she could not come! :(.. i wanted her to come, but next time she can.

our plane was leaving at 6! we had a private plane! that Dave sent us! it took a hour to get there so that means i had to wake up at 4! and Austin and Meme would pick me up at 5!

After i was done packing! it was 10! Austin went home! i said good night! and love you and see you early in the morning!

he said the same back!

then i went to bed! i was tired! in like a month the baby would start kicking and i would fine out of what i'm having at 16 weeks. YEAH!! could not wait to see what i was having! i wanted a girl so did Austin! 

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