By TinaJones279

75.6K 4K 970

Skye finds herself in rural Colorado after fleeing her abusive boyfriend. While shifters have been "out" for... More

Chapter 5
Chapter 14


2.1K 132 14
By TinaJones279

"Where the hell did she go?" Jamie asks me. I just shrug my shoulders.

"I have no idea." Goosebumps spread across my body, and it's almost as if I can feel each creepy one of them. The creep factor is definitely through the roof.

Jamie finally sits back down in his seat. He rebuckles his belt and puts the car in gear. He heads back to their house.

"Do me a favor, please, and send a text to Nev and JJ to meet us at the house. We all need to talk about what just happened." I take my phone out, and do what he asked. It doesn't take long for affirmative responses.

We ride the rest of the way in silence, tension very palpable in the enclosed space.

When we reach the house, the other two are already there, waiting inside for us. Nev comes at me and wraps me up in a hug. I squeeze back, then pull away a little to look up at him.

"What's going on, Beautiful? Why the worried look?" I bury my face in his chest.

"Damn cock blocking witch." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" Nev asks, using a finger to tilt my head back up. My brain scrambles trying to think of something else to say.

"I said 'Damn motherfucking witch'." He winces at the crass language, then gives me a disbelieving look.

"We were stopped at an intersection, when this woman just appears right in front of the car. She never said anything, and when I was getting out to confront her, she disappeared." Jamie explains.

"What do you mean 'disappeared'?" JJ asks.

"Do you not know the definition of the word?"

"You don't need to get all smartassy, Jamie, I'm just trying to wrap my head around what you're telling me. What did she look like?"

"I couldn't see her face. I was covered by a hood, but she was creepy as hell." I answer him before the brothers can come to blows, moving to wrap my arms around him. It's something I've learned. They will never get physical with each other if I happen to be touching one of them, their need to protect me running deep.

"Any idea what she wanted?" He asks softly, placing a chaste kiss to my forehead. I just shake my head and lay my head on his chest.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling about who she is, and that we'll be finding out her agenda pretty soon." I turn in his arms to face outward so I can see all three of them. "I think it's the witch, the one that was controlling Dalton. I think she is finally making her presence known." An unbidden shiver rolls through me, and JJ wraps his arms tighter around me. All my previous thoughts and plans fly out the window, leaving me cold, and I appreciate the warmth he is offering.

"I was wondering when she was going to make her move." Jamie says, although I suspect he had been thinking the same as me. I move away from JJ and plop myself onto the couch onto my back. I cover my eyes with the crook of my elbow, and wish for the couch to suck me into oblivion.

"This is frustrating. Wait for the other shoe to drop. I can't keep going like this guys. I really can't." While being around them for the last month has been amazing, the stress level is through the roof and I don't know how much more I can take before it breaks me.

Nev, the peacemaker, the soother, comes and sits on the edge of the couch next me. He gently removes my arm, and his face is hovering over mine, concerned.

"You know that we've got you, right?" He runs his thumb over the back of my hand, as I sit up. "You've got us. There might be some prophecy out there that tells of you being with the three of us, but that doesn't change a thing about the way we feel about you. We've fallen, Skye. Hard. This last month with you, while being stressful, was such a treasured time. We got to know you, and you us. You're such a beautiful soul, and your heart calls to us, and we can't help but give you our own. This whole thing might feel like it's moving at a fast pace, but you've inched your way into our hearts once gentle smile at a time."

He reaches a hand up and wipes a away from my face. That's the most words I have ever heard him string together at once, and what words they were. Such simple things really, words, but how powerful they are when strung together in such a way.

"Well, you three didn't inch your way into mine. You bulldozed your way in." I laugh, and the guys laugh with me, because it's true. "I don't think I ever stood a chance. You three wormed your way in and took root, laying the foundation for something I was never prepared for. I never expected to fall in love, especially with three hot wolf shifters"

"You think we're hot?" JJ asks. I look at him, and there's a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"That's all you got out of that?" He shakes his head, then launches himself at me. He straddles my legs and peppers kisses across my face.

"No." He says, stopping the kisses and a serious look crosses his face. "I heard you just tell us you love us. I couldn't be happier, because I love the ever living shit out of you, Skye." He cups my face a places a sweet kiss on my lips. Pulling away, he gets off my lap.

I look shyly at JJ. He crooks a finger, and I accommodate him. I walk over and stand in front of him. He leans down and whispers in my ear as he gathers me to him.

"I love you, too, Skye. Your inner strength drew me in quick. I want to spend our lives together proving to you just how much you mean to me." His soft breath fans across my ear, sending delightful shivers down my back. I squeeze him back. I turn around in his arms once again and look at all of them. My heart is soaring at the look of love on their faces.

I do believe I just found my home, and I know I'm never going back to the woman i was before meeting them. The stress of the day finally catches up with me, and I'm suddenly weary. I let out a huge yawn.

"I think I'm going to take a nap." I announce, and move to go to one of the bedrooms.

"Want some company?" Jamie asks from the couch, and my earlier plans come back to mind, and I no longer feel so sleepy.

"I would love some." I call over my shoulder and then haul ass to his bedroom. He uses his super speed to catch up to me quickly, and I laugh a full belly laugh as he picks me up and hauls me over his shoulder, me bouncing up and down as he continues his quick pace.

"I told you we would continue this." He warns, with a light tap to my butt.

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