By lunamintheu

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In which Jungwoo will run away whenever Yukhei tries to approach him. More



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By lunamintheu


“Hey, I heard you passed out yesterday. What happened to you? You didn’t go back, I thought the toilet bowl flushed you inside.” Doyoung said while munching some food inside his mouth but Jungwoo remained silent. He either didn’t know, the moment he saw a blood on his finger coming from his nose to lip made him nervous. Also, he didn’t know who’s the one bring him to the clinic yesterday because he passed out already and right after he woke up, Jaehyun is the one he noticed inside the clinic and waited for him to wake up.

“A rumor is flying all over the school since earlier. Jungwoo, mind to explain why you were on the picture? Behind you is the half-naked Yukhei, he seems chasing you.” Ten stated while browsing through his phone because Yukhei and Jungwoo’s pictures are currently trending today because of what happened yesterday. A lots of scenarios appeared on line and students were making fun of them. Jungwoo didn’t know how he manage to go to school despite of the unbelievable scene yesterday and he was about to lost his mind. Seriously.

Earlier today, Jungwoo experienced some kind of struggles before he finally reach their classroom. Like, he bumped his head on the sliding door at the entrance of the building and everyone who witnessed laughed so he ended up running away, then he mistook the females comfort room that it was their classroom because his mind seemed not aware of the things around him.

“Jungwoo and Yukhei looks like playing here, you know I have some weird thoughts inside my head.” Said Doyoung.

“Some of them said that maybe Yukhei was about to fuck Jungwoo but he seemed freaked out and run away. That’s embarrassing though. ” Ten said and cackle. That’s why they both received a glare from Jungwoo, but the two didn’t mind him. “Hyung stop it! Will you?”

The Jungwoo that nobody knows became famous in just a blink of an eye and he despise himself because of that.

Jaehyun was looking at him since the moment he entered their classroom like he’ll gonna toast Jungwoo alive. He can sense that something’s really going on with this young friend of him but Jungwoo seems not having a plan to tell anything.

“Yah, look. Jungwoo’s face was hilarious here.” Ten showed his phone to Doyoung and they both laugh in unison.

“You, something happened in the beach. Right?” Jaehyun spoke. It made Jungwoo tilted his head into the older’s. “W-what?” Jungwoo stuttered.

“Come on, if you think you can fool these two bastard here, you’re right.” Jaehyun pointed the two older males who’s still looking at their phones and making fun of Jungwoo. “But when it comes to me, you’re totally wrong. Really Jungwoo? What did you do this time?” Jaehyun looked at him seriously and hit the desk in front, Jungwoo’s body started to shivered because he feared Jaehyun’s stare.

Why is he getting mad? If he didn’t left me alone there nothing bad will happen to me!

“C-Can I just tell you later? I really can’t talk for long right now. I’m afraid to get out in this goddamn room. Please.” He whines and was about to cry before ducking his head into his desk. Some of their classmates were looking at them too.

“Aigoo. You poor little thing.” Doyoung mumbled and ruffled the younger’s hair. “It’s okay to get in troubles sometimes, as long as you’re not hurting anyone. Don’t worry, if someone bully you, I’ll get rid of him immediately.” He added and smiled even though Jungwoo can’t see.

“Get rid of yourself then.” Jaehyun tried him and smirk but Doyoung punch him playfully. “I’m kidding you punk.”

“That’s right Jungwoo-yah, don’t worry too much.” Ten caressed his back before going back to their respective seats.

Jaehyun can only shrugged and let Jungwoo for now. He’ll just going to ask later and also he won’t force Jungwoo to speak. “Make sure to tell us later. I won’t let you get off Kim Jungwoo.”


Every student in the hall way were staring at Yukhei like he’s a celebrity or something. Some of them are looking at him in disgust but he don’t give a fuck and they don’t deserve any of his attention. But most of the students are looking at him like they wanted Yukhei (who wouldn’t be?).

Since Yukhei bring Jungwoo into the clinic yesterday, he can’t help to worry about the older. Yukhei thought that maybe Jungwoo bleed out of his hotness and now regretting that he should have worn any shirt before talking to him yesterday.

Alright, seriously Yukhei was distressed last night until now, he can’t sleep well because he's thinking a lot about Jungwoo. Is he sick? Yukhei just wanted to talk to him. Just that.

Just why Jungwoo have to be very attractive at that time? Truth to be told, Yukhei planned to fix his physical looks first before facing Jungwoo but his eagerness to hold him made him lost his mind. Believe him or not, Yukhei seems unconscious that time because he keeps talking nonsense, or Jungwoo is just irresistible to the point that he'll lose his mind. What have he done? He realized everything after Jungwoo escaped from his grip.

Maybe, Jungwoo will hate him now, it was his fault after all.

Yukhei came back to his senses when he felt something cold in his forehead. Winwin and Mark were standing in front of him while looking at him strangely right after throwing a drink into his hand.

“You okay man?” Mark asked and sat beside him. Winwin too.

“Maybe not? Maybe yes? I don’t know.” He shrugged.

“Yaaaaah, if I hadn’t showed up yesterday the school might be still serene. But still, it’s not right to blame me you know? In the first place, I didn’t know that something was going on inside the locker room.” Mark stated and rest his back into the bench they were sitting.

“Haven’t you heard the word ‘knock’ Mark Lee?” Yukhei clenched his teeth.

“Why do I need to knock? It’s boys locker room after all and it’s your fault. You didn’t locked the door. Were you too excited to see Jungwoo that much to suck and taste his lips?” Yukhei tilted his head to Mark’s and hit him so the latter wince in pain.


“Oi Mark Lee, you’re being delusional.” Winwin said and hit him too.

“Yah! Winwin hyung, I thought you’re in my side?”

“When did I say that? I’m not siding anyone.” He scoffed and looked at Yukhei. “You, talk to him later. I can’t bear to see your face looking pathetic like that.” Winwin added and drank his juice bottoms up.

“Will it be powerful? I think, he’ll run away again if he sees me.”

“Just, wear shirt if you happened to see him again. I hoped you learned your lesson too.” The younger mocked. Mark is treating Yukhei like a stupid most of the time even though he’s older than him by months.


Jungwoo hide his entire face behind his friends and not looking to anyone. All eyes were on him and he can hear a lots of laughter around him. He’s so sure that everyone is making fun of him now so the sheepish guy tighten his grip into Jaehyun’s arms.

“Yah Jungwoo, don’t mind them. If you learn to not minding things around you in the situation like this, they will stop making fun of you because you don’t care. Chin up.” Doyoung cheered and grab the younger beside him.

“He’s right. Don’t worry, you can’t just stay inside the classroom. You have to eat lunch punk.”

“But how can I eat with this kind of situation?” he whines softly and crinkle is eye.

“This is not a biggie you know?” Jaehyun stated.

“But you know what kind of guy Jungwoo is. He’s still a baby. My baby.” Ten giggled and wrapped his arms to Jungwoo’s neck.

“No. He's my baby. I raised him! Move your hand.” Doyoung shove the other’s grip on Jungwoo and change to his.

“When did you? I am the one who found him.” Jaehyun butt in.

“Alright! He’s ours.”

“But Jungwoo seriously, someday we will disappear on your side so you have to be brave. Brave enough to fight for yourself.”

“Don’t worry Ten. He have Yukhei and hey, you two look good together.”

Jungwoo stomped his feet on the ground and pouted. “Ah Hyung!”

“I’m just kidding. Come on. You can do it.” He said but deep inside, Doyoung thought that Yukhei and Jungwoo really suits each other.

After getting their meals, they found a table already and start digging the food after, while Jungwoo seems not in the mood to eat. He don’t want attention, seriously. It’s going into his nerves.

“You, you’re going to tell us about something right?” Jaehyun said while chewing his food.

Jungwoo take a deep breath before him talk. He actually want to bury this memory deep inside his heart and not letting anyone know about this even his friends. But for Jungwoo, even though it’s embarrassing, it was still the beautiful mistake he had.

“Yukhei.” He muttered. “I met him, on my last day at the beach.”

“Really?” Doyoung, and Jungwoo nodded.

“I want to do something that night because I hate the feeling of being bored and alone while everyone around me were having fun. So I thought I should try clubbing-”

“Yah! You told me you didn’t go there?” Jaehyun interrupted him.

“Let me finish! I’m not done talking.” Jungwoo glared.

“Stay still punk.”

“So I was saying, I considered going inside the club. I don’t really have a choice and I will not drink any alcoholic drinks after all and I’m aware of my bad habit. I just ordered juice and I saw Yukhei there. Right after I finished drinking, I realized that there’s an alcohol mixed in my juice and Y-Yukhei followed me cause, I-I forgot my phone. You can expect the next thing happened.” Right after explaining, Jungwoo lowered down his head and pretends eating. Even to his friends, Jungwoo felt embarrassed on what he did. But it was still an accident. He didn’t mean it to happen but he liked it.

“SERIOUSLY?” Doyoung and Ten shrieked in unison, obviously they already guessed what happen. A spoon that held by Doyoung have fallen. Both of the three pair of eyes were widened but Jungwoo’s head remained lower.

“Don’t get mad at me, I didn’t even know that they’re going to mix an alcohol in my juice.”

“So that’s why, yesterday..”

“Yes, he tried talking to me but I can’t face Yukhei, not now.”

“Just why? Of all places Kim Jungwoo! Are you stupid?” Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrow and hit Jungwoo’s head with a chopstick.

“Ah! Why are you getting mad at me? If you didn’t left me there, do you think I’ll still consider? You left me no choice.” He defended and drank the water beside him.

“You little! What if that guy is not Yukhei? Huh? Be thankful you little punk.” Jaehyun said frustrated, but feeling guilty too for leaving Jungwoo alone.

“And when the time we introduced Mark and Yukhei to you, you’re odd that day. Now I know!” Ten pinched his fluffy cheeks. “But don’t worry, Yukhei is a good guy.”

“Now, meeting Yukhei here is your fate and you have to face it. Stop running away, nothing good will happen to you. Listen to me please, you have to solve this alone.” Jaehyun rolled his eyes on him before continue eating.

Right after telling them one of his struggle, Jungwoo felt a little relieve like a thorn from his chest have fallen. He can breathe in relief now, thanks.

“So how was it?” Ten grin and move his eyebrows up and down.

“Oh shut up hyung.”


“How should I write this? Is it right? Yah Mark Lee spare me your time.” Yukhei grabs his buddy beside him and let him see the small letter he’s writing. He will give it to Jungwoo.

“What is it now?” Mark lazily asked and scratch his nape. He was about to sleep but this idiotic friend of him interrupted. Everytime Yukhei will do something, he will bother Mark first before doing that thing.

“I’m going to give Jungwoo a short letter, since I don’t have his number I will just leave this note telling him that I want to talk to him personally. I keep sending message on his instagram but he's still ignoring me. So I want to let him know that I’m not the type of a guy who will bite a cute human being like him so he don’t have to worry at all.” He stated. Almost losing his air. Yukhei is talking fast.

“So, you saying?”

“What should I write? I really don’t have an idea. I know you’re expert to this kind of things since you’re always doing this to Koeun so help me!” He shook Mark after. Yukhei seems worrying too much like Mark wanted to laugh at him because he really looks like a stupid.

“Seriously? You said it all! Man, calm down. You’re exaggerating.”

“I am?” he asked confusedly.

“You goddamn is. Just write a simple message that you want to meet him. You can say sorry too to convince him to come. Like, Jungwoo-ssi hi! It’s me Yukhei, I’m sorry for what happened to you. Something like that. It’s not really hard you know? Why are you acting like it’s a big deal.”

“You never know. It’s really a big deal. I’m pursuing Jungwoo right now, don’t you ever have an idea what’s going on with me?” Yukhei clicked his tongue and crumpled the paper and throw it right into his friend face before proceeding to his assignment. Assignment to make Jungwoo his.

“Ah! I won’t write a letter. I want to see him right now. I miss that magnificent, superb, stunning, charming, sweet, cute, and beautiful face of him and that gorgeous figure of him. How come he looks so majestic?”

“Wow, you must really like him based on how you see him. But, are you really stupid? What if he run away again?”

“I won’t let that happen. I’ll be gentle.”

“Don’t say it like that. It sounds gross.” Mark said before hitting Yukhei’s head and run away.

From: Yukhei
Jaehyun hyung, can you not be with Jungwoo today? I’d like to talk to him so that I won’t scare him everytime he will see me. ^^

Jaehyun looked at the younger who’s fixing his things now and getting ready to go home. Maybe, it is a good thing to let them talk about the issue between them. Jungwoo can’t run away to Yukhei forever. He had done enough, it’s time to fix this.

“Hey.” Jaehyun tap the younger’s shoulder.


“Yukhei wants to talk to you.”

It made Jungwoo tilted his head to the older beside him and there’s no hint on his face that he’s joking. Jaehyun is damn serious and determined to send him away to Yukhei right now, without hesitations.


“You should go. Stop running away. Yukhei is a nice guy, and he’s worried about you when you passed out. When he called me yesterday, he’s panicking.” He ruffled the younger’s soft hair before giving him an encouraging smile so that Jungwoo will not afraid. He’s really a fragile boy, who needs a protection.

“B-But I-I’m..” Jaehyun cut him off. “Trust me. Talk to him, have a sympathy will you? This is your fate and responsibility. You can’t avoid him forever.”

Right after saying that, Jaehyun leave him and Jungwoo was about to stop him but Jaehyun was fast, he disappeared already. Same as Ten and Doyoung. Maybe Jaehyun dragged them out of the room so Jungwoo can’t pull anyone of them. Jungwoo left no choice but listen to Jaehyun, he won’t leave him alone if he didn’t.

Jungwoo walked slowly out of the building and scanning the whole school to find Yukhei. They’re right, he should really face Yukhei now to end this crazy little problem of his.

Another thing is, he wanted to be close to Yukhei too, not just a stranger he happened to be a schoolmate but to be someone he can relay on whenever he is struggling, and he just realized that he’s indeed a stupid. He felt really bad on what he did to Yukhei, Jungwoo thought, he also didn’t think of what Yukhei feels after that, he felt selfish.

As the time goes by, he's still walking at the hall way but he can't see any figure of Yukhei. He wonder if Yukhei will come out anywhere here?

"Where's Yukhei anyway?" he asked himself while scanning the whole view when someone grab him on his wrist and take him somewhere.

Jungwoo almost hit whoever it is who's dragging but he smiled when he recognized the tall figure. It was him.

"Where are you going to take me?" he asked softly.

"Somewhere, just the two of us."

Just the two of us? Jungwoo blushed at the thought just suddenly came inside his mind.

Nothing will gonna happen right? What the heck is he thinking about? Jungwoo keeps asking himself on what will Yukhei gonna tell him that he wanted the both of them to be alone. He can just tell him through instagram right? Why is he wasting his time?

On their way, Jungwoo’s mind is not taking a break for thinking of what are the possible things that they can talk about until he felt that they stopped walking, he just came back on his senses. The paler realized that they’re now inside at the school’s auditorium room. Its kind’ a dark inside.

“What are we doing-“

Jungwoo couldn’t continue asking when a pair of lips is now crashing his own. For a moment, his whole body stiffened at the sudden move of the other until he felt his body was pressed at the wall behind him. Jungwoo couldn’t move and he can’t because Yukhei is stronger than him when it comes to physical strength, but then Jungwoo willingly give in and close his eyes after and let Yukhei kiss him. He wouldn’t deny, Jungwoo misses him after but he can’t do anything back then because he thought that he’ll never meet him again. Jungwoo felt something sparkly inside him, it is the familiar feeling when the first time he kissed Yukhei, the spakly feeling's still there. The slow kiss were driving them crazy like, they're both drunk and thirsty to suck each other's lips. Yukhei pulled him closer to close their gap and he wanted to taste Jungwoo's lips more. The other feels the same.

Yukhei seems forgot to breathe so he slowly pulled himself away  before looking at the glamorous boy in front of him while gasping for an air.

“I wanted to do this after seeing you here, every fucking second.” He whispered. “But you’re not letting me since you’re running away, if you think that it was a mistake, well for me..” Yukhei leaned and gave Jungwoo a peck on his lip “Everything is not a mistake.” He added and bit his lower lip then kissed Jungwoo on his forehead down to his nose into his lips and suck the lower part of it.

There goes Jungwoo’s heart again contemporaneously going wild as the sparkly feeling inside his chest, he can also feel the butterfly inside his stomach that every girl character in the movie always felt whenever looking at the boy they like, he never imagined that he will going to feel this someday. And that day is today and the first day he met Yukhei.

Yukhei ducked his head down to reach for the older’s lips and started crashing it hungrily again then held his both hands for him not to lose into his grip but they ended up wrapping them around the other’s waist. Jungwoo wrapped his arms on the former’s neck to his soft hair and twitch them. It is the only thing that Jungwoo can hold comfortably before responding to his sweet and addictive kisses.

Maybe, I really do like him more than I think. The older thought while appreciating this significant boy in his arms.


An: hi! I hope you like it! And once again, thank you for 1k reads 💓💓💓
Your comments made me happy man! Saranghaja!✊💪

I want China Line to debut as another unit. I love how they joke to each other but I think it's soft.

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