Tag [Mori X Reader] (OHSHC)

By Lei_1303

14.4K 518 110

"(Y/n)! What were you doing at the host club?!" Maki, her classmate, questioned. Seeing as though (Y/n) never... More



1K 45 23
By Lei_1303

"Are you doing better, (Y/n)?-"

Your regular questioned, adjusting in her seat.

"Of course I'm doing better now, you should know that a thug like me bounces back up fast-"

The brown haired girl beside you chuckled,

"That's true- Moments after you passed out, you jumped up and all of a sudden ran out of the club room."

The table filled with laughter as you tried to hide your embarrassment,

"Let's talk about something else-"

You said, changing the subject.

"The ball is coming up soon!~"

Another one of your regulars chirped with a smile.

All the girls swooned in their thoughts, daydreaming about the ball where they'd have a chance to dance with their beloved one,

"Are you going by any chance, (Y/n)?"

The blonde girl questioned.

"I don't know- I'll have to ask my gang if we'll be free that particular night."

You said leaning back in your chair cooly.


A high pitch voice squeaked,


You questioned, turning around only to see the tall hunk of a man standing beside you.

You straightened your back and sat up in a perfect ninety degree angle.

Holy shizz! Mori is here!!

"I was so worried yesterday, (Y/n) Chan!~"

Honey exclaimed before hopping onto your lap and wrapping his arms around you, embracing you.

You averted your gaze, trying to maintain your "thug" appearance in front of your guests.


They squealed, swooning over the boy lolita.

"(Y/n)! I see you have a soft spot for Honey Senpai!~"

The chocolate eyed girl chirped, her peers agreeing with the said girl,

"I wouldn't say I have a soft spot for him, I just tolerate his actions."

You responded.

I have to keep my thug "appearance", so let me lie-

Of course I have a soft spot for him! He looks like an adorable little kid-

Honey looked up at you with his large brown orbs.

Oh no....here we go-

"You don't like me?"

Honey squeaked, his voice crack just making you wallow in guilt.

You averted your gaze to your guests whom were eyeing you with a death glare to make the boy feel better.

He hopped off of your lap walking away in a droopy, saddened manner.

You got up from your chair and followed the boy lolita and you grabbed his wrist.

Kneeling down to his level, due to his short stature.

"Honey Senpai-"

You started, looking into his eyes.

"You know I didn't mean it.~"

You smiled, allowing your actual personality to slip out for a moment.

You cocked your head to the side with a closed eyed smile and Honey Senpai stared on in wonder.

He kind of looks like......a pretty girl-

The boy thought.

You dug into your pocket before placing a few strawberry candies in his hand.

"Let's hang out later, okay? When we're not too busy~"

You winked, before ruffling his hair and returning to your table.

You snuck a glance at Mori and your heart fluttered in your chest.

A small smile graced his features and his eyebrows were curled upwards.

Your cheeks darkened before seating yourself in the chair.

Honey Senpai sent you a wide grin before scurrying off to his table.


Your guests swooned.

"The relationship you have with Honey Senpai is so adorable!~"

A girl squealed.

"Yea, Yea-"

You muttered.


"Today, we'll be your butlers, princesses!~"

Tamaki exclaimed, practically throwing his arms open.

You adjusted yourself to the butler suit; fixing your bowtie.

They had slicked back your (h/c) hair to give you a more "butler" ish look.

Even Kyoya had to dress up-

You approached the black haired male,

"You kind of look like- Sebastian from Black Butler-"

You commented on the males' appearance,

"It's only natural we share  similarities-"

Kyoya chirped,

"We do have the same voice actor after all."

He returned.

You sighed before exchanging glances with Kyoya.

You pinched the bridge of your nose and stared into the camera like you were on the office,

"Kyoya, please refrain from breaking the fourth wall-"

Or....would it be considered the fifth wall because we're being written in a wattpad fanfic??

You pondered.

"Good Afternoon, ladies~

You smiled,

"Today I serve you~"

You smiled placing a hand over your chest, and that's when you noticed the female in front of you.

The same girl that blew a raspberry at you when you first came to the host club.

She was sitting at your table, as a guest.

She sipped her tea quietly, occasionally eyeing you from afar.

What is she doing here??? I thought she didn't like me???

You hadn't realized that you were zoning out until the girl in front of you hissed in pain,


You were overpouring the tea and it burned her finger.

"I'm so sorry-"

You cursed under your breath.

"It- hurts!-"

The girl cried, gripping her burned finger.

You grabbed her hand a bit roughly, which of course you didn't mean to-

You just did things in a rash manner and never intend to; it just comes off that way.

And you placed her inflicted finger in your mouth, running your tounge along the burn.

She snatched her hand back, with a pursed lip and flushed face.

Her face was even redder than the burn mark on her finger.

You quirked a brow,

"What? What's wrong?"

She turned away, holding her inflicted hand close to her chest. Attempting to slow down her heart rate,

"Give me your hand. That's how you make it heal faster-"

You spoke, outstretching your hand. Waiting for the girl to give you hers.

Squeals sounded at your table and you couldn't help but become confused.

Did I....do something?? Wrong???

Tamaki waltzed over and examined the female's injury,

"I apologize for this incident."

He chirped after examining the burn on her finger,

"Mori, could you help her get cleaned up?-"

Tamaki questioned and the stoic male 'hmmed' a reply.

What did I do???

You were still as confused as the next person,

"As for you-"

Tamaki stated,

"Perhaps it was unwise to go sticking our guests' fingers in your mouth."

"When you put it like that it sounds gross."

You responded,

"But I did it to help her burn. Isn't that the quickest way??"

"Well you aren't wrong. It indeed is the quicker method but as you can see she was very uncomfortable with that whole situation."

"Please be considerate of our guests' feelings."


I'll never wash this hand-

The girl squealed inwardly.

And the way he handled me!~


AN: Theres no real solid plotline for this story yet, I'm kind of just going with the flow; So I apologize if the past few chapters seemed all over the place.

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