
By expl0rers

97 0 0

Niall Horan lives an ordinary life, working in a bakery, trying to learn the guitar, and mending his newly cr... More

chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter nine

chapter eight

6 0 0
By expl0rers

The next morning it was unfortunately back to reality from a wild night of hanging out with a musician. Niall was actually pretty excited to come into work and see Debbie again, it has only been a weekend but it felt like forever since the last time he saw her. As he walked into the bakery before it was open he spots a raven haired boy behind the counter and is immediately confused, who was this stranger and why was he in the store before it was opening. Feeling his anxiety his rise he yells for Debbie.

"Oh Niall dear no need to be alarmed, that's just Zayn, remember me telling you about possibly hiring someone else to get some extra help around the store and relieve some the pressure off you? Well he started working here this Saturday."

Zayn looks at Niall amused that he had freaked out that way he had and Niall realizes this is the first impression Zayn got of him and it wasn't necessarily a good one. He awkwardly waves to the other boy and quickly goes behind the counter heading towards the kitchen to start baking away, it's the one thing that can get him to relax.

He can hear Debbie and Zayn giggling to themselves and is glad at least they found it funny. After an hour of mixing ingredients and popping the second batch into the oven Zayn calls to him.

"Hey- do you mind helping me out a bit... This is only my second time working the register and it seems to be stuck."

"Yeah no problem! It does that sometimes." Niall says walking towards the front, he comes and hits the register and it springs open.

Laughing, Zayn says " That's one way to do it."

"Yeah- sometimes you just have to be rough with it" He says giving Zayn a shy smile.

"So- what do you think about working here so far?"

"It's pretty great- Debbie is pretty amazing and the customers are really nice."

"I'm glad, and yeah Debbie is the best, couldn't ask for a better boss if I'm honestly, but hey if you ever need anymore help or have a question feel free to find me" and with that the boys parted ways, Niall to continue baking alongside Debbie and Zayn to flip the sign to open and begin serving the flood of their morning regulars. People can't seem to live without their coffee and bakery goods.

A couple of hours flew by pretty quickly as they are a bit busier than normal, everyone preoccupied with their tasks. As they finally get a moment to breath after their third rush of the day Debbie approaches Niall.

"So, what do you think about Zayn?"

"He seems pretty great, he learns quickly which is really nice."

"Yeah- I've known his mother for a while now and he needed a job and we happened to have an opening. I hope you guys are able to become friends" she says with a wink and somehow Niall understands what she means. Debbie is always trying to set Niall up with any cute guy she knows, he thinks she just wants him to be happy again.

"Thanks Debbie, I appreciate it but I'm not sure about dating a coworker, it's way too messy."

"Niall, you know I just want you to be happy right? No matter what that looks like or who its with." And with that she pulls him into a hug.

"Uh I don't mean to interrupt but I need a little help up front."

"Niall- why don't you go and help the boy out?"

Niall laughs as he walks back to the front. The front is busy and can see why Zayn would need help. Niall is so happy that the bakery has finally been picking up business. The last few month have been tight, tight enough that they couldn't even afford another person working there. He's glad he is seeing all of Debbie's hard work pay off.

"Next customer please" Niall says without looking up. Once he does he is met with a familiar face.

"Oh Ashton hey!"

"Hey, I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah, I've worked here for a couple of years now. What can I get started for you?"

After Ashton orders and pays Niall looks to Zayn and sees him staring at Ashton. Well that's strange, maybe they know each other?

Niall is due for a break so he excuses himself once the store dies down a bit and go over to sit next to Ashton who has found himself a nice sunny spot in the corner.

"Hey, how is it going?"

"Good, this place is super cute by the way, and that pastry is to die for."

"Thanks- made them myself this morning" Niall smiles at him.

"Wow no way! Have long have you been baking for?"

"For as long as I can remember honestly, my mother bakes all the time and I guess I sort of grew up with that, starting helping out at a young age, and found myself to really enjoy it. Debbie was kind enough to give me this job when I was still in college and I've been working here since."

"That is so cool, I love seeing people being able to do their passion"

"Thanks! I could say the same for you." Niall looks up and notices Zayn looking over at that, who then quickly looks away. Through the duration of their conversation this happens two more times and Niall is beginning to think this isn't a coincidence anymore.

"Well I was going to head down to the shop tomorrow for those lessons I was promised, so I will be sure to see you tomorrow. I better get back to work."

"Awesome, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow" Ashton says winking at Niall.

Niall isn't exactly sure what that wink was supposed to mean and Ashton does make Niall feel warm inside but Niall just isn't sure about where this friendship was going. Deciding not to worry too much by thinking into it, Niall was just happy to have made a new friend.

The rest of the day is pretty quiet to balance out how busy breakfast and lunch was. Zayn and Niall continue talking, finding out more about each other. Niall finds out Zayn is currently in his third year of university, studying psychology and needed this job to pay some bills.

There is lull in their conversation before Zayn brings up Ashton.

"So, that guy that was here earlier, do you know him?"

"Oh, that was Ashton, we met a couples of weeks earlier, he runs a music shop down the street and I guess we became friends through that. Why, do you know him too?"

"Oh no, I was just wondering..." Niall had a sneaking suspicion there was a reason behind that question but decide not to pry, if Zayn wanted to talk about it he would.

A cool draft enters the store as the door is opened and Liam with Louis alongside enter the store.

"Oh Debbie! Where is my beautiful Debbie!?" Louis is already yelling

"Lou!" Debbie shouts as she comes from the kitchen, and heads straight to hug him and Liam. Debbie loved Niall's friends and they loved her, she was truly such a mother figure they needed in their lives and gave the best advice while service the best tea and cookies known to man.

There's laughter and crude remarks from Louis that send Debbie hollering. Zayn eventually introduces himself and hits it off immediately with the rest of the guys.

"I am so glad you boys came to visit, feel free to come more often. And here, take a pastry"

"Oh Debbie, thanks, you're too much dear."

Debbie makes sure they never leave her store empty handed no matter how hard they try to refuse.

"Niall we are headed down to the bar after this if you wanted to come, Ed was going to perform again and we got to support our brother."

"Sure, I'll meet you guys over there my shift is over. Hey Zayn, do you want to join us? This bar has the best tap beer in the city, you have to try it." Niall knew the guys wouldn't mind if he invited Zayn as they all seemed to get along well already.

"Actually, yeah I'll join you. Thanks"

"Alright guys, see you tonight. Show starts at 7pm, don't be late!" Liam yells already heading towards the door while Louis is stuffing his face with the pastry Debbie sent them home with.

"See you later!"

The boys start wiping down the surfaces, making sure the kitchen is looking spotless before they leave Debbie to close for the night. The cleaning gets down fairly quickly and they are done and out of the bakery by 6:30, with the bar being a short walk away Zayn and Niall fall into an easy conversation as they walk towards the bar.

The bar is surprisingly crowded for a Monday night, no doubt most of these people there to hear Ed play. Their group of guys are quick to spot as they are the loudest ones. After the usual greetings, they quite down in time for Ed to preform. Zayn gets along with all the guys exceptionally well and Niall knows he will fit in well with the rest of them. Everyone is signing along with Ed, slightly buzzing off the alcohol running through their systems. Once the performance is over people keep chanting for another song but Ed's time is up and he has to head down from the stage. He joins the rest of the guys, surrounded by "congratulations" and "you did amazing". Even Zayn is impressed by the looks of his face and he is quick to strike up a conversation with Ed asking about how he learned to play the guitar like that.

The night is dwindling down and Niall's eyes are slowly dropping. Niall reaches down to take his phone out to check the time and is met with a twitter notification. This immediately strikes him as weird since he isn't big on it, just tweets random dumb shit once in a while.

Opening it, he is almost convinced he either a) dreaming or b) drunk enough to the point where he is hallucination, its possible right?

It is direct message from the one and only, Harry Styles.

HarryStyles: Hey Niall, just wanted to say thanks for coming to show, I didn't know you were the guy who tweeted me until I realized I recognized your name : )

Oh no. Great, Harry connected the two and finally new the Niall he met at the concert and the Niall that tweeted him an embarrassing tweet are in fact the same person. He is so red and worried about how to respond.

NiallHoran: Ahahaha sorry mate. I was drunk and it just happened, but I don't take back that comment : )

Niall doesn't know where this new-found boldness came from but something tells him it is thanks to the alcohol.

Harry is quick to respond, as though he was sitting and waiting for Niall's reply.

HarryStyles: Oh you're a cheeky one I see

NiallHoran: You haven't seen anything yet Harry Styles : )

HarryStyles: You can call me Harry : ) How is your night going?

Niall didn't understand what the hell was happening and how he ended up in this situation.

"Hey Niall! Who ya texing to?" Leave it Louis it ruin this moment. Before Niall could reply or do much of anything his phone is no longer is in his hand but is in Louis.

"Louis! Quite it! Give it back! I'm not talking to anyone, I'm just on Twitter." He pleads but he knows its already too late. Louis has seen the message and there is no going back now.

"Holy shit. You're talking to-" Niall slaps his hand over his mouth before he can yell out the name and have all his friends know what was going on. Thankfully no one was paying attention to them, all talking amongst themselves.

"NIALL HOW DID THIS HAPPEN" Niall rolls his eyes and knows he wont get Louis to shut up until he explains himself. Looking over his shoulder he quickly drags Louis away from the rest of the guys so they couldn't accidentally overhear.

"Okay well so I kind of sort of got drunk one night and tweeted Harry I thought he looked good in his yellow shorts and then YOU got us tickets to his concert, we met and he recognized me from that tweet!!!"

Louis is slow to say anything and Niall almost thinks something is wrong but then he lets out the loudest laugh, bending over the clutch his stomach.

"I – I cant believe this is happening---holy shit this is hilarious!" he manages to get out as he continues witch cackling

"Louis! I am going to murder you! This isn't funny!"

"Not funny?! This is fucking hilarious mate. How you manage to get into situations like this beyond me!"

"Swear to me no one else finds out about this. Not even Liam! Swear to me!"

"Okay okay I swear, my lips are sealed" he says with his hands held up. Knowing Louis he will probably be telling Liam tonight.

Sighing Niall and Louis makes their way back to the group and for the rest of the night Louis is smiling at him knowingly. In the midst of all this craziness Niall forgets to reply. As he goes to reply he sees a reply has already been sent.

NiallHoran: Its going well but it would be better if I got to see you

Fucking Louis!!!! Niall glares up at him to only see him laughing in his chair with a smug smile on his face and a confused Liam next to him.

What an ass... He cant believe he just said that to Harry! They don't even know each other that well! This was all too much for Niall. A message pops up and Niall is honestly terrified that last reply ruined what could have been a nice conversation.

HarryStyles: Tonight wont work : ( but I am sure that can be arranged...

Holy actual shit. What is his life?! Is this really happening, Niall has to pinch himself to see if he is dreaming. He couldn't believe Harry was willing to see him again and wasn't put off by Louis's reply.

NiallHoran: Darn, you went and disappointed me ; )

HarryStyles: : ( Im sorry! Let me make it up to you

Attached was a picture of Harry frowning. And damn it he looked so good, it just wasn't fair.

Before Niall can reply he hears his name being yelled. The rest of the guys have somehow managed to collect themselves and start heading towards the door while he was focused on his phone. At everyone parted ways and said goodbyes, he makes sure Zayn has a ride home before walking down the street towards his apartment.

Niall's mind is fogged up with all thoughts Harry Styles and realizes he forgot to reply once again by the time he got home.

NiallHoran: stop frowning, I think smiling looks better on you : )

HarryStyles: thanks Niall : ) I would stay up and talk to you but I have an early call time tomorrow. Goodnight xx

Niall was pretty knackered too and even though he was said he couldn't talk to Harry anymore he has the next best thing which was sleep. He couldn't but be his usual self and overthink the two x's at the end of the message. What did that even mean? When it dawned on him that those meant kisses he blushed in the midst of his home alone. Did Harry know what those meant? Why did he send them? These were the questions that kept Niall up before he finally grew tired enough to fall asleep but not before replying "Goodnight Harry".

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