Sisters (Star Vs The Forces O...

By Dragonscales26

15.5K 199 276

Follow Star and Marco on their epic adventure as the second princess of Mewni. Along the way, you will discov... More

"Party with a Pony"
New Plan

"Star Comes to Earth...Along With Her Sister"

6.9K 97 147
By Dragonscales26

(Dress you wear)

"She's late," My mother said, standing in the middle between me and my father as we look toward the big double doors. We stood right in front of the thrones, with royal people standing on the sides of a long carpet.

Oh that's right. I'm (Y/n) Butterfly, the daughter of Queen Moon and King River Butterfly, younger sister of Princess Star Butterfly, and the second princess of The Butterfly Kingdom. I have my mother's hair color and her eyes, little stars on my cheeks, and today is the day the royal magic wand will be given to my sister.

Now the wand is an heirloom, and it's been passed down from generation to generation of Queen to Princess when they turn fourteen. So when both Star and I were born on the same day, there was slight panic of who would get the wand, but the Magical High Commission decided Star should have it because she was born first.

I don't mind. Besides, I least I get a weapon with some magic to go with it.

Nobody knows though.

"Mother, please. Star wouldn't be late for this. Besides, she-" I was interrupted by the sounds of hooves coming from behind the doors, and I snap my head towards them as they get shattered by a unicorn. And riding that unicorn is Star.

As everyone scream and run away, I stand there smiling even as my parents duck as the unicorn bursts through a wall behind us with Star landing in front of Mother. You see, when you have a very energetic sister that can fight monsters and tame wild unicorns, you get used to it. Well, I do at least. My parents still are unsure of her, even right now they look like they're facing a monster as Star jumps up and down in excitement. Mother was about to hand the wand to her, but pulls back as Star tries to snatch it away.

"Now Star," Mother says, holding a finger up to her. "This wand is a big responsibility. If it falls into the hands of evil forces, the universe can be destroyed."

I don't think Star was listening to her, for she grabs the wand right out of Mother's hand, excitedly watching it as it changes it's form. It always does that for every generation.

"Don't worry Mom," Star says after her excited phase. "I can handle it."


A few moments later, a carriage was being packed while I stand next to Star as she was on the ground, crying to our Mother and gripping her dress.

You see, she made a flaming rainbow over a village, so our parents decided to send her away somewhere.

"Please! Don't send me to Saint Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses!" She begs while crying. A noticeable shudder ran down my back from hearing the name of it. Saint Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses (from what I hear from Star and her friends) is an awful place for princesses who aren't 'perfect' to be become the proper princess. So that's why I try to act as calm as possible all the time.

"Sweethearts, we're not sending you there," Father spoke, causing Star to immediately stop her screaming and stand straight up.


"Yet," Mother adds, glaring down on Star as I realize something.


"Yes, my little shooting star?" He coos as he comes over to me and pinches my cheeks as he stands on his toes.

"Father!" I slightly laugh, gentle moving his hands away from me. It was my nickname from him ever since I was little.

"But, um, were you also going to send me away some where?"

"Why yes! We're sending the both of you to a safer dimension. A place called Earth!" Father states, stretching out the last word.

"Earth?" Star and I question at the same time.

"My friend, open the portal!" My Father orders as one of the servants turns around to cut open a portal with dimensional scissors.

As the carriage rolls into the portal, me and Star look out her window as we look at the kingdom for the very last time.

"Goodbye Mewni."

"Goodbye home."

Little did I know we were being watched.


(Wear this now)

"Star, stop!" I whisper to her, grabbing her hand away from the odd flicky thing she kept flicking.

"And you said there was no magic here on earth," Star said, looking at our parents with a smug look.

Earth I would say so far is... Interesting. It is certainly nothing like Mewni, and the building that we are currently in is called a 'school'.

I keep watching Star as she makes the room go from dark to light with a delighted look on her face.


I watch with curiosity as my sister takes a fighter's stance towards a machine that can produce water from it's opening.

"Star, I don't think that's a monster," I say, only for her to start chomping on it.

"Star!!!" I yell, pulling her off the machine as she tries to go at it again.


Turning around, I see a boy who looks about our age, yet he wore the most peculiar clothing I ever seen. I realize that I was just standing there, holding Star as we both look at the boy.



I walk next to the boy who slouched as he walks, while Star was hopping around us in wonder and excitement.

"Thanks for showing us around, Safe Kid!" Star says as she jumps backwards to face us. Safe Kid? Is that a common name for earth folk?

"What!?! No! Whatever you've heard about me isn't true! I don't know where people get the idea I'm so safe! Oh watch your step! Loose tile," he says while steering us away from a piece of the floor that seems to be not in place. I can see why he was given the name safe kid.

"It's ridiculous! Careful," he quickly shuts a small door that was next to other doors.

"You were a helmet in the gym shower one time, and you're for line-Oh, broken glass!" He suddenly says as he pulls Star around some glass while I step over it. "Frankly, I like taking risks! And would welcome a little danger in my life!"

I look over to Star, only to see the mischief in her eyes as she points the wand at a butterfly.

"Star, no-"

I was too late as the butterfly turns into a monster, screams at us, and steals another earth being away.

"What the heck was that!?!" The boy yells, hiding behind Star's back.

"Star!" I scold, folding my arms across my chest as the boy comes out behind her.

"Whoops! I thought you wanted a little danger!" Star says, still smiling as the boy turns to look at her in a questioning way.

"Who...are you?" He asks, leaning away from her as if she were a disease.

"I'm a magical princess from another dimension!" Star says as she creates a rainbow with little animals around it. Only for a second later to make them scream and run as the rainbow caught on fire.

"Star, you let your rainbow caught on fire again," I say as I point to the flames.

"Aw," Star whines, turning to look back at her flaming rainbow.

"And you are...?" I hear him ask, causing me to turn around and see him pointing at me.

"Where are my manners?" I start as I do a small curtsy. "I am Princess (Y/n) Butterfly, second princess of the Butterfly Kingdom, from another dimension called Mewni, and younger sister to first Princess Star Butterfly," I end as I stand up straight to smile at the boy. Yet he seemed, as I would think, shocked or frightened about what he sees in front of him.

"Whelp! That brings us to the end of our tour," He says before he starts walking away. "I'm going home now."

"Bye new friend! See you tomorrow!" Star starts yelling as I simply just wave with a small smile on my face. Yet, my smile fell as the boy put up his odd hood over his head and starts running.

"See ya later!" Star finishes. Right as the boy disappears, I lower my hand and look over to Star, who was still smiling as an odd noise was heard in the distance.

"Star, I think we scared him," I say, looking back over to where the boy ran off to.

"Pfft! What!?! Nonsense, I'm sure he thinks we're awesome," Star said as she grabs my hand and moves us away from the blazing fire that started awhile ago.

"Anyways, what to do now?"

"Well," I start, pulling a slip of paper out of my bag the Principle (at least I think that's his name) gave me before we left his...'office'.

"For the household we shall stay in, Principle gave me directions on where to find it," I state, looking over the list of names and numbers. Were these the names of people? If so, why do they have numbers?

"Alright, after you dear sister," Star jokingly says as she does a bow and motions with her hand for me to go first.

"Why I'm obliged," I say as I do a curtsy to her, causing the both of us to laugh.


"Oh Marco, come in! The new foreign exchange students are living with us!" Mrs. Diaz suddenly shouts towards the front door, causing me to look and see the boy from school looking flabbergasted and trying to produce words. Marco is his name then.

"What!?!" Star suddenly yells, looking at both Mr. and Mrs. Diaz before running straight to Marco. "I had no idea these were your parents!" Star says as she drags a terrified Marco to us. "I just assumed everyone on earth had the last name Diaz.

"It wouldn't it be nice to have Star's upbeat lively energy and (Y/n)'s sweet, calm kind personality around the house?" Ms. Diaz asks, making her and Mr. Diaz look happy about us staying. Yet Marco's expression said otherwise.

"We could've gotten that from a litter of puppies," Marco says agitatedly.

"Huh!!! I! LOVE! PUPPIES!!!" Star's says excitedly, making me realize what she was about to do.

"Star, wai- Never mind."

Before I could stop her, she already whipped up a heap of puppies that shot laser beams from their eyes, making Marco glare at Star she laughs nervously, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz to stare at the puppies, and I just watch the whole scene happen.


"I'm sorry Marco!" Star apologizes after Marco slams his face on his bedroom door.

Well, what used to be his bedroom.

When we were shown to our room, Star decided to change it up with some magic. And then Marco mentioned about his room wanting to be like the one Star made up, so without permission, she tried. Tried is correct, for she accidentally made a small black hole that sucked everything in, including one of the puppies.

"Uh...How about a little sunshine to brighten your day?" Star says, making a small, smiling sun above him. Yet that quickly changes into a small cloud of thunderstorms and rain.

"Awe," Star says, looking down at her wand. Suddenly, Marco turns around looking like he's about to burst.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" He suddenly shouts at Star, trying to wave away the storm above his head as the puppies shot laser beams at his legs.

"If you're moving in, I'm moving out!" Marco says as he walks towards a window near us, and then falls out of. A thud and a yell came after, causing me and my sister to cringe.

"Are you okay?" My sister asks him as we move to the window. Laying on the ground in some weird plants was Marco, and it looks like it hurt him a lot.

"Luckily the cactuses broke my fall," he responds in a gruff voice.

"Do you need any help?"

"Ow! I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" Marco yells at Star, then walks away.

"Uh, uh..." Star says, looking as if she wants to say more, yet can't think of it. After a few seconds walking back and fourth to the window, she walks back into the hallway with me and some sad puppies following her.

"I can't believe it!" She suddenly proclaims as she opens our bedroom door and goes over to her bed. After she flops down, I sit next to her, rubbing her back.

"Can't believe what Star?" I politely ask as she turns over, nibbling on the wand.

"That I made him upset," Star groans as I take the wand away from her mouth.

"Well, I think I can see why," I slowly say, wiping the wand of her spit with a cloth I pull out from my bag.

"What?" She asks.

"Star, I think you were trying too hard to be friends with him. First, you created a man-eating monster from a butterfly. Second, you set the school on fire. Third, you made puppies that shot laser beams," I say as I avoid my face from being hit by one. I turn to glare at the puppies, which they whimper and stop.

"And finally, you destroy his room and caused a storm above his head," I finish, handing the wand back to Star who was sitting up and watching me the whole time. She looks down at her wand, looking discouraged about what I told her. I look at my lap and sigh before continuing.

"Star, do you remember what Mother told you at your ceremony?" I ask.

"Uh..." Star says, looking as if she was trying to remember.

"The wand is a big responsibility," I start as I look at her. "And for the whole day, you've been using it recklessly."

She looks back at me before looking at her wand again. I mentally sigh before placing my hand on her shoulder.

"How about this? I go look for Marco and sort things out with him, and then bring him back so you can apologize, alright?" I ask with a small smile.

"...Ok," she answers.

"Ok," I repeat. With that, I pat her shoulder before I stand up and head off to look for Marco.


I did finally find him, and the state he was in was not a pleasant one. He was soaking wet, his clothes all tattered, and he looks as if he was going to lose it.

"HeEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!" He yells as I stand next to him. I give a polite smile to him as I hold an umbrella over his head so he could stop being rained on.

"Thought you might need this," I say as he takes the umbrella from my hand and looks at me if I were someone completely new.

"Um...Thanks?" He says. I slightly chuckle as I hold my hands behind my back.

"The pleasure's mine," I say, only causing a silence to follow after. I sigh before looking at him in the eye.

"Marco, hear me out. Sure Star can be a bit... Energetic..."

"A bit?" He questions as he raises a brow.

"The point is, please give her another chance," I beg him as I clasp my hands together in front of me. "I know she can get carried away sometimes, but she was trying to be friendly towards you. She can actually be a great friend," I reason, watching him as he looks at the strange cup he was holding. I wait a little before a sigh came from his mouth, looking at me with uncertainty.

"Fine. I'll tr-AUGH!" He suddenly screams, backing away as he drops the drink and umbrella in process. "What are you doing here!?!"

Looking behind me, I see Star looking at Marco.

"Star! I thought you were at home!"

She suddenly rids of the cloud above him with a beam of her wand. He just glares at her before she finally speaks.

"I didn't get the choice about coming here to earth with (Y/n), and you didn't get the choice of having to deal with me," Star says, causing Marco's glare to turn into a look of shock.

"I'll...I'll find another family to live with."

"What? What are you saying Star?" I ask in shock as I turn to look at her.

A sigh came from her mouth before she looks to me.

"You're right (Y/n). I haven't been responsible with the wand. And you're like, the calmest person know," Star explains as she motions me with her hand. "It's best that I go somewhere else."

"S-Star? (Y/n)?" Marco suddenly asks as he points to something behind us. I turn around to look with my sister to see something I wouldn't think of seeing on earth.

Behind us was a giant group of monsters, and right at the front of the group was the shortest of them all.

"Star Butterfly," the short monster said, smirking evilly at Star. "At last, I've found you."

"Who's that?" I ask, only to be ignored by Star.

"Pludo ! How did you know I was here!?!" Star asks the short monster. Pludo laughs before standing up right.

"Would you like to know?"

"Yes. That's why I asked," Star answers.

"Well...Bar- Hey! I don't to tell you anything! Get her!" Pludo points to Star, causing the monsters behind him to roar. Star got into a fighting stance, only to be shocked along with me as Marco jumps in front of us.

"Marco don't-!"


To my amazement, he easily takes down a monster with two heads with only his hands and feet.

"Wow," I breath, watching in fascination.

"You can fight!?!" Star asks Marco with excitement.

"It's called...Karate!" Marco says as he slashes his hand to knock out a bear-like monster.

"(Y/n), stay here," Star orders as she fights along with Marco.

Among the fight, I see a monster sneaking up behind Star. Without hesitation, I took out my magic fold-up bow from my bag.

As I pull back the string, a pale blue light emits from it, creating an arrow made of light. Aiming at the monsters head, I shoot. As it just touches him, electricity quickly covers the monster, electrocuting him to pass out.

Thankfully, nobody saw it.


"Want some of this, Pludo?" Star asks him as they finish off all the monsters. I had quickly hidden my bow away from her sight.

"...No," Pludo answers. With that, he yells at all his followers, opens a portal, and got everyone of them into it.

"I'll get you Star Butter-ACK!" Before Pludo could finish his threat, the portal closed around his neck, causing him to pull back to the other side. His weird skeleton head piece fell to the ground.

"That was amazing!" Marco shouts in fascination as I smile and Star looks at her wand in glee. "You were amazing!" He suddenly shouts as he motions to Star.

"Yeah... I guess we were," Star says as she and Marco both smile at each other. But it stops as Star looks down to the ground in sadness.

"Well, I should go pack my bags," She says as she slumps away. Marco turns to look at me, which I motion from him to Star with my eyes.

"Wait!" Marco says as he catches up to her. "I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with us."

"Really!?!" Star asks with happiness in her eyes. "Hugs!!!"

With that, she hugs him. I was worried that he would shove her off, but instead he hugs her back.

"Glad that you two could make up," I say.

"Yep!" Star shouts as she runs over to me and slings her arm around my shoulders. "And that means we're sticking together, sister!" She exclaims while I walk with her.

"There's going to be monsters attacking us all the time!" Marco says with excitement as he does some odd fighting gestures.

"Yeah, probably," Star answers, making me chuckle.

"All right! That sounds so dangerous! Woah!" He suddenly yells, holding his arm out in front of Star and I.

"Let's cross at the light," Marco says as we face away from the street.

"Okay, wild man," Star responds, causing me to laugh.

I will have to say, I think there will be a lot happening down here on earth.


"Huh!!! (Y/n)!!!" Star suddenly says, causing me and Marco to look at her. We were almost back to Macro's house before Star suddenly stopped.

"I forgot! We didn't celebrate your birthday back on Mewni!" Star pronounces as she looks at me with despair.

Oh that's right. I turned fourteen today.

"Oh, that's alright Star," I say, waving her off.

"Don't worry," Marco suddenly says, looking confident. "I can make some of my, super awesome nachos~"

"What are nachos?"

Marco's smirk shattered after I asked the question, and he looks at me as if I didn't know about something big. Suddenly, he grabs my hand.

"You have much to learn," he says right before running with me being pulled and Star right behind us.

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