Soul of the Cerberus [NEW]

By AndieKlein

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Twenty-three-year-old Korina Varga, a young art major had it all figured out. She would paint and sell her ar... More

Chapter 1- Homebound
Chapter 2 - The silver lining
Chapter 3 - It takes three to tango
Chapter 4 - Devil's advocate
Chapter 5 - Shadows in the dark
Chapter 6 - Blank slate
Chapter 7 - Love hurts
Chapter 8 - Sucker punched
Chapter 9 - Rat in the house
Chapter 10 - Locking horns
Chapter 11 - All guns blazing
Chapter 11-All guns blazing (Part 2)
Chapter 12 - Anything but you
Chapter 13 - Keep on smiling
Chapter 14 - Heart on fire
Chapter 15 - First mission
Chapter 16 - The climb
Chapter 17 - Not good enough
Chapter 18 - Dance
Chapter 20 - Pour it up
Chapter 20 - Pour it up (2 part)
Chapter 21 - Chaos
Chapter 22 - Chaos (Part 2)
Chapter 23 - Chaos (Part 3)
Chapter 24 - Chaos (Part 4)
Chapter 25 - Don't let me go
Chapter 26 - Last farewell

Chapter 19 - Unusual alliance

27 2 0
By AndieKlein

"What happened to Liam? Has Maximillian arrested him?" I asked Ria and Traxx while we pumped the weights.

"He's rotting in a cell as we speak." Traxx spat, sweat trickling down his forehead.

"Why did this happen?" I stopped, looking at them. "I mean; why would he turn against you?"

Traxx sighed, wiping runaway drops off his face. "He always wanted to outrank Kellan. But he simply wasn't good enough, so he envied him. He is hungry for power, the selfish bastard!"

"That makes sense." I nodded, remembering his odd reactions to Kellan.

"He was not always like this. When he first came here, he was the youngest of us all. He was full of drive and very disciplined. I remember he was a really nice boy." Ria smiled weakly "But then Kellan came back from his mission. They were good friends at first, but soon after that, an unhealthy rivalry grew between the two. Liam became resentful and jealous since Kellan was a much more talented warrior than he was. Shortly after that Kellan was promoted to lead the Skinwalkers and Liam just wasn't the same anymore. And from that moment on he became Kellan's shadow."

"But envy is not enough of a reason to betray your family." I said outraged.

"He was more than envious. He became crazed and obsessed with his failure." Traxx explained to me.

"We just didn't notice it before it was too late. Maybe if we would reach out to him, try to help him somehow..." Ria shook her head in regret.

"I agree, we messed this up." Traxx lowered his head, sighing loudly.

"What will you do with him?" I asked. I shouldn't feel pity for him. He might have been a good person once, but he sure as hell wasn't now.

"Nothing. We will keep him jailed for now and after that it's up to Central to decide what to do with him." Traxx stood up, picking his gym bag.

"It won't be anything good, I am sure." Ria pursed her lips. "He is a traitor after all."

I slowly nodded at them, picking up my bag.

"See you later Korina?" Ria offered me a small smile.

"Of course." I watched her as she joined Traxx in the training room, still deep in thought about Liam's past.

I had the rest of the evening free, so I headed towards the medical bay. I wandered aimlessly through the wide corridors, following the flickering blue neon lights. I stopped in front of the glassy octagon, pressing my face against the cool surface.

Interior of the octagon was empty, no sight of the scientists planting and tending to the lush greenery.

Inside of the space was illuminated with a bright light that resembled the sun. I spotted the entrance on the side, curiosity stirring in me. I didn't hesitate as I waved my comm in front of the scanner, slowly stepping in.

It was even more magnificent from the inside. The growth resembled a rainforest with large trees, towering above 98 feet high. Thick canopies served as a habitat for multicolored exotic birds, which were flying from branches. They stretched their feathery necks to see the intruder who dared to disrupt their peaceful home. I walked by a garden of exquisite tropical flowers, their blossoms angling towards the artificial sun, bathing in the bright light. My fingers gently followed the petals, their powdery pollen sticking to my fingertips.

It felt so free and peaceful, almost like I was lost in my own piece of heaven. The colorful butterfly flew past my head, landing on the white lily. I continued forward until I reached a spiked fence which divided the octagon into two separate parts. My comm beeped, allowing me to access the enclosed area. I assessed my surroundings as I entered, noticing the canopies were so dense making the path I was walking on was barely visible. This part of the octagon was strangely quiet as if it was uninhabited. There was no bird chirping, only the unsettling silence.

I stepped even deeper, finding myself staring eye to eye with the most gruesome creature I have ever seen.

I gasped, as I fell backward, burying my nails in the ground I pulled myself away from the giant beast.

It resembled a massive black panther, only its skin was covered in scales instead of fur. The creature's eyes were silvery, with multiple little black slits in the middle.

I screamed in fear as it slowly stalked forward, fully revealing its head. The panther had a mane around its long neck, similar to a lion's, although it was a growth of silver rattlesnakes. Their bodies dangerously arching backward, ready to pierce my skin with their venomous fangs. The mighty beast took a step closer to me, its claws burring into the dusty ground. I felt the ground vibrating beneath me with every step it took. The monster raised its head, roaring loudly, revealing its snake-like fangs. As it nervously paced around me I noticed it had a rattle on the tip of its long black tail.

I had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I was trapped.

I pressed my body against the fence as tight as I could, sharp wires piercing my skin. The beast must have smelled the blood as it became crazed with hunger, saliva dripping out of its mouth.

"No! Please!" I begged it even though I knew it didn't understand a word.

All of a sudden it charged towards me, its claws missing me only by an inch. I dropped on the ground, covering my head. Its jaws snapped above me and if I wouldn't have moved in time, it would penetrate my skull.

I moved fast, sliding under the beast I evaded another possibly deadly bite. I ran around it, jumping on the fence. As I gripped the wires tightly, I propped myself upwards. I roared in pain as its claws sliced through my back, but I didn't stop as I climbed higher.

The beast didn't leave me alone, climbing right behind me, it pulled itself upwards with its sharp claws. It shocked me when I saw it was almost faster than me. The injury on my back was already healing, but it still stung, slowing me down considerably.

I realized I won't evade the beast so pushed myself off the fence in a backflip, landing on my feet.

There was no choice but to fight back. The monster dropped off the fence, sprinting towards me. I ran by it, grabbing its scaly flesh I propped myself on its wide back. As I straddled the monster it roared in agitation, snakes on its neck snapping to reach my face. I truly hated the thought of hurting it, especially when I was the intruder in its habitat. But then there was no way I am going to die today.

I grabbed my daggers, but hesitated, as I didn't want to stab it. The beast figured out my intention, knocking me off its back. I rolled on the ground but swiftly stood back up. I inched towards the fence, protecting my back, cursing inwardly as I saw the beast has pushed me into the corner, entrapping me.

My survival instinct kicked in and I felt veins spreading on my face, manifesting me into my true form. My vision sharpened as I sensed the body heat of the beast, nearing towards me. I bent low roaring with all of my might.

The beast suddenly stopped, taking a step back from me.

I watched it in awe, not understanding what was it doing. It stared at me for a while, snakes wiggling on its neck.

I growled once more, revealing my sharp teeth.

And then happened something unimaginable. The mighty beast lowered its head, respectfully bowing to me.

"What the hell?" I whispered, staring at it suspiciously.

But the beast's head remained lowered, its eyes turned towards the ground.

This was my only chance to get the hell out of here.

"What do I do? What do I do?" I panicked, my eyes glancing at the exit. I pressed my back against the fence, slowly pushing myself towards the doors.

"No! No! Stay down kitty!" I watched in horror as it stirred.

"Good boy!" I complimented it, continuing with my painfully slow movements. But then suddenly it moved, its massive body inching towards me.

I bared my teeth as it seemed to scare the monster. I watched it, petrified as it came closer nudging me with its head. It purred loudly, rubbing against my arm.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I whispered in disbelief. I hesitantly lifted my hand, petting it on the head but keeping an eye on the vicious looking snakes on its neck. I gasped in terror and revulsion as they climbed on my hand, twisting around it.

My stomach turned as I felt their slick muscular bodies on my skin, praying they won't sink their teeth into it.

"Korina." Somebody whispered on the other side of the fence.

I slowly turned my eyes, not moving my body in case that would enrage the beast. "Elliot." I screeched quietly "Help." My eyes were wide open as I was staring at him in horror.

"You don't have to be afraid of it." He slowly lifted his hands, calming me.

"Are you insane? It almost bit my head off!" I whispered too loudly, attracting the beast's attention. It noticed Elliot standing behind me, loudly roaring at him.

"Get me the heck out of this hellhole!" I yelled, goosebumps raising on my back.

"Relax!" He said patiently "It's yours now! You can command it whatever you wish." He explained to me.

"How is it mine? It almost killed me!" I said doubtfully.

"Braahis are Cerberus' pets Korina. Just trust me!" He urged me.

"All right." I gulped "Get back!" I commanded it loudly. Expecting it would bite my head off, my mouth fell open in astonishment when it obeyed me. The beast stepped backward, waiting for my next order.

"Stay!" I said, feeling foolish. The creature surprisingly didn't move an inch. I hurried towards the exit, firmly shutting the door behind me.

I slid to the ground, clutching my chest in sheer panic. My whole body shook violently.

"Serves you right!" Elliot scolded me "You shouldn't be in here."

"How am I supposed to know that?" I said with irritation.

He pointed to the sign, saying forbidden entry, lifting his eyebrow.

"Right, I must have overlooked that." I said embarrassed.

"Right." He echoed me. "You must have been buried deep in your thoughts, otherwise you would've smelled the creature."

Damn. He was right, I really needed to concentrate more on my surroundings from now on.

"What was that thing, Braahi?" I pointed at the beast, still staring at me with its creepy unmoving eyes.

"Cerberuses bred it for their army. They are vicious in a fight, but absolutely loyal to their owners."

"So now I am its owner?" I asked in disbelief.

"Exactly." He nodded "We were about to put it down; it was here quite a while. But I see it might be still of use to us."

"Where did you found it?" I stood up, following him through the garden.

"Maximillian fought a Cerberus quite a while back and he owned this beast. He defeated him and we somehow caught it. It wasn't hard since it wailed in sorrow, mourning his master's death." He studied the flowers as we went by, closely inspecting their petals.

"Dear God." I murmured, shaking my head.

"Indeed. You ought to be more careful in the future." He smiled.

"I will definitely watch where I stick my head next time." My chest still rose and fell with rapid breaths, my heart beating frantically.

"I hope there will be no next time." He glanced at me with a meaningful look.

I nodded in agreement, sitting on the nearest bench.

He hesitated, looking embarrassed "Has Sanna said anything about me or the dance?"

I smiled at him "She was delighted." I said honestly.

"You think she would say yes if I invited her for a supper?" He didn't look at me while he talked, nervously fiddling with his hands.

"I think I wouldn't hear the end of it." I laughed "Elliot, I think you and me both know how much she likes you."

His eyes went wide, a happy expression on his face "I shall do it this evening then."

I lifted my thumbs up, urging him on. "I had enough of excitement for today. I am going to head out." I announced, lifting myself up. "Thank you. You've saved my ass back there." I said, heading towards the exit.

"Korina!" He called me. "Don't be too hard on Yannik."

I spun around, staring at him "What are you talking about?"

"He had some bad experiences with women, he doesn't trust lightly." He revealed, his eyes filled with melancholy.

"What kind of bad experiences?" I stepped closer to him.

"It is not my place to tell Korina." He shook his head.

"Please, just give me something." I looked into his kind eyes, willing him to help me out.

"Well since the first thing isn't exactly a secret..." He sighed "When he was still back home on Aeruk, he was betrothed to someone."

"What?" My head squeezed painfully at the thought he should be married now.

"It was an arranged marriage, mainly because his father wanted to be rid of him. So he promised him to a rich, spoiled woman." He explained.

"It sounds more like he sold him." I said, disgusted "What happened?"

"He would be treated like a slave. But he was lucky, considering she let him go. She couldn't bear to touch him."

"Why?" I said, rage boiling underneath the surface.

"His rank was beneath hers; he was considered unappealing because of his markings." Elliot said sadly.

My face twisted in revulsion, veins spreading over my face.

"Easy." Elliot stepped close to me, touching my shoulder.

"What about the other bad experiences?" I asked when I felt my face returning to its normal form.

"I could only tell you that it wasn't good. The first one was a bet placed on Yannik. This happened the first year after he arrived on Earth. Other warriors made a fool out of him, convincing a woman to sleep with him." He looked away "As you can figure out, it ended badly."

I clenched my fists hard, wishing I could slay all of them.

"The third woman was an evil witch." Elliot spat "Who used him to quench her sexual perversions. She saw him and wanted to try how different his body was compared to others. She was seducing him quite a while, enjoying his resistance, but when she got him-" Elliot's brows drew together "She threw him away like a trash."

"They've hurt him." I said, my heart breaking for him.

"Be patient with him Korina." He advised me. "He doesn't trust easily. He fought his way out of discrimination, climbing right to the top. But even though he has their respect now, they still don't really see him any differently."

"I don't care what color his skin is, or in which caste he was born. I like him for who he is!" I said forcefully, meaning every single word.

"I know." He smiled gently "That's why he is willing to let you in."

"Thank you. I really appreciate you've told me all of this." I nodded at him.

"Of course. But Korina? You didn't find out any of it from me." He put his finger over his mouth, smiling.

"Got it." I grinned as we walked out of the octagon, closing the glass door behind us.

"Well, I think I won't be coming back here. Ever." I gave him a sideways glance as we walked through the corridors.

"Actually, you should. You are his master now; he will be miserable without you. As your pet, he established a unique bond with you." He explained, typing vigorously on his comm.

"I think I need to recover from the shock first, then we will see." He didn't respond, instead, he grinned at his display. "Let me guess? She said yes?" I smiled at his enthusiasm.

"She did." His eyes crinkled at the corners as he laughed.

"Well good luck then!" I patted him on the shoulder. "And Elliot? Just relax and have fun."

"Thank you, Korina."

I watched him as he disappeared into the med bay, his head still buried in his comm.

I stepped into the commons sprawling next to Traxx and Ria, stretching my legs in front of me. I looked horrible, blood smeared all over me and my clothes were torn.

"What happened to you? You look absolutely dreadful!" Ria's face was bewildered as she assessed my looks.

I cast her a dirty look "Don't." I put my hand in front of her face. "You really don't want to know."

"All right." She giggled, sharing a look with Traxx.

"Right!" Traxx clapped "I am inviting you to my party this Friday."

"Another party? Didn't we just have one?" I said confused.

"That was a formal dance Korina. If you haven't been at my party yet you haven't lived." He grinned, putting his arm around Ria's chair.

"He is right! They are pretty awesome and you get to see his ridiculously big apartment." Ria leaned towards Traxx, bumping his shoulder with her fist.

"Absolutely, count me in. Who else is invited?" I asked them, laughing as Traxx playfully tousled my hair.

"Everybody. So be prepared for a wild night!" Ria danced in her chair, lifting her arms in the air.

"More like a catastrophic night." I giggled. I knew that Ria, Traxx and Rob had absolutely no limits. Those three together were a recipe for disaster.

"Yannik!" Traxx turned in his chair "You coming too?"

Yannik just stared at me in horror, his mouth wide open.

"Yes, I know. I look like I fought a big kitty cat with snakes on its head." I said sarcastically looking at him.

"You did?" Ria turned back to me, doubt in her eyes.

"You fought Braahi?" Yannik was immediately beside me, his eyes blazing with anger "What were you doing there Korina?"

"Trespassing, obviously." I smirked.

"I don't see how is that amusing." He hissed, glaring at me.

"What the hell happened?" Ria's eyes were wide.

"I didn't see the sign! It was not my fault!" I looked at them "Not entirely at least." I said sheepishly. "Who would have thought me and the kitty would become best friends in the end." I put my hand over my mouth laughing hysterically.

"Madwoman." Traxx laughed, nodding approvingly. "I like it!"

But Yannik wasn't amused since his expression was stony. "Do you even realize how powerful this beast is? It could've torn you apart!" His face was close to mine, his expression livid. I saw a muscle in his jaw twitch, but I couldn't hold back anymore. I roared with laughter, Traxx joining in shortly after. Tears fell from my eyes as I clutched my stomach.

"Should we call Elliot?" Ria looked at me, a worried expression adorning her face.

"Oh, I will give her a medicine all right." Yannik clenched his jaw. He turned my chair so he could look directly into my eyes. "She just needs some cooling off."

Without a warning, I was in his arms while he carried me across the room.

"Put me down Yannik!" I pushed at his chest, fighting another wave of laughter. He ignored me, continuing forward.

"Where are you taking me?" I wiped my watery eyes, trying to see better. He didn't answer me, instead, he turned the corner, entering the pool house.

"Yannik don't you dare!" My eyes widened, and I struggled in his arms. "Put me down!"

"Oh? I thought you needed to cool off a bit?" He said sarcastically, lifting his eyebrow.

"No, I am fine now! Just put me down!" I yelled at him.

He grinned at me maliciously "Consider this your punishment for almost giving me a heart attack." He said as he threw me into the pool.

My body sunk to the ground, and I opened my eyes. I felt my face transforming as an automatic defense mechanism. I marveled at how sensitive my sight was as I saw and felt every molecule rushing past me. I suddenly didn't need oxygen anymore as I could hold my breath for as long I wanted to.

I growled as I saw Yannik's body heat while he stood at the edge of the pool, looking confused at what took me so long.

I swam underwater, slowly stalking him. Springing out of the water I pushed myself up, grabbing his leg. "No!" He bent low, trying to pry my fingers off. "Let go Korina!"

But I didn't, instead, I gripped him even harder, pulling him forward. I saw his eyes widen right before he plummeted into the pool.

"Serves you right!" I smirked as his head appeared on the surface. Suddenly I realized my face still looked monstrous, and I quickly covered it with my hands. "Sorry." I said horrified "I forgot."

I felt his gentle touch as he clasped my hands in his, pulling them away from my face. "Why are you apologizing?" He said confused. "You cannot change who you are."

"I look like a devil himself." I groaned, lifting my face to look at him.

"You could never look like a devil Korina. Or be any less beautiful." He smiled, my hands still in his.

"You just want to make me feel better." I nudged him.

"Of course." He shrugged "Aren't friends supposed to do that?" He chuckled, splashing me.

"You know what?" I laughed "You are just begging for it." I grabbed his head, pushing it underwater. His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me down with him. My body grazed his as he tugged me below the surface. I felt how the material of my torn shirt raised up, revealing my skin. His fingers brushed against my exposed stomach, pulling me closer.

My hands automatically wrapped around his neck, my body reacting to his touch.

But suddenly his body went competently rigid. Pushing me off, he lifted himself above the water and put some distance between us. He looked baffled and utterly torn.

"Yannik?" I gently called him, slowly edging towards him.

He instantly masked his feelings, his expression suddenly cheerful.

"Have I done something wrong?" I was terrified he would push me away again, deciding he doesn't want me after all.

"No. Forgive me." His eyes flickered to my shirt, his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped "Um. Korina?" He looked away from me.

"Yes?" I asked, looking at his drenched t-shirt and how tightly it clasped his body.

"You should cover yourself." He said carefully, still looking away. I looked down at myself, feeling heat spreading all over my face. My shirt was completely soaked and torn, revealing my bra underneath it. "Oh my God." I muttered, hurriedly covering my chest with my arms. "I should really go." I said apologetically, submerging my exposed skin under the water.

"Wait a second. Take this." He took off his shirt, offering it to me. "I don't need it and I certainly don't want them gawking at you." He said grimly, his jaw clenched tight.

"Thank you." I put his shirt on, sighting in relief as I looked almost decent again.

As we got out of the water he grabbed towels, wrapping one around my shoulders. "Much better." He smiled.

We headed back towards commons, hurrying to reach our apartments. We hoped our appearances would go unnoticed, but Ria lifted her eyebrow as she saw us.

"I really don't want to know what happened." She chuckled, sending me a meaningful look. Yannik looked mortified, pushing me forward.

I sighed in relief as we reached the elevator, doors closing behind us.

"That was embarrassing." I quietly laughed.

"Indeed." He looked away from me, shame coloring his cheeks "Head of the IT department parading around like a wet dog." Corners of his mouth turned up and he shook his head in disbelief.

"Well, it was your idea to throw me in the pool." I shrugged.

We stepped out of the elevator, walking through the corridors. "You have to promise me you'll avoid dangerous and foolish situations like that." He said, suddenly serious.

"I cannot promise you that and you know it. There will always be some dangerous situation or a mission, it is my job now. And my purpose." We stopped in front of my door, looking at each other.

"Then at least promise me you will be careful." He said, looking down at his wet shoes.

"That I can do." I nodded, smiling at him.

"Good." He said in approval. "We will see each other later Korina." He turned, heading towards his own apartment.

"Yannik?" I called after him. "Will you come to Traxx's party?"

He slowly turned around with a hesitant expression on his face "I don't think so. Parties aren't really my thing." He grimaced, shaking his head. "Are you going?"

I really hoped he would be there, disappointment crushing me. "Yes, I am going." I said, dejected.

He stared at me for a second, contemplating my answer "Well then maybe I should be there, just in case you decide to do something foolish again?" He leaned on the wall, his abdominal muscles contracting.

"You definitely should." I nodded seriously as I tried to tear my eyes away from his body.

"I will see you then." His dimples showed as he tried to fight off the smile, pressing his lips tightly together.

I waved at him, watching him leave as I stood there, water drops soaking the floor. 


All right! Time to turn this up a bit so you can expect the following chapters to be little more wild ....

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