Royal Rumors (updates Friday'...

By hey_its_ally_g

837 43 8

Ranked #12 in youngwriter Ranked #13 in badboylovestory Ranked #5 in nerdxjock Rumors spread like fire. Fasts... More

One- "Antique promise"
Two- "Cheers love"
Three- "i know your secret"
Four- "Trio"
Five- "he is not my boyfriend"
Six- "would it help if i said sorry"
Eight- "this undeniable question"
Nine- "i pulled some strings"
Ten- "Kiss Him"
Eleven- "Don't worry a little makeup should do the trick"
Twelve- "Royal Toast"
NEW BOOK! Announcement!
Thriteen- "Aurora tell me"
Fifteen- "little black dress"
Sixteen- "you're a mess"

Seven- "so i dont lose myself for her"

46 4 0
By hey_its_ally_g

I'm so excited for this chapter \^•^/

You'll see why!
-Ally XOXO

My phone rings, breaking me from my sleep as I sit up quickly rubbing my eyes.

I yawn and look around, Owens not here, that's why it's so peaceful.

I'm wearing some shorts and a tank top, it's getting colder outside so I'm progressively starting to remind myself to wear heavy pajamas.

I swing my legs over the bed and wiggle out of the covers, groaning I walk into the bathroom and smell my breath. I wince and make a face, morning breath.

I brush my teeth and wash my face tying my hair up into a messy bun before I dry my face off. I'm awaiting Elaine's letter, I really hope she likes the purse. I sent it to her on Monday, it's Friday now. So it's either she hates it- or refuses to write to me, or the letter hasn't come yet.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and bit my lip, my finger taps repeatedly on the sink anxiously.

I take a deep breath and turn around heading to my closet to pick out an outfit. I settle on a navy blue sweatshirt and some high waisted jeans. I slip on my navy blue converse to match and head to my first lecture.

I've had to take handwritten notes since my laptop broke which sucks, cause I can't afford a new one and my hand aches like hell.

After my lectures and the trio of deaths constant bullying and threats, I finally make it back to my dorm.

I flop down on the bed and yawn, all I can think about doing is sleeping.

My phone buzzes, I groan and dig through my bag pulling it out. I see lots of angry texts from my mom saying that she hadn't heard from me in a week. I suck in a breath and yelp hurrying and calling my mom.

Shit, she's probably so mad at me.

"AURORA AIMÉE-AURÉLIE DIANE L'VESTIA WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED IN A WEEK?!" My mom shouts through the phone exploding in my ear, I pull the phone away and wince.

Putting the phone back to my ear "I've been really busy mom..." I rub the inner part of my eyes very stressed. Keeping secrets is hard, mine and other peoples.

"With school work right?" She says in that strict parent voice.

"" I say dismissively pacing my room. Owen should be here right now, we were supposed to go to the library and start forming a plot for our short play. That guy is not reliable. I bite my lip impatiently.

"Aurora you aren't getting involved with the wrong crowd right?" Her voice fills with more concern and I recognize how much I miss her, she and my dad were my ocean, and I was the sand. The waves washed over me, showering me with love and support, smoothing my edges.

"No mom, I actually met two really nice girls" I sigh gently my tone filling with its own concern, a different kind. I am so wishing I could hug her right now.

"Wonderful Aurora! What are their names?" I can hear her smile through the phone.

"Gigi and Emily, they are both British." I smile, I flop back down on my bed letting my mind wander.

"Ahhh! I wish I could hear the accents! Are they sexy?!" My mom asks excitedly.

My mind fires like a bullet to the memory of Owen with his shirt off and his chest dripping wet. These unwelcomed thoughts entered my head, 'Owens is sexy' My face flushes and I grit my teeth.

"NO!...I mean- no as in...uh- they...are posher! Then sexy- heh..." I say hurriedly panting gently calming the blush on my cheeks and shoving those ideas into the very dark corner of my brain where they belong.

Stay thoughts...


"Okayyyyy." She laughed "Rora you crack me up, anyways honey the tamales are going to burn. Your father is going to call you tomorrow. Have a nice weekend honey, happy Friday. Always smile." I heard her kiss the phone and she hung up.

My heartfelt hallow...

I miss my family.

The door swung up, my head jerked to the loud noise of Owen barging in. He had his usually cheeky smirk on his face.

But his eyes were burning with this mischievous glint.

That can't be good. I raise an eyebrow sitting up on the bed pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Why are you late? We need to be in-"

"The car," he cuts me off "come with me princess I have a better idea, more fun, idea."

I glare at him slightly crossing my arms. "Okay, Owen plus spontaneous decision equals disaster, and I'd like to minus one Aurora from that equation, thanks"

Owen chuckled "let's go geek charming, I promise it'll be worth it. I'll buy you a book if you come."

I glance at him my face twisting into a smile.

Damn, I'm easy.

"Two." I Bargain.


"One and five bookmarks."

"One and two bookmarks." He counters

"Okay how about one book, two bookmarks, and a sugar cookie from Starbucks?" I smirk and wiggle my eyebrows at his contemplating face.


I smirk smugly at him as I hold my barns and Nobel bag while munching on a cookie.

The sun is just starting to go down and Owen is driving me up some cliff to this remote area that I'm almost sure he's going to kill me at.

The terrain is not much of a problem, apparently, the Prince gets whatever he wants including cars.

So we are driving up this cliff in a soccer mom BMW.

"Owen, now tell me, where the hell are we going?" I say finishing my cookie, he smirks and gives me a side glance with his engaging green eyes.

I feel a shot of electricity go down my spine.

"Eyes on the road" I scoff blushing a bit

He chuckled at me, answering "fine, well sitting in a library and figuring out our play is boring as all hell. So, I drove you to my favorite spot to sneak away from being a royal and relax..."

He parked the car a few feet away from the edge of the cliff, the trunk facing the edge. We both got out.

Owen opened the trunk and revealed the huge backseat, probably designed for a mom who bought lots of groceries, it had a black and red plaid blanket spread across the floor, I'm guessing overnight Bags, lots of pillows, and extra blankets.

He smiles at me his eyes flashing with pride at my huge cheeky grin. He walks over and flips a switch and these little droplet shaped lights flick on.

"And plan under the sunset and stars." He finishes, his voice having this wonder-filled tone to it.

I can't help but chuckle. "You're so extra, I hate to say this royal pain in my ass, but this is nice."

He opened his mouth to say something but I hurried to speak. "But, if we are staying overnight, I call the trunk, you have to sleep in the backseat."

"Or we can cuddle" he leaned closer to me, teasingly he flirted raising his eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and shove my hand in his face pushing him away and we both share a laugh "playboy"

"Princess" he countered glaring playfully.

"Shut up and let's just start working." I jump into the trunk and kick off my converse leaving me in my fluffy socks.

Owen rolled his eyes and followed in, he pulled a blanket over us, our bodies got close, our shoulders touching. His arm was so toned, whenever he moved his arm to type a bit his muscle flexed and I blushed.

I just found myself most comfortable when I was close to Owen, our legs tangled together. I pulled out his laptop and shared it on both of our laps, seeing as mine broke, we had to use his.

Owens (POV)

Aurora and I sat for hours coming up with a plot for our romance mini play or whatever.

If I'm being honest I'm paying attention to jack squat of what she's saying, instead I can't help but focus on her lips moving. Her eyes, electric blue eyes, catch the light of the sun as it sets. Her face was lost in her work, so captivated by her passion, that mine for her only grows. This urge I can't help but fight to reach over and kiss her. But then again, it's been a week, this could just be me trying to get with her because she's hot. And it's probably that.

Then why am I so disappointed?

Every day I search for her in the crowds of people in the hallways, hoping to catch those alluring blue eyes and dark brown hair.

I find myself getting more girls to try and push these things away, hoping to lose myself in women so I don't lose myself for her.

For her.

She slaps my arm, "Owen, look the suns setting"

Aurora smiles gently, I quickly turn from her and look at the breathtaking array of color that paints the sky's canvas.

It's funny, if you swap these colors with different shades of dark blue and light blues, you'll maybe capture what it's like to look in her eyes.


Jesus why do I always end up thinking about her, one way or another.

I smile softly and chuckle. "Pretty sweet"

"Amazing" I hear her whisper, her passion catches me by surprise and I look at her admiringly.

She stared deeply at the sky, reading its pages, indulging in its colors.

"Yeah, wow," I mumble to myself,

She turned back to me quickly snapping me from my gaze. She smirked, "stare at me like that any longer, you'll be a smitten kitten."

I forced myself not to blush and roll my eyes. "Yeah, Ha Ha, I could have the princess over here, or any other girl in school"

"I'm better" she smiled smugly and leaned back against the pillows.

'You are' "you are not" I chuckled and leaned back on my side facing her.

"Yeah okayyy" she dragged out the word okay, putting the laptop in between us

"Let's get back to work." She said and I nodded.

Aurora and I laid close together, she talked and talked so excitedly about the play that I could hear her voice growing more and more tired as we planned.

Until she was yawning between every word and her head was gravitating to my shoulder, she was fast asleep.

Her head laid down on my shoulder, our legs were tangled together her obnoxiously fluffy socks soft on my leg. She shifted in her sleep moving closer to me so her head was laying on my chest.

I shiver lightly, smiling cause I know she'd be scrambling out of the car and running down the road if she was awake. She's stubborn like that.

I pull her closer to our chest meet, our hips fitting together as she breaths on my neck. Wrapping my arm around her back I draw patterns on her the back of her shirt.

My eyelids grew heavy until I too was asleep with Aurora close in my arms.

The feeling of her heart beating against mine making me want to freeze time and stay like this until the end of the world.

This girl. This girl and her crazy cute Australian accent. This girl and her blue eyes. This girl and her smile. This girl and her passion for everything.

I need this girl, but maybe I need every girl.

I don't want to hurt her.

So maybe staying away will save her fragile heart, our worlds are so different, so different maybe they can't be together.

I can't have this girl.

My body instinctively pulls her closer as I have these painfully honest thoughts. Maybe in a perfect world, Aurora wouldn't hate me, and I could love her.

But this is far from a perfect world.

My world is far from the seemingly perfect.

And I can't help but get the idea that so is hers.

Oooo Owens chapter, some owrora action! Mostly one sided....right.

But stupid Owen is painfully realistic in staying away because it would never work.

Damn me for writing it this way.

Anyways happy Friday! Love all my readers. Vote and comment please id love your feedback, and I'll shout you out in the next chapter!
-Ally XOXO

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