Save The World (A One Directi...

By OneDStoryteller

3K 16 8

My Name is Sofia. I'm blind and this is my story. It's a story about my dreams and the trouble they cause. M... More

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15: The End

Part 6:

199 0 0
By OneDStoryteller

Sofia’s POV)

"You guys want some dinner? The other boys and I have planned an epic meal." Louis said.

"Epic... Hmm. Sounds interesting." Harry hesitated.

"Go for it." I said. Obviously they had planned everything together with Anne, Harry’s mum. She and the boys had bought lots of food on their way from the airport, which they’ve put in my fridge.

Harry and I sat by the kitchen table and talked quietly while the boys cooked. 

"Where are the carrots?" Louis said and I heard him look through the fridge. "I knew we bought the freaking carrots!"

I walked over to the fridge and after 2 seconds I held the carrots in my hand. I gave it to Louis. 

"How the hell did you know it was there?" He sounded very surprised.

"I've been blind for 18 years; everything in our fridge lies in perfect order so that I know where it is."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Wanna bet I can be a better blind person than you?" He asked me. 

"You're on." I said.

"Go get a scarf or something!" Louis demanded. I walked upstairs and both Louis and Harry followed me. Harry told him that he was out on deep water. 

I found an old scarf in my wardrobe after some searching and I gave it to Louis.

"If I make it through the entire night, you have to give me a prize."

"You wont last that long." Harry teased.

"Deal?" Lou asked me.

"Deal." I said and held out my hand in front of me. He shook it.  

We started to walk downstairs. "Harry let me go! I can walk by myself." Louis complained.  

One, two, three seconds. BAAM. Louis fell in the stairs. 

"I'm alright." Lou yelled so that everyone within five miles could hear it.  

Niall had come out of the kitchen and laughed at Louis.

“Stop laughing and help a poor blind man up.” Louis said.

While they others finished the diner Harry and I sat laughing at Louis. Everybody told him to go out of the way. Then Louis obviously decided to cut those carrots after all because Liam yelled: "Put down the knife, Louis! Go sit down!" 

I heard Louis sitting down next to me. 

"They really treat you bad Sofia." 

"How they treat you is an effect of how you treat them. You could have killed someone with that knife." 

"You're smart; maybe we should pair you with Liam instead." Louis proposed, neither Harry nor I answered.  

The diner was soon finished and we all sat down in our dining room. I don't really know what they had created and I wasn't sure they even knew themselves. It was pasta with some kind of chicken-casserole with vegetables in. 

"Food... Mm... Food." I heard Niall mumble when he started to eat. 

"Dammit..." That was definitely Louis. "How are you supposed to be able to put the fork in you mouth when you can't see your hand?" 

"Practice." I said.

"Well fuck it. I give up. I just want to eat my food." I could hear him throw the scarf over his shoulders. I could hear him chew and then he put his and on my shoulder. "I know you want to hear it so here it goes: you're a superhero Sofia."  

"Thanks Louis." I smiled his way. I suddenly remembered something I wanted to ask since we got back. "I've been wondering for a while... Where are my parents?" I asked. 

"They were going away for a week, told us the keep you save." Harry answered.

"They didn't tell me?" I was a bit shocked; they often treated me as a kid.

"They thought it would be a nice surprise for you to be free. They left together with my mum and some other friends." Harry explained. Great I was going to sleep alone, I hated that.

“So maybe we can all sleep here tonight?” Louis was very excited and it was as if he read my mind.

“That’s a great plan!” Niall shouted.

“Sure, I guess we can find places for everyone to sleep.” I said.

“It’s cool; we can sleep on the floor if we have to.” Niall said. 

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