Save The World (A One Directi...

By OneDStoryteller

3K 16 8

My Name is Sofia. I'm blind and this is my story. It's a story about my dreams and the trouble they cause. M... More

Part 1:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15: The End

Part 2:

223 0 0
By OneDStoryteller

Sofia’s POV)  

"Yeah, her name is Lola." Harry answered.  

Of course he had a girlfriend so I didn't really understand why I was so upset on the inside. Maybe because I thought that even though he was back to stay here for a year he wouldn't hang out with me because he was to busy spending time with his girlfriend. Or maybe it was because I liked him. Something had changed. I always had a bit of a crush on him but now that he was back it had all changed. I felt something more now. When he touched me I was flying to the moon. 

A part of me was happy he couldn't see what I was thinking through my eyes but another part really wanted him to see the way I looked at him. 

But he had a girlfriend now so I decided to let it go. 

Harry's POV) 

She looked so beautiful; she was no longer that 14 year old, she was a real woman now. I wish she really could see what she looked like. I guess her dreams wasn't fair to her because then she would know how beautiful she really is. She always had been a bit insecure and I guess when you can’t see yourself then you really don’t know. I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was so that she could gain more confidence but I just couldn’t bring myself to blurt it out.

She was a bit mad at me and who could blame her? I was hurting on the inside for being the one to hurt her. I wish I could take it back but I just couldn't help the way I'd been acting. One day I stood with my phone and I was going to call her but then I realized how hard it would be to say goodbye one more time. Something someone said got me to think it only hurt her when I called her and I believed that. She was my best friend and I would never ever do that again.   I was so happy that she forgave me this time; I was going to make it up to her. 

Sofia's POV ) 

"So when can I meet her?" I asked Harry about Lola.

"She'll visit in a couple of weeks. I know she's looking forward to meeting you!" he said with excitement in his voice.  

"What does she look like?" This was my everyday question, even though I saw people in my dreams.

"Pretty tall, blond, really long hair." I thought she sounded just like one of those typical girls. A girl that everybody likes but only the best-looking guys could get.

"She sounds sweet, what do you like about her?" I asked like a trick question. I thought he would answer it fast but he didn't. 

"Eh... Eh... I like... I like her smile… and hair..." What was he saying? It didn't sound like Harry.   Harry was the kind of guy who liked a girl simply for a girls look. "Well I like a lot of things about her personality too but it would take all day to tell you all about it." For some reason it sounded as if he was lying. 

"I need to go now." He said in a hurry. "Good bye, I'll see you later." he said and hugged me. I heard him put the chair back and walk out. 

Harry's POV) 

What was I doing? Why was I lying? I'm sure it was a lot of things I loved about Lola. Sofia just caught me of guard. And her question really got me to think. What was it that I loved about her? Why did I fall for Lola? Had I even fallen for Lola at all?  

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