Save The World (A One Directi...

By OneDStoryteller

3K 16 8

My Name is Sofia. I'm blind and this is my story. It's a story about my dreams and the trouble they cause. M... More

Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15: The End

Part 1:

606 1 0
By OneDStoryteller


Sofia’s POV)

My name is Sofia. I’m blind.

This is my story:

I’ve seen him in my dreams so I knew he was coming back today. I’ve seen us meet by the lake so I went down there right after I ate my breakfast. I sat down on the familiar stones, my head was turning towards the water and I could feel a cool breeze in my face.

I was nervous and a bit mad still. What was I suppose to say? Did he even remember me after almost four years? After meeting so many people, was I still someone to him?

I heard a sound and I looked that way. I’ve already seen this so I knew who it was.

“It’s just me.” He said with his familiar husky voice. “But as if you didn’t know that.” I could feel his smile in his voice. He came towards me and I rose. I could see his green eyes in my head. He reached to grab my hand so I knew where he was. He leaned in to hug me.

“Hi.” I said with a pretty cold voice.

“Hello. It’s really nice to see you.” I could see his smile in front of me again.

“You need to say the word.” I said.

“What word?” He asked me and sounded very surprised.

“The word you need to say when you, that supposed to be my friend left me without a word four years ago.”

“Sorry but you knew I was leaving.” He said the word without meaning.

“Yes, I know. And I don’t blame you for living out your dream. But I just didn’t know that it meant that you wouldn’t call me.”

“I’m so sorry. The time just weren’t there anymore.”

“So I noticed.”

“I’m sorry Sofia, okay?” He grabbed my arms on both sides.

“I forgive you Harry, only because you’re the only one who knows my story and accept me even when my parents can’t. You always meant the world to me and I want you to promise me to never leave me like you done once.”

He hugged me and whispered in my ear.

“I didn’t call because it was too hard, because I knew I wouldn’t see your face in a very long time.”

“You could have given me a plane ticket.” I said back.

“It would be too hard to say goodbye again and I wanted you to finish your school.”

“Let’s just let it go.” I said and he let me go and kissed me on the cheek.

“Let’s just move forward," he said. "Speaking of school, how’s it going? I’ve heard you’re in the regular class. How’s that?” He asked me after we sat down on the cold rocks again.

“It’s pretty much the same. I can’t take notes so I sit with my computer. People laugh because the computer talks to me sometimes.”

“They’re jealous,” He said to try to make me feel better.

“Jealous!? Of a blind girl?”

“You’re not just a blind girl. You’re a blind girl with a cool ability.” Harry had always accepted my gift.

The thing is that when I’m asleep I see visions of what’s going to happen the next day. It always comes true because I never try to change it. I just let things happen just the way faith planned them.  Harry was pretty fascinated with dreams so he thought this gift was really amazing and would die to have it himself.

“Yeah, but they don’t know about my gift.” I continued.

“You’re really stubborn.” I bet he smiled when he said it.

“Always has been.” I said. “I heard you came back to finish your last year in school. Your mum told my mum.”

“Yes, can you believe that? I’m 20 now and I’m going back to school!

“How’s your band?”

“They’re awesome. You know we haven’t broken up; we’re just taking a break from touring and everything. We’ve been away for so long now so we all went back. You would love them Sofia! They’re really funny and cool.”

“Yeah I know. I’ve seen some videos.” I admitted quietly.

“You watched videos?” I could really hear the big smile in his voice.

“I didn’t really watch.” I joked and pointed to my eyes. “I just had to keep an eye on you so that you weren’t getting in to any trouble.”

“I’m not the trouble making kind of person.” He said and I raised my eyebrows looking his way.

“You’re THE kind of person.” I said and we laughed.    

This felt really good. Talking and laughing. It felt as if I barely talked to anyone since he left. I didn’t speak too much. I mostly stayed at home when I wasn’t at school.

It was getting a bit colder, the wind brought in cool air from the lake.

“Come, let’s go inside.” He said and helped me up.

When we walked towards our houses he held his arm around my waist and led me. We lived in a little village, just a mile outside a pretty small town, Holmes Chapel.

We’d been neighbours since we were little kids. Harry was two years older than me but that was an age difference we never had noticed. When we were younger we only played games that I could participate in and he never tried to push me to do anything I couldn’t do. He never said I was boring to be around and he was very patient with me.

It started to rain just as we got to my house. We went inside and to my room. Harry still held me though I knew my own house better than anything else. He led me all the way to my bed where I sat down. I heard him move a chair and sit down in front of me.

“You changed your room.” He noticed.

“Yeah, nothing huge. Just new colours on the walls, some new furniture and a bigger bed.”

“I like it.” He said. “So how’s your love life?”

“I didn’t know it existed.” I answered.

“Guys are idiots sometimes. They think it’s too much responsibility to have a blind girlfriend.

“I’m not a freaking animal!” I said.

“I know. I mean, you can take care of yourself and you’re actually not blind for real.”

“And that’s a big part of my problem. You’re the only one who understands. My parents still don’t listen when I tell them.

“I’ll help you talk to them.” He stroked his warm hand along my chin. I closed my eyes as he did it. It felt nice having someone so close to me after such a long time. 

“So how’s your love life?” I asked him. I didn’t really keep track on the news about One Direction so I had no idea.

“I’ve got a girlfriend since a couple of months back.” He said casually.

“A girlfriend?!” I couldn’t help almost screaming it out.                

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