The Dangerous Game

By lotusmoor

4.9K 319 185

Meet Avela More



319 28 19
By lotusmoor


So Alisha with Michelle off to their lectures and with there being NO WAY of me stepping into Narnia I was left with Idris. Honestly I felt like the cold was bullying me. I felt like my nostrils would freeze and fall off  if I went out there again. I had been chilling with Idris for a few hours and decided I liked him. He was originally from South London and was studying Law. We got along like a house of fire and we both discovered we had a lot in common with regards to our values, music taste and food we liked to eat. I'd discovered he was outspoken which some would have mistaken for him being rude but I liked that about him. That he didn't have a filter. He reminded me of Tabs and Thando.

"I still can't believe you're their older sister. To be honest you look 17. That's why I stared at you so long. I thought you were his girl. I was thinking to myself she's a bit young for him innit. But  I see the resemblance in the nose and that."

"Yeah they don't wanna claim me." I joked. "No but you seriously look like Idris. Can I call you that?"


"What about ID?"

"Hell to the N-O."

I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone. A LOT of missed calls and messages. I put my phone back in my pocket.

"So you wanna come uni then?"

I nodded then shook my head which made him laugh.

"Well not really sure. Just preeing you know. Checking out the environment. For a long time I just didn't feel like this was the route for me but after quitting my job my parents aren't having it. I'm actually being pressured to do something. Which is fair. I worked and travelled a lot when I was 20. I literally saw the world so I got that out of my system."

"That's nuts. But uni is cool. Get your degree and ghost."

"It's not that easy is it?" I asked.

He looked deep in thought.

"You have to be your own cheerleader you know. Motivate yourself. Sometimes it can get hard. Maybe that's why we all drink so much. We're stressed. But yeah, work hard, attend workshops, lectures, seminars and it should work out in your favour."

"Should". I emphasised.

"I know it's not that straightforward but I'm really to get turnt up so I don't really wanna go into the miserable discussion of Black minority ethnics in higher education. I know there is so such thing as a meritocracy with regards to studying. Its messed up when you have black children from working class backgrounds in middle class institutions. Working alongside middle class white children who have all this cultural capital. We feel uncomfortable sometimes, it affects our work sometimes but like I said I don't wanna go there right now."

"Hit the nail on the head with that one." I agreed with him sighing. He was absolutely right. "I won't start either. I'm with you on that one." I continued.

"So back to uni? You on it or?"

I nodded also now deep in thought. This was really a life changing decision for me.

"All jokes aside, obviously the eye candy is really something here you know. Talk about black excellence and I've only seen you!" He started laughing.

"You're actually mad."

"But it would be a factor I'm not gonna lie. I'm not dumb I enjoy learning but when I'm stressed I want something nice to look at."

"You're actually so mad Avela. Where have you been hiding? My nigga." He said as we bumped fists.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?"

"The party?"

I nodded.

"Yes. The amount of girls that do English and they are all spectacular and Alisha is that bait girl. I am excited. All the mandem are rolling. It's actually going to start from tonight. Pre-party vibes. A lot of guys are coming round including your brothers. Their gonna bring drinks and that."

"Should be fun."

He nodded staring at his phone.

"Avela can I tell you something? With all the respect in the world?"


"With all due respect, your body is nuts."


"Yeaah, but I'm a guy I can't lie. Your body is mad."

"You killed our friendship Idris."

"Nah can you allow it. My name is Owen."

"Not calling you that after you ambushed me."

"By telling you the truth?"

"Its okay. It's an alright body." I lied.

He gave me that "you a lie" look and I burst out laughing.

I knew my body was flames. My momma gave me the blueprint in my genes and for three years now I'd been going to the gym, eating right (sometimes) and doing my best to just be healthy. I was proud of my body. It didn't intimidate me when people would tell me that. I wasn't Bria Myles by a long shot by my body was well proportioned and I wasn't mad that I wore clothes and the clothes didn't wear me.

"You're chatting. I can tell you know you're flames".

"Stop winking at me. I don't want you IDRIS!".

"Don't worry, got my eye on a few ladies. You hungry?"

I nodded and he tapped a few icons on his phone.

"I'm going to order food. What you fancy?"

"Chinese." I said with no hesitation whatsoever.

He nodded in agreement and within a few minutes he'd placed an order. 

"Let's start the festivities."


"Nah it's nearly 5. If I know Alisha like I know Alisha she's not gonna be back soon. Their gonna get food and come back."

"Yeah but it's just going to be us two? What about your other house mates? Are they about?" 

"Dunno. You'll probably meet them tonight if you're not too waved by the time they come back." 

He got up to look through a cupboard I assumed was his. He rummaged through it and finally brought out a bottle of Hennessy.  I groaned looking at the bottle.I didn't usually drink. I was a bad drinker. I would get tipsy  and fall asleep. That would be end of my night. The other side of me drinking is a bravery that really can stand toe to toe with David in the bible. My mouth would be the source of contention when I was drinking. For those reasons, I rarely drank. I couldn't handle alcohol in any way but seeing as it was all festivities, I didn't mind so much.

"Hold on I'm coming back, gonna get my speakers." I nodded and he walked out. I looked around the tidy kitchen which didn't surprise me. As far as I was concerned Alisha could start a cleaning company. She was obsessively clean and I knew the tidy space was as a result of her obsession with cleanliness. Within a few minutes Owen (as I'd reluctantly given in to call him) was back his JBL bluetooth speakers.

He connected his phone to the device and I heard the distinctive voice of Aaliyah telling me to go back, back, forth and forth. 

"Old school yeah?"

He winked in response and presented a shot glass I didn't even realise he was holding.  He placed it on the table and poured the both of us a shot. 

I took a sip, almost spluttered and he laughed.

  "I'm warning you, I sleep or get out of order when I drink."  

"That's cool but you can't be doing that here. Back the shot."

I nodded, hesitantly, closed my eyes and took it to the head. I rubbed my chest.

"It burns." I said rubbing my throat and chest. 

"Its henny". 

"This is strong. What the hell." 

That didn't stop him from pouring more shots. Within half an hour, I was gone. The alcohol wasted no time being in my system. Owen had been drinking twice as much as me and I think we were equally waved. We laughed at nothing in particular. The music had gotten louder (which I usually hated) however, this time was different I enjoyed the vibe we were creating.

"Are you gonna give me whine before your brothers get here? I want to see that body move."

"Shut up." I said throwing my glasses at him. 

He caught them and put them on.


I cleared my throat.

"I look nice innit?"

I nodded looking away from him. Well damn Idris with the gold tooth don't smirk at me like that. My body got hot. 

You need to calm down. I told myself as a shiver went through me. Guys like him were 100% my weakness. I facepalmed realising just how much I'd drank.

"The food is here."

I nodded as he left- still wearing my glasses. He returned with two white plastic bags and an almost dizzying smell radiating from them. My stomach rumbled in response. I didn't even realise I was hungry. 

"I hope it tastes as good as it smells." I commented as he retrieved the food from the bags onto the table.

"Trust me" he said taking a big bite out of the prawn cracker he was holding. "Its wavey."

I nodded and reached for the chicken chow mein in front of me. 

"Mmmm, this is good."

"Told you it was certy".

He finished eating two tubs of rice, sweet and sour chicken and ALL the prawn crackers before I finished eating my food.

"How long had it been since you'd eaten?"

"A few hours." He burped.

"Ewwwww, why are you so nasty?"

"Didn't realise there were special places to burp Avela. Can I call you Ela? I prefer that."

"Can I call you Idris?" I retorted.

He sighed and finally took off my glasses- handing them back to me.

"By the way I'm short sighted as well. I just choose not to wear my glasses. Your prescription is a bit stronger than mine though. I was about to get a headache." 

"I'm offended."

"You're tipsy. Look at your eyes." He said shaking his head.

He threw the rubbish in the bin, sat down opposite me and watched me eat. After a few more minutes I was done and he was shaking his head.

"I thought my mum took the crown but you- Ela, you easily dethrone her. You eat so slow. Omydays. The mad thing is you're not even distracted,  you're concentrating on the food and its still taken you this long to finish it."

"I promise you this is bullying in some countries." 

"You're full now, come, lets continue." He said pouring more shots.

I took about six more shots before I tapped out.

"You've killed me 007." I told him causing laughter to erupt out of him.

"Where do you get these nicknames from? And I'm not gonna lie. I'm slyly gone as well. We've gone through half a bottle of henny."

I groaned holding my head.

"This is not good Idris."

"Let's play a game."

I groaned louder but nodded.

"Truth or truth."


"Like truth or dare but we can only pick truth." He explained.

I nodded slowly.

"Ladies first."

"Um, why did you get gold tooth?"

"I liked it. Do you like it?"

"Yes I like it. Why did you choose Law?"

"Always been good at putting my points across without trying its a subject I'm extremely good at. I want to help all the black people in the world being sentenced unfairly because they can't afford good lawyers or because of racist or unfair judges. My final goal is to be a Supreme court judge."

"Wow." I nodded impressed. I was truly impressed.

"My turn, do you think I'm attractive?" He grinned causing my insides to shift. This alcohol was bad. Bad bad bad. 

"You're nice." I confirmed.

He nodded and I just stared at him. His smile widened and he licked his lips. I closed my eyes and squirmed in my seat. I opened one eye and he was still watching me back. I screamed causing him to laugh again.

"You're actually so mad Ela."

"Okay Idris. I think its my turn. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet. Do you have a man?" I didn't miss the not yet  reply or the look that followed it but I was too tipsy to think too deep into it.

"No. Are you a player?"

"Define player."

"Do you break hearts?"

"I hope not. I always make myself clear what I want."

"What do you want?"

"Premium narns." 

I roared in laughter. "You want premium vagina?"

He nodded with all seriousness.

"I don't know what else to say to you Owen Idris Elba."

"I'm gonna throw you out the window. I've known you for three almost four hours and you've changed my name."

"But you look like him." I reasoned.

He shook his head.

"The game just died innit?" 

I nodded in confirmation and yawned. My eyes suddenly felt heavy.

"Don't tell my you're falling asleep." I could hear him say in the distance.

"Hmm." I replied.

"Go sleep in Alisha's room." He said helping me get up.

I just remember being in a bed that smelt like vanilla. 

"You weren't joking about falling asleep when you drink." I heard Idris say in the background. 

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